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What is horizontal gene transfer

It is the transfer of genetic material between organisms (unicellular and multicellular). It is the
major reason for the spread of antibiotic resistance from one strain of bacteria to another. In the
article above, the strain E faecalis transferred the plasmid containing the antibiotic resistant gene
vanA to the S aureus strain as the two were in close proximity to each other.

2. What were the mechanisms of the horizontal gene transfer described in this article

E faecalis has a gene called vanA which gives it the resistance towards vancomycin. E faecalis was
present in the woman’s foot ulcer. The plasmids of E faecalis contains transposon which is a genetic
element that can move from one plasmid and attach itself onto another. The E faecalis hosted a
plasmid with a transposon containing vanA which is the gene responsible for the vancomycin
resistance. S aureus is a strain of bacteria that lives on the skin and it was in contact with the E
faecalis in the woman’s foot ulcer. The plasmid then made the jump from E faecalis to S aureus.
This mechanism where the genetic material is transferred by plasmids because of contact is called
Bacterial conjugation.

3. How does horizontal gene transfer speed up evolution.

Horizontal gene transfer would give rise to complex species as genetic material is being exchanged.
For e.g. it made the S aureus strain more resilient.

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