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Viktor Ogui

Tibetan Massage
of Tsering Ngodrub
tradition with Singing

Издательские решения
Under license from Ridero
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© Viktor Ogui, 2019

© Anna Tarasenko, illustrations, 2019
© Anna Tarasenko, cover design, 2019
© Niina Golikova, translation, 2019
© Andrey Terebilov, photos, 2019
© Aleksandr Mazec, photos, 2019
© Viktor Ogui, photos, 2019
© Marina Dobrenko, cover design, 2019
ISBN 978-5-4496-0513-9
Created with Ridero smart publishing system
Warning: The content of this publication is for general information and can-
not replace the practical consultation given by a specialist. The publication
should not be used as a textbook on medicine, as well as for the purpose
of diagnosing or treating any kind of disease states and their complications.
All medical problems should be referred to a qualified physician immediately.
The publisher and the authors of the publication are not liable or responsible
to any person or entity for any health damage caused or alleged to be caused
as a result of withholding from the traditional medical treatment or employ-
ing self-treatment based on the information contained therein. The nature
of this article is exploratory. Its aim is to share author’s experience and define
the hypotheses and problems related to the present day application of Ti-
betan Singing Bowls’ (TSB), as well as to encourage the study of TSBs’ impact
on the human body.

Singing Bowls Vibro-Acoustic contact method Course №1

This is a course of teaching the technique of vibro-acoustic massage
by singing bowls (SBVАМ) by a contact method based on the methodology
of V. Оgui which is legally fixed copyright, both on methodology of teaching,
all methodical and distributing materials and on the method of massage.
Singing Bowls Vibro-Acoustic Massage
It is a massage method according to which the singing bowl (SB) is put
on the massaged body. The singing bowl is held by one hand and the other
hand equipped with a stick extracts the vibration from the singing bowl
by striking the brim of the bowl with the rubber part of the stick with a defi-
nite rhythm and a subsequent transfer of the SB on the massage body in the
direction of massage lines.




Currently, there are many questions and contradictory information con-

cerning the practice of TSB. Opinions are divided about whether the term
«massage’ can be applied here. Certain indiscepancies are caused by the lack
of a standardised vocabulary, or at least an accurately preserved tradition
of TSBs’ application. All practices with the bowls tend to be referred to as
«an acoustic massage’, regardless of whether the master puts the bowls di-
rectly on the patient’s body or places them on the floor around. Furthermore,
over the last few decades that the Europeans have become acquainted with
TSBs, numerous myths and legends sprung in the absence of scientific data
and throughout research. The well-meaning lay publications were mostly in-
accurate and confusing, replete with the terms such as «aura’, «chakra’, «ener-
gy’, «astral’, «planetary sound’ and so forth.
Yet at the same time the impact of TSBs on the human body both in the
physical and psycho-emotional aspects is undeniable. Many patients treated
by this method independently reported a noticeable improvement in the
general state of their body and their mind — although some scientific studies
are still needed to provide quantifiable data.
I consider the use of TSB to be reasonable and justified, even if we as-
sume that the alleviation or the disappearance of symptoms are entirely due
to the placebo effect triggered in the human body by the sounds of TSB. Nev-
ertheless, I deem it necessary to warn the potential «masters’ against using
TSB without the appropriate preparation, training, and the sufficient educa-
tion in the matter. It is also important to take into account the potential con-
traindications for this method. (V.O.Oguy 2015).

There is a lack of agreement about whether the practice of TSB can safely
be placed within the «massage’ category in the way it is widely understood.
In my opinion, it would be more apt to describe them as psychotherapeutic
treatments in the case of a direct contact with the body, and psychological
treatments in the case where such a contact is absent. Another thing to be
aware of is that different authors offer diverse views on how the concept
of «sound massage’ should be understood. Some see it as a vibrational influ-
ence of the sound produced by the bowl during the concerts of meditative
music, while others only acknowledge the vibrations that are produced from
the bowl and applied directly to the body.
Despite these seeming inconveniences, though, I shall remain faithful
to the tradition within which I have been trained and refer to the practice as
«a massage’, as did my teacher in the Himalayas. I am fully aware that this
term is a subject to controversy and acknowledge my opponents’ scepticism,


but I choose to use it for the sake of integrity and consistence.

It makes sense to compare TSB massage technique with the method

of myotonic massage where neurological tuning forks are used. It has
a similar physical and mechanical impact on the body. This method was
presented by Tiina Orasmae at the exhibition the Intersharm on the 6th
of May in 2002 and there was also an article about it published in the
journal Nouvelle Esthétique which confirmed that: «This technique’s physio-
logical effect has been proven. We apply frequencies calculated in a certain
way. Currently I work mainly with one frequency, which constitutes
128 Hz — it is a normal oscillation frequency for the mimic/facial muscles.
Furthermore, we observed an improved blood flow and lymph efflux. This
has been proven in the course of physiological experiments conducted on
animals. This is simply an unusual technique of vibrational massage, where
instead of using a big size vibrational tool, a tuning fork is being used».
This subject has also been studied in the research paper by John Beaulieu,
who described lymphatic and cranial sessions with the help of tuning fork
(J.Beaulieu, 2010).

Going through the international information sources on sound music

practices with gongs and TSB, we see that the formed points of view are also
relatively heterogeneous.
For example, Mitchell L. Gaynor, oncologist and clinical assistant profes-
sor of medicine at Weill
Medical College of Cornell University in New York and author of the book
«The Healing Power of Sound: Recovery from Life-Threatening Illness Using
Sound, Voice and Music» denotes
differences between treatment and healing: «The term «treatment’ means
that something could be corrected physically, while «healing’ refers
to wholeness, unity of mind, body and spirit. Dr. Mithell L. Gaynor, who runs
oncology practice in Manhattan, thinks that sound healing relates to integra-
tive medicine: not alternative to science, but complementing» (S.Rosen-
bloom, 2005).

About Tibetan Singing Bowls

Presumably, TSB have been used in one or another way of human activity
since the ancient times. Initially they were vessels for water and food, for
making offerings to deities and spirits, and for performing religious cere-
monies. Today there are 5 main types of singing bowls — SB (Figure 1.).

Figure 1

1. SB produced by casting method. This variation is called Indian style.

The sounds is produced by rubbing SB’s rim.
2. Quartz or crystal SB. The sound is also produced by rubbing its rim.
3. TSB are produced by forging method, hand-hammered. The sound is
produced by striking movement.
4. The Chinese SB, the sound is produced by rubbing its handles.
5. This SB is used in Japanese Buddhist temples during the rituals and

It should be noted that Tibetan massage with SB is a procedure that has

vibroacoustic effects on tissues, organs and the human body in general (in-
cluding psycho-emotional state), and it is performed through the contact or
non-contact method using TSB. TSB have certain physical characteristics that


allow them to have an impact on the physical body, central and peripheral
nervous systems, tissues and organs and organ systems. There may be other
certain characteristics that TSB supposedly have, but there is currently no
scientific machine that could make objective observations and analysis
of them.

In Tsering Ngodrub tradition there are two main techniques of Tibetan

massage with SB: Contact Striking Method and Sound Bath. In addition, prac-
tices with TSB are performed individually, in a group or pairs. What’s more,
they are performed even on animals. Methodology of Contact Striking
Method is characterised by the fact that TSB should be in a direct contact
with the human body.
During Sound Bath TSB does not touch the body, although it is located
in a close proximity to the body.

Aspects of TSB

Aspects of TSB. Figure 2

1. Physical aspect

TSB have certain physical properties. For example, when producing the
sound by striking the bowl with a mallet, bowl’s walls start vibrating and
by doing so having a mechanical effect on the surroundings: in contact with
the body the bowl has a physical effect on the tissues and body fluids. This
aspect is very close to the term «massage’ in its classic interpretation.
A. F. Verbov, a well-recognised and respected professional in the field
of medical massage, defines the term «massage’ in this way: «A massage is
an active therapeutic method, the essence of which is to cause a certain
amount of physical stimulation to the naked surface of patient’s body by ap-
plying different techniques performed by masseur’s hands or with the help
of special massage tools " (A. F. Verbov, 1966).
As M. A. Eremushkin notes: «In the history of massage development there
have been many different types of massage developed, categories, subcate-


gories, methods and techniques. This caused, especially in a more recent

time, the confusion between massages’ denominations among the experts,
which led to disagreements on the key principles of the massage theory and
practice» (M. A. Eremushkin, 1996).
Strictly speaking, to use the term «massage’ with respect to the TSB’s in-
fluence on the human body, according to the authors’ opinion, is applicable
only in case of TSB being in a direct contact with the patient’s body.
M. A. Eremushkin says: «Massage belongs to the category of medical fac-
tors of mechanical nature. One of the main constituent elements of this
treatment method are mechanical vibrations. The arsenal of massage manip-
ulations includes a large number of techniques that create vibrational ma-
nipulation (joggling, shaking, tapotement, hachment etc.). In the course
of these techniques performance we can clearly observe rhythmed vibrations
covering the massaged area» (M. A. Eremushkin, 2011).
According to A. F. Verbov: «Vibration is a massage technique, in which the
masseur’s hand (or machine) sends to the massaged area oscillatory motion
of different frequency, intensity, amplitude and speed.»
Vibration Effects, according to A. F. Verbov:
• have a strong neuro-reflexology influence, causing the enhancement
and sometimes restoration of extinct reflexes;
• can have a pronounced analgesic and even anesthetic effect;
• improves contractile muscle function;
• improves tissues trophism, activating regenerative processes; signifi-
cantly reduces the time of callus formation;
• depending on the frequency, strength, and vibration amplitude, vibra-
tion has great influence on cardiovascular system, causing rapid expansion or
constriction of vessels.
Nowadays there is being conducted a study on the frequency of massage
manipulations: the research studies frequency characteristics produced dur-
ing the massage that uses mechanical vibrations and waves technique
(M.A.Eremushkin, 2011).
Based on the obtained data, one conclusion was made: acoustic features
of the massage manipulation, with a certain degree of assumptions, could be
compared with mechanical vibrations (Table. 1).
Tiina Orasmae in her report on the method of melomassage in cosmetol-
ogy focuses mainly on the
vibratory nature of the massage technique she developed:


Table. 1

«This is a vibrational massage, which is performed with the aid of music

and neurological tuning forks (camertones) used as a source of constant vi-
bration. It has been proven long time ago that the vibration is one of the
most effective methods of classical generally recognised massage. Earlier
this method was hardly used in cosmetic medicine. The reason for this is that
all vibrational devices require a big surface for application. In cosmetology,
that deals normally with limited surfaces, this option is unacceptable. For the
use of tuning forks only small area of application is needed, and this helps
to achieve high precision in the procedure execution and apply it in cosmetic
medicine methods.»
Thus, it can be assumed that TSB’s influence as a purely mechanical as-
pect (vibration) has all of the effects mentioned above.

