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Chanakya National
Law University, Patna.

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  Role Of Panchayats In Indian Democracy

RESEARCH MEH!"!L!#Y$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..


PANCHAYA UN"ER &R%%SH RULE$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..

&AL'AN RA% MEHA C!MM%EE$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

ASH!K MEHA C!MM%EE$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

$ ()r* AMEN"MEN AC +-$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

$$.. &L!CK PANCHAYA$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

$$$. "%SR%C LEEL PANCHAYA$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

$$$.. #RAM PANCHAYA$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

$$$... CASE LA'S$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

$$ R!LE !/ PANCHAYA %N RURAL "EEL!PMEN$$$$$$$


R!LE !/ PANCHAYA %N EMP!'ER%N# '!MEN$$$$$$$$$$.. RESERA

%!N /!R SCs 0 Ss %N PANCHAYA$$$$$$$$$$$$

SU##ES%!NS /!R &EERMEN !/ PANCHAYA SYSEM$$$$$.




his 1ro2e3t is 4ase* 51on *o3trinal 6etho* o7 resear3h. his 1ro2e3t has 4een *one a7ter a
thoro58h resear3h 4ase* 51on intrinsi3 an* e9trinsi3 as1e3ts o7 the 1ro2e3t.

Sources of Data:

he 7ollowin8 se3on*ary so5r3es o7 *ata have 4een 5se* in the 1ro2e3t:

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  Role Of Panchayats In Indian Democracy
+. &ooks
-. 'e4sites

Metho of !r"t"#$:

he 6etho* o7 writin8 7ollowe* in the 3o5rse o7 this resear3h 1ro2e3t is 1ri6arily analyti3al.

Moe of C"tat"o#:

he resear3hers have 7ollowe* a 5ni7or6 6o*e o7 3itation thro58ho5t the 3o5rse o7 this 1ro2e3t.


he i*ea o7 1an3hayati ra2 was 7rst 6oote* 4y Mahat6a #an*hi. "5rin8 the str588le
7or 7ree*o6 that 35l6inate* with in*e1en*en3e on +; A585st +<(, Mahat6a #an*hi stresse*
the nee* 7or villa8e swara2 =in*e1en*ent re154li3>? @My i*ea o7 villa8e
swara2 is that it is a 3o61lete re154li3, in*e1en*ent o7 its nei8h4ors 7or its own vital
wants, an* yet inter*e1en*ent 7or 6any others in whi3h *e1en*en3e is a ne3essity +. #an*hiBs
vision o7 villa8e swara2 has ha*

1 Gandhi 1962, speech.

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  Role Of Panchayats In Indian Democracy
 1erha1s the 6ost 1ower75l in7l5en3e on the s54se5ent *e4ates an* *is35ssions on 1an3hayats.
%n the i66e*iate 1ost in*e1en*en3e 1erio*, *5rin8 the *e4ates on the *ra7tin8 o7 %n*iaBs
3onstit5tion, shar1ly *is3re1ant views on 1an3hayats were e91resse*. %t was 1art o7 three tier 
*e6o3ra3y at national level, state level an* villa8e level. Pan3hayats *i* not 7in* a 1la3e in the

7irst *ra7t o7 %n*iaBs 3onstit5tion. At the insisten3e o7 a 7ew #an*hians na6ely

Alla*i Krishnaswa6i Aiyar, N # Ran8a, K Santhana6, Shi44anlal Sa9ena an* others, a
was arrive* at, an* 1an3hayats were in3l5*e* only in the non25sti3ia4le 1art o7 the 3onstit5tion,
5n*er "ire3tive Prin3i1les o7 State Poli3y, as Arti3le <D, whi3h rea*s, @he state shall take
ste1s to or8anie villa8e 1an3hayats an* en*ow the6 with s53h 1owers an* a5thority as
6ay 4e ne3essary to ena4le the6 to 75n3tion as 5nits o7 sel7:8overn6ent. %t 7o5n* the
1la3e in the 3onstit5tion in the 7or6 o7 one o7 the "ire3tive Prin3i1les !7 he State Poli3y
. 'ithin the
%n*ian 7e*eral ar3hite3t5re Pan3hayat is the 3losest to the notion o7 *ire3t *e6o3ra3y *istin3t
7ro6 the re1resentative *e6o3ra3y o7 the Union an* States, *5e to its
1ro9i6ity to the 3o665nity it serves. Pan3hayat has *ee1 7aith in *e6o3ra3y in whi3h the
3o66on 6an in the r5ral area has h58e 3a1a3ity to have a 8oo* livin8 7or hi6sel7 an* the
3o665nity 5n*er the healthy environ6ent that the State 3reates. he o42e3tives o7 a
1an3hayat in3l5*e or8aniin8 3o66on 6en in the 1ro3ess o7 *evelo1in8 the6selves
thro58h their own e77orts on a 3ontin5in8 4asis, at the sa6e ti6e, enhan3in8 their
3a1a3ity an* sel7:relian3e. his 4e8ins with F3itien 1arti3i1ationB in 1oliti3al 1ro3esses an*
Fservi3e *eliveryB o7 lo3al 154li3 8oo*s, e.8.
 1ota4le *rinkin8 water, 8eneral sanitation, 1ri6ary health, ele6entary e*53ation,
6aintenan3e o7 154li3 1ro1erties et3. Hen3e, the key o42e3tive o7 the 1an3hayat is to 4alan3e
the two val5es

o7 F3itien 1arti3i1ationB an* Fservi3e *eliveryB, the 4asi3 8oals o7 *e3entralie* *e6o3ra3y
envisa8e* in the Re1ort o7 &alwant Rai Mehta St5*y ea6 =+;(> an* the s54se5ent ()r*
A6en*6ent to the Constit5tion o7 %n*ia. he r5ral lo3al 8overn6ent in %n*ia is 3alle*
 1an3hayat, whi3h literally 6eans an asse64ly o7 7ive 1ersons ). hese 7ive el*erly,
 1ersons, over the 3o5rse o7 ti6e, were veste* with sa3re* a5thority an* with
25*i3ial an*

2 Article 4 of the !onstit"tion #hich enshrines one of the Directi$e

Principles of %tate Policy lays do#n that the %tate shall ta&e steps to
$illa'e panchayats.

( Pan3hayat 3o6es 7ro6 1an3h, F7ive,B 45t the 4o*y so 3alle* is not li6ite* to this n564er.

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  Role Of Panchayats In Indian Democracy
e9e35tive 1owers. hese asse64lies settle* *is15tes 4etween in*ivi*5als an* villa8es.
heir roots 3an 4e tra3e* in the Ri8 e*a < as *atin8 4a3k to a11ro9i6ately +-DD &C. Pan3hayat
 1resent %n*ia has inherite* tho58h little 7ro6 those native lo3al instit5tions o7 %n*ian
so3iety whi3h was 1re*o6inantly r5ral in 3hara3ter in the 6e*iaeval 1erio*.

Pa#cha%at u#er Br"t"sh Ru&e

he &ritish r5le in %n*ia witnesse* the 4e8innin8 o7 6any 6o*ern instit5tions that s5staine*
an* 7or6e* the 4ase 7or the 1ost 3olonial 8overn6ents to 45il* 51on. he lo3al 3ivi3 4o*y ;
35ltivate* 4y the i61erial 8overn6ent is one s53h e9a61le. he 7irst 65ni3i1al 4o*y in
%n*ia was 3reate* in Ma*ras =now Chennai> thro58h a Royal Charter iss5e* on "e3e64er )D,
4 he Ri8 e*a is the ol*est reli8io5s s3ri1t5re in the worl* an* the 6ost revere* o7 the e*as. %t
3onsists o7 6ore than +,DDD hy6ns a**resse* to 8o*s. %t re7ers to rit5als, s53h as 6arria8e an* 75neral

) %n &ritish %n*ia, r5ral 4o*ies were F"istri3t &oar*sB, F"istri3t Lo3al &oar*sB an* F"istri3t Co5n3ils

