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Positive of Chewing Gum

Slim your waistline

According to a study by the University of Liverpool, chewing gum can slightly curb

your cravings, which may help you make better eating choices. On average, the gum
chewers in the study ate 36 fewer calories than those who didn’t chew gum. That
doesn’t sound all that impressive, but if you cut 36 calories out of your diet every day,
it adds up.

Burn calories just by chewing

Sure, you only burn 11 calories an hour from chewing a stick of gum, but times that
by several hours, and you may be shaving an extra 50 plus calories from your day.

Related:  5 Ways to Cut Back On Added Sugar

Keep your teeth healthy

As long as it’s sugarless, chewing gum for 20 minutes after you eat can help protect
your teeth by removing food debris and increasing your saliva flow. Your saliva
strengthens your tooth enamel because it carries phosphate and calcium. 

The American Dental Association actually recommends chewing gum to prevent


Improve memory

When you chew gum, it increases blood flow to your brain. This has a lot of positive
effects including improving your memory. In his research, professor Andrew Sholey
discovered your short-term memory could be improved 35 percent by chewing a stick
of gum. But be cautious: chewing on it for too long can decrease your short-term

Fight drowsiness

If you struggle to stay alert at work, chewing gum could be the simple solution you’re
looking for. One study revealed chewing gum can fight sleepiness. Anything mint
flavored is the most effective gum to battle midday yawns.

Reduce heartburn

Following up a meal with a stick of gum can lower the acid levels in your esophagus.
This may help reduce acid reflux and heartburn.

Lessen depression

Chewing gum twice daily for two weeks reduced anxiety, depression, fatigue, and
other mental illnesses in patients during a 2011 study.
Eliminate nausea

Sugarless mint or ginger gums of all kinds can sooth an upset stomach, whether it’s
morning sickness or motion sickness. Mint and ginger are natural remedies for
nausea. If you’re looking for little ways to improve your health, try chewing a stick of
gum rather than reaching for a dessert. You’ll thank yourself later.  

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