2. Musical aspect

The musical aspect represents the most traditional view on the use
of TSB.
Searching the Internet for information on TSB provides us with lots
of videos on TSB, mainly on its musical effect. While the information on its
magical aspect is most frequently found in text formats.
There are plenty of videos of TSB music concerts available online.
Just few years ago we could dominantly find online concerts with the use
of metal Singing Bowl (SB) (a bit later appeared quartz or crystal bowls).
In contrast, nowadays most concerts imply the use of trump harp (jaw harp),
drums, quartz bowls and semantron. Semantrons (Flat Bells or «bilas’) should


be considered separately, because the information on them, as in the case

of bowls too, is quite ambiguous. This is because people promoting this par-
ticular instrument are trying in one way or another to create a historical
background for it, however speculating with made up stories, rather than us-
ing historical documents etc. (Fig. 3).
Ukrainian researchers G. L. Apanasenko and N. A. Saveleva — Kulik con-
sider music therapy to be one of the methods of complementary and alterna-
tive medicine. In their study they overview the following aspects of this ther-
apy method: formation and global development, sanogenetic mechanisms,
indicators, methodology and effectiveness.
In the final chapter of their research paper they draw a conclusion on mu-
sic therapy prospects within the medical recovery approaches, describing its
effects: «At the present the effectiveness of music therapy has been proven
by representatives of the various scientific schools.
Numerous studies on opportunities of music therapy discovered the har-
monising role of music therapy, and that it activates anti-stress therapy pro-
gramme in case of an adaptation disorder, caused by emotional stress of psy-
chosomatic nature» (J. Burns et al.,2002; P. Gomez, B. Danuser, 2007; O.Grewe
et al., 2007).

In the aspect of music therapy, we consider the use of TSB in spa: «The
ancient method of vibration massage «Tibetan singing bowls’ is sometimes
regarded as a method of music therapy. This method combines the influence
of sound waves and mechanical vibrations on the human body.
Music therapy sessions can be accompanied by chromotherapy sessions,
which influence the human body by colour waves of different range. These
therapy methods are used in spa and they have primarily relaxing effect.
These treatments are offered to customers as an individual treatment
(in a special room with individually selected music and lights) and they can
also be added to the multi-treatments spa packages"(E.L.Bogacheva, 2015).


Figure 3

Regarding SB in the aspect of music therapy we should highlight the fact

that using SB in a non-contact method will have a subjective impact. As
a rule, this kind of treatment or manipulation is called Sound Bath, a kind
of meditation music concert.

3. Psychosomatic aspect

TSB affect psychosomatic problems. Psychosomatics is a field in medicine

and psychology, exploring the influence of psychological factors on the ap-
pearance and progression of somatic (physical body) diseases. Till today we
don’t know how to control these processes, since there is not enough evi-
dence of the interaction/relationship between mental disorders and physical
tension/ blockage in different areas of the body. At the same time, it seems
reasonable to base our further research on the current achievements of the
body-oriented therapy.
In particular, we are interested in the theory of fascia-muscle tension de-
veloped by Reich (W.Reich, 1973). Reich found that chronic muscle tension
blocks three main impulses: anxiety, anger and sexual desire. He came to the
conclusion that the physical (muscle) and psychological body armour is the


same thing. Learning how to loose exaggerated and unwanted tension in the
body, that blocks feelings, is just one of the aspects of psychological growth
of the person. The Contact Method of TSB massage may be quite successful
in this particular aspect. In addition, it is possible to trace certain similarity
between seven main segments of muscle tension (according to Reich) and
seven body diaphragms in craniosacral therapy and osteopathy. According
to Reich: seven main segments consisting of muscles and organs have inter-
connected expressive functions. These segments form seven horizontal cir-
cles, which are positioned at right angle (90 degrees) to the spine and body.
Their centres are located in their area of eyes, mouth, neck, chest, di-
aphragm, abdomen and pelvis. Osteopaths, as a rule, distinguish seven body
Techniques and Methods of Interaction with Singing Bowls (extraction
of vibration, movement, ergonomics of a massage therapist)
Techniques and Methods of Interaction with Singing Bowls (extraction
of vibration, movement, ergonomics of a massage therapist)
2. Aperture tentorium cerebellum
3. Submandibular diaphragm
4. Subclavian diaphragm
5. Phrenic diaphragm
6. The pelvic diaphragm
7. Urogenital diaphragm.
According to the theory of Peter Levine, famous American scientist and
psychotherapist, who has been researching the field of trauma and post-
trauma stress disorders for more than 30 years, our lives are full of traumas,
injuries. Their sources include such stressful events as natural disasters and
catastrophes, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, fires, wars, acts of terrorism, vi-
olence, car accidents and other various losses and damages. Mental trauma
is formed due to the incompleteness of the instinctive reaction of the body
to the traumatic event, flight and escapism, fight or numbness (P. A. Levin, E.
Frederik, 2007).
In the book, the author conclusively proves that a trauma cannot be fully
healed without healing the body. For thousands of years healers and
shamans from the East have not only been in agreement with psychosomatic
medicine that the mind affects the body, but they also recognised the fact
that each system of body organs is equally represented physically in struc-
ture of consciousness.
Most types of trauma therapies use the conversation approach to influ-
ence the mental state of the patient, while drugs are used to cause certain
reactions in brain molecules. Both of these approaches bring certain benefits.
However, the injury is not being healed, will not and can never be healed as
long as we don’t take the body into account, recognising its crucial role
in the therapeutic process.
We need to understand in which way a trauma affects the body, and


to recognise the dominant role of the body in the process of healing trauma
consequences. Without this understanding all our attempts to deal with
trauma will be very limited and one-sided.
The third theory can be attributed to the Rosen Method. Rosen Method is
a way of accessing feelings and internal emotions through the body. The
body does not lie. According to this theory, the body suppresses feelings and
emotions (with which we cannot cope during their occurrence) by tensing its
muscles. In this way, we often forget what has happened. However, these
feelings and emotions remain with us, they are stored in the body, and we
make big efforts to keep them there in the unconsciousness. At the same
time one should be careful: as soon as people open up, they may need a psy-
chologist to help deal with emotional reactions and information (M.Rozen,
S.Brenner 2013).
TSB have a strong anti-stress and relaxing effect (read the dissertation
work by A. Kozyreva), which also relates to the aspect of psychology, and
hence TSB can be used in the consultations by practicing psychologists.
Based on the personal experience performing Tibetan vibroacoustic massage
with SB, author of this article confirms that TSB massage often results
in emotional experiences of the patient. That is why the author warns
against methodless and irrational use of TSB.
Also it is worth mentioning that it is possible to integrate TSB practices
with meditative practices. TSB help people to reach the state of relaxation.
«15 years of research succeeded in proving that long-term meditation prac-
tices not only significantly change the structure and functioning of the brain,
but also significantly affect the biological processes, which are of crucial im-
portance for physical health " (R. Devidson, A. Lutts, M. Rikar, 2015). Concept
of human brain biorhythms and concept of binaural beats’ influence should
be also included in this field.
Biorhythms of brain
Brain Biorhythms are certain characteristics of the human brain activity,
and they could be attributed to certain physiological states. It is likely that
TSB can affect the person, stimulating his brain activity in a particular bio-
rhythm. This assumption is based on the theory of binaural beats’ effect on
Binaural beats (from the Latin «bini’ — couple or two, and auris — ear) are
a valuable function of the brain activity, they are auditory illusion or imagi-
nary music sounds perceived by brain (brain «hears’ them), although the ac-
tual sounds of this frequency don’t exist. Dr. Gerald Oster described in his ar-
ticle (1973) the process of binaural beats occurrence in the brain, which were
earlier discovered by German researcher G. V. Dav in 1839.
The method of the human body rehabilitation with the use of binaural
beats generated by so-called Flat Bells, or riveting hammer, was researched
and patented by Oleg Tkach in Russia. This method is called «Prayerful awak-
ening’ and it received the patent of the Russian Federation №139177.


The essence of this method is that sound vibrations affect human. This
therapy is carried out on both sides of a person, left and right, affecting each
of his ears with 9 paired frequencies. Each pair of frequencies has a differ-
ence of 3 Hz (between the frequencies of this pair) in order to generate bin-
aural beats. There are nine frequencies, matched to be in harmonious con-
sent with each other, that are played on the left side of a person — 174, 285,
396, 417, 528, 639, 741, 852 and 963 Hz; while on the other side, the right
side of a person, other nine frequencies, that have 3 Hz difference from the
previous group, are played — 177, 288, 399, 420, 531, 642, 744, 855 and
966 Hz. This process allows to bring the human brain in a state coinciding
with his brain activity in one or the other rhythms of this range.

