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Somotional Health Model

Somotional model is a combination of emotional and social health, wherein it depicts its
synchronize relationship within each other and to life. It tackles on how life experiences affects the
health of a person. It depicts that in our early stage or childhood development we've been through and
experience a lot of things that helps shape our state. And in this model it varies life experiences to the
emotion, social interaction and values, and to the environment. Failure of handling emotion could result
to bad social interaction and knowing its values within a certain environment.

This model may theoretically identify whether a person with a bad experience in life may or
maybe not has a stable or good health and thus identifying that external factors has a massive
contribution to one’s state of physical and mental health.

This model may theoretically identify that external factors has a massive contribution of one’s state

Status of Equity and Equality Framework of Health

This framework provides an idea of how health is not properly disseminate in every individual
specially to the less fortunate. In the first quadrant it tackles about the equity of rich or fortunate people
when it comes to health care, they always come first and considered valuable person, hence the
possibility of their state most likely to be alive or well. Even though people who are fortunate are
considered valuable, there are a lot of health care facilities that recognizes the importance of the less
fortunate health and their well-being such public hospitals and government and non-government
funded programs, hence there is equity and its status is alive. Lastly, in the two quadrant three and four,
it tackles about the equality in the health care between the rich and poor. Equality is both dead, not
practiced or not recognized in health care, since their main priority is to provide equity prior to the
financial status of every individual. Conclusion to this, health care is for all regardless of the financial
status since organization and government funded program recognizes the need and care for the less
My heavenly father I pray for all those people who are apart from their families right now specially for
those who work in the sea. May you blessed them courage to never give up despite of the hardship
they’ve encounter in their lives and give them abundance of positivity so that happiness will live in them
and prosper. Amen.

Human dignity is a vital component one should possess. Which means even if you’re not part of
the catholic church it does not mean you’re exempted to not pay respect to every individual. Plus, the
thought that every one of us is base in God’s image, the dignity of every person must be respected. With
us having such freedom and responsibility one should take note that it always come off with
consequences. Nowadays, people are all about laughing other people mistakes, humiliating them and
making them lose courage, which should put on an end. Every person should be helping each other,
giving them encouragement and help them seek their worth as an individual. One should accept that in
order to find peace and fulfillment and also it is what God had given and wanted us to do.

The glimpse of religious life and belief is first found at home. Parents are role model in
acknowledging and demonstrating faith activities. Indulging in faith activities such as going to church
every Sunday and doing an evening rosary are one of my family’s favorite bond because it helps us to
become connected to God. After a tiring week of school and work, a word from God helps us ease our
anxiety and worries of what life lies ahead of us by nourishing our mind and soul. With that, hearing our
God’s words and guidance, our faith become stronger and intact every day. It also gives off wisdom of
what faith true essence is all about and why it should be nourished in every family in every individual.

[ CITATION Ela17 \l 13321 ]

Wisdom about faith always comes at home. Parents most likely to be one of the influential
people in proffering faith. They act as an authorative person i
As human consist almost only of water, they are just a fee cents worth. But in terms of dignity, they are

Worth does not solely base of the physical composition of the body but with the spiritual mind
and beliefs. Because of the love of every individual to God, it is reflected to the dignity a person gives off
to the society. God’s loves us so much that he gave us dignity and we as individual must protect it and
let no any man or even ourselves destroy it.

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