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  Role Of Panchayats In Indian Democracy
 4y Kin8 Ja6es %% on the a*vi3e o7 the #overnor o7 the East %n*ia Co61any, Josiah
Chil* to 6o4ilie reso5r3es thro58h lo3al ta9es an* to 3ontrol the 1owers o7 then #overnor
o7 Ma*ras, Elih5 Yale who a6asse* a 7ort5ne in his li7eti6e, lar8ely thro58h se3ret 3ontra3ts
with Ma*ras 6er3hants, a8ainst the East %n*ia Co61anyBs *ire3tive(. he 65ni3i1al
3or1oration was 6a*e

res1onsi4le 7or 6any 3ivi3 75n3tions in3l5*in8 the 51kee1 o7 town:hall an* a s3hool. he
Cor1oration 3o5l* not 3o6e 51 to the e91e3tations as the 3itiens o42e3te* to new ta9es. he
7irst e91eri6ent with 65ni3i1al instit5tion *i* not 1ay *ivi*en*s. he se3on* 65ni3i1al
3harter was iss5e* in +(-G to set 51 65ni3i1alities 7or Cal35tta an* &o64ay an* to
re3onstit5te the Ma*ras 65ni3i1ality. Meanwhile, there was a trans7or6ation in the
&ritish r5le 7ro6 the 6ana8e6ent o7 a 7ew tra*in8 1osts into the 8overn6ent o7 %n*ian
s54:3ontinent. he lo3al
 4o*ies *evelo1e* in a ha1haar* 6anner witho5t the le8islative san3tion or
*ire3tion. %n the North:'estern Provin3es =now Uttar Pra*esh>, Flo3al a8en3iesB were a11ointe*
in 4i8 towns to assist the "istri3t Ma8istrate in 6o4iliin8 the reso5r3es 7or 1oli3e, 3onservan3y
an* roa* re1airs. he new syste6s o7 r5ral lo3al 8overn6ent ha* no 3onne3tions with the ways
o7 ol* 1an3hayats. he instit5tion o7 "istri3tG  Ma8istrate 4e3a6e the key 5nit
o7 lo3al 8overnan3e an* was the 3entral instit5tion o7 the reven5e syste6.
Lor* Ri1onBs Resol5tion on Lo3al Sel7 #overn6ent o7 + May +- 1rove* to 4e the
6ost en*5rin8 in7l5en3e on the s54se5ent *e4ates an* *is35ssions on lo3al sel7:8overn6ents
in %n*ia. Ri1on was *eter6ine* that =i> 1oliti3al e*53ation, an* =ii> a*6inistrative e77i3ien3y
sho5l* 4e 3entral in the 1ers1e3tive o7 lo3al sel7:8overn6ents. A network o7 r5ral lo3al 4o*ies
was 1art o7 Ri1onBs 1ro1osal. He 1ro1ose* to 3reate a Ftwo tierB syste6, with *istri3t 4oar*s

an* s54:*ivision or the tehsil. he s54:*ivision, tal5k or tehsil wo5l* 7or6 the 6a9i656 area
5n*er a lo3al 4oar*. he *istri3t 4oar* was only a s51ervisory or 3oor*inatin8 a5thority.
However, *istri3t 4oar* in all re8ions e93e1t a 7ew was assi8ne* 1owers with all the 75n*s an*
al6ost all the lo3al 75n3tions *es1ite 1rovisions in the A3ts re8ar*in8 the *ele8ation o7
1ower an* res1onsi4ility to the lo3al 4o*ies.

6 Ea3h *istri3t was s1lit 51 into two s6aller areas 8enerally *esi8nate* tahsils or tal5ks an* in the i66e*iate
3har8e o7 native o77i3ers.

* "istri3t &oar* was hea*e* 4y the "istri3t Ma8istrateIColle3tor in all 1rovin3es e93e1t the Central

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  Role Of Panchayats In Indian Democracy
  However, le8islations 7or lo3al sel7 8overn6ent 1arti35larly in the early *ays
o7 "yar3hy, 1rovi*e* ina*e5ate 1rovisions *5e to 1oor *ra7tin8. Powers o7 ta9ation were not
*e7ine*. %t 1rovi*e* eno58h s3o1e 7or 3on75sion a4o5t the level o7 a*6inistration to intro*53e
the new ta9es or 3han8e the e9istin8 rates. he workin8 relationshi1 o7 4oar* an* sta77 as well

as the lo3al o77i3ers was never *e7ine*. #overn6ent o77i3ers were 8iven e6er8en3y 1owers
over 4oar*s. here was no 1rovision to en7or3e the *e3ision o7 *e1art6ental a5*it.

  Reco''e#at"o#s of Ba&(a#t Ra" Mehta Co''"ttee

  he &alwantRai Mehta Co66ittee was a 3o66ittee a11ointe* 4y the #overn6ent o7 %n*ia
in Jan5ary +;( to e9a6ine the workin8 o7 the Co665nity "evelo16ent Pro8ra66e =+;->
an* the National E9tension Servi3e =+;)> an* to s588est 6eas5res 7or their 4etter workin8.
he re3o66en*ations o7 the 3o66ittee were a11rove* 4y N"C  in Jan5ary +; an* this
set the

+ ational De$elopment !o"ncil or the Rashtriya Vikas Parishad is the apex body for
decision making and deliberations on development matters in India, presided over by the
Prime Minister.

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  Role Of Panchayats In Indian Democracy
sta8e 7or the la5n3hin8 o7 Pan3hayati Ra2 %nstit5tions thro58ho5t the 3o5ntry. he
3o66ittee re3o66en*e* the esta4lish6ent o7 the s3he6e o7 F*e6o3rati3 *e3entralisationB
whi3h 7inally 3a6e to 4e known as Pan3hayati Ra2. Esta4lish6ent o7 a ):tier Pan3hayati Ra2
syste6  #ra6 Pan3hayat at the villa8e level, Pan3hayatSa6iti at the 4lo3k level, an*
ila Parisha* at the

*istri3t level.his syste6 was a*o1te* 4y state 8overn6ents *5rin8 the +;Ds an* GDs, as laws
were 1asse* to esta4lish 1an3hayats in vario5s states. %t also 7o5n* 4a3kin8 in the
Constit5tion, with the ()r* a6en*6ent in +- to a33o66o*ate the i*ea. he A6en*6ent A3t
o7 +- 3ontains 1rovision 7or *evol5tion o7 1owers an* res1onsi4ilities to the 1an3hayats 4oth
7or the 1re1aration o7 e3ono6i3 *evelo16ent 1lans an* so3ial 25sti3e, as well
as 7or i61le6entation in relation to - s542e3ts liste* in the eleventh s3he*5le o7 the

he 1an3hayats re3eive 75n*s 7ro6 three so5r3es?

+. Lo3al 4o*y 8rants, as re3o66en*e* 4y the Central /inan3e Co66ission

-. /5n*s 7or i61le6entation o7 3entrally s1onsore* s3he6es

). /5n*s release* 4y the state 8overn6ents on the re3o66en*ations o7 the State

/inan3e Co66issions.

he re3o66en*ations o7 &alwant rai Mehta Co66ittee were i61le6ente* 4y 6any states in
the 3o5ntry. ill the 6i* si9ties, Pan3hayati Ra2 syste6 7lo5rishe* in %n*ia. &5t there
*e3line in Pan3hayati Ra2 %nstit5tions a7ter the 6i* si9ties 6ainly 4e3a5se o7
3entralie* ten*en3ies o7 75n3tionin8 all over the 3o5ntry.

  Asho) Mehta Co''"ttee *+,--.

%n this 4a3k*ro1 in +((, the Janata 8overn6ent  a11ointe* a Co66ittee with Ashok Mehta as
3hair6an an* was entr5ste* with the task o7 en5irin8 into the 3a5ses res1onsi4le 7or the 1oor 
9 The Janata Party JP or J!P" #as an amalgam of Indian political parties opposed to the $tate of
%mergency that #as imposed bet#een &'() and &'(( by the *overnment of India +nder the Prime
Ministership of Indira *andhi.