The frequencies of the human brain (according to G. Haffelderu, 1998):

— Delta-rhythm (0.1—3.5 Hz) — the brain: a deep dreamless sleep, state
of trance, hypnosis. Midbrain: personal, the instinct, «sixth sense’.
— Theta rhythm (3.5—7 Hz): calm state, sleep, inspiration and dreams, vi-
sualisation, fantasies.
— Alpha rhythm (7—14 Hz): relaxed concentration, quiet and serene
thinking. Alpha is a «bridge’ between the consciousness and the sub-con-
— Beta-rhythm (14—28 Hz): logical thinking, active attention, but also
aggression, stress and frustration.
A number of positive changes are achieved through the short-term work
of brain in delta rhythm and its transition to the high-ranged alpha rhythm,
as well as through synchronisation of both brain hemispheres, simultaneous
harmonisation and delicate balancing of the whole body’s energy. It is proba-
ble that the Tibetan vibroacoustic massage creates a similar effect, although
author of this article could not find any data from previous studies research-
ing the influence of SB and binaural beats (Fig.2).

Table. 2


4. Esoteric (mystical) aspect

Mystical properties of TSB are phenomenon attributed to TSB or to prac-

tices with them. Till the present day there are no scientific explanations for
it. For example, E. Jansen in his book «Singing Bowls: A Practical Handbook
of Instruction and Use» describes it in the following way: «Among the lamas
themselves these bowls are used only in secret rituals and only by those who
are acknowledged Masters of sound. They use singing bowls secretly and
only for their own use, not openly, and not even in front of other monks. It is
strictly forbidden to reveal any information on the rituals and singing bowls.
This is because knowledge about the sound carries great powers.
It enables people to travel without moving. It provides opportunities
to get in contact with planets and their spirits, with an underground kingdom
Aggarta and with Shamballa, land where Immortals live» (E.R.Jansen, 2001).
In addition, this aspect includes all kind of information on aura, chakras etc.

5. Resonance aspect

There is a hypothesis that every organ in the human body has certain fre-
quency properties, meaning that it is vibrating at a certain frequency. Healthy
organ is vibrating at a different frequency to the frequency of the organ
in a state of pathology. An assumption could be made that if TSB’s frequency
characteristics are within the range of vibrational frequency of a healthy
body, then TSB’s frequencies will have a positive effect on the pathological
organ, «lifting up’ its unhealthy vibrations to the level of «healthy’ vibrations
of TSB.
To reflect on this hypothesis, we can refer to the article by D.F. Mosunova
and M.D. Mosunova (2011): «The human body with its all diversity in struc-
ture, characteristics and functions, has common features inherent to different
levels of one integrated system of body functioning: atomic-molecular; mole-
cular; cellular; intercellular, tissue; body organs level; system level.

Interaction between all levels is conducted through electromagnetic radi-

ation, that has its own function-structural and frequency-response character-
istics, which in the vast majority correspond to the frequencies of water and
its compounds, and which are consequently depending on the structure
of the human body and its organs containing water (see Table 3).

I would like to cite a full quote from the article by M.A. Eremushkina


«Defining frequency characteristics of the massage performance»(2011),

in which the author scrutinises resonance characteristics in relationship
to the classical massage:

Table. 3

«As we know, self-excited oscillations are inherent to biosystem. In con-

trast to the forced oscillations, self-excited oscillations induce themselves
with the help of internal bonds and because of interactive processes
in biosystem. The amplitude and frequency of self-excited oscillations are
determined mainly by system properties. This relates to mechanical oscilla-
tions too. Biosystems have a paramount interest in vibrational processes’
synchronisation and their self-synchronisation (V. M. Bogolyubov, G. N. Pono-
marenko, 1996; A. Y. Kreymer, 1988; A. N. Remizov, 1999). Coincidence
of self-excited oscillations’ frequencies with optimal frequency of mechanical
irritation is called biomechanical resonance. Main resonance frequencies
of human body and its separate subsystems lie in a band below 20 Hz (K.
V. Frolov 1989; A. Y. Kreymer, 1988). This statement could also be attributed
to the massage impact on the body. Thus, according to I. B. Livshits (1972),
sport massage reduces the frequency of natural oscillations of the body on
average for 8%.»


The results of studies on TSB’s effects on

the human body

Study on TSB’s impact on the human body was

conducted using the method of variational
pulsometry (N. V. Ryndyk, V. O. Oguy, Nizhniy
Novgorod, 2013).

“Conclusions. Based on the data from the research carried out by ‘Stress-
test’ method, and based on my personal subjective experience, I can con-
clude that the vibrational therapy performed with Tibetan bowls contributes
to improvements in patient’s health and to a better health quality. The ther-
apy affects primarily central nervous system and cardiovascular system (that
could be observed in the ‘Stress Test’ analysis), and it also affects indirectly
other systems of the body, in particular, musculoskeletal apparatus (from per-
sonal experience). It is not necessary to consider this experience to be ab-
solutely true, but please consider it as an interesting observation about the
resources helping human body to recover through an unconventional and
truly fascinating ancient technique, to which therapy with Tibetan bowls can
be related to.”

Victor O. Oguy, Anna A. Tarasenko Analysis

of vibroacoustic massage use world
experience // Modern European Researches. –
Salzburg, 2018. – №3. – P. 61–71.

Abstract: The review of existing methods of personal condition complex

correction with the help of singing bowls during the entire period of their
study and within last 10 years and further analysis showed that this method
proved its effectiveness in international psychological and medical practice
in many diseases and disorders. However, the number of sufficiently reliable
studies and patents, especially in our country, is very little.

Victor O. Oguy, Elena N. Svirshch, Anna A.

Tarasenko Study of vibroacoustic tibetan
massage effectiveness to reduce anxiety level //
Modern European Researches. – Salzburg,
2018. – №2. – P. 63–74.

Abstract: The use of vibroacoustic Tibetan massage to reduce anxiety

symptoms (according to the Spielberger test and Tsung’s self-evaluation
scale) in 33 investigated patients was positively effective immediately after


one session (p <0.05).

Author’s proprietary methodology

of bioenergy correction, called «Tibetan SB
massage in Tsering Ngodrub tradition’, was
issued a protocol by NTK Integrative Systems
Ltd, a protocol of scientifically- experimental
testing №79—14 dated to 25th Dec 2014.

Outcomes of the experiment

1. Objectively recorded an impact effect of the applied technique on the
recipient of the massage. Taking into account the massage recipient’s initial
functional condition, observed changes in his state were logical.
2. Detected a noticeable optimisation process of the functional state
of the observed massage specialist himself, this, in principal, corresponds
to the canons of these recovery practices.
3. Revealed a clear synergy between experiment’s participants. The syn-
ergy was manifested in a synchronised change of all explorative indicators
used in the experiment. The degree of «partnership’ at various stages of the
therapeutic session is characterised by different tightness of proximity be-
tween both experiment’s participants.

A chapter «Neurological effects

of vibroacoustic massage’ from the book
«Singing Bowls for Health and Inner Harmony’
by Peter Hess (2010).

«Summary. To receive a sound massage is a significant event in the life

of any person.
Sounds and vibrations of singing bowls affect people deeply on several
levels: physical, emotional and mental. Stress level is reduced. High probabil-
ity of deep relaxation.
This study, which must be continued, managed to show that there are ob-
jective neurological effects of sound massage. These effects can be moni-
tored in a steady change of the brainwaves pattern amongst the experiment
participants, as well as in a measurable rate of the participant’s perception
These first measured indicators also demonstrate a strong influence
of the person performing massage on the person receiving it. Sound Massage
makes a recipient «very open’ to any kind of contact and intervention from
the therapist’s side».

Antonina Kozyreva, Novosibirsk. Graduate



Thesis of the graduation work by Antonina Kozyrva (….) «Use of Tibetan

singing bowls in the psychological consultation. The technique of using non-
harmonic sound overtones»(2011):
«While using any psychological and psychotherapeutical techniques it is
important that both psychologist’ and his client’ states of mind are correlated
in order to achieve the objectives of their joint work.
I consider the goal of this study, taking into account the condition men-
tioned above, to be completed. The outcome of all sessions taken resulted
in general normalisation of psychophysical condition amongst all clients.
In several cases physical pain was stopped.
Objectives of my research were achieved. For many years now several
large research institutions have been researching the characteristics of sound
impact in laboratory conditions with application of specialised acoustic and
diagnostic equipment.
This study paper, both in its theoretical and practical aspects, also con-
firms the applicability of the overtones sound in the practice of psychological
The method presented in this graduation work (or rather this method’s re-
vival from the cultural heritage of humanity and creative additions to it) has
a bright future.
Careful selection of acoustical environment for the person, based on re-
search papers similar to this study, enables to balance out technology-re-
lated effect on the human body by harmonising the environment of the per-
son’s habitat, communication and fulfilment».

Antonina Kozyreva, Novosibirsk. Graduate


«The aim of this work was to study the possibility of psycho-emotional

sphere correction by applying sound therapy.
In our research, within the chosen objectives, we looked at the concept
of art therapy and its impact on psycho-emotional sphere. We described the
concept of psycho-emotional sphere and its components, and pointed to the
problem of its disbalance.
An empirical study was conducted. In accordance with our hypothesis, our
objective was to confirm that the sound therapy with Tibetan singing bowls
is an effective method to correct psycho-emotional sphere. In the course
of the research the following observation-conclusions were obtained after
the completion of TSB massage:
1. Significant differences between test group and control group; test
group experienced significant positive changes that lasted further in its dy-
2. Proven reduction of aggressiveness’ indicators according to Bassa-
Darkey scale, no dynamic characteristics were revealed.


