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Faculty of Liberal Studies


ENROLLMENT NO: 91900425184

Submission of Marketing Management Assignment

To: Prof. Paras Rughani
The five most successful brands

1. Apple
2. Google
3. Mercedes- Benz
4. Samsung
5. Amazon

Reasons for the success of these brands

1. Apple:
a) Ahead of the Curve

Apple is and always has been years ahead of its

competitors. Quite literally. Apple has a policy of being at
least 2 years ahead of the market, which means that an
Apple product, such as the first iPhone, released in 2007
had completely dominated the market, before competitors
like Samsung & Motorola came out with their devices in
2009 and 2010. This principle of always staying ahead of the
competition by designing and producing products that are to
be released years into the future has set Apple apart from
most companies.
b) Improvements and Branding
Apple doesn’t release products just for the sake of releasing
them. With every new Apple product, there is some
technological advancement that was not seen in the
previous model of that product. This is one of the reasons
why people flock to Apple stores and stay in line for hours
just to buy the new iPhone when it releases. 

Every update to its operating systems, every new camera

feature, every new color introduced has incited excitement in
its customers, in part thanks to the excellent presentations
conducted by Jobs and his successors that have branded
Apple as a dynamic force you can’t afford to miss. It is not
unlikely that the minute a new product has been launched,
their next one is already in the stages of development.

c) Quality Products
Jobs’ and by extension, Apple’s, main objective for their
products was beauty in simplicity. Aside from their elegant,
sleek trademark design, it was paramount for them that their
products should be easy to use for all age groups and
audiences, which is plain to see in the amount of toddlers
you may see running around playing Subway Surfer on their
parents’ iPad. Apple’s obsession with perfection makes it so
that its issues are virtually non-existent. Each product is
tested by experts hundreds of times before it is finally
approved for mass production and launching.

d) Customer Experience and Retail Experience

Seeing as Apple’s entire brand is based on fulfilling and
catering to the needs of all audiences, it comes as no
surprise that their customer service is near unparalleled.The
reason for Apple’s huge success in sales over the years is in
no small part to the loyalty they incite in their customers, a
fact they are well aware of.
e) Range of Products
Apple has been consistently releasing a wide variety of
products over the years ranging from phones, laptops,
watches, and more that are steadily expanding. Word on the
street is speaking of potential production of Apple Cameras
and even an Apple car. Though Apple holds no technology
not already existing in the market, their customers still
eagerly await the launch of their newest products simply
because Apple just does it better. 

2. Google

a) Doesn’t focus on unnecessary policies:

There are companies where wearing a tie is compulsory.

But how does that contribute to a company’s success? It
certainly doesn’t, for a company succeeds when its
employees are happy and given a relaxing environment to
work in. Google is known for its informal work culture
where wearing a suit or being dressed formally is not
pushed upon its employees. They are encouraged to work
in the manner and in the attire that they dim fit. Work is
given importance rather than futile policies.

b) Employee friendly:
Happy workforce is productive workforce, and Google truly
practices this philosophy. Be it free haircuts, gourmet
food, on-site doctors, on-site laundry, Wi-Fi commuting
shuttles and high-tech “cleansing” toilets; Google offers all
that to its employees. Best in class facilities are provided
so that employees enjoy their workplace. So, it’s not
surprising that employees enjoy working in Google which
reflects directly in its results.

c) Advertising
Google’s Ad sense feature is second to none in the
industry. This option provided by the giant has helped
bloggers, advertisers and consumers all at the same time.
Various companies use AdWords for promoting their
brands. This is one of those products, or innovation, by
which Google earns substantially in revenue. It is a win-
win situation for both Google and those who use it on their
websites. Advertising is in fact a big reason for Google’s
continued success.

d)  Android:
It is the age of Smartphones and more so, of those having
the Android. When it comes to the technology industry in
terms of mobile operating systems, Android is preferred by
most consumers. Sometimes, it is even favoured over an
iOS. With a number of mobile manufactures using
Android, Google has a huge share in this section of the
market, too. It is one of the remarkable areas of success
of this giant.

e) Search engine:
What is the search engine you use every day, or what is
the default search engine on your browser? The answer to
these questions would most likely be: Google.  Certainly
there are other search engines too, like Yahoo, Bing or
Altavista, but they fall severely short of providing the kind
of experience that Google ensures. So, this is one area
where Google enjoys a monopoly and is a dominant force.
Its rivals will have to come out with something exceptional
to dethrone Google in this space. Till then,
however, Google would continue to rule the roost as a
search engine.

3. Mercedes- Benz
a)  Strong Sales Network –

Mercedes-Benz Malaysia’s existence as a corporate entity

goes only as far back as 2004, but the brand’s presence in the
country is decades-old and strongly entrenched, thanks to the
efforts of former distributors Cycle & Carriage. Recent years
have seen the network strengthened both in quantity and
quality. New dealers are welcomed into the fold, whilst existing
ones are raised to new standards of service with boosted
capacities. The idea was that before its anticipated growth,
Mercedes-Benz wanted to ensure it had the capability to
deliver service levels commensurate with its brand identity.

