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 Malnourished: 700, obese 100. 2010: 800 vs. 500, 2030, 1b vs. 800
 No country has managed to conquer hunger without shifting to obesity
 Mexico: 70% overweight, 30% obese -> 1980 no overweight or obese, getting fatter faster than
anywhere else
 Large portions of food have more calories
 Stomach reduction surgeries in cities but in country no medical awareness ->
 In rural Free coke for kids -> no fresh drinking water so drink soft drinks
 Chiapas: link between coke and power, coke instead of milk powder
 Principal sells coke bottles to get income for himself
 Products normal part of diet, not treats, and cheap enough to buy
 Most Mexican adults grew up malnourished, so once they are exposed to excess of food esp fat
and sugar the damage to metabolism is fast and brutal
 Children malnourished, adults obese
 Prices are set to how much they think people can offord
 Diabetes primary cost of death


 More affecting poor people

 More than 380 million overweight


 Each year 1% more obese people

 Now more than 50%
 Boom to all food, more sanitary and cheap, and junk food
 Latin Amercia: supermarkets from 15~60%, America expoerts food to countries that have never
seem them before
 Selling Nestle sweets is an honour? Nothing is left in the depot, doesn’t know about the
consequences only knows that chocolate is a good source of energy (food label)
 Emerging countries, special business model “popularly positioned products”. Junk food with
smaller packaging so cheaper and promoted as good nutrition. Nestle vendor gives ‘health
 Companies growth and income come from outside of NA. ¾ of products (increasing 20% per
year) come from developing countries


 10s of millions of Indians have diabetes and don’t know it

 Baby will hve more than ½ chance of getting diabetes in its lifetime
 Type 2 diabetes the leading cause of death
 Many babies underweight due to malnutrition in womb
 Babies who are born small will grow big during childhood and high likelihood of dying through
 Cost of treatment may cause families to go bankrupt
 Like mexico, people in india get type 2 with low BMI -> sensitive to fat
 People in india get diabetes at much younger age and can affect productivity
 Babies can be programmed for diabetes in their mother’s womb
 ¾ of world’s economic growth from countries that used to be poor, global food and beverage
companies take advantage of these growing economies
 Brazil making at least 1/3 of food fresh is because this will benefit family farmers -> food
 Mexico govt. subsidises cost of stomach surgery for people who can’t pay because it will be
cheaper in long run

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