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  Role Of Panchayats In Indian Democracy
 1er7or6an3e o7 Pan3hayati Ra2 %nstit5tions. %t was also aske* to s588est 6eas5res to stren8then
Pan3hayati Ra2 %nstit5tions. he 3o66ittee s588este* two tire syste6 o7
Pan3hayati Ra2 3onsistin8 o7 illa Parisha*s at the *istri3t level an* Man*al Pan3hayats at
the 8rass root level as a8ainst three tier syste6 s588este* 4y the &alwant rai Mehta
Co66ittee. he 3o66ittee

re3o66en*e* 3onstit5tional 1rote3tion to the Pan3hayati Ra2 %nstit5tions an*

*e3entraliation o7 1ower at all levels.

he Ashok Mehta Co66ittee S588este*?

• Reservation o7 seats 7or the weaker se3tions

• wo seats 7or wo6en

• A*e5ate 7inan3ial reso5r3es 7or the 1an3hayats

• Re5ire6ent o7 Constit5tional san3tions

• o e9ten* 1eo1leBs 1arti3i1ation in *evelo16ental a3tivities

"5e to the 7all o7 the Janata 8overn6ent, the Ashok Mehta Co66ittee re3o66en*ations were
not i61le6ente*. /ew states+D 7or65late* new le8islation on the 4asis o7 the re3o66en*ations
o7 this Co66ittee. &oth the Co66ittees over looke* the i61ortan3e o7 1an3hayats as 5nits
o7 sel7 8overn6ent."5rin8 +DBs, two i61ortant Co66ittees were a11ointe* to look into
lo3al 8overn6ents. #K Rao Co66ittee in +; an* "r. L.M. Sin8hvi Co66ittee in +G.
he #K Rao 3o66ittee re3o66en*e* the revival o7 Pan3hayati Ra2 %nstit5tions s53h that
8reater res1onsi4ility o7 1lannin8, i61le6entation, an* 6onitorin8 o7 r5ral *evelo16ent
1ro8ra66es 3o5l* 4e assi8ne* to the6. L.M. Sin8hvi Co66ittee re3o66en*e*
that the Pan3hayati Ra2
%instit5tions sho5l* 4e 3onstit5tionally re3o8nie* an* 1rote3te*. New 3ha1ter in
the 3onstit5tion sho5l* 4e 1rovi*e* to *e7ine their 1owers an* 75n3tions an* 7ree an* 7air
ele3tion to 4e 3on*53te* thro58h the ele3tion 3o66ission.

1 Karnataka, An*hra Pra*esh, an* 'est &en8al.

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  Role Of Panchayats In Indian Democracy
  -/r r A'e#'e#t Act +,,0

%n the history o7 Pan3hayati Ra2 in %n*ia, on -< A1ril +), the Constit5tional
=()r* A6en*6ent> A3t +- 3a6e into 7or3e to 1rovi*e 3onstit5tional stat5s to the Pan3hayati

instit5tions.   his a3t was e9ten*e* to Pan3hayats in the tri4al areas o7 ei8ht
na6ely An*hra Pra*esh, #52arat, Maharashtra, Ma*hya Pra*esh, Hi6a3hal Pra*es,
!*isha an* Ra2asthan startin8 -< "e3e64er +G.C5rrently, Pan3hayati Ra2 syste6 e9ists in all
the states e93e1t Na8alan*, Me8halaya an* Miora6+-, an* in all Union erritories
e93e1t "elhi. Mo*ern %n*ian 8overn6ent has *e3entralie* several a*6inistrative
75n3tions to the lo3al level, e61owerin8 ele3te* 8ra6 1an3hayats. %t is 4asi3, 7irst 7or6al
*e6o3rati3 instit5tion at the villa8e level. he 3hair1erson o7 this 5nit is 3alle* as
Sar1an3h. %t is 1ri6ary 5nit o7 lo3al sel7:8overn6ent. #ra6 1an3hayat is a 3a4inet o7 the
villa8e el*ers, *ire3tly ele3te* 4y the a*5lt 3itiens o7 the villa8e. here are  to +D war*
15n3hes, two or three 3oo1te* 6e64ers, who 3onstit5te the 4o*y o7 #ra6 Pan3hayat they
are 3onsists o7  to +D villa8es. here are three 75n3tional s54 3o66ittees whi3h 6eet
7o5r ti6es every 6onth to *e3i*e a8ri35lt5ral
 1ro*53tion 1ro8ra6, 3otta8e in*5stry 1ro8ra66e, 7inan3e an* 45*8et an* so3ial a6enities
in #ra6 1an3hayat area. he 6e64ers o7 the #ra6 Pan3hayats have ten5re o7 7ive years an*
*ire3tly ele3te* 7ro6 war*s while the Sar1an3h is ele3te* 4y the 6e64ers. here is 1rovision
7or reservation o7 seats 7or wo6en an* 7or s3he*5le* 3asts an* s3he*5le* tri4es. here is
#ra6 Sa4ha 7or ea3h 1an3hayat an* the Sar1an3h is re5ire* to 3on*53t #ra6 Sa4ha
6eetin8s at least on3e in si9 6onths. Also Sar1an3h is re5ire* to 3on*53t 6eetin8 o7 the
6e64ers o7 the

Pan3hayat on3e in a 6onth.

11 Un*er ++th s3he*5le o7 %n*ian 3onstit5tion.

12  %n Na8alan* Me8ha

8halaya 0 Miora6 there are no any Pan3hyat Ra2 as 4e3a5se they e9e61te*
5n*er Arti3le -<)M=-> an* also en2oyin8 S1e3ial Constit5tional Provision 5n*er Arti3le )(+A, )(+&,
)(+C,)(+/,)(+#,)(+H 4y the Constit5tion o7 %n*ia.

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  Role Of Panchayats In Indian Democracy

Man*als, tal5ka 1an3hayats, 4lo3k 1an3hayats, or 1an3hayat sa6iti are r5ral lo3al 8overn6ents
= 1an3hayats> at the inter6e*iate level in 1an3hayat ra2 instit5tions =PR%>.

he ()r* A6en*6ent *e7ines Pan3hayati Ra2 %nstit5tion levels?

• "istri3t =or a1e9> level

• %nter6e*iate level

• &ase level

hey o1erate at the tahsil =tal5ka>+) level an* 8overn the villa8es o7 the tahsil that to8ether are
3alle* a *evelo16ent 4lo3k. he Pan3hayat Sa6iti is the link 4etween
the 8ra6
 1an3hayat =villa8e 3o5n3il> an* the ila 1arisha* =*istri3t 4oar*>+<. hey na6e varies
a3ross states, e.8., Man*al Pra2a Parisha* in An*hra Pra*esh,   al5ka Pan3hayat in
#52arat, an* Man*al Pan3hayat in Karnataka. y1i3ally, a 1an3hayat sa6iti is 3o61ose* o7
ele3te* 6e64ers o7 the area, the &lo3k "evelo16ent !77i3er, otherwise 5nre1resente* 8ro51s
=S3he*5le* Castes, S3he*5le* ri4es an* wo6en>, asso3iate 6e64ers =s53h as a 7ar6er, a
re1resentative o7 the 3oo1erative so3ieties an* one 7ro6 the a8ri35lt5ral 6arketin8 servi3es
se3tor> an* the ele3te*

6e64ers o7 that 1an3hayat 4lo3k =tehsil> on the ila 1arisha* =*istri3t 4oar*>. he sa6iti
is ele3te* 7or 7ive years an* is hea*e* 4y a 3hair6an an* *e15ty 3hair6an ele3te* 4y the
o7 the 1an3hayat sa6iti. !ne Sar1an3h Sa6iti s51ervises the other 8ra6 1an3hayats.


1( A tehsil =also known as tal5ka or 6an*al> is an a*6inistrative *ivision o7 so6e 3o5ntries o7 So5th

14 he ila Pan3hayat or "istri3t Co5n3il or illa Parisha* or "istri3t Pan3hayat, is the thir* tier o7
the Pan3hayati Ra2 syste6. ila Parisha* is an ele3te* 4o*y. &lo3k Pra65kh=1resi*ent> o7
Pan3hayat Sa6iti =&lo3k> are also re1resente* in ila Parisha*.

[Type the company name]

  Role Of Panchayats In Indian Democracy
he 3o66on *e1art6ents in the Sa6iti are as 7ollows?

