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VISITOR BEHAVIOR ))) Fall 1988 Volume III Number 3 Page 4

Recording validity . Does your measurement system

An Overview of The distort the actual behavior of visitors? For example, when
visitors are asked to estimate time they spend at an exhibit
Methodology of or in a museum/zoo, they often overestimate time (e.g.,
Visitor Studies Bitgood & Richardson, 1986).
Convergent validit y . Degree to which a measurement
Stephen Bitgood, Ph. D. device correlates with similar measures of the same
Jacksonville State University concept.
Discriminant validit y . Degree to which a device
produces results different from other measurement devices
Reliability and Validity when it should differ.
Ecological validit y. Degree to which simulated
If we are to make important decisions from our environments, slides, or verbal representations of
research/evaluation results, our measurements must meet environments are related to the real environment through
the standards of science. The two most important behavioral measures. Do these measurement devices relate
standards, "reliability" and "validity", will be discussed to how people behave in the real environment?
2. Experimental Validity
The term "reliability" refers to the consistency or Internal validity . Are the results due to the factors that
stability of measurements. If two observers are observing you think? If visitors read one exhibit label more than
the same visitor, we expect the same measurements to be another, can you conclude that it was the content that
reported by both observers (referred to as "interobserver produced the difference rather than the number of words,
reliability"). size of letters, position of the label, etc.?
Reliable measurement depends upon two things. External validity. Do your results generalize or extend
First, it requires objectivity (not allowing personal to other settings with other visitors?
feelings or expectations to influence the measures). If
behaviors to be measured are precisely defined, there Types of Visitor Research
should be less room for subjective measurement.
Reliable measurement also depends upon There are several types of research used in visitor
standardization. Each person using the measuring system studies. These types differ primarily in terms of the
should use it in the same way. Nonstandardized practices control they exert over the variables being studied and,
can make interpretation of results difficult. For example, consequently, in terms of what kinds of questions they
in a survey, if a question is asked in different ways, the answer.
answers might vary depending upon the particular wording
of the question. Experimental Research
ion. An experiment attempts to
General description.
Validity determine how isolated variables influence visitor
Validity is a complicated concept that includes behavior. For example, let us assume that we wish to
many subconcepts. A brief description of some of the determine how number of words on an exhibit label
subconcepts is below: influences visitor reading. In an experiment we might
present labels of varying numbers of words to different
1. Assessment Validity groups of individuals and measure whether or not they read
Assessment validity refers to the accuracy of and how long they read each label. If we conduct this
conclusions about your measurements. experiment, we would probably find that the shorter the
Content validity, Is your sample of visitor label, the more likely that visitors will read. If factors
behavior representative of the population of behaviors you such as the characteristics of the visitors (age, gender,
wish to test? education, group size) and characteristics of label (content,
Predictive validity . Can you use a sample of letter size, distance from visitor) are the same from group
behavior to predict the visitor's behavior to other exhibits? to group, we expect that any differences in reading
Construct validity . Are your measurements between one label length and another is due to the number
really measuring the concepts you think they are? If of words rather than other, uncontrolled factors. Other
visitors are able to answer multiple-choice questions variables (time of day, crowding, climate control, etc.)
correctly, does it mean that they learned this information must also be considered and held constant.
from the exhibit?
(]TOR BEHAVIORJ Fall 1988 Volume III Number 3 Page
prove conclusively that cigarettes cause cancer, the
An experiment attempts to establish cause-and-effect correlation between smoking and cancer is strongly
relations by showing that variables we manipulate suggestive.
influence behavior when other factors are held constant.
Subjects are chosen carefully according to acceptable, Descriptive/Observational Research
scientific selection procedures. Those chosen must be Descriptive or observational research gives us
representative of the total population of individuals about information about how visitors respond (either through
which we wish to draw conclusions. For example, a direct observation or self-report) but this method does not
sample of weekday visitors may be quite different than allow us to make conclusions about how specific factors
weekend visitors since families are more likely to be influence the behavior of visitors. This method merely
represented on weekends while family members are likely describes how visitors behave, often in a qualitative rather
to be in school or work during the weekdays. than quantitative manner.
Laboratory experiments. This type of experiment is
conducted in a very carefully controlled environment. A Methods of Measuring
laboratory setting allows much greater control over events Visitor Behavior
than is possible in the real world. Thus, unexpected
interuptions and intrusions can be carefully controlled and
interpretation of results becomes more straightforward. Direct Observation
However, the subjects in a laboratory experiment may Recording what visitors actually do is a common way
realize that the situation is not realistic and may behave to measure visitor behavior. Usually this involves
differently than in the real world. Thus, laboratory exhibit-related behaviors, but this is not always the case
experiments may have less "experiential realism" than (see Falk, Koran, Dierking, & Dreblow, 1985). Falk et
other types of research. al. (1985) examined visitor attention to exhibit content,
Field experiments. A field experiment is conducted in exhibit setting, and social group.
a real world situation. It is difficult to conduct such Recording can be obtrusive or unobtrusive. In
experiments since it is often impossible to exert enough unobtrusive recording, visitors do not know they are being
control. For example, it is usually difficult to assign observed. In many situations, people behave differently
subjects to groups in an acceptable manner for when they know they are being watched. Thus, studies
experimentation. using obtrusive recording may be more difficult to
Simulations. If the research cannot be conducted in an interpret. For example, Bechtel (1967) found that visitors
appropriate field setting for one reason or another, spent longer in an exhibit area when they knew they were
researchers may attempt to simulate the real world by being observed.
creating important aspects of the setting. Museums have Below is a list of some of the behaviors measured by
been simulated with slides and videos. direct observation.
Quasi-experimental studies. When the assignment of • Visual attention to the exhibit and/or label (looking
subjects to groups cannot be controlled by the at or glancing at exhibit).
experimenter, it may be possible to use "quasi- • Stopping and visually attending to the exhibit or
experimental designs" (Cook & Campbell, 1979). These label.
designs attempt to create controls as close as possible to • Viewing time.
regular experiments. Many visitor studies articles fit into • Time in exhibit area.
this type (e.g., Bitgood, Pierce, Nichols, & Patterson, • Pointing to some aspect of the exhibit.
1987). • Touching or manipulating some aspect of the
Correlational Research • Social interaction between or among visitors.
This type of research examines the relationships • Circulation path through an exhibit or facility.
between visitor behavior and variations found in the These behaviors can be monitored throughout the
setting. For example, Bitgood, Patterson, & Benefield museum or exhibit area (tracking procedure) or at a
(1988) measured visitors' behavior in zoo exhibits of specific exhibit area (focused observation procedure). In
similar species across 13 zoos throughout the U. S. They the tracking procedure visitors are followed and their
found that factors such as the size of the species, pathway and other aspects of their behavior are carefully
movement, and presence of infant were correlated with recorded. In the focused recording procedure visitor
longer viewing times no matter where zoo visitors were behavior is recorded at isolated exhibits.
observed. While correlational research does not allow the Behavior mapping. Behaviors are marked on a
researcher to make strong conclusions about causal effects, drawn-to-scale map. This method allows one to determine
the results may be suggestive of factors influencing which specific behaviors occur and whether or not they are
behavior. For example, while no one may be able to
VISTTOR BEHAVIOR Fall 1988 Volume III Number 3 Page 6

