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thinking of- you have in mind

interested in - is used when referring to a thing you are attracted to or that you would like to do:
> I am interested in English literature.
This sentence means that you are attracted to English literature; you find it interesting and
would like to know more about it.
interested to - may be used when you want to obtain more information about a fact, as in
> I’d be interested to see whether the new drug helps to cure the disease.
This sentence means I would like to find out whether the drug helps to cure this disease.

Restorative yoga - is a form of yoga that seeks to achieve physical, mental and emotional
relaxation with the aid of props. The use of props makes it easier for you to maintain balance
while you are stimulating and relaxing your body.
hot yoga - is a style of yoga performed in hot and humid conditions, typically Bikram yoga.

*To say you'd like to take a class and ask what is available:
I’m thinking of taking... here. Could you tell me what you offer?
I’m interested in Could you tell me what’s available?

*To ask how the available options are different:

How do they differ?

*To express interest in a particular class and ask further questions:

I’d like to learn more about ...

*To ask about the possibilty of a trial class or lesson:

Can I take a trial class before signing up?

K: Excuse me. I’m thinking of taking a yoga class here. Could you tell me what you offer?
R: Of course. We offer hot yoga classes as well as restorative yoga classes.
K: How do they differ?
R: Hot yoga classes take place in a heated room and are more intense, whereas restorative
yoga classes focus on relaxation.
K: I see. I’d like to learn more about the hot yoga classes. Do you offer any classes after 8:00
R: Yes. We have a 9:00 p.m. class on Tuesdays and Fridays.
K: Great. Can I take a trial class before signing up?
R: Of course. When would you like to come?

Dialog Check
1. What two types of yoga classes does the studio offer?
The studio offers hot yoga as well as restorative yoga classes.
2. How are they different?
Hot yoga classes take place in a heated room and are more intense, whereas restorative yoga
classes focus on relaxation.
3. Which one is Kana interested in?
Kana is interested in learning more about the hot yoga classes.

Imagine All
K: Excuse me. I’m thinking of taking a business English class here. Could you tell me what
you offer?
R: Of course. We have Communicate in Business and Business Skills classes

K: How do they differ?
R: Communicate in Business involves a lot of role-play , whereas Business Skills is more

K: I see. I’d like to learn more about the Communicate in Business class. How long is each
R: Good question . Each lesson takes an hour long.

K: Great. Can I take a trial class before signing up?
R: Of course . When would you like to come?

Situation 1: You want to take lessons to learn a musical instrument.

K: Excuse me. I’m thinking of taking a music class here. Could you tell me what you offer?
R: Of course. We have group piano classes as well as group strings classes.
K: How do they differ?
R: Group piano classes meets once a week with 3 or more class size, whereas group strings
classes meets whenever you want with also 3 or more class size. (violin, viola, cello, bass,
K: I see. I’d like to learn more about the group strings class. How long is each lesson?
R: Good question . Each lesson is 60 minutes long.
K: Great. Can I take a trial class before signing up?
R: Of course . When would you like to come?


Situation 2: You want to take a class at a fitness center.

K: Excuse me. I’m thinking of taking a fitness class here. Could you tell me what you offer?
R: Of course. We have dance classes and pilates. (a brand name for a system of physical
exercise involving controlled movements, stretching, and breathing)
K: How do they differ?
R:Dance classes are usually advanced ballet, whereas pilates are all-levels pilates.
K: I see. I’d like to learn more about the dance class. How long is each lesson?
R: Good question . Each lesson is 90 minutes long.
K: Great. Can I take a trial class before signing up?
R: Of course . When would you like to come?

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