+. #eneral a*6inistration

-. /inan3e

). P54li3 work 

<. A8ri35lt5re

;. Health

G. E*53ation

(. So3ial wel7are

. %n7or6ation te3hnolo8y, an* others.

Ea3h *e1art6ent in a 1an3hayat sa6iti has its own o77i3er. Most o7ten these
are state 8overn6ent e61loyees a3tin8 as e9tension o77i3ers, 45t o33asionally in
6ore reven5e:ri3h
 1an3hayat sa6iti, they 6ay 4e lo3al e61loyees. A 8overn6ent:a11ointe*+;is the s51ervisor
o7 the e9tension o77i3ers an* e9e35tive o77i3er to the 1an3hayat sa6iti an* 4e3o6es, in e77e3t,
its a*6inistrative 3hie7.


+. %61le6entation s3he6es 7or the *evelo16ent o7 a8ri35lt5re.

-. Esta4lish6ent o7 1ri6ary health 3entres an* 1ri6ary s3hools.

). S511ly o7 *rinkin8 water, *raina8e an* 3onstr53tionIre1air o7 roa*s.

<. "evelo16ent o7 3otta8e an* s6all:s3ale in*5stries, an* the o1enin8 o7

3oo1erative so3ieties.

1) 4lo3k *evelo16
o16ent o77i3er =&"!>

[Type the company name]

  Role Of Panchayats In Indian Democracy
;. Esta4lish6ent o7 yo5th or8aniations.

Sources of "#co'e+3

he in3o6e o7 the 1an3hayat sa6iti 3o6es 7ro6

• lan* an* water 5se ta9es, 1ro7essional ta9es, li5or ta9es an* others

• in3o6e 8eneratin8 1ro8ra66es

• 8rants:in:ai* an* loans 7ro6 the State #overn6ent an* the lo3al ila 1arisha*

• vol5ntary 3ontri45tions.


he ila Pan3hayat or "istri3t Co5n3il or illa Parisha* or "istri3t Pan3hayat, is the thir*
tier othe Pan3hayati Ra2 syste6. ila Parisha* is an
ele3te* 4o*y. &lo3k Pra65kh=1resi*ent> o7 Pan3hayat Sa6iti
=&lo3k> are also re1resente* in ila Parisha*. he 6e64ers o7 the State Le8islat5re an* the
6e64ers o7 the Parlia6ent o7 %n*ia are 6e64ers o7 the ila Parisha*. +(


+. Provi*e essential servi3es an* 7a3ilities to the r5ral 1o15lation

16 Se3tion A Civi3s? Cha1ter ( Lo3al Sel7:#overn6ent. History 0 Civi3s % =ei8hth e*.>

1* he Chie7 E9e35tive !77i3er =CE!>, who is an %AS or a State Civil Servi3e o77i3er, hea*s the
a*6inistrative 6a3hinery o7 the ila Parisha*. He 6ay also 4e "istri3t Ma8istrate in so6e states.

[Type the company name]

  Role Of Panchayats In Indian Democracy
-. S511ly i61rove* see*s to 7ar6ers. %n7or6 the6 o7 new 7ar6in8 te3hni5es

). Set 51 an* r5n s3hools an* li4raries in the r5ral areas

<. Start Pri6ary Health Centers an* hos1itals in villa8es. Start va33ination *rives
a8ainst e1i*e6i3s

;. E9e35te 1lans 7or the *evelo16ent o7 the s3he*5le* 3astes an* tri4es. R5n
ashra6shalas 7or a*ivasi 3hil*ren. Set 51 7ree hostels 7or the6

G. En3o5ra8e entre1rene5rs to start s6all:s3ale in*5stries an* i61le6ent

r5ral e61loy6ent s3he6es

(. Constr53t 4ri*8es, roa*s 0 other 154li3 7a3ilities an* their 6aintenan3e

. Provi*e e61loy6ent.

Sources of "#co'e:

+. a9es on water, 1il8ri6a8e, 6arkets, et3.

-. /i9e* 8rant 7ro6 the State #overn6ent in 1ro1ortion with the lan* reven5e an*
6oney 7or works an* s3he6es assi8ne* to the Parisha*.


#ra6 Pan3hayat is the or8aniation o7 ele3te* 1an3has 4y the 6e64ers o7 #ra6 Sa4ha o7 the
villa8e. %t is a sel7:8overn6ent or8aniation. he n564er o7 6e64ers in a #ra6 Pan3hayat
*e1en*s 51on the 1o15lation o7 the villa8e. #enerally, the n564er o7 ele3te* 1an3has in a #ra6
Pan3hayat varies 4etween seven an* seventeen 6e64ers. However, it 6ay vary 7ro6 state to

[Type the company name]

  Role Of Panchayats In Indian Democracy
state. here is 1rovision 7or reservation o7 S3he*5le* Castes, S3he*5le* ri4es an* 'o6en
3an*i*ates. he hea* o7 the Pan3hayat is known as @Sar1an3h.

 Po(er of Gra' Pa#cha%at Me'5ers:

+. o s51ervise *5rin8 o77i3e ho5rs, the re3or*s o7 the #ra6 Pan3hayat a7ter 8ivin8
*5e noti3e to the Sar1an3h.

-. o 6ove resol5tion or 5estion on any o77i3e 4earer on 6atters 3onne3te*

with the a*6inistration o7 the #ra6 Pan3ha5yat.

). o e9er3ise ins1e3tion overt all works 5n*ertaken 4y the #ra6 Pan3hayat.

<. o s51ervise all instit5tions workin8 5n*er the *ire3tion, 6ana8e6ent an* 3ontrol o7

the #ra6 1an3hayat.

;. o 4rin8 to the noti3e o7 the Sar1an3h the irre85larities i7 any, noti3e* *5rin8
s53h ins1e3tion.+

here are n564er o7 75n3tions 1er7or6 4y #ra6 Pan3hayats.

hese 75n3tions are *ivi*e* into two 3ate8ories, na6ely, the o4li8atory 75n3tions
an* the o1tions 75n3tions.

/ollowin8 are the !4li8atory or the Co615lsory /5n3tions?

+. Constr53tion, re1airs, 6aintenan3e, alteration an* e9tension o7 villa8e roa*s,

1rovisions o7 li8hts on the roa*s an* other 1la3es o7 154li3 resort an* re6oval o7
en3roa3h6ents an* o4str53tions on the roa*s an* other 154li3 1la3es.

-. Constr53tion, 6aintenan3e an* 3leanin8 o7 *raina8e syste6 an* 1rovision o7

sanitation in the villa8e 4y the re6oval o7 7ilth an* 3learan3e o7 6arshy areas.

1+ Panchayati Raj In India”, National Bo k

Trust, 20 7, Pg. 78

[Type the company name]

  Role Of Panchayats In Indian Democracy
). S511ly o7 *rinkin8 water to the villa8es.

<. A*o1tion o7 1reventive 6eas5res a8ainst e1i*e6i3s an* other *an8ero5s

 1revention o7 o4no9io5s an* *an8ero5s tra*e, re8istration o7 4irths an* *eaths an* the
 1re1aration o7 the ne3essary re3or*s 7or the 15r1ose.

;. Maintenan3e o7 3o66on 1ast5re an* other 154li3 instit5tions.

G. Pre1aration o7 3ens5s re3or*s o7 6en an* ani6als, 6aintenan3e o7 relevant re3or*s

an* s546ission o7 1erio*i3 re3or*s an* ret5rns.

(. Mana8e6ent o7 Pan3hayat 1ro1erties as assets.

. S1rea* o7 1ri6ary e*53ation an* its 6ana8e6ent.

. So3ial 3onservation.

+D. Control o7 Markets, 7erries, 7airs, #hats an* other 154li3 1la3es.

++. A*o1tion an* en3o5ra8e6ent o7 i61rove* 6etho*s o7 35ltivation.

