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Good evening brothers and sisters. We are on the second
day of our novena mass in honor of our Patroness, Our Lady of the
Most Holy Rosary with the theme: “Mary, A vigilant steward of the
new evangelization.”

The celebration for today presents us a short Gospel reading

with much to think about. Jesus says, “Pay attention to all I am
telling you” (Luke 9:44). He says much more than this, too. He is
basically telling His listeners at the time that He would be “handed
over”. This is not exactly a happy scene. In the end, we know the
story ends well with the resurrection.
But, nevertheless, Christ’s human suffering is hard to ponder.
Besides describing the physical suffering Jesus endured, these
passages give us a small idea of how it felt for Jesus to be so
misunderstood. His disciples and others did not understand Him in
many ways. And they did not understand His mission either.
Misunderstanding is a part of our lives too, as mothers and wives.
This is when we call on Jesus to help us in tough moments.
Jesus and Our Lady won’t abandon us when we feel
misunderstood. We are so blessed.
In moments of suffering and being misunderstood, let us pray to
Him. Jesus understands your pain. He is there for you and for all
those you love.

Together with the seminary fathers led by the rector,

the Very Reverend Joey D. Gonzaga, Doctor of Sacred Theology,
our main celebrant and preacher for today’s Eucharistic
celebration is the Vicar General of the Diocese of Daet and the
Parish Priest of the Parroquia de San Juan Bautista, Daet,
Camarines Norte, Reverend Fr. Ronald Anthony P. Timoner. Let us
all stand and sing the entrance hymn.

Please be seated for the Liturgy of the Word

The prophet Zechariah speaks about a vision of a man with a measuring
stick and an angel. This is a prelude to the glory that Our Lord Jesus Christ
will be manifesting and his saving act to his brethren in his apocalyptic
return. The Responsorial Psalm pertains to the Lord as the Good
Shepherd who guards and guides his flock.
Let us listen to the readings.

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