3. Confirmed decrease of personal anxiety according to State-Trait Anxi-

ety Inventory (STAI) by C. Spielberg; anxiety’s indicators remained in dy-
4. Improved indicators of health, activity and mood in the test group that
experienced TSB massage, according to the questionnaire SAN. High level
of a good mood retention in dynamics.
Thus, our hypothesis was proven. Vibroacoustic massage with Tibetan
singing bowls can be used as an effective method of correction of psycho-
emotional sphere.»

The author’s method of bioenergy correction

«Singing Bowls Tibetan Massage in the
Tradition of Tsering Ngodrub»., Protocol
of experimental testing No. 79–14 dated
12/25/14., NTK Integrative Systems.

1. The effect of the new approbated method of rehabilitation on the re-

cipient is objectively recorded. Taking into account their initial functional
state, the registered changes are quite logical.
2. In the course of the session under consideration, a clear optimization
of the functional state of the specialist himself being tested is observed,
which, in principle, corresponds to the canons of the used recreational prac-
3. A clear synergy of the experiment participants was revealed, which is
manifested in the simultaneous change of all diagnostic indicators used
in the experiment. At the same time, the degree of «partnership» at various
stages of a healing session is characterized by different «closeness».

Institute of Human Brain of the Russian

Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg named
after N. P. Bekhtereva, 27 \ 02 \ 2016.

The first two experiments were conducted in order to search and develop
the research design of the «Contact Ringing» technique of Tibetan vibro-
acoustic massage using singing bowls.
At the time of writing this manual, the details are in process. Interesting
points: one of the models in other studies showed a weak activity of the al-
pha rhythms of the brain. As a result of our experiment, there was a clear ac-
tivity of her brain in the alpha range. More than that, after the end of the ex-
periment and receiving feedback from the model, she was asked to close her
eyes and recall (reproduce in her memory) her state in the massage process
with Tibetan singing bowls (pay attention: Contact method!!!). She com-
pleted the task, and she also had the same activity in the alpha range.



PRACTICE / Oguy V.O., Svirsch E.N.,
Tarasenko A.A. // Collection of articles on the
results of the International Scientific and
Practical Conference «PROBLEMS
June 22, 2018)./ in 2. part 2 — Sterlitamak:
AMI, 2018. — P.56—59

The application of this massage method is effective for quick non-med-

ical correction and prevention of anxiety and insomnia symptoms (p <0.05).
The effectiveness of the method allows to recommend it in medical,
health and psychological centers, as well as for teaching a wide range
of massage therapists.
Techniques and Methods of Interaction with Singing Bowls (extraction
of vibration, movement, ergonomics of a massage therapist)

Tibetan massage with SB

Tibetan massage with SB is a massage method creating vibroacoustic ef-

fect on the human body’s tissues, organs and organism as a whole (including
its psycho-emotional state), which is performed using TSB either in a contact
or contactless way. The method of Tibetan vibroacoustic massage when SB is
placed on the patient’s body while vibrations are being produced is called
Contact Method. The vibration method (generating acoustical waves) applied
to the patient’s body without direct contact with it, placing SB in a close
proximity to the body, is called Sound Bath.
The full version (Full Version) of the Tibetan massage with SB is a mas-
sage therapy applied in a strict order: first Contact Method and then Sound
The therapy is performed on the floor, on the comfortable mat, in a warm
and well-ventilated room, and if possible in the twilight or in a soft light. For
the method Sound Bath and meditative practices, it is recommended that the
room has a good sound isolation from the outside noise. In the case of Con-
tact Method, it is not necessary that the room has the perfect sound insula-
The patient receiving the therapy should wear cotton textile loose cloth-
ing or be semi-naked and then covered with the cotton bedsheet. It is recom-
mended to abstain (the day before and the day after the treatment) from
products of animal origin, smoking and alcohol. It is also very advisable
to spend the rest of the day after Tibetan massage in a relaxed non-stress at-
In the course of therapy and while preparing for it, it is recommended
to apply technique of «Fumigation’ (Lung / Rlung Dug), more information on
it could be found in the section «External procedures» of traditional Tibetan
medicine. Also it is compulsory to have a burning candle during the session.
In addition, it is beneficial to put 5 objects symbolising or representing 5 ele-
ments of nature in a close proximity to the patient (N. Chenagtsang, 2007).
At the beginning of the therapy session both the recipient of the massage
and masseur, Master of Sound, sit on the floor facing the cardinal direction
suitable to the therapy’s purpose. If the goal is harmonisation, then face East
direction. It is advisable for the massage recipient to imagine himself
in a transparent colour rainbow sphere. Therapist tunes himself to therapeu-
tic intention and then produces first sounds from TSB in accordance with the
massage methodology. Then the massage therapist moves sounding bowl
around the patient’s body, periodically producing sound again and again.
Then he puts TSB, turned upside down, on the patient’s head and pro-
duces sound from it according to the massage technique.


Upon the completion of this stage the patient is requested to lie

in a comfortable position on his stomach. Masseur puts a cushion under the
patient’s ankle-joint and covers patient’s body with a light sheet of natural
fabric. Optionally patient’s head can be cover with a towel.
Next, the therapist produces vibrational sound by striking the bowl with
a padded mallet and places the bowl on the patient’s body according to the
scheme, which is necessary to follow. This manipulation is performed on the
back surface of the patient’s body. After that the masseur takes the bowl from
the patient’s body and offers the patient to turn around and lie down on his
Once the patient is lying on his back, the therapist covers patient’s eyes
with a light fabric and performs light traction movements (stretching) to the
lower and upper limbs. Then he produces sound vibration by striking the TSB
with a mallet and puts it on the patient’s body, and then continues to strike
the bowl producing sound vibrations and move the bowl on the patient’s
body according to the scheme.
After finishing the massage of Contact Method the therapist takes the
bowl off the patient’s body. If the patient is receiving Full Version massage,
which consist of both methods, Contact Method and Sound Bath, then after
finishing the front surface of the body the therapist puts the bowls around
the body of the patient lying on his back on the floor, in accordance to the
method guidelines, and produces the sound according to the scheme, which
is a compulsory to follow in each particular case.
Before each therapy session it is recommended to fill in the question-
naire, describing the main health indicators, which the massaged patient has
for the current day. You can use the form of questionnaire, similar to that of-
fered to spa visitors (A. I. Syrchenko), or use other options, suitable for attain-
ing your goals (Table 4).


Table. 4


Indications and contraindications

to performing Tibetan massage with SB

Since at the present day there are only few scientific researches on the
use of TSB, I recommend you to stick to the list of contraindications, which
are applied in the case of ANY physical treatment that has a mechanical im-
pact on human tissues and organs, as well as in the case of sound therapies.


1. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

2. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
3. Neuritis and neuralgia
4. Harmonisation of psychoemotional state
5. Psychoprophylaxis
6. Strengthening the immune system. Disease prevention
7. Depressive states (treat with caution).
Good results were observed when using TSB in cases of gynaecological
problems, disturbance of reproductive function, both for men and women,
and male erectile dysfunction.


All contraindications to physiotherapeutic procedures!!!

Author of this paper recommends the following restrictions for perform-
ing this therapy.
To refuse to perform the therapy in case of:
1. Heart problems (serious diseases of cardiovascular system, use of car-
diac pacemaker, abnormal heart rhythms or arrythmias, high blood pressure
or idiopathic hypertensia of stage II—III) and the risk of stroke.
2. Serious head injuries.
3. The patient is under the influence of alcohol or drugs (or used any
anti-anxiety medications).
4. Fever
5. Epilepsy.
6. Any mental disorders.


Methodology of Contact Method

Tibetan massage with SB is a massage technique performed with the use

of TSB in a contact or contactless way. In a Contact Method TSB come in con-
tact with patient’s body. Vibration is produced by striking the bowl with
a padded mallet or stroking or rubbing its rim with a wooden stick coated
with velvet. In fact, it is instrumental kind of massage. For example, when
patient is lying on a stomach, the bowl (or bowls) is placed on person’s back,
and the therapist produces the sound by striking the bowl with a stick (strik-
ing technique). The sound in this case is of secondary importance for the
therapeutic practice. Primary importance is that the walls and bottom of the
bowl vibrate and thereby create physical (mechanical) impact on the tis-
sues and organs of the patient’s body. In other words, we observe creation
of mechanical vibrations of the walls and the bottom of the bowl. These vi-
brations resemble with continues vibration technique in classical massage,
and depending on the place, time, frequency and duration of application they
cause sedative and stimulating effect on the central and peripheral nervous
system, affecting the tonus of lymphatic and circulatory system’s vessels and
capillaries, as well as affecting the muscular and musculoskeletal systems.
In addition, TSB sounds may be used when diagnosing the status of the
whole body or its tissues, organs and organs systems.

In a non-contact method of Tibetan massage with SB, called Sound Bath,

TSB are placed in a certain way around the patient’ body lying on the floor
and the therapist produces the sound using different objects (mostly striking
the bowl with a padded mallet or rubbing its rims with a wooden stick. The
patient is inside the field of sound and vibration, created by TSB’s walls.

Material-technical support

The room should be of 9 square meters of free space on the floor. A mas-
sage table could be used too. Good ventilation and desirably good sound in-
sulation. Warm room temperature, no drafts. Absence of windows is allowed.
The floor should be covered with some kind of material, similar
to a thick carpet or polyurethane plastic foam (tourists’ sleeping mat) of 1—
3 cm thickness. Lay a cotton sheet on top of it. The space for massage perfor-
mance should be 2×2 m.