+-. %t has to 1er7or6 s53h other 75n3tions whi3h are 8iven to the #ra6 1an3hayat on
a 3o615lsory 4asis.+

O2t"o#a& Fu#ct"o#s

%n a**ition to the 3o615lsory 75n3tions, ea3h #ra6 Pan3hayat is also re5ire* to

1er7or6 3ertain o1tional 75n3tions 7or the *evelo16ent o7 the r5ral 1eo1le. hese 75n3tions
are 8iven

+. "evelo16ent an* 6aintenan3e o7 villa8e 7orests.

-. Constr53tion, 6ana8e6ent an* 3ontrol o7 sla58hter ho5ses.

19 Pandey, J.N., “The Constitution Of

India”, Central Law Agency, 50th Edition,
2013, Pg. 653.

[Type the company name]

  Role Of Panchayats In Indian Democracy
). /a6ine relie7 6eas5res.

<. !r8aniation o7 the /ire servi3es an* 1rote3tion o7 li7e an* 1ro1erty in 3ase o7 7ire.

;. Maternity an* 3hil* wel7are an* esta4lish6ent o7 3enters o7 the 15r1ose.

G. Esta4lish6ent an* 6aintenan3e o7 works 7or 1rovi*in8 e61loy6ent in ti6e o7

s3ar3ity an* esta4lish6ent an* 8ranaries.

(. !r8aniation, 6ana8e6ent an* 1ro6otion o7 3otta8e in*5stries.

. Constr53tion an* 6aintenan3e o7 "har6asalas an* Rest ho5ses.

. Provision o7 a*5lt e*53ation, esta4lish6ent o7 1ri6ary s3hools with the 1rior

a11roval o7 the 1an3hayatsa6iti.

+D. o kee1 the re3or*s a4o5t the 5ne61loye* 1ersons.

6u"c"a& Po(ers:

%t *e3i*es 6inor 0 3ri6inal 3ases within its areas -D. Now the villa8ers nee* not 8o to
ahasil or the "istri3t hea*5arters to set their *is15tes *e3i*e*. %n 3ri6inal
s1here the Pan3hayat 3an hear 3ases involvin8 6is3hie7, assa5lt, the7t o7 1ro1erty
et3. on 1ay6ent o7 
 1res3ri4e* 7ee. hese 7ees are o7 a no6inal nat5re. hey 3an hear 3ivil 3ases o7 the val5e o7 Rs.

-DDI:. hey 3an i61ose a 7ine 51 to Rs. -DDI:. &oth the 1arties are to a11ear
4e7ore the Pan3hayat to 1lea* their 3ase. %n 3ri6inal 3ases the Pan3hayat 3an only i61ose a
7ine an* it
3annot senten3e any4o*y to i61rison6ent. %t 3an i61ose a 7ine 51 to Rs. -; o1enly those who
*e7y its or*ers.Nor6ally the *e3ision o7 the Pan3hayat is 7inal 45t an a11eal 3an 4e 6a*e to the
Co5rt o7 "istri3t Ma8istrate with its 1rior san3tion. -+

2 One thing is to be noted that the lawyers

can ot ap ear before the Panchayats.

21 Data ta&en from Singh, M.P., “Constitution Of

India”, Eleventh Edition, Eastern Bo k

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  Role Of Panchayats In Indian Democracy
Sources of "#co'e:

• %t 8ets +DO o7 the total reven5e 3olle3te* 7ro6 the villa8e.

• %t i61oses Ho5se ta9.

• %t sets 1ro7it 7ro6 the sale o7 7ertiliers.

• %t i61oses ta9 on ani6als, 1ro7ession et3.

• "raina8e 7ee.

• he Pan3hayats iss5e vario5s ty1es o7 li3ense 0 8et a 7ee 7or the sa6e.

• %t takes 6oney 4y sellin8 the slain o7 *ea* ani6als.



he 7a3ts were that the U.P. KeshetraPan3hayats an* ilaPan3hayatsA*hiniya6 ,

+G+ was a6en*e* in +G;,+(G,+D,+<,+ an* -DD(. %N +<, he A6en*6ent was
also *one o7 Unite* Provin3es Pan3hayat ra2 a3t, +<(. he a6en*6ents in +<( an* +G+
a3ts were in kee1in8 with the o42e3tives o7 3onstit5tion () r* a6en*6ent a3t, +-. &y
se3tion  o7 the U.P.Pan3hayat Laws =a6en*6ent > or*inan3e ,-DD(, latter on a3t , -DD( , the
o77i3es o7 @ U1  
 1ra65kh, @Senior U1:1ra65kh, @J5nior U1 1ra65kh an* @51a*hyakshaya were o6itte*
7ro6 +G+ a3t.

Se3tion - o7 the a6en*6ent a3t o6itte* @U1:1ra*han wherever o335rrin8 in3l5*in8

the 6ar8inal hea*in8 .he a6en*6ent was in total 3ontravention o7 1art % o7 the

22 -his case la# has een ta&en from''/

[Type the company name]

  Role Of Panchayats In Indian Democracy
 1rovi*in8 7or a three tier str53t5re o7 Pan3hayat a*6inistration an* the reason 7or s53h a
three tier to 6ini6ie the e9e35tive inter7eren3e . %n the 3ase o7 re6oval or
*is5ali7i3ation o7 @Pra65kh@ orPra*han 7ro6 r5nnin8 the a*6inistration , the
@U1:1ra65kh or 51: Pra*han
 1rior to s53h a6en*6ent 3o5l* have taken over where as the a4olition o7 these o77i3e will 1ave

the way 7or e9e35tive inter7eren3e.

%t was also ar85e* that there is no 1rovision o7 no: 3on7i*en3e 6otion in 3ha1ter % o7
3onstit5tion an* there7ore in3or1oration o7 this o7 this 1rin3i1le 6ilitates a8ainst the 1rin3i1le
o7Pan3hayati Ra2 instit5tion .

&esi*es, s54stit5tion o7 the 1rovision F6ore than hal7B in 1la3e o7 Fnot less than two thir*B
i.e. the no 3on7i*en3e resol5tion to 4e 3arrie* on 4y si61le 6a2ority instea* o7 two  thir*
6a2ority an* the re*53tion o7 Fone yearB in 1la3e o7 two year 7or 4rin8in8 no:
3on7i*en3e 6otion

*il5tes the 1rin3i1le o7 sta4ility an* 3ontin5ity whi3h are 6ain 15r1oses 4ehin* the o42e3t
an* reason o7 3onstit5tional a6en*6ents in 1art % o7 the 3onstit5tion.he SC
*is6isse* the
a11eal an* hel*  a 3onstit5tion is not to 8ive all *etails o7 the 1rovisions.

%n so6e Arti3les-) the state Le8islat5re has 4een e61owere* to 6ake a law to i61le6ent the
3onstit5tional 1rovision. /5rther in view o7 the @Constit5tion *o3trine o7 Silen3e,
 1etitioners ar856ents 3annot 4e a33e1te*.

AConstit5tion 1ro7essin8 to 4e a *e6o3rati3 an* re154li3an in 3hara3ter 3annot

4e inter1rete* to e93l5*e the 1rovision o7 no:3on7i*en3e 6otion in res1e3t o7 the
3hair1erson o7 the Pan3hayat 25st 4e3a5se o7 its silen3e on that as1e3t.

As a res5lt o7 no 3on7i*en3e 6otion, the 3hair 1erson o7 Pan3hayat ,*oes not loose this 1osition
as a 6e64er o7 Pan3hayat an* there7ore there is no set 4a3k to the instit5tion .the essen3e o7 
*e6o3rati3 re154li3anis6 is that all 1erson who 3o61rise s53h 4o*ies .
here7ore, the stat5tory 1rovision 3annot 4e 3alle* either 5nreasona4le or 5ltra
vires o7 1art % o7 the 3onstit5tion .

2( -<)A, -<)C=+>, ,=;>, -<)"=<>, -<)=G>,-<)/=+>,=G>,-<)#,-<)H, -<)%=->,=<>>

[Type the company name]

  Role Of Panchayats In Indian Democracy
Re8ar*in8 the 3ontention that the 1ost o7 3hair1erson sho5l* have the sa6e i665nity as
 1resi*ent o7 %n*ia, the 3o5rt hel* the ar856ent o7 ar856ent o7 *es1eration an*
a*van3e* witho5t any re8ar* to the vast *i77eren3e 4etween the 3onstit5tion stat5s an*
1osition 4etween the two 1osts ,whi3h were not 3o61ara4le at all 4y any stan*ar*s even the
1resi*ent o7 %n*ia

 4ein8 s542e3t to i61ea3h6ent 1ro3ee*in8s 5n*er Art. G+ o7 the 3onstit5tion.



