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FALL 2016 CC1001

Sept. 6 (T/W/R only) Homer, Iliad (1st and 2nd day)

12 Homer, Iliad (3rd and 4th day)

19 Sappho, Lyrics (1 day)

Homer, Odyssey (1st day)

26 Homer, Odyssey (2nd and 3rd day)

Oct. 3 Genesis, in the New Oxford Annotated Bible with Apocrypha (choice of other Hebrew
Scriptures) (1st and 2nd day)

10 Herodotus, The Histories: Bk. 1.1-140 (Croesus; Gyges; Solon; Cyrus, p. 3-64 [61 pp.]; Bk.
2.35-45, 2.112-20 (Egyptian customs, Helen in Egypt, p. 108-14; p. 137-41 [10 pp.]); Bk. 3.1-38
(Custom, p. 169-186 [18 pp.]); Bk. 7.1-58, 7.100-5, 7.201-39 (Xerxes, p. 404-28; p. 438-41 [27
pp.]); (Thermopylae, p. 475-488 [14 pp.]) [130 pp. total] (1st and 2nd day)

17 Aeschylus, Oresteia (1st and 2nd day)

24 Midterm
Euripides, Bacchae (1st day)

31 Euripides, Bacchae (choice of another Greek play) (2nd and 3rd day)

Nov. 7 (W/R only) Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War: Bk 1.1-55, 1.139-46 (Introduction; the
dispute over Epidamnus and then over Corcyra, p. 35-67, p. 118-23 [37 pp.]); Bk 2.34-65
(Pericles’ funeral speech; the plague at Athens; Pericles’s last speech, p. 143-64 [21 pp.]); Bk
3.36-50, 3.82-85 (the Mytilenian debate; reflection on/reverberations of the civil war in Corcyra,
pp. 212-23, 242-45 [14 pp.]); Bk 5.84-116 (Melian Dialogue, p. 400-8 [8 pp.]); Bk 6.1-32, 60-
61, 89-93 (Launching of Sicilian Expedition; recall of Alcibiades; Alcibiades in Sparta, p. 409-
29, p. 447-9, p. 466-70 [26 pp.]); Bk 7.72-87 (Destruction of the Athenian Expedition p. 525-
537 [12 pp.]) [118 pp. total] (1st day)

14 Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War (2nd day)

Plato, Symposium (1st day)

21 (M/T/W only) Plato, Symposium (2nd day)

Virgil, Aeneid (1st day)

28 Virgil, Aeneid (2nd and 3rd day)

Dec. 5 Ovid, Heroides: Letter 1 (Penelope to Ulysses), Letter 3 (Briseis to Achilles), Letter 4 (Phaedra
to Hippolytus), Letter 7 (Dido to Aeneas), Letter 12 (Medea to Jason), Letter 15 (Sappho to
Phaon) (1st and 2nd day)

12 (M only) Last day of class/ Review for M/W sections

Texts: Homer, Iliad (Chicago, tr. Lattimore)

Sappho, If Not, Winter. Fragments of Sappho (Vintage, tr. Carson)
Homer, Odyssey (Harper, tr. Lattimore)
New Oxford Annotated Bible with Apocrypha (Oxford, 4th ed.)
Herodotus, The Histories (Oxford, tr. Waterfield)
Aeschylus, Oresteia (Aeschylus II, Chicago, tr. Lattimore)
Euripides, Bacchae (Euripides V, Chicago tr. Arrowsmith)
Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War (Penguin, tr. Warner)
Plato, Symposium (Hackett, tr. Nehemas, Woodruff)
Virgil, Aeneid (Bantam, tr. Mandelbaum)
Ovid, Heroides (Penguin, tr. Isbell)
SPRING 2017 CC1002

Jan. 17 (T/W/R only) Luke and John, in the New Oxford Annotated Bible with Apocrypha (1st and 2nd day)

23 Augustine, Confessions (1st and 2nd day)

30 Dante, Inferno (1st and 2nd day)

Feb. 6 Dante, Inferno (3rd day)

Boccaccio, Decameron, Prologue (p. 1-3 [3 pp.]); First Day: Introduction and Story 1 (Ser
Cepperello, p. 4-37 [33 pp.]); Third Day: Stories 1 and 10 (Masetto of Lamporecchio and the
nuns; Alibech and Rustico, p. 192-199 [7 pp.]; p. 274-9 [5 pp.]); Fourth Day: Introduction and
Stories 1and 2 (Guiscardo and Ghismonda; the Angel Gabriel, p. 284-312 [28 pp.]); Sixth Day:
Entire (including Intro and Conclusion, p. 444-483 [39 pp.]); Tenth Day: Story 10 and
Conclusion (Patient Griselda, p. 783-97 [14 pp.]); Author's Epilogue (p. 798-802 [5 pp.]) [134
pp. total] (1st day)

13 Boccaccio, The Decameron (2nd day)

Montaigne, Essays: To the Reader, p. 23; “On Idleness,” 26-28; “On the Power of the
Imagination,” 36-48; “On Cannibals,” 105-119; “On Experience,” 343-406 [95 pp. total] (1day)

20 Shakespeare, King Lear (1st and 2nd day)

27 Cervantes, Don Quixote; Part I: Prologue, ch.1-32 (p. 3-272 [269 pp.]); 47-52 (p. 405-449 [44
pp.]); Part II: To the Count of Lemos, Prologue, ch. 1-3 (p. 453-480 [27 pp.]); 8-10 (Dulcinea, p.
502-21 [19 pp.]); ch. 30 (Duke and Duchess, p. 653-657 [5 pp.]); 45 (Sancho takes possession of
his Insula, p. 746-752 [6 pp.]); 72-74 (Sancho and Don Quixote arrive back home, p. 924-940
[16 pp.]) [386 pp. total] (1st and 2nd day)

Mar. 6 Cervantes, Don Quixote (3rd day)



20 Milton, Paradise Lost (1st and 2nd day)

27 Milton, Paradise Lost (3rd day)

Austen, Pride and Prejudice (1st day)

Apr. 3 Austen, Pride and Prejudice (2nd day)

Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment (1st day)

10 Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment (2nd and 3rd day)

17 Woolf, To the Lighthouse (1st and 2nd day)

24 Morrison, Song of Solomon (1st and 2nd day)

May 1 (M only) Last day of class/Review for M/W sections

Texts: New Oxford Annotated Bible with Apocrypha (Oxford, 4th ed.)
Augustine, Confessions (Oxford, tr. Chadwick)
Dante, Inferno (Bantam, tr. Mandelbaum)
Boccaccio, The Decameron (Penguin, tr. McWilliam, 2nd ed.)
Montaigne, Essays (Penguin, tr. Cohen)
Shakespeare, King Lear (Penguin, ed. Orgel)
Cervantes, Don Quixote (Harper Collins, tr. Grossman)
Milton, Paradise Lost (Oxford)
Austen, Pride and Prejudice (Oxford)
Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment (Vintage, trs. Volokhonsky and Pevear)
Woolf, To the Lighthouse (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich)
Morrison, Song of Solomon (Vintage)

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