TSB and sticks


You need at least 1 TSB of a good size so that, when TSB is placed on the
head (as if wearing a hat), the rims of the walls will be at lower eyelid’s level,
and the distance between the skull and the perimeter of the walls will equal,
approximately, to the width of a pointing finger. Two or three sticks: padded
mallet for producing vibration by striking the bowl and a small wooden stick
coated with velvet. A Himalayan incense holder and candle stand. An eye pad
or some fabric to cover the eyes. A plaid or blanket made of natural fabrics
(wool). Cushion to be put under ankle joints. When applying Contact Method
in an environment with contrasting temperatures (for example, in sauna) you
have to buy TSB produced in accordance with all technical features of Hi-
malayan style and traditions. This is due to the fact that in modern process
of TSB manufacturing there are few traditional stages omitted, some techni-
cal stages of forging and manufacturing TSB. It is done for reducing the cost
and time of production. It influences vibroacoustical and mechanical proper-
ties of TSB, especially in the environment of contrasting temperatures and
high mountains conditions.

Method of producing vibration from TSB

In Contact Method we apply striking technique to produce vibrations

from SB. The bowl could be either in standing or upside-down position.
In the upside-down position the bowl resembles a bell, while masseur’s hand
inside the bowl resembles a bat. In a standing position the bowl is held on
the palm, on the fingertips, and its rims are facing the ceiling (fig. 5, 6).


Figure 5

Figure 6


Ergonomics of therapy

Masters’ body position during the therapy.

When performing massage, a masseur must take care of his spine and
knees, as these segments of the musculoskeletal apparatus bear most
of weight. When performing Contact method massage a therapist should take
a comfortable sitting position on the right side of the patient, but at the
same time avoiding to create any discomfort to the patient lying on the floor,
for example, do not pull up your feet at the patient’s face. When performing
Sound Bath technique, a masseur takes preferably a standing position and
moves around the patient.


Figure 7


Patient’s position

The initial position of the patient: lying on the stomach. All necessary
conditions should be created for a convenient average physiological position
of the body and its limbs. When the patient is lying on the back it is recom-
mended to put an eyes covering fabric, bandage, on his eyes, even if the
room is half- lit.
— First sounds and vibrations produced by any bowl or set of bowls
should be started in a soft and gentle manner.
— Each cycle or pattern of sounds should start and finish in a soft gentle
— Women are advised to take their bras off, men need to take off the
belts and any tight clothing.
It is also desirable to take off any jewellery, including piercing etc.
— The massage must be performed neither on an empty stomach nor on
a full.
— When moving around the patient, master should do it as quietly as
— It is unacceptable to step over the patient!
— Moving TSB above the patient’s body is permissible only if it meets the
rules of the given scheme. It is necessary to ensure that the bowl in the Mas-
ter’s hand is held firmly and in a safe manner in regards to the patient.
— Producing the vibration by striking the bowl with a stick in direction
of the patient’s body is allowed only in the case of firm control from the Mas-
ter’s side.
— Do not place TSB in the close proximity to each other, as there is
a high risk they could rub on each other when moving them around or strik-
ing them.
— First part of the contact method should be started in a gentle and soft
— Each consecutive static segment of the therapy should be started and
ended gently and softly.
— Avoid pressing on the bowl and remember about the bowl’s weight
in the areas of bone protrusions, genitals and sensitive areas (Fig. 8).


Figure 8

Massage duration

The recommended duration of Tibetan massage with SB according

to Contact Method is: 3.0—4.5 MTU (massage therapy unit; one unit is ap-
proximately 10 min) if the massage is performed as a separate therapy or 2.0
—3.0 MTU in case of combining classical massage with the Tibetan massage
with SB, Sound Bath method. At the same time Sound Bath therapy, if per-
formed individually, could easily reach 6.0—9.0 MTU, and in the case of com-
bined method it is reduced to 4.5—6.0 MTU.
Thus, in the case of Full Version of Tibetan massage with TSB, combined
use of Contact Method and
Sound Bath, the total time for therapy execution reaches 7.0—9.0 MTU.
Split the time spent on each of the methods as 50—50%; if needed change
the time proportion spent on each technique at the beginning of the therapy,
depending on the purpose of treatment or prevention.


Frequency of massage sessions

Tibetan massage sessions with SB, as prophylactic treatments, are recom-

mended to be applied 5—8 sessions with the frequency of 2—3 times per
week, at intervals of 4—6 times a year. If there is a goal to reach a therapeu-
tic effect — then diagnosis, a repetition of massage, integrative techniques
of other types of massage and compatibility to other methods of physiother-
apeutic manipulations to the body, are considered individually in each case.
For example, in case of lumbosacral osteoarthritis exacerbation or sciatica, it
will be recommended to perform classic medical back massage, with an em-
phasis on the lumbosacral area and front surface of the abdominal wall with
a duration of 1.5—2 MTU, and then perform Contact Method on a skull and
in the areas of spine and 4 diaphragms (according to Applendzher, Cran-
iosacral therapy- 1) with the duration of 1.5—2 MTU. The total time of a mas-
sage session combining classical massage with Tibetan massage with SB,
performed on a patient suffering from exacerbation of lumbosacral osteo-
chondrosis (degenerative disk disease), is 3.4 MTU (30—40 min).
And in the first 1—3 sessions it is justifiable to extend duration of TSB
massage, and reduce the duration of manual massage. For example, during
the first 1—2 treatments perform classic massage for 10—15 minutes, with
an emphasis on stroking and rolling the skin on the thumb strictly in the di-
rection of lymph flow, using drainage technique (firstly massaging the upper
segment, then the lower, and then the upper segment again), reaching
thereby clear lymph drainage effect — this technique provides a good out-
flow of tissue and interstitial fluid, as well as an outflow of lymph and ve-
nous blood from the place of inflammation. Perform TSB massage for 20—
25 minutes, finishing the session using contactless method Sound Bath, pro-
ducing sound vibrations above and around the whole body of the patient.

General scheme of the Contact method

using one TSB

Starting position — lying on a stomach, body and limbs are in a comfort-

able physiological position.
Back surface (Figure 9, 10.):


Figure 9

Figure 10


1. Strike the bowl and move it above the patient’s body, creating horizon-
tal shape of number 8, infinity sign, which is called Vajra. Do it 3—5 times.
2. Spine. Contact Method, striking technique. Place the bowl where VII
cervical vertebra, neck bone, is, and move gradually down to the area be-
tween III and IV vertebral, following the interval pattern (between every new
shift of the ball) that equals to the bowl’s bottom diameter. Hereafter it will
be just called «Interval» or «Interval pattern». Do 2 sets of sound manipula-
tion in a static manner. Before moving further, wait till last sound fades out
fully. The first sound manipulations at the VII cervical vertebra are performed
based on the principle of gradual increase of vibration /sound intensity. Then
follow principle of uniformity. If you feel that there a significant change
of sound quality in the area of concentration, then you can either increase or
decrease sound intensity/ interval duration. If during the massage, the pa-
tient experiences tonic contractions of skeletal or smooth muscles, then re-
peat or decrease the frequency of sound or interval/sessions.
3. Sacrum/ tail base. Apply Contact Method, striking technique.
4. Coccyx/ tail bone. Apply Contact Method, striking technique.
5. Sacrum. Apply Contact Method, striking technique.
6. Produce vibrations by rubbing bowl’s rims with a big mallet, rubbing ¼
of bowls rims diameter, 3—7 sessions.
7. Place the bowl on the hips and strike the bowl to produce the vibra-
tion, follow triangle scheme, returning to the centre of the triangle.
8. Side surface and back surface. Apply Contact Method, striking tech-
nique, to the side surface and back surface of the lower limbs, concentrating
on joints and lymph nodes. Start with the limb closer to the masseur.
9. Right foot. Apply the same technique. It is permissible to apply rubbing
technique with the use of a big stick.
10. Move the bowl applying Contact Method, striking technique, from the
right foot up to the hip joint.
11. Tale base. Apply the same technique.
12. Other leg. Apply Contact Method, striking technique, to the other leg,
further from the therapist, repeating the scheme applied to the first leg (look
clauses 8—11).
13. Tale base. Apply Contact Method, striking technique.
14. Move the bowl technique along the vertebral spine, starting from the
tail base up to the VII cervical vertebra. Apply Contact Method, striking tech-
nique, 2—3 Intervals.
15. Vajra, infinity movements. Strike the bowl and move above the pa-
tient’s body as if drawing number 8, infinity sign, Vajra, strictly according
to the given principle.
16. Gently touch patient’s shoulder with you hand and offer him to turn
over and lie back facing up.
The front surface (Fig. 11)


Figure 11

1. Do the gentle simultaneous traction of lower limbs to decompress lum-

bar region. Do the same to upper limbs.
2. Vajra. Strike the bowl and move above the patient’s body, starting ei-
ther from the breastbone (sternum, chest area) or lower pelvis. Infinity princi-
ple. Alignment relatively the body axis.
3. Upper chest/sternum, middle area. Apply Contact Method striking tech-
nique and then move further down following the interval pattern.
4. Lower pelvis area. Apply Contact Method, striking technique.
5. Pubis area. Apply Contact Method, striking technique.
6. Abdomen. Apply triangle scheme or six-pointed star pattern. If the size
of the body segment permits to do so, concentrating on its general anatomi-
cal gravity centre.
7. For women, focus on the uterus and ovaries area. For men — on the
prostate area.
8. The area of the inguinal lymph nodes.
9. Clockwise, follow the direction of colon’s vermicular motion.
10. If necessary, apply striking technique of the Contact Method to the
front surface of lower limbs, following the oval or triangle scheme.
11. From the pubis area to the upper breast bone/chest area. Apply Con-
tact Method, striking technique.
12. Upper limbs, from chest to the palm and backwards. First the arm and
hand closer to the therapist. Then through the sternum centre move to the


other arm and apply the same technique.

