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Aging infrastructure is worsening the water supply

Made with eyes on the prize

Ayaan khan Syed Yashab raza

They are not building dams, they are not putting pipe lines l I think the water supply is getting worse because of bad
think that after 5years the water will nish . infrastructure like old pipelines. The pipelines are not changed
since 25 to 30 years.the pipes are broken which leads to water
leak and the water is wasted
Hammad Umer
Aging infrastructure is worsening in Pakistan because these
Muhammad Nafay Rahman 7-K
pipelines are rusted and are very old. The population increase is
also an effect so our government should be serious at this work Yes i think that aging infrastructure is worsening the water
supply because weak and rusty pipelines contribute a lot in
wastage of water. Poor drainage also causes water scarcity
Shayan khan gilzai 7-k because when rain falls all the rain water goes into open drains
and gets mixed with polluted water. Due to less dams
Government of Pakistan is not replacing pipe line for 2 decades constructed in the country the rai water and the water from
and this can make more water shortage because of all of this river or lakes is not saved and it is all wasted. There is so much
there will not be a single drop  of water left for new generations water wastage that a recent research shows that untill 2025
to come so we need to make these changes other wise there is Pakistan would run out of water. People dont understand the
no water for the future  importance of water that if God Forbid water runs out we will
not survive until 4 to 5 days and all our agricultural activities will
stop. Our rst priority should be water.
Yes aging infrastructure is worsening the
water supply because the old pipes are rusty
because they are to old so because of AimanAli
getting rusty the pipe's are cracked which aging infrastructure is worsening in Pakistan because to0 much
leads to water leakage so all of the water population is increasing and the government dont give priorty to
water and that is why government is no foucsing on water
dosen't reaches to their designated
destination because of which Pakistan faces
water scarcity they also do not have a S.M.Jaffer VII K
proper system of using the rain water for
Since there not making more dams and the pipelines in
commercial and industrial use.
Pakistan are weak and getting older. The older the pipelines,
Fawaz Ahsan 7-k the more the water wasted. Dams are not strong enough to
hold the water inside the dams and there are not enough dams
in Pakistan. Pakistan should make more dams and make there
Aging infrastructure is worsening day by day because of the dams more stronger so that Pakistan should not have water
boost of population and our government doesn't has money to scarcity. The recent study say's that Pakistan's water could be
put new pipelines which are there for 25years  and this can make nished till 2025. Also, Pakistan is a country who works on
more water shortage we don't don't have much dams,broken agriculture and Pakistan exports crops to other countries.
pipelines and government is not seriously taking this if this keep When there will be no water than the less trading the crops.
happening no water will be left we also don't use the rain water Pakistan should make water their rst priority. 
no proper system and I think government will not do anything
we should start a fundraiser because government is not serious


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