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Name: Rabor, Madelene T.

Time: MWF 11:30 – 12:30 Score:

Enrichment Exercise No. 2

Writing a Welcome Speech/ Welcome Address. Think of a particular gathering or event in your school
or company which you are connected. Using the template below, write a welcome address.

Stage Protocol/ Personal Greeting

Mr. Aller, Distinguish Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, as part of this effective
communication class, I would humbly welcome you all in our culminating program!

Introduction/ Attention Getter

As they say time flies when you’re having fun and indeed it is. I remembered
when we were just on our first meeting, our feet are shaking because were afraid with this
subject especially when Mr. Aller said that it’s more on public speaking. Stage freights, shame
and some of our imperfections scares us to be in this subject thinking if we could pass this
subject. And look at now we’re culminating.

Rationale/ Overview and Purpose of Gathering

Today marks our last day of savoring and enjoying the effective communication
subject. It is our time to showcase our new learnings and our now enhanced communication
skills. As we all know that our professor is molding us to become a better and effective speaker
in order for us to understand our world better. And here we are, ready to show you all our best
with our respective assigned speeches.

Goodwill and Welcome the audience to the gathering

So, fasten your seatbelt as we bring you to the world of effective
communicators. Sit back, relax and enjoy! Again, welcome and good morning!
Name: Rabor, Madelene T. Time: MWF 11:30 – 12:30 Score:

Writing a Closing Speech/ Closing Remarks.

Stage Protocol
Mr. Aller, Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Good afternoon! I would like to thank
my classmates for giving me the opportunity to thank you all for coming here.

Introduction/ Attention Getter

We started with a warm welcome, should I close this with a cold one? Kidding
aside. We have come in this hard moment of every program and that is to end it. It’s hard to
close something that has the best start.

Commendations, Praise, and Expression of Gratitude

Let me take this opportunity to thank my classmates for all the effort that they
have poured out to make this program successful, to the working committees from program
and invitations, documentations, sounds and lights, decorations, to our lovely emcees. I would
like to send our heart of gratitude to our professor Mr. Emerson B. Aller, for guiding and
lightning our path towards to an effective way in communicating that will be our gateway to

Final Blessing
May we continue to instill in our minds that the only way to become an effective
communicator, we must be a great listener. Thank you and may God bless us all with our future
Name: Rabor, Madelene T. Time: MWF 11:30 – 12:30 Score:

Introduction of a Speaker. In your seminar classes or when a forum is held, you invited a guest speaker
to speak about a particular topic. How will you introduce a guest speaker?

Who is the speaker?

(state his qualification in relevant to the topic)

Our speaker for today is a college professor under the College of Arts and
Sciences, and Department of Languages and Literature and a part time instructor in the
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at University of San Jose – Recoletos. Most of the courses
he taught are Speech Improvement and Oral Communication, Effective Communication and
Human Relations, Executive Development, Theatre Arts and English major subjects. He has also
authored several books for tertiary education, one of them is The Art of Effective

Why is he important?
(highlight his achievements)

He is a graduate of Master of Arts in Education major in English from the

University of San Jose – Recoletos, class of 2012; a graduate of Bachelor of Secondary Education
major in English, Magna Cum Laude, class of 2004. The first recipient of the Arts and Culture
Award in the search for USP’s Finest 2002.

Anticipation of pleasure in listening to him/her:

(give the audience an idea of the other side of the person)

He is also one of the lectors at Basilica Minore del Sto. Niño de Cebu. You might
have seen him on screen already.

Present the speaker

Ladies and Gentleman, the ever dynamic and prominent Mr. Emerson Bajo Aller.

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