13. Return to the sternum centre.
14. Vajra, infinity movements. Strike the bowl and move above the pa-
tient’s body as if drawing number 8, infinity sign. Horizontal axis alignment.

General scheme of non-contact method. Set

of 9—13 bowls

Bowls placement. Different placement of lower-frequency bowls and

high-frequency bowls. European and Nepali options (Figs. 12, 13).

Figure 12


Figure 13

1. Put the bowl on the sternum’s centre, produce sound by starting the
2. For every 2—3 sound sets produced by a stick (before sound’s attenua-
tion), add one bowl from the central triangle. First bowl to be placed in the
area between the legs.
3. 2—3 Strike sessions using the bowls from the central triangle, includ-
ing the bowl standing on the body.
4. Add bowls in the area of the knee joints and feet, in a close proximity.
Do this while carrying out 1—2 Strike sessions with the bowls from the cen-
tral triangle.
5. Add bowls in the area of the shoulder joints and ears. Add a high- fre-
quency bowl.
6. Take the working/singing bowl from the body and place it into the area
according to the scheme or simply take it away.
7. Perform triangles techniques, stars techniques. Circles and twists tech-
niques in different directions. Use both big and small sticks. 12—24 sessions.
8. Triangles pattern. Apply striking non-contact method. Move relatively
the central triangle, with an emphasis on the lower triangle.
9. Central triangle, 3—4 sessions, follow basic combination with the use
of lower triangle bowls.
10. After that, when sound starts fading out, move the lower triangle
bowls aside, and start working with the set of bowls from the upper triangle.


11. Repeating the previous scheme, move the bowls of the upper triangle
12. Place the working/singing bowl to the head area, adding it to the
main scheme of bowls’ placement.

Figure 14

13. As the sound from the bowls of central triangle fades away, strike the
working/singing bowl with a mallet and move bowls of the central triangle
14. Vajra. Strike the working bowl and move it above the patient’s body
according to Vajra principle (infinity sign, drawing number 8) and according
to horizontal axis alignment. Central point is in lower pelvis area.
15. Move the working bowl aside. Gently touch the patient’s shoulder
with your hand.
V. Ogui
Massage Instructor, Practising
Nizhniy Novgorod



In this article I tried to acquaint the readers with my own understanding

and experience using TSB for enhancing human health, and I was trying
to avoid using controversial terms and non- scientific definitions.
At present, this technique can be applied individually in complementary
medicine, as well as in the spa industry in the field of spa massage (V. Oguy,
2015). SB has tactile impact on the client’s body, and musical — on his ears.
Well-known SPA expert, A. I. Syrchenko, in his description of the basic spa
concept called «Influencing 5 human body senses’, mentions TSB in the fol-
lowing way:" Special chapter [spa massage] — music therapy. The music in-
fluence on the client’s psycho-emotional state has been proven. There are
studies on the basis of which the following statement can be made: certain
frequencies of sound vibrations positively influence the state of the physical
body as a whole and contribute to the prevention of some diseases. This phe-
nomenon is observed in particular during the massage with Tibetan singing
bowls» (2016).
At the same time, I would like readers to be careful, because vibration,
including the vibration produced by TSB, must have certain limits of applica-
tion and duration. You must not strike bowls just for fun.
You should receive a compulsory training. No wonder the vibration factor
as such may assign damaging qualities to the production.
If we consider TSB massage in the aspect of mechanical (vibrational) ef-
fect on the human body and if we draw an analogy with the classical mas-
sage, then we can see the prospects of further studies on TSB’s impact:
«By taking into account the mechanical characteristics of the human body
and after measuring the frequency of applied massage techniques, in particu-
lar vibrational techniques, it is possible, to a certain extent, to achieve
strictly differentiated synchronising effect on the individual parts and body
as a whole» (M. A. Eremushkin, 2011).
At the present, there are more questions, than answers regarding TSB
massage practices. And this is great! Because while we are looking for an-
swers to questions we grow spiritually and have desire to discover ourselves
and the world around us!

My teachers


Masters of Passing the Tsering Ngodrub

Sudip Lamsal

Sudip Lamsal and Viktor Ogui

Proprietor of Tibetan Singing bowlcentre. Sudip was attracted to singing

bowls therapeutically Charged ability at the early age of 11.
When he keenly used to watch such metal Bowls been beaten into shape
by his uncle in the process of making it. He also very patiently and atten-
tively used to observe his uncle Painstakingly trying to cure scores of pa-


tients with the help of varied resonances produced. Uncle did it through pat-
ting at the bowl while keeping it attached to the affected part of the body
of the patients. So, as an inquisitive child, Sudip learnt this art of healing
right from the beginning and has gained tremendous experience over this
period of time.
He is now travelling to many prominent countries of the world and is giv-
ing lectures, demonstration in regard to multiple benefits accrued from
bowl’s therapy. Apart from rendering therapy, Sudip also devotes time
in making and preparing the bowl at his leisure time in Workshop. He gives
final shape to his products. With years of rigorous involvement and experi-
ence, an Unique bowl has been invented recently and it is just called «Moon
Bowl». There is greater proportion of silver added in it and is made specifi-
cally on the full moon nights to retain its gravity. The sound of this bowl is
so amazingly wonderful that it will help awaken the soul of every practi-
tioner sublime to Buddha hood.

Pema Rinpoche Rangdrol

Viktor Ogui and Pema Rinpoche Rangdrol


Pema Rinpoche Rangdrol was born in 1954 in the city of Lhasa in Tibet.
His father — father — Turton Dzhigdrel Dorje Rinpoche was a famous discov-
erer of the secret term Hung Ngak Turton Dzhigdrel Dorje Rinpoche and
mother Rigzin Wangmo from Derge, Tibet left when his son was 3 years old.
Hung Ngak Rinpoche received a revelation that Tibet will inevitably capti-
vated by the Chinese army, and all the family left Tibet. Family Rinpoche
took refuge in Sikkim. In India, Rinpoche called Ling Tsang Tanaka Rinpoche.
Until 23 years Lama Pema Rangdrol studied Buddhism in Dodrub
monastery. From his father he received the first tantric initiations and vows,
and together they made a pilgrimage to the holy places in India. Since Pema
Rangdrol spends all his free time in seclusion and ritual ceremonies.
In 45 years, Pema Rangdrol moved to Nepal to receive the teachings from
Rinpoche Dak Yab Turton. He remained an apprentice 12 years, received
Dharma teachings and practiced, also at the request of residents of Elmo, he
implored the weather and to heal sicknesses. His teachers were His Holiness
Dodrupchen Rinpoche and Pema Norbu Rinpoche. Pema Rinpoche Rangdrol
follows the teachings of the Buddha in the tradition of Chen Long and
Ningtik Chotsok Tsogle Rinchen Trengva.
For four months each year he spends in strict retreat in the Himalayas,
and the rest of the time is dedicated to the benefit of all sentient beings, per-
forming rituals, conducting divination, healing rituals of bathing, mantras
and Chod practice.

Dr. Nida Chenagtsang

Viktor Ogui and Dr. Nida Chenagtsang


Dr. Nida Chenagtsang born in Amdo, Tibet. Interested in the traditional

medicine of his people, Dr Nida began his early medical activities at the local
Traditional Tibetan Medicine Hospital. Later, he received a grant in the Ti-
betan Medical University in Lhasa, which was successfully completed
in 1996.
Dr Nida has acquired practical skills in the hospital for Traditional Ti-
betan Medicine in Lhasa (Lhasa Metsi Khang) and Locke. Dr. Nida has pub-
lished many books and articles on traditional Tibetan medicine. He has ex-
tensively studied the ancient Tibetan medicine, specializing in the revival
of external therapies, which brought him fame in the field of Tibetan Medi-
cine in the East and the West.
Dr Nida is Director of the International Academy for Traditional Tibetan
Medicine (IATTM) and co-founder of the International Institute Nak Mang
(NMI), established to preserve and maintain the culture and traditions of Re-
bkong Ngakpa in modern Tibetan society. Doctrine Nida Chenagtsanga
widely known in Asia, Europe, Russia, the USA and Australia, where he
teaches students of Tibetan medicine, massage Ku Nye, Mantra Healing, diet
and lifestyle, the Yoga of Dreams, Sa Che (geomancy), as well as disclose the
questions of birth and death in terms of Tibetan medicine.


Santa Ratna Shakya

Santa Ratna Shakya, Viktor Ogui and Alberto Parmigiani

Santa is an important legacy bearer of the Kassa minority from the tradi-
tional metal artisans of Nag Bahai in the ancient Newari city of Patan in the
Kathmandu valley. Kassa was a title bestowed to the traditional Newar metal
artisans for their highly specialized and well-preserved art of working with
Kassa, which literally means a seven-metal alloy. His grandfather was a tradi-
tional spiritual healer who kept an immense knowledge about healing
plants, minerals, metals and methods to use them. He was a master of the
traditional Khin drum and crafted his own instruments and taught the young-
sters. Santa’s father was also a traditional musician and a teacher of tradi-


tional music instruments. It was It was among such family heritage of work-
ing with the metals as a Kassa, playing music and making music instruments
that Santas knowledge of the metals, making alloy, and the art of sound
healing with the Singing Bowl took shape from an early age. The traditional
Singing Bowl therapy he practices and continues to teach around the world,
is linked to the principles of achieving physical and spiritual peace through
the meditative and healing properties of the sound. At his foundry, therefore,
maintaining the sound quality of each handpicked singing bowl has always
been the core objective. Attaining a clear light requires pure mind, attaining
a clear sound requires pure metals. The humble warmth one feels at the
presence of Santa, and the deep resonance one experiences from his latest
invention of the Full Moon Singing Bowl stands witness to this.