%t is a11li3a4le only to reservations ena4le* 4y art +G=<>.here7ore ,the a88re8ate

reservation a6o5ntin8 to DO in s3he*5le* areas is not 5n3onstit5tional on the 8ro5n* o7
5nreasona4le restri3tion on the ri8hts o7 1oliti3al 1arti3i1ation o7 1ersons 4elon8in8 to
8eneral 3ate8ory . he e9er3ise o7 ele3toral 7ran3hise is an essential 3o61onent o7 a li4eral
*e6o3ra3y. S53h ri8ht *o not have the stat5s o7 75n*a6ental ri8hts an* are instea*
le8al ri8hts whi3h are 3ontrolle* thro58h le8islative 6eans. here is no inherent ri8ht to
3ontest ele3tion sin3e there are e91li3it le8islative 3ontrol over it.


"evelo16ent o7 r5ral areas has 4een at the 3ore o7 1lannin8 1ro3ess in the 3o5ntry an* also in
the State. R5ral "evelo16ent is a 4roa*, in3l5sive ter6 whi3h takes in its
3onsi*eration so3ioe3ono6i3 an* 1oliti3al *evelo16ent o7 the r5ral areas. %t in3l5*es
6eas5res to stren8then the *e6o3rati3 str53t5re o7 so3iety thro58h the Pan3hayati Ra2
%nstit5tions as well as 6eas5res
to i61rove the r5ral in7rastr53t5re, i61rove in3o6e o7 r5ral ho5sehol*s an* *elivery syste6s
 1ertainin8 to e*53ation, health an* sa7ety 6e3hanis6s. Poverty alleviation is a key 3o61onent
o7 r5ral *evelo16ent . #overn6ent o7 %n*ia has taken 6any initiatives 7or r5ral *evelo16ent.
/or this 15r1ose it has set51 the Ministry o7 R5ral "evelo16ent. his Ministry is a no*al
*e1art6ent 7or the two international or8aniations -G  he Ministry 3onsists o7 the 7ollowin8
three "e1art6ents?

24 AIR 1 93 SC 47

2) 1963 AIR 649

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  Role Of Panchayats In Indian Democracy
+. "e1art6ent o7 R5ral "evelo16ent
-. "e1art6ent o7 Lan* Reso5r3es
). "e1art6ent o7 "rinkin8 'ater S511ly

Fo&&o("#$ Po"#ts Sho(s Ro&es Of Pa#cha%at I# Rura& Dee&o2'e#t:

/%NANC%AL A%" ! HE


#ra6 Pan3hayats are 8iven 7inan3ial ai*s on the re3o66en*ations o7 State

/inan3e Co66ission. he 6ain o42e3tives o7 the 7inan3ial ai* 8iven to these Pan3hayats are?

a> "rinkin8 water s511ly, 3leanin8 an* 6aintenan3e 7a3ilities.

 4> Maintenan3e o7 154li3 la61 1osts, roa*s, *raina8e syste6, 3leanliness 1ro8ra66es, 1ri6ary
s3hools an* 6aintenan3e o7 other 154li3 assets.
3> Constr53tion o7 Pan3hayat &hawans 7or 6eetin8 halls an* 7or the resi*en3e o7 se3retary
o7 #ra6 Pan3hayat.
*> Constr53tion o7 #ra6in Kisan &aaar an* Livesto3k Markets.
e> Constr53tion o7 5n*er8ro5n* water *raina8e syste6 7or the o42e3tive o7
environ6ental 3leanliness.


Sa61oorna Swa3h3hta A4hiyan =Co61lete Cleanliness Mission> is a 1ro8ra66e 7inan3e*
4y the %n*ian 8overn6ent with an o42e3tive to 1rovi*e toilets to all r5ral 7a6ilies 4y the en*
o7 year -D+- an* to 6ake the 154li3 aware o7 the 3leanliness 1ro8ra66es an* to en3o5ra8e
the6 to learn an* 7ollow 3leanliness ha4its. he 7o5r 6ain o42e3tives o7 the 6ission are?

a> Usa8e o7 toilets 4y the r5ral inha4itants an* to 3han8e the ha4it o7 o1en toilets till -D+-.

26 the Centre on %nte8rate* R5ral "evelo16ent o7 Asia an* the Pa3i7i3 =C%R"AP> an* the
A7ro:Asian R5ral "evelo16ent !r8aniation =AAR"!>.

[Type the company name]

  Role Of Panchayats In Indian Democracy
 4> o 3onstr53t toilets in 8overn6ent s3hools an* An8anwa*i Centres 7or 3hil*ren in or*er to
*evelo1 the ha4it o7 5sin8 toilets a6on8 3hil*ren 7ro6 their 3hil*hoo*.
3> o *evelo1 the ha4it o7 washin8 han*s 4e7ore takin8 6eals an* a7ter 5sin8 toilets in r5ral

*> o 3ontrol the *iseases arisin8 *5e to the 5sa8e o7 *irty water 4y 1ra3ti3in8 3leanliness in
r5ral areas.

Un*er this s3he6e 7ollowin8 6ain

 1ro8ra66es are 3arrie* on?

%. Personal oilets
%%. S3hool oilets
%%%. An8anwa*i oilets
%. Co665nity ='o6en> oilet Co61le9
. R5ral Cleanliness Market Pro*53tion Centers
%. Soli* an* Li5i* 'aste Mana8e6ent.


he 1resen3e o7 +.D; 6illion ele3te* wo6en re1resentatives in the instit5tions

o7 lo3al 8overnan3e in r5ral %n*ia is tr5ly an e9traor*inary 1heno6enon. &y
8rantin8 ))O reservation Pan3hayati ra2 instit5tions restore* its 7aith in wo6en lea*ershi1.
his sent a stron8 si8nal to the 1atriar3hal so3iety to 3orre3t its stereoty1es asso3iate*
with 7e6ales. %t also
 1rovi*e* an o11ort5nity to hitherto *e1rive* low 3aste wo6en. %ts s1iral a77e3t 4ooste* wo6en
3on7i*en3e in their a4ilities an* en3o5ra8e* the6 to too seek a 6eanin875l role in so3iety. h5s
the Mo*el o7 *e6o3rati3 *e3entralisation was well 3on3eive*. E61ower6ent is

2* Data ta&en from ###.'o$o/ndia.in0panchayat0reser$ationfor#omen

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  Role Of Panchayats In Indian Democracy
65lti*i6ensional so3ial 1ro3ess that hel1s 1eo1le 8ain 3ontrol over their own lives. %t is
 1ro3ess that 7osters 1ower in 1eo1le 7or 5se in their own lives, their own 3o665nities an*
in their own so3iety, 4y a3tin8 on iss5es that they *es3ri4e as i61ortant. A4ove all,
e61ower6ent is a res5lt o7 1arti3i1ation in *e3ision:6akin8 -. 'o6enBs
e61ower6ent also re7ers to the

 1ro3ess 4y whi3h wo6en a35ire *5e re3o8nition on 1ar with 6en, to 1arti3i1ate
in the
*evelo16ent 1ro3ess o7 the so3iety thro58h the 1oliti3al instit5tions as a 1artner with h56an
*i8nity. So, PR%s are one o7 the 4est ways to en3o5ra8e e61ower6ent o7 wo6en.

