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Julianne Marie Lacsento


Forcing someone against his will, may result in a good or bad circumstance. There was a time
when me and my groupmates were assigned to a specific topic to be reported. Though not all of them
helped me in making the content of the report, it was still finished. But when I was about to assigned
who will be reporting our topic, they’re always hesitant for reason of being shy and afraid of humiliation.

I just didn’t mind about it and just pushed him to proceeded the report. But then one thing led to
another, he was embarrassed in front of the class.

At that time, I thought I was just doing what was morally right, following instructions, it is
morally right because it involves moral content which was abiding the rules and order of an authority, in
this situation is it the teacher. I was just being an obedient student to my teacher, but that obedience
led me to pushed someone’s will to do something that he wasn’t willed or want to do, led him to
embarrassment, made it bad. This actions just show that even if you though you are aware that you are
morally right there is still a consequences connected to it, there is still a domino effect, which in this
results a bad circumstance.

The thing about keeping a promise, it is hard to distinguish if that promise may compromise the
essence of result. I think it was one night, my mom was not in town, so my father took care of us three
siblings. That day I slept very early because I was tired from school, and I suddenly woke up midnight
and found out that dad had gone out. I was very terrified and sacred that time because our
neighborhood is famous for having a “akyat bahay” thefts. I was scared that someone would knock, or
tried to endanger my life. Maybe I was over dramatic that time imagining a lot of things though it was
self-mechanism if someone felt in danger. After many hours, he went home, furious because I was
awake and told me carefully and instruct me to promise, that I would never tell my mom he came home
very late.

Long story short, I told my mom after a week she arrived. I can’t bare the guilt every time I saw
her. Even though nothing bad happened to us or something had lost, but the fact that my dad put our
lives in danger and promise me to lie about it, should be taken into action. It made me put in a situation
where I was morally wrong, even though it is just a promise, it is embedded with lies. And that lie made
it morally wrong. Lying might be a common bad behavior but it always differs on what it affiliates and
consequences. The anxiety and guilt for one week was like burning in a stake, unbearable and
sufferable. It was all washed out when I told my mom the truth. She thanked me for being brave
enough, for taking care oy my sister when she was away and swear that she would never leave us again.
I was just happy, relieved and felt safe. My dad and mom fought that time but it was resolved and my
dad apologized I never expect something good will happen after that lie, but if we really do our best to
correct that lie, then goodness will lie ahead wearing a disguise.

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