Shree Krishna Shahi

Shree Krishna Shahi and Viktor Ogui

Shree has very interesting storiesofhis childhood to tell. Among them the
one that has deeply nourished him over the years is about his Tibetan grand-
father, Tashi Lama. Shree vividly describes how his grandfather came from
a traditional Shaman family and used drums and singing bowls for healing
purposes as a part of his heritage since ancient times. Shree fondly speaks
of how he learned all the traditional secrets of sound healing from his grand-
father. Over the years Shree has been combining such ancient Shamanic
practices with modern elements such as the use of musical notes and their
relation with the chakras in his singing bowl therapy and teachings. During


the last 30 years Shree has travelled worldwide with Santa as a team, and
has also given individual teachings and singing bowl concerts. Today, even
when he has travelled all around the globe and is one of the most recog-
nized singing bowl practitioners, he still shares his valuable knowledge with
the same enthusiasm and humbleness as the first day.

Peter Effenberger

Viktor Ogui and Peter Effenberger

Peter Effenberger is a german living since 1996 in Nepal. Being an An-


throposophist, Buddhist, Reiki teacher and singing bowl wholesaler has led
him to become the Founder of the SoundPlanetarium as well as Founder
of the first biodynamic farm of Nepal, the «Land of the Medicine Buddha».
«And still growing», as he says with a big smile.
Peter (Chökyie Rinchen) is shipping singing bowls around the world since
1998. Since 2004 he is experimenting with a fusion of ancient healing tech-
niques with modern approaches.
He has developed the astromedical concepts on sound therapy with
singing bowls and is the main teacher of the SP Academy. He brings a wealth
of 20 years teaching experience with him.
He says — «now in my sixties I understand- selflessness is the solution
for all».


Frank Perry

Frank Perry and Viktor Ogui

I was born in Hampstead, London in the summer of 1948. I got into music
in 1964 when leaving secondary school. I saw someone playing a rhythm on
a desktop («Wipeout’) and found I could do it right away. I asked what next
and was sent to his teacher who showed me two standard rock rhythms. After
10 minutes I could do them. I asked him what next and was sent to the top
drummer in the school. He showed me jazz independence and I could do that
after just over one hour. I went back the next day and said I’d done that. He
asked me to show him, uttered some expletives and said it had taken him
5 years to do it! So it seemed I had some sort of gift. I joined a rhythm and


blues band and then in the summer of 1966 I joined a Chicago blues band
with the late great Paul Kossoff (of FREE fame) on lead guitar. In February
of 1968 I left to get into Avant Garde free jazz. I found my own voice and di-
rection in this field of totally improvised music and was asked to write nu-
merous articles by specialist magazines. In 1971 I received a set of 3 singing
bowls and gradually added to this until now I’ve a collection of around 350.
I have been studying esoteric aspects of sound and music-making since 1968.
I have been consciously upon the spiritual path since 1964 and have read
widely and been meditating since 1971 and involved with spiritual healing
since 1964. Hence I came to write my first book titled HIMALAYAN SOUND

About the author

Master of the Sound and Tibetan singing bowls, a personal student

of Lama Pema Rangdrol, a doctor of Tibetan medicine Nida Changtsang, or-
ganiser and researcher of practical expeditions to Tibet (Kailash-Mansarovar-
Guge), Ladakh (Small Tibet), the Himalayas (Nepal: Annapurna, Cave of Mi-
larepa), Japan, the place of the power of Khakassia (natural complex «Sun-
ducki», «Trail of the Anciens», Lake Bele and Tus, Caves: Kushkulakskaya,
Pandora), Master of the Massage, Healer, Master of Traditional Reiki, Master
and Teacher at the International Festival «The Call of the 13 shamans»
in Tuva, an honorary member of the Russian league of masseurs, member
of the Associations: «Russian Association of Sport medicine and Rehabilita-
tion of sick and disabled people» (RASMIRBI), National Society of the Aes-
thetic Medicine, Russian Professional Medical Association of Specialists
of traditional and natural medicine (RANM), author of numerous books and
textbooks about the massage — Tcering Ngodrub / Doktor: Viktor Ogui.

Course motto:
Take and Do it!©
My mission in life
Sincerely and fully convey give the experience and knowledge that I pos-
sess, making people who are close to me happier.
My professional mission
Make the knowledge of massage techniques available, and skills — safe,
qualitative and efficient to use. And while the massage treatments —
to follow the principles of compassion, efficiency and safety for the pa-
My life motto
«I’m responsible for what I said; I am not responsible for what you have
understood. " (Namkhai Norbu)


Viktor Ogui



Viktor Ogui

Physician. Medical education (obstetrician) and experience (9 years at the

hospital, 25 years in medical institutions, beauty salons and fitness clubs).
Achievements: 1st category in medical massage.
Teacher. Pedagogical education (Academy of Physical Education, specialty
of Trainer-teacher) and experience (600 in the course SBVAM, 100– in the
course of Classical Massage, 80 students — in the course of bath technolo-
gies, 32 seminars in 11 countries and on 5 continents)
Traveler (5 continents, 40 countries)
Healer (RANM accreditation, Master-Teacher of Traditional Reiki)
Writer (40 books, 30 popular and 10 scientific articles)
Researcher (inventor — patent for the author’s method of vibration-
acoustic massage, researcher — independently and jointly with students
3 scientific works, authorship for 3 workshops with singing bowls)
The organizer of Expeditions to the places of the planet`s Force (6 train-
ing projects with the Masters of Singing Bowls in Nepal, 26 listeners, the
crust of Mount Kailash, Himalayas, Ladakh)
Practitioner (group meditations for more than 70 participants at a time,
more than 80 hours of personal reception for 10 days at a time).

Tibetan singing bowls in the tradition

of Tsering Ngodrub (Tcering Ngodrub)

Our educational policy is «not quantity but quality!»©

The second principle of our training: «Learning with the best»! ©
The principal difference between the tradition of Tsering Ngodrub from other
traditions, practices and methods
You need only one (1!!!) Tibetan Singing Bowl for qualified practice of Ti-
betan singing bowls massage for the prevention and treatment of pathologi-
cal conditions.
There is no need to buy a lot of bowls, this means the absence of huge
initial financial outlay.


All methods of Tibetan singing bowls massage, presented in our tradition

(school), are available for using by any person without availability of compul-
sory of medical education, psychic abilities, music or education abilities.
In our tradition, Tibetan singing bowls are considered to be a unique
piece, not only as a musical instrument or a mysterious esoteric or magical
thing of power
In our tradition there are additional seminars, practices and technologies
of using Tibetan singing bowls with esoteric or magical side (shamanism,
Bon-po, nada yoga).
We organize regular expeditions to places of power and interact directly
with the native tradition.
Our students practice with the Tibetan singing bowls regularly and
a lot — for themselves and for the patients.
We work directly with the Masters, traditionally producing Tibetan
singing bowls and offer Tibetan singing bowls, proved their high quality.
At the seminar, we teach how to practice with singing bowls.
We do not force to buy our Tibetan singing bowls (Tibetian singing bowls
of our Masters).
The uniqueness of the trainings and missions of Tsering Ngodrub school
Master trained and received initiations from teachers of Traditional Ti-
betan sound massage (in Nepal, India, Tibet, Ladakh)
Master has considerable experience of sound massage. This means he
performs these techniques not «from time to time», but almost every day.
Not only for himself but also for his patients!
Regular use of these techniques is included in the basic salary of Master,
which allows him to travel regularly to places of power and learn from native
Master has a medical degree, 20 years of practicing of massage, 9 years
worked in a hospital as a massage therapist, this means that massage is the
main kind of professional work of the Master.
Master regularly uses Tibetan singing bowls sound massage in the proce-
dures of classical Russian massage to various diseases.
At trainings Master provides information about the normal physiology
and human anatomy, as well as the subtle anatomy and energy aspects.
Master integrated some healing practices (including Reiki, Cho Myung-
Reiki, traditional Tibetan medicine, Yuthok Nyingthig) into the conventional
technique of Tibetan singing bowls sound massage. He also adapted some
of the traditional technologies and knowledge of Sound Masters to modern
social conditions.
The seminar provides a clear technology of using of Tibetan singing
bowls for independent practice, as well as intuitive component. This means
that immediately after the seminar you will be able to use them in practice.
Master gives you his experience! He also transmits those developments
that he got in his regular practices with Tibetan singing bowls.


You don’t have to have esoteric or music abilities — a technique sent

by the master will be effective even without them. Of course, if you have
a regular deliberate practice.
Master has a vast experience in the effective training of the classical
Russian massage and bannomu art (since 1999), as well as he has teacher
The seminar is held in Russia, which eliminates the need for the cost
of a trip to another country.
The advantage of the Tibetan singing bowls massage to other similar
No direct tactile contact with the patient.
The patient is in clothes.
No need for consumables.
Doesn’t require any esoteric or psychic abilities.
The minimum required set of bowls can be simply transported.
Has minimal contraindications.
Can be performed with the lack of practice of medical or musical educa-
Allows the expert to develop during the practice!
Has a beneficial harmonizing and preventive effect as at massaged, as at
the specialist.
No aspect of using of personal energy in the practice of Tibetan singing
bowls sound massage — sound and vibration work only.

