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Complete the questions using What, Where, When or Who

1. _______________ is this in English? A pencil sharpener.

2. _______________ is your book? On the table.

3. ________________ is your doctor’s appointment? On Thursday.

4. ________________ time is it? It’s ten thirty.

5. ________________ is that lady? She’s my sister.

6. ________________ is at the door? I don’t know. I’ll look.

7. ________________ is that noise? I think it’s a possum on the roof.

8. ________________ went to the show? The children did.

9. ________________ do you start work? At 9 o’clock.

10. _______________ did you put the milk? In the fridge.

Complete the questions using Which, Why, How

1. ________________ are you? Very well, thanks.

2. ________________ restaurant has the best food? Yim Thai.

3. ________________ is your hair wet? Because I just had a shower.

4. ________________ do you like my new dress? It’s very nice.

5. ________________ are you upset? Because I lost my wallet.

6. ________________ are you travelling to the city? By bus.

7. ________________ bag is yours? The green one.

8. ________________ does this machine work? You have to press the button.

9. ________________ button do I press? The top one.

10. _______________ aren’t you going to the party? Because I’m too busy.

Who’s or Whose?
________________ book is this? _____________ going swimming today?

________________ at the door? _____________ car is that?

________________ that man? ______________ bag is this?

________________ cooking dinner? ______________ pencil case is this?

Answer Key: Complete the questions using What, Where, When or Who
1. ___What____________ is this in English? A pencil sharpener.

2. ____Where___________ is your book? On the table.

3. ____When____________ is your doctor’s appointment? On Thursday.

4. ______What__________ time is it? It’s ten thirty.

5. ______Who__________ is that lady? She’s my sister.

6. _____Who__________ is at the door? I don’t know. I’ll look.

7. _____What___________ is that noise? I think it’s a possum on the roof.

8. _____Who___________ went to the show? The children did.

9. _____When___________ do you start work? At 9 o’clock.

10. _____Where__________ did you put the milk? In the fridge.

Complete the questions using Which, Why, How

1. _____How___________ are you? Very well, thanks.

2. _____Which___________ restaurant has the best food? Yim Thai.

3. _____Why___________ is your hair wet? Because I just had a shower.

4. ______How__________ do you like my new dress? It’s very nice.

5. ______Why__________ are you upset? Because I lost my wallet.

6. ______How__________ are you travelling to Brisbane? By car.

7. ____Which____________ bag is yours? The green one.

8. ______How__________ does this machine work? You have to press the button.

9. _____Which___________ button do I press? The top one.

10. ______Why________ aren’t you going to the party? Because I’m too busy.

Who’s or Whose?
___Whose_________ book is this? _____Who’s____ going swimming today?

___Who’s_________ at the door? ___Whose________ car is that?

___Who’s__________ that man? ____Whose_________ bag is this?

____Whose_______ pencil case is this? ____Who’s_______ cooking dinner tonight?

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