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The relative molecular mass of CO2 (M= 44 g/mol)

Now Ɣ= 1.3

Assume CO2 is a perfect gas.

I. Find the specific gas constant (R’)

For a perfect gas,

R’ = universal gas constant (R)/molecular weight (M)

R’= (8.314 kJ/kmol.K)/44 (kg/kmole) = 0.189 kJ/kg.K

ii. Find the specific heat capacity at constant pressure (Cp) and specific heat at constant volume Cv

Now R’=Cp-Cv

and Ɣ= Cp/CV or 1.3=CP/CV or CP = 1.3 * Cv

therefore on combining the two equations, we get

R’= 1.3 Cv – CV

or 0.189 kJ/kg.K = 0.3* CV

CV = 0.189 kJ/kg.K/0.3 = 0.63 kJ/kg.K

and CP = R’+ CV

Cp = 0.189 kJ/kg.K + 0.63 kJ/kg.K = 0.819 kJ/kg.K


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