A s5rvey shows-, that the so3io:e3ono6i3 4a3k8ro5n* o7 6a2ority o7 wo6en ele3te* to PR

%s were 7ro6 the lower in3o6e 8ro51 1arti35larly at the villa8e Pan3hayat level. he 6i3ro
st5*ies also show that the workin8 35lt5re o7 the Pan3hayat has 3han8e* 4e3a5se o7 the
1resen3e o7 the wo6en. /inally, a 1art o7 the in3rease in the 7e6ale litera3y rate 3an
4e attri45te* to the
 1resen3e o7 the wo6en in Pan3hayats an* their willin8ness to 8et e*53ate*.
Reservation has
s533ee*e* in 4rin8in8 the wo6en7olk in r5ral %n*ia into the 1oliti3al 7or56. here are 6any
instan3es o7 wo6en 6e64ers re1orte* in the Pan3hayat in the st5*y areas o7 Maharashtra,
#52arat, Chhattis8arh an* !rissa takin8 a keen interest an* 1layin8 a si8ni7i3ant role in the
workin8 o7 8rassroots 1oliti3s)D. 'o6en 6e64ers have o7ten 5se* their 1osition in the PR%s to
en8a8e in *evelo16ental work in their res1e3tive lo3alities an* 4rin8 in 1ositive 3han8es.


Pan3hayat Ra2 %nstit5tions is a State s542e3t. he ()r* Constit5tion A6en*6ent A3t has,
there7ore, 8iven a*e5ate *is3retionary 1owers to State Le8islat5res to 6ake s5ita4le
1rovisions in its A3ts on the s542e3ts. All states have either ena3te* new laws or 6o*i7ie* the
e9istin8 laws to in3or1orate Constit5tional a6en*6ents vis:aB: vis the 1rovisions on
reservations. Arti3le -<)
" 3learly states that the n564er o7 seats to 4e reserve* in any Pan3hayat sho5l* 4e relate* to

2+ 1 %aena, , !, hat is meant y people3s participation, A note, o"rnal of R"ral


29 5 Doc"ment on omen3s de$elopment 212. (


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  Role Of Panchayats In Indian Democracy
the 1ro1ortion o7 SC 0 S 1o15lation in that Pan3hayat area )+. However, it a11ears that so6e
states have *evelo1e* *i77erent 7or65la 7or 3al35latin8 reservation. hey have instea* taken
state avera8e 7or SC 0S an* reserve* that 1ro1ortion o7 seatsI 1osts 7or SCs 0Ss. he
reservations o7 seats 3an 4e seen as an instr56ent to 7a3ilitate the e61ower6ent o7 SC, 4y 7irst

8ettin8 the6 ele3te* to PR%s an* then 1rovi*in8 e9a61les as role 6o*els, 4y way o7 a tri3kle  
*own e77e3t, to e61ower all 6ar8inalie* wo6en an* SC 0 S everywhere.


(1 %o"rce Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Government of India

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  Role Of Panchayats In Indian Democracy
 I#ae<uate f"#a#ce:
he ina*e5a3y o7 75n*s has also stoo* in the way o7 s533ess75l workin8 o7 the Pan3hayati Ra2.
he Pan3hayati Ra2 4o*ies have li6ite* 1owers in res1e3t o7 i61osin8 3esses an* ta9es. hey
have very little 75n*s *ole* o5t to the6 4y the State #overn6ent. /5rther, they are 8enerally
rel53tant to raise ne3essary 75n*s *5e to the 7ear o7 losin8 1o15larity with the 6asses .

Lac) of cor"a& re&at"o# 5et(ee# off"c"a&s a# 2eo2&e:

%ntro*53tion o7 the Pan3hayati Ra2 ai6e* at se35rin8 e77e3tive 1arti3i1ation o7 the 1eo1le. &5t
in reality this har*ly ha11ens sin3e the key a*6inistrative an* te3hni3al 1ositions are 6anne*
 4y the 8overn6ent o77i3ials. #enerally there is la3k o7 1ro1er 3oo1eration an*
 4etween the 1eo1le an* the o77i3ials like &lo3k "evelo16ent !77i3ers, the "istri3t !77i3ers et3.
A8ain the o77i3ers 7ail to *is3har8e the *evelo16ent *5ties 6ore e77i3iently an* sin3erely.

 Ma&a fIe 2o&"t"cs:

he 6ani15lative nat5re o7 r5ral 1oliti3s is 6ani7est in the te3hni5es 5se* at the ti6e
o7 ele3tions. Even the Pan3hayat ele3tions are 7o58ht on 3aste 8ro5n*s an* the
*o6inant 3astes have 6anoe5vre* in s53h a way that they still o3351y the 1ositions o7 1ower in
the 3han8e* set:51.

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  Role Of Panchayats In Indian Democracy

"istri3t Plannin8 Co66ittee? State #overn6ent sho5l* 8ive the 75ll 1owers an* 7ree*o6 to the
"istri3t Plannin8 Co66ittee in a11rovin8 the 1ro2e3ts 3onsoli*ate* with *istri3t
1lan. At

 1resent instea* o7 "PC state has the 7inal a5thority to 3lear the *istri3t 1lan. !
5tso5r3in8 o7 en8ineerin8 sta77? Pre1aration o7 3ost esti6ates an* te3hni3al san3tion
4y en8ineers are
si8ni7i3ant an* ti6e:3ons56in8 sta8es o7 the e9e35tion o7 *evelo16ent 1ro2e3ts. here has
 4een severe shorta8e o7 te3hni3al sta77 in the state 3a5sin8 5n*5e *elay in re3eivin8 te3hni3al
a11roval 7or the 1ro2e3ts. PR%s sho5l* 4e 8iven 1owers to o5tso5r3e en8ineers to 6eet
the re5ire6ent o7 te3hni3al sta77. /5n3tions o7 8ra6 sa4ha? State #overn6ent sho5l*
6ake it 6an*atory 7or all the *evelo16ent 1ro2e3ts to 8et it a11rove* 4y 8ra6
sa4ha 4e7ore its i61le6entation. A*e5ate 7inan3ial 1owers 6ay 4e 8iven to 8ra6
1an3hayat 7or 5tiliin8 75n*s 7or the 1ro1er 75n3tionin8 o7 8ra6 sa4has. Moreover,
a*e5ate 1owers an* res1onsi4ilities sho5l* 4e 8iven to 8ra6 sa4ha to e9a6ine the
75n3tionin8 o7 1an3hayats an* their ann5al state6ent o7 a33o5nts. his syste6 o7
so3ial a5*it will 1revent 3orr51tion an* enhan3e trans1aren3ies. S3he*5le* 3aste
=SC> an* s3he*5le* tri4e =S> wo6en 6e64ers s577er 7ro6 e9tre6e so3ial, e*53ational an*
e3ono6i3 4a3kwar*ness, arisin8 o5t o7 the a8e:ol* 1ra3ti3e o7 so3ial e93l5sion,
5nto53ha4ility, lan*lessness an* 8eo8ra1hi3al isolation. "es1ite vario5s
 1rovisions in3l5*in8 ()r* 0 (<th A6en*6ents 6a*e in the Constit5tion to
sa7e85ar*s 6e64ers o7 SC an* S 7ro6 e91loitation, not 653h has 3han8e*.
Yet, *es1ite their 3onstit5tional ri8hts, re1resentatives o7 SC an* S 3o665nity are o7ten
*enie* atten*an3e to

#ra6 Pan3hayat an* #ra6 Sa4ha 6eetin8s 4e3a5se o7 3aste 4ase* 1ower *yna6i3s, illitera3y,
an* *o6inan3e o7 511er 3astes. his has 7or3e* the6 to 6ake 3o61ro6ises in their role as
ele3te* re1resentatives o7 lo3al 4o*ies. A lar8e n564er o7 6en an* wo6en 3o6e 7ro6 SC an*
S 3o665nities in 1oliti3al s1a3es, an* 6ost o7 the6 are 1layin8 that role 7or the 7irst ti6e.

  'hether it is 3alle* a Mahila Man*al, Sel7 Hel1 #ro51, Sanh8a or Sa6ity. hese
e77orts o7 wo6en revolve aro5n* 3reatin8 3o665nity s1a3e 7or the *evelo16ent o7 soli*arity
an* 2oint 1ro4le6 solvin8. hese e77orts o7 wo6en nee* to 4e 1ro6ote* an* en3o5ra8e* at the
8rassroots *e6o3ra3y =PR%> level. 'e have to ens5re that the real e61hasis is on how these

a3tivities 3an hel1 the 3o665nity to 8row, *evelo1, an* trans7or6.

