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NOMBRES: Daniel Fernando Rincón Vargas.


PROFESOR:   Camilo Andrés Avendaño Camargo

FACULTAD: Ingeniería

PROGRAMA: Ingeniería civil

Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos

Tunja, Boyacá
Quarantine time rules (MODAL VERBS)
1. Describe how things are going during the quarantine and what are some
of the rules you are following. Include:

1.1. ¿Qué puede / no puede hacer la gente hoy en día?

Rta 1: People can relax at home, above all, having a bad opinion of the
situation and one of the rules in some parts of the country is that they can
go out to buy food one day a week, among others.
Rta 2: All the people in the country have to stay in their houses in
quarantine so that the pantemia in Colombia does not spread and we do not
have a greater number of infected and dead.

1.2. ¿Qué deben / no deben hacer los estudiantes durante este tiempo?

Rta 1: The student community for the pandemic has to take their virtual
classes and make their academic calendar at home
Rta 2: students at this time should continue with their academic activities at
home and trying to keep everything flowing so as not to fall behind

1.3. ¿Qué deberían / no deberían hacer las personas para pasar tiempo libre
en casa?

Rta 1: They should implement different activities at home to spend time and
spend a few days with the family but always being at home.
Rta2 : They should not get tense or stop washing their hands as this is a
method to avoid contagion anywhere.

1.4. ¿Qué tienes / no tienes que hacer?

Rta 1: you have to take things slowly and follow all the recommendations
that the state and the health centers give in these cases
Rta 2: Primarily, they cannot leave the house and approach people who
have the flu, nor should they touch their faces with their hands or greet
other people with their hands.

1.5. ¿Qué crees que puede / podría suceder en el futuro cercano?

Rta 1: At this time people may feel scared of the virus reaching their home
or family but they should take care of themselves.
Rta 2: I think two things could happen or people take care of themselves
and the situation is fixed or the virus spreads because people don't take
care of themselves and many deaths arise
2. What have you been doing? (PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE AND
2.1 Describa su experiencia de cuarentena en general
During the quarantine I have been studying for different subjects my relatives
have been sheltering with me and my parents have not been able to work
continuously, some activities that are done at home to distract the mind is to
play series talk and among others.
2.2 ¿Qué actividades has estado haciendo?

Rta 1: I have helped my cousins with school tasks and my sister with
university tasks
Rta 2: I have also been with my father painting the interior of the house

2.3 ¿Cómo te has sentido?

Rta 1: I have been mainly very calm and taking good care of myself trying to
occupy my mind so as not to have the urge to go out and things like that
Rta 2: I have also been afraid that the situation will get worse and things will
get out of control

2.4 ¿Qué te has perdido?

Rta 1: I have missed the matches of all the cups in the world and especially
the Colombian one since they canceled it
Rta 2: I have also missed a few weeks of face-to-face classes in which I learn
much more than virtua

2.5 ¿Cuál es un nuevo pasatiempo que has estado haciendo?

Rta 1: My sister has begun to teach you how to play guitar and violin, this
makes the days more bearable and that they pass more quickly.
Rta 2: I have found that I am very good at writing things like poetry and
different writing

3. ¿Qué ha dicho tu familia sobre la cuarentena? (DISCURSO INDIRECTO)

10 oraciones
1. my family and I have talked about how much time we have not established
to share time together and I said that despite everything it was good to be
2. My refrigerator in these days of quarantine told me that I was going to gain
weight for stealing all the food and I replied that she is going to be skinnier
than I am.
3. my notebooks tell me to do my homework and I replied that later I had a
meeting with the bed
4. my grandmother said that she would prepare some delicious hamburgers
and I told her that it would be great to eat watching series
5. My parrot said that he wanted to fly through the streets. I told him that he
couldn't because he would catch the virus.
6. My sister said that she wanted to exercise in this quarantine and I told her
that in bed watching series it could not be fitness
7. My dad said he would fix the car and we all responded with a scolding that
was not irresponsible
8. the teacher told us that the video call was very good to learn new topics and
we said that we were not listening to him
9. My mother said I had to wash my sister's clothes and I replied to let my
sister wash her own clothes
10. The bed told me to stay another five minutes and I told him that the class
was at seven in the morning and it was already seven-eight minutes

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