Loomis, R. J. (1987). MuseumVisitor Evaluation .

associated with features of the setting (e.g., Ittelson, Nashville, TN: American Association for State and
Rivlin, & Proshansky, 1970). Local History.
Other methods. Indirect measures (erosion techniques Marans, R. W. (1975). Survey Research. In W.
like worn pathways in the grass; leftover techniques such Michelson (Ed.), Behavioral Research Methods in
as pieces of litter) are occasionally used. In addition, Environmental Design. Stroudsburg, Pa: Dowden,
photos and video/ audio recording are often used. Hutchinson, & Ross.

Self-Report Methods
Self-report methods include such techniques as Visitor Evaluation:
questionnaires, interviews, focus group methods, and
rating scales. Self-report methods by their very nature are
What Is It?
"reactive" since the visitor knows he/she is being treated
in a special way. Visitors may try to be "helpful" by Stephen Bitgood
exaggerating the pleasure of their experience or telling the Jacksonville State University
interviewer what he/she thinks is expected. Any good
textbook on research methodology in the social sciences
will describe the pros and cons of self-report (e.g., see There are many concepts and issues related to
evaluation discussed in the visitor studies literature. This
Marans, 1975). Also, see Loomis' (1987) chapter on the
article is a brief summary of some of these issues as I see
use of visitor surveys and Hood's (1986) paper.
Questionnaires. These are paper-and-pencil devices
used to assess factual information and/or attitudes.
Interviews. Visitors are asked questions and their Research vs. Evaluation
Many writers (Friedmann, Zimring, & Zube,
answers carefully recorded.
Focus groups. This technique uses a directed interview 1978; Patton, 1987; Screven, 1988) have made a
distinction between "research" and "evaluation." Others
with small groups who are carefully chosen to represent
(e.g., Loomis, 1988) see evaluation as a specific form of
some segment of a population of potential or actual users.
Rating scales. This method attempts to force research. Below is a summary of some of the distinctions
respondents to rate the strength of cognitive or affective made by those who argue research and evaluation are
distinct. [These distinctions are not universally accepted. I
reactions to some aspect of the environment (e.g.,
am among those who see little difference between research
physical feature, staff friendliness).
and evaluation.]
• Research attempts to control extraneous
Bechtel, R. (1967). Hodometer Research in Museums. factors, while evaluation attempts to describe
Museum News, 45(7), 23-25. these factors.
Bitgood, S., Pierce, M., Nichols, G., & Patterson, D. • Research is concerned with discovering the
(1987). Formative Evaluation of a Case Exhibit. causes for behavior, evaluation is concerned with
Curator, 30(1), 31-39. factors that influence behavior.
Bitgood, S., Patterson, D. & Benefield, A. (1988). • Research aims to reduce the number of factors;
Exhibit Design and Visitor Behavior Empirical evaluation examines complex systems.
Relationships. Environment and Behavior. 20(4), 474- • Research uses rigorous methodology;
491. evaluation is less formal.
Bitgood, S. & Richardson, K. (1987). Wayfmding at the • Research uses quantitative, statistical analysis;
Birmingham Zoo. Visitor Behavior, 1(4), 9. evaluation is more likely to be qualitative.
Cook, T. D. & Campbell, D. T. (1979). Ouasi- • Research requires highly trained professionals;
Experimentation. Chicago: Rand McNally. evaluation can be conducted by those who have
Falk, J., Koran, J., Dierking, L., & Dreblow, L. (1985). less training and knowledge.
Predicting Visitor Behavior. Curator, 28(4), 249-257. • Research is expensive and time consuming;
Hood, M. (1986). Getting Started in Audience Research. evaluation can be carried out quickly and
Museum News, 64(3), 24-31. inexpensively.
Ittelson, W., Rivlin, L. & Proshansky, H. (1970). The
Use of Behavioral Maps in Environmental Psychology. While these distinctions can be made in extreme
In H. Proshansky, W. Ittelson, & L. Rivlin (Eds.) cases, there are many studies (e.g., Loomis, Fusco,
Environmental Psychology . New York. Holt, Edwards, & McDermott, 1988) that seem to serve both
Rinehart, & Winston. purposes.

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