Master’s autobiography

For 20 years I practiced classical Russian massage therapeutic use or

in rehabilitation medicine, as well as in the practice of sport. The first nine
years I worked for a massage therapist in the municipal hospital
№23 in Nizhny Novgorod (Russia). There I owned great experience in med-
ical (rehab) massage — I worked as with patients who had pneumonia and
bronchitis, as well as with patients in a coma in intensive care with a diagno-
sis of meningitis or meningoencephalitis; with patients having poliomieli-
topodobnoe disease or low back pain, scoliosis, or various forms of spinal
hernias. I just can’t list all of these!
In general, working in municipal medical institutions in Russia in the past
and now is great practical (and life!) experience that can’t be accumulated
in any of the commercial medical institutions!
At the same time I started to teach the course «massage» with the help
of the invitation of one of the training centers for retraining the population.


The quality of methodical material, which was available at the time, didn’t
satisfy me, and I began to prepare my handbook, which was very convenient
and efficient in the use of massage training courses. All this was very suc-
cessful and effective, and it allowed to publish this handbook in Rostov-on-
Don, edition of 5000 copies in 2004.: «Classical Russian massage for 15 days.
A teaching aid. «It should be noted that today this handbook is a rarity.
Then I actively explored, developed and created a variety of massage
techniques in Russian, Turkish (steam) and other ethnic baths. Also, during
the training of staff employed in these areas, in spas and fitness clubs —
I had prepared a series of books on various massage techniques. Especially,
I am proud of the book «Bath massage», which was published by the St. Pe-
tersburg publishing house «Peter» in 2008 (Russia), edition of 4000 copies.,
And the following year it was republished, it has an edition of 5,000 copies.
Both of these publications are already rarities. I’m very proud that in 2008, it
was translatedq into the Lithuanian language and published in Lithuania
(Vilnius: Satwa), edition of 1000 copies.
Ten years out of twenty, I practiced and studied massage in the spa and
beauty industry. During this time I was lucky enough to learn something from
many great masters in the field: I studied lymphatic drainage massage tech-
niques of Pascal Cochet, Spanish massage of Enrique Garcia, craniosacral
therapy of Marian Cisco, Japanese shiatsu massage of Rosero Trujillo (Charo),
Tibetan massage Ku Nye of Dr. Nida Changtsanga, Ayurvedic massage
of Ramesh, Tibetan massage by the tradition Amdo of Tsering and many
other masters. All of the techniques that I learned, I necessarily applied
in practices, and after this I integrated them into my regular practice of mas-
All these years, I have maintained my regular practice as a masseur —
I worked directly with patients.
In 2009, my dreams came true and I’ve traveled to India for month: Delhi,
Varanasi, Bodgaya, Khajuraho, Rishikesh, Haridwar, Dharamsala, Manali,
Shimla, Relavsar, Delhi — these are just the most significant landmarks of my
journey. During my school years, and the years of study in medical school,
I diligently studied and practiced yoga under the guidance of Victor
Vladimirovich Dundukov, who in his turn, during the Soviet era, studied with
Gennady Statsenko. That youthful interest to this mysterious and mystical
country, led me to India in 2009. A desire to see and feel the life inside the
country, the capital of yoga, Buddhist relics — all these irresistibly drawn me
Asia… I am very happy that I traveled around the country like a «savage»,
moving by public transport (who was in India of those times can imagine
what it was!), staying in budget hostels — all of this allowed us to see the
country and its inhabitants «from the inside». This is a very unusual and
powerful experience! There was also the first time I met Tibetan singing
After India, I was lucky to get into even more mysterious and beautiful


country — Tibet! To pass the inner and outer bark of Kailash, to visit the Guge
mountain towns, to do some practices in places of the power in Tibet, and
to leave there some part of you and of your heart! There my meeting with Ti-
betan singing bowls continued.
Then there were expeditions to Tibet and Little Tibet — Ladakh, in the
Altai (Belukha climb Mount East), then back to Nepal… Meeting the monks
and lamas in the mountain monasteries, performing spiritual practices of Ti-
betan traditional medicine in tradition of Yuthok Nyingthig. Meeting with na-
tive culture and practicing massage traditional for these regions. I was lucky
to study Tibetan medicine, Buddhist spiritual practice for doctors of Tibetan
medicine, mantratherapies and Tibetan massage Ku Nye with Doctor Nida
Changtsanga. Inspired by his teachings, I performed two single gate retreat
for Ngondro practice and Guru Yoga in the tradition of Yuthok Nitik, solitary
retreats for healing mantras. Also, I was lucky to become a personal student
and to receive instructions from Yogi Lama Pema Rangdrol, participate and
sometimes assist him in the conduct of Buddhist practices and rituals.
At the same time, I met huntsman Anatoly Sergeyevich, who spent many
years in Yakutia, who kindly gave me some folk pharmaceutical recipes based
on our Russian natural resources. Using of them allowed me to help some
of my patients and friends. In combination with the technologies of the Russ-
ian bath, they were giving a very strong health benefits.
All these years I continued to study the properties and effects of Tibetan
bowls on the human body, not only the esoteric properties, but also scien-
tific! Together with the doctor of fitness club Nadezhda Ryndyk we conducted
studies about the influence of Tibetan singing bowls using the method of di-
agnosis of the functional state of the body with the help of variative pulsom-
etry. And we got an unexpected and very interesting results! I was lucky
to have a consultation with the famous bell-ringer in Suzdal, and to learn
a lot about Russian bells and chimes, and to connect it with Tibetan singing
bowls and so-called «temple bells.» And thanks to the friends of the Poly-
technic Academy of scientists from Nizhny Novgorod, they helped me to find
out many aspects of the consist of the material from which made Tibetan
singing bowls.
All this time, I continued my regular journeys and trainings with Master
of the Sound and singing bowls in Nepal. I am very grateful that the Master
and all the people helped me, and after three years I was lucky to travel
to Nepal, to live in Master’s family, and to study with the master himself!
Today, I can say with confidence that the Tibetan singing bowls are not
only a musical instrument or a mystical thing, they are completely real-life
material tool which really and physiologically effects on the human or ani-
mal, it has definite and scientifically determinable physical and mechanical
Research, conducted by my students Sergey Matveev and Tatiana
Polyakova in body oriented therapy and bioenergy, confirmed it! As an exam-


ple of the personal experience with the Tibetan singing bowls in combina-
tion with classical therapeutic massage — I noticed a significant reduction
in the acute period of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and an in-
crease in periods of remission in my patients.
Unfortunately, formal clinical trials could not be done because of the
high financial costs on such studies.
At the present time, and this is 2015, we plan to organize an expedition
to the Kingdom of Bhutan and the Mustang in conjunction with the Centre
for Development «Lakshmi» (Nizhny Novgorod), with the intention to find
there the answers for many questions about the practice of Tibetan singing
bowls. As it’s known, in Bhutan, Ladakh and Mustang, the tradition of Tantric
(Tibetan) Buddhism is still alive. As these countries or regions, unlike Tibet,
avoided interaction with China in 50–60 years, and as a result of so-called
Cultural Revolution, a huge number of cultural values and Tyne bearers
of these traditions were destroyed in Tibetan China.
Today it is very difficult to find a real bearer of the traditions of spiritual
or healing practices with Tibetan singing bowls. This is because over the
time they physically become less and less. In addition, only few can keep line
tradition clean and pass it to next generations. And even more, integrating or
bringing in these practices something of your own, that means to take
to yourself the responsibility to carry it into the world! That is because of the
probability of errors and lack of understanding or feeling is very big.
In addition, any research in this area, as well as the expedition to find the
bearers of traditions and saving the practices, is very expensive, as well as it
is expensive in time-consuming resources.


More information here:

Anna Tarasenko. Tibet. Girl with Bowls. 100x60 / oil on canvas / 2015


Anna Tarasenko
Author of the book covers.
Novocherkassk, Russia
Painter, architect, poet, traveler, member of the expedition to the source
of the Ganges (May 2013), the expedition around Mount Kailash (September
Anna was born on 24.11.1985. Novocherkassk, Russia.
In 2010 has been actively engaged in painting, poetry; lead exhibition ac-
tivity, travel.
From 2011 to 2015 visited countries such as India, Kenya, France, Italy,
Spain, Slovakia, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Nepal, Tibet, Thailand,
creating paintings and drawings.
“One day in May, I realized that I live someone else’s life — not mine.
I suddenly wanted to change everything, to get out of your comfort zone
to do something incredible for myself: I changed everything, totally left
in the picture. Two years working in the studio, not knowing and not plan-
ning further, being in the moment, in the flow, which carried me with great
speed to the other side… And then for the first time in many years, I flew on
a plane to India: simply buying a ticket. This trip turned everything else that
has somehow been stable at that time. Taste of travel turned out so beauti-
ful, now I can not imagine my life without the new countries and experi-



Introduction 5
About Tibetan Singing Bowls 7
Aspects of TSB 9
1. Physical aspect 9
2. Musical aspect 11
3. Psychosomatic aspect 13
4. Esoteric (mystical) aspect 17
5. Resonance aspect 17
The results of studies on TSB’s effects on the human body 19
Tibetan massage with SB 24
Indications and contraindications to performing Tibetan massage
with SB 27
Methodology of Contact Method 28
Material-technical support 28
Method of producing vibration from TSB 30
Ergonomics of therapy 32
Patient’s position 34
Massage duration 35
Frequency of massage sessions 36
General scheme of the Contact method using one TSB 36
General scheme of non-contact method. Set of 9—13 bowls 40
Conclusion 43
My teachers 44
Sudip Lamsal 45
Pema Rinpoche Rangdrol 46
Dr. Nida Chenagtsang 47
Santa Ratna Shakya 49
Shree Krishna Shahi 51
Peter Effenberger 52
Frank Perry 54
About the author 56
Viktor Ogui 58
Tibetan singing bowls in the tradition of Tsering Ngodrub (Tcering
Ngodrub) 58
Master’s autobiography 60
Gratitude 65

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