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Allyssa Mackinnon


The videos both presented validation therapy and communication towards people

with disabilities. Validation therapy offers a holistic approach that empathizes with elderly

patients by helping them connect through listening, accompanied with dignified care in their

final stages of life. Meanwhile, in communicating towards a person with a disability, it is

paramount to be mindful and ensure that actions are parallel to their disability.

In watching the videos, these are the details that were etched into my mind – for

validation therapy, the highlight was when it emphasized how difficult it is for the elderly to

express themselves concerning their current condition and how empathy is a great

contributor that takes part in the process in understanding and providing appropriate support.

In terms of communicating with a person with a disability, it stressed the significance of

asking. Also, considering the kind of disability that they have is necessary to apply

appropriate communication etiquette.

There are a lot of changes that the elderly go through not just in terms of physiologic

changes but also psychological and social changes. Because of this, empathy plays a role in

dealing with them as they go through these changes. As I cannot experience what they are

going through, I can empty and place myself in their shoes to understand their thoughts,

feelings, and emotions. With this, it is important for them that someone can see, understand,

and aid them as they grow old and also during their final stages. On the other hand,

communication is part of everyone’s day to day activities. Smooth flow in communication

minimizes the incidence of misunderstanding which paves the way to a better relationship.

Communicating with people with disabilities can be a bit challenging, but nothing that could

not be overcome when equipped with proper knowledge. As mentioned, actions done when

communicating should coincide with the disability of a person to promote appropriate

As someone who was raised and is living with her grandmother with a disability, the

videos supplemented me with information and methods of communication that I can use

through our day to day interaction. The importance of asking was emphasized. Asking

people with disabilities should come first before providing them any help – this can promote

their sense of autonomy. Allowing them to do things that they can rather than doing it for

them to boost their self-confidence and empower them. I can apply this to my grandmother,

for she also likes to maintain in doing her day to day activities and accompanied by careful

observation to avoid possible accidents. My grandmother suffered a stroke, and as she grew

older, she started using a wheelchair. In relation, I failed to realize that in talking to her, I

should be within her line of sight to prevent her from looking up and possibly straining her

neck. With this realization, I can correct myself and apply this.

I may not experience what they are going through, but I can empathize with them.

Learning how to do it is a process that I can go through every day. In sum, applying

appropriate support and management is essential to both the elderly and a person with a


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