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God will bless the people who are full of love, kindness, and good works.

We started by loving our

own family and then passed it on to others. Be steadfast, always be in the truth. Never plant malice
or hatred in your heart. Love your enemies? Yes, based on certain principles. But you are not asked
to love their wickedness; you are only asked to love them as far as it is concerned with the desire
and effort to divert them from their wicked ways, so that they can be saved through God.

Kind. Be kind to everyone as Father in Heaven is good. the bible says: don't hold back kindness.
we must not be reluctant, procrastinate, feel lazy, take recourse when there is an opportunity to do
good deeds in our path. if we have to do that kindness and that person deserves it, then don't delay
it. Let the one who does wrong continue to do wrong, let the vile person continue to be vile, let the
one who does right continue to do right, because we have no rights to punish , only God can do it .

Summary : 1) opportunities to do good and be kind always.

2) no rights to decide

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