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  Role Of Panchayats In Indian Democracy

he ter6 FPan3hayat Ra2B is relatively new, havin8 ori8inate* *5rin8 the &ritish a*6inistration.
FRa2B literally 6eans 8overnan3e or 8overn6ent. Mahat6a #an*hi a*vo3ate* Pan3hayati Ra2, a

*e3entralie* 7or6 o7 #overn6ent where ea3h villa8e is res1onsi4le 7or its own a77airs, as the
7o5n*ation o7 %n*iaBs 1oliti3al syste6. His ter6 7or s53h a vision was @#ra6 Swara2 or illa8e
Sel7:8overnan3e. %t was a*o1te* 4y state 8overn6ents *5rin8 the +;Ds an* GDs as laws were
 1asse* to esta4lish Pan3hayats in vario5s states. %t also 7o5n* 4a3kin8 in the
%n*ian Constit5tion, with the ()r* a6en*6ent in +- to a33o66o*ate the i*ea. he
A6en*6ent A3t o7 +- 3ontains 1rovision 7or *evol5tion o7 1owers an* res1onsi4ilities to
the 1an3hayats to
 4oth 7or 1re1aration o7 1lans 7or e3ono6i3 *evelo16ent an* so3ial 25sti3e an*
7or i61le6entation in relation to twenty:nine s542e3ts liste* in the eleventh
s3he*5le o7 the 3onstit5tion.

he 1an3hayats re3eive 75n*s 7ro6 three so5r3es ie, lo3al 4o*y 8rants, as re3o66en*e* 4y the
Central /inan3e Co66ission, 75n*s 7or i61le6entation o7 3entrally:s1onsore* s3he6es, an*
75n*s release* 4y the state 8overn6ents on the re3o66en*ations o7 the State
/inan3e Co66issions.

&y the seventy thir* a6en*6entPan3hayat 4e3a6e an Finstit5tion o7 sel7

8overnan3eB  Arti3le -<)=*> an* 3o61rehensive 1rovisions 3a6e to 4e in3or1orate*
7or *e6o3rati3
*e3entraliation o7 8overnan3e on #an*hian 1rin3i1le o7 1arti3i1atory *e6o3ra3y.
Pan3hayati Ra2 instit5tions str53t5re* 5n*er ()r* A6en*6ent are 6eant to 4rin8
a4o5t swee1in8 3han8es in the 8overnan3e at the 8rass root level. &y this a6en*6ent,
Parlia6ent intro*53e* three tier syste6 o7 Pan3hayati Ra2 instit5tions at illa8e, &lo3k an*
"istri3t levels. Arti3le -<)C 1rovi*es 7or 3o61osition o7 a Pan3hayat an* 7illin8 51 o7 the seats
in a Pan3hayat
 4y *ire3t ele3tion. Arti3le -<)" 1rovi*es 7or reservation o7 seats an* Arti3le -<)E 1rovi*es 7or 
*5ration o7 Pan3hayat. Arti3le -<)/ en56erates the 8ro5n*s o7 *is5ali7i3ation o7 6e64ershi1
o7 the Pan3hayat an* Arti3le -<)# 1res3ri4es the 1owers, a5thority an* res1onsi4ilities o7 a
Pan3hayat. Arti3le -<)H 8ives 1ower to the State Le8islat5res to ena3t law an* a5thorise a
Pan3hayat to levy, 3olle3t an* a11ro1riate ta9es, *5ties, tolls an* 7ees assi8n to a Pan3hayat

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  Role Of Panchayats In Indian Democracy
s53h ta9es, *5ties, tolls an* 7ees levie* an* 3olle3te* 4y the State #overn6ent an* also 1rovi*e
7or 6akin8 s53h 8rants:in:ai* to the Pan3hayats 7ro6 the Consoli*ate* /5n* o7 the State.

Cla5se =*> o7 this Arti3le envisa8es a le8islative 1rovision 7or 3onstit5tion o7

 1rovisions 7or 3re*itin8 all 6onies re3eive* 4y or on 4ehal7 o7 the Pan3hayats
an* also 7or with*rawal o7 s53h 6onies. Arti3le -<)% envisa8es 3onstit5tion o7
/inan3e Co66ission to review 7inan3ial 1osition o7 the Pan3hayats.

An analysis o7 Arti3le <D an* Arti3les -<) to -<)! shows that the 7ra6ers o7 the Constit5tion
ha* envisa8e* illa8e Pan3hayat to 4e the 7o5n*ation o7 the 3o5ntryBs 1oliti3al *e6o3ra3y :a
*e3entralie* 7or6 o7 #overn6ent where ea3h villa8e was to 4e res1onsi4le 7or its own a77airs.
&y ena3tin8 the Constit5tion =Seventy:thir* A6en*6ent> A3t, Parlia6ent has atte61te* to
re6e*y the *e7e3ts an* re6ove the *e7i3ien3ies o7 the Pan3hayati Ra2 syste6 evolve* a7ter 

in*e1en*en3e, whi3h 7aile* to live 51 to the e91e3tation o7 the 1eo1le in r5ral %n*ia.
 1rovisions 3ontaine* in Part % 1rovi*e 7ir6 4asis 7or sel7:8overnan3e 4y the
1eo1le at the
8rass root thro58h the instit5tion o7 Pan3hayats at *i77erent levels. /or a3hievin8 the o42e3tives
enshrine* in Part % o7 the Constit5tion, the State Le8islat5res have ena3te* laws an* 6a*e
 1rovision 7or *evol5tion o7 1owers 51on an* assi8ne* vario5s 75n3tions liste* in the
Eleventh S3he*5le to the Pan3hayats. he 1ri6ary 7o35s o7 the s542e3ts en56erate* in the
Eleventh S3he*5le is on so3ial an* e3ono6i3 *evelo16ent o7 the r5ral 1arts o7 the 3o5ntry 4y
3on7errin8 51on the Pan3hayat the stat5s o7 a 3onstit5tional 4o*y. Parlia6ent has
ens5re* that the Pan3hayats wo5l* no lon8er 1er7or6 the role o7 si61ly e9e35tin8 the
1ro8ra6s an* 1oli3ies evolve* 4y the 1oliti3al e9e35tive o7 the State. &y virt5e o7 the
1rovisions 3ontaine* in Part %, the Pan3hayats have 4een e61owere* to 7or65late an*
i61le6ent their own 1ro8ra6s o7 e3ono6i3 *evelo16ent an* so3ial 25sti3e in t5ne
with their stat5s as the thir* tier o7 8overn6ent whi3h is 6an*ate* to re1resent
the interests o7 the 1eo1le livin8 within its
 25ris*i3tion. he syste6 o7 Pan3hayats envisa8e* in this Part ai6s at esta4lishin8 stron8
an* a33o5nta4le syste6s o7 8overnan3e that will in t5rn ens5re 6ore e5ita4le
*istri45tion o7 reso5r3es in a 6anner 4ene7i3ial to all.he Union Ca4inet o7 the #overn6ent
o7 %n*ia, on -( A585st -DD, a11rove* ;DO reservation 7or wo6en in PR%s =Pan3hayati
Ra2 N%J! %nstit5tions>.

he %n*ian states whi3h have alrea*y i61le6ente* ;DO reservation 7or wo6en in

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  Role Of Panchayats In Indian Democracy
are Ma*hya Pra*esh, &ihar, Uttarakhan* an* Hi6a3hal Pra*esh. As o7 -; Nove64er -D++, the
states o7 An*hra Pra*esh, Chhatis8arh, Jharkhan*, Kerala, Maharastra, !rissa, Ra2asthan an*
ri15ra also reserve ;DO o7 their 1osts 7or wo6en.

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  Role Of Panchayats In Indian Democracy


Constit5tion o7 %n*ia =Eleventh E*ition>, Eastern &ook Co61any$$$$.$.4y M. P. Sin8h

Pan3hayati Ra2 %n*ia=-DD(>, National &ook r5st$$$$$$$$$$$$..4y M. Asla6

!5tlines !7 Le8al Lan85a8e %n %n*ia =si9th e*ition>, Central Law P54li3ation$..4y A. Prasa*.





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  Role Of Panchayats In Indian Democracy
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