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Describe and evaluate research into caregiver-infant interactions (12 marks)

Reciprocity -
Feldman and Eidelman (2007)
Babies have periodic ‘alert phases’
Signal → ready to interact
Picked up on by mothers ⅔ of the time
Brazleton et al (1975)
Socially Sensitive research

2. Describe and evaluate research into the role of the father in attachment (12 marks)
Grossman (2002):
Longitudinal study → quality of father’s rough and tumble play relates to quality of
adolescent attachments.
Role of father = more play + stimulation.
Less about nurturing
Schaffer and Emerson (1964):
Initial attachment to mother (7 months).
secondary attachment to father (75% by 18 months).
Attachment shown by separation anxiety

Contradictory evidence

3. Describe and evaluate Schaffer’s stages of attachment (12 marks)

Stage 1: Asocial (0-4 weeks)
Behaviour toward non/human is similar
Preference to adults
Happier w/ other humans
Stage 2: Indiscriminate attachment (2-7 months)
Preference to human objects.
Recognise and prefer familiar adults.
Accept affection from any adult.
No separation anxiety
Stage 3: Specific attachment
7 months → display stranger anxiety
Separation anxiety to 1 adult (65% bio-mother)
Primary Attachment Figure → offers most reciprocity
Stage 4: Multiple attachments
Secondary attachment forms w/ adults (regularly spend time with)
29% have multiple attachments within a month of 1st. By 1, most infants have multiple
More attachments = socially, emotionally, cognitively (intelligence) superior
Social desirability → self-report technique used
E.g. mothers may say babies prefer them
Inclined to lie → sensitive nature (their parenthood)
Validity reduced

4. Describe and evaluate Animal Studies of attachment (12 marks)

Divided up a clutch of goose eggs
Half hatched → w/ mother
Half in an incubator → Lorenz 1st thing they see
Incubator group followed L everywhere
Control group stayed w/ mother
When mixed, goslings stayed w/ their group
Called imprinting

Animal bias
Humans and birds are qualitatively dif.
Animal (bird) attachment → instinctive
Mammalian mothers show more affection + emotional attachment
→ can attach at any point
Anthropomorphism, imprinting may not be relevant to explain complex human attachment

Describe and evaluate the Learning theory explanation of Attachment. (12 marks)
Classical Conditioning
UCS (milk) = UCR (relief)
NS (PCG) = no response
UCS (milk) + NS (PCG) = UCR (relief)
Through repetition and association of feeding
Infant thinks that PCG = milk
CS (PCG - old NS) = CS (relief)
Learn through rewards and reinforcement
Being fed = drive reduction
Child learns that

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