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Guide for Joining Gender Links CoP

1. Go the Gender Links main website (

2. Under the secondary menu at the top click on "Join Our Communities"

3. You will
then be
directed to a

4. If you are already signed up use the screen to login with your email address and password

5. If you are new to the CoP Click on the "Register" link on the top right corner of the page

6. After signing up you can login on the screen you will be redirected to (use your email and

7. Choose the module you want to access (for live chats choose the Cyber Dialogues module)
8. The cyber dialogues presents three chat rooms (English, French and Portuguese)

9. Choose appropriate chat room to engage with other participants in that chat room

10. To Go back to the landing page click on the SADC Gender Protocol (Community of Practice)
logo at the center of the page header.

11. To go back to the website click on the Gender Links on the top left corner of
the page header.

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