b)  Strong Core Products

Once renowned for making luxury cars of immaculate quality,
Mercedes-Benz lost a bit of that plot during its ill-fated alliance
with Chrysler which the company took a full decade to recover
from. The seeds of today’s growth was first sown by the
superlative W222 S-Class in 2013 and quickly followed by the
equally excellent W205 C-Class the following year. The W213
E-Class that came last year completed a full renewal of
Mercedes-Benz’s three core offerings. All three models wiped
the floor clean at the 2016 ASEAN Car of the Year Awards  by
winning in each of the respective categories that they
competed in.

c) Attractive Compact Cars

We have our reservations against Mercedes-Benz’s MFA-

based compact cars. Their interior packaging is compromised
and ride quality is generally firm across the board, but there is
no denying that they look good and exude plenty of showroom
appeal. If there is one thing that the likes of the A-Class, CLA,
and GLA succeeded, is that they made many young people
fans of Mercedes-Benz.

d) Dream Cars 
Besides strengthening its core offerings, Mercedes-Benz
Malaysia also has an unprecedentedly wide range of dream
cars including the various Coupes and Cabriolets plus an
extremely complete portfolio of vehicles from Mercedes-AMG.
These cars are not expected to sell in numbers, but they add
desirability by association to the core models. More is on the
way; 2017 is the 50th anniversary of AMG – Mercedes-Benz will
be marking the occasion, so stay tuned for that.

e) Local Assembly  
Since setting up shop in 2004, Mercedes-Benz Malaysia has
invested huge sums in its local production facilities based
in DRB-Hicom’s Pekan plant . Besides providing employment
for Malaysians, the Pekan plant also facilitates transfer of
technology from Stuttgart to the benefit of our workforce.
After all, how many people can claim to have the knowledge
of putting together an S400 Hybrid? The Pekan plant is more
than a screwdriver operation – local operators are actually
responsible for welding together the vehicle’s monocoque
body, painting it, and attaching all major components.
Suppliers benefit too, as certain parts are outsourced to local
companies that are audited to comply with Daimler AG’s most
stringent standards.
4. Samsung
A) Vision.
Samsung chose to become dominant players in several
areas: semiconductor manufacturing, display technology,
then cellphone. The leaders made good business decisions
and the right time to position themselves to be on the
growth curve for each of those product lines.

B) Hard Work.
A typical work week in S. Korea is 5 days x 10 hrs plus half
day on Saturday — MINIMUM. They hire smart, motivated
engineers and their managers are what people in the US
call “slave drivers” — tough and demanding. The workers
on the assembly line are treated well.

C) Low interest loans

In S. Korea the banking system is “too friendly” with large

corporations. Large corporations are given preferential
treatment that would be considered suspicious or possibly
illegal in the US.
5. Amazon

Amazon’s success largely stems from its innovative technologies and

practices, many of which were championed by its CEO, Jeff Bezos. Consider
the Echo, Amazon’s impressive voice command device. Echo can be used to
play songs, research your favourite sports teams, and even check the
weather with a few spoken words. This innovative technology was a huge
investment for the e-commerce giant—one that fostered exceptional
results. Over 22 million Echo units were sold in 2017 alone.
Amazon’s progressive mindset doesn’t always bear fruit, but
accomplishments like the Echo prove that innovation can yield impressive
results for e-commerce companies.

Because of its commitment to world-class customer service, Amazon has
developed a range of helpful tools users can employ to track packages and
quickly return or exchange ordered items, bringing simplicity and
convenience to their online shopping experiences. Amazon’s Customer
Service team has won multiple awards for its dedication to preventing and
swiftly addressing problems for customers. One of Amazon’s overarching
missions is to become the planet’s most customer-centric company—and
the brand’s dedication to this goal has paid dividends.

Social media is another powerful tool that Amazon employs to engage with
shoppers and enhance the quality of its customer service. When done right,
social media channels can help your e-commerce business address customer
concerns and build a solid foundation of loyal and passionate followers who
advocate your brand. That’s why many e-commerce companies work with
Snap’s Social Media Team to refine and grow their social presence.
Amazon gets everything right when executing customer orders. They select
products and services that customers want and need—and leverage
distribution centers across the globe that allow them to quickly ship products.
Amazon also has excellent vendor relationships that allow them to offer
customers discounted pricing. The world’s largest online retailer is also
ramping up plans to invest more across Europe this year, employing
thousands of more employees. They’re also looking to implement brick-and-
mortar stores that will have the capability of same-day-delivery via drones!

Starting off as an online bookstore, Amazon now offers everything from
soup to nuts. Literally. A search of the site reveals over 3,000 listings for
vegetable soup. Search the term “nuts” and you’ll see over 37,000 results.
Amazon now carries products in music, books, electronics, health and
beauty, automotive, grocery and clothing. Business owners can contract
with Amazon’s network of pros to get IT support, furniture assembly and
even A/V services. By diversifying its offerings, Amazon is continuously
driving reach and relevance.
For example, Amazon currently boasts an impressive 3.6 billion backlinks
and 3.8 million referring domains. A highly diversified link portfolio plays a
pivotal role to any successful SEO campaign. That’s why many e-commerce
companies partner with us to optimize their link building strategies.


A strong UX makes it easy for e-commerce customers to find what they’re
looking for and move further down the conversion funnel, resulting in more
sales. That’s why Amazon employs a full UX team comprised of professionals
in everything from user research and interaction design to web
development. These UX experts collaborate with Amazon’s engineers,
product managers and executives to create seamless user experiences that
drive customer conversions.

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