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Playades: QA Selfcheck Guidelines

Before final submission of your Android game, please self-test extensively & ensure that
the builds run without any bugs & comply with the following specs:

✓ Game must be fully Premium + Offline

➡ No In-App-Purchases must be included
➡ No Ads displayed
➡ No Analytics of any kind
➡ No Social Media or Google Play services, or any other kind of connected features (e.g. online highscores,
leaderboards, achievements – such are only okay if fully offline)
➡ No active or non-active URLs, buttons or text-links to any website or other Internet-locations (e.g. email address)
➡ No asset downloads from Google Play or another server during (first) launch – this requirement may be up for
discussing on an individual base depending on available distribution opportunities and build file size

✓ Build APK for API level 29 (or higher) as target SDK while keeping great low end compatibility
➡ Manifest.xml inside the Android APK must include “targetSdkVersion=29” (or higher)
➡ Support low end devices running Android 2.3 (API level 9) or at least Android 4.1 (API level 16) through the minimum
SDK build setting

✓ Game must not ask for any internet access permissions during install
➡ Please remove any internet related permissions from the APK manifest
➡ Also remove any other unnecessary permissions or permissions that could be interpreted as intrusive or not
respecting the user’s privacy

✓ Language support for EFIGS + BRPt (others optional)

➡ All ingame texts must be localized
➡ Game should automatically detect and use the device's system language for any text display on each launch (if that
language is supported, otherwise fall back to English)
➡ Manual ingame language selection by user optional
➡ All special characters must be correctly displayed in the same font style as regular characters

✓ Support for the Android system BACK button

➡ Inside the MAIN menu allow the player to fully quit the game (but ask to confirm this action)
➡ Inside Quit-confirmation dialog pressing BACK should close the confirmation dialog and cancel the quit
➡ Inside any other menu let BACK button return the player to the menu item previously displayed AND/OR of higher
order in the hierarchy (e.g. player pressed PLAY in main menu to open level selection menu, then presses the system
BACK button, player should be returned to the main menu)
➡ While actually playing a press of the BACK button should open the pause menu
➡ Pressing the BACK button while the pause menu is open, should close the pause menu

✓ Interrupt handling
➡ Any interrupt (call, locking + unlocking the screen etc.) while player is playing the main game should open the pause
menu and halt the game

✓ End of game must be clearly communicated to the player to avoid refunds

➡ For level based games: include a message saying "The End" near the last level on the stage selection screen.
➡ For endless games: include a message saying “End of run” at the game-over/score screen.

Version 004 – modified 2020-03-16

Version history of this document:

V004 (2020-03-16):
- Increased targetSdkVersion requirement from 28 to 29

V003 (2019-11-25):
- Increased targetSdkVersion from 26 to 28; clarified explainations
- Added new details on requirement to cleary communicate “the end” in a game.

Version 004 – modified 2020-03-16

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