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Problem Statement:

This is an e-commerce site which provides

pharmaceutical items.

Objective of the System

1.The main objective is to provide the medicine one needed in any


2. And it will provide a home service to ease people's trouble.

3.We also provide imported medicine if needed.

Features of the System

There will be different sectors for selling items. Such as:

1.There will be a homepage where all the features will be included.

2.There’ll be different sectors for selling items. Such as:

 Medicine.

 Authorized baby food.

 Skin & Hair care products.

3.Regular health care

4.Users have to sign up so that they can buy things.

Resource for the System:

 Different pharmaceuticals company
 Employees for delivering items.
 Developers for creating this site.

How the system is going to generate

benefits after a fixed amount of time?
1.Our main concern is to provide items that are not easily available in the market
so that we can be profited by selling these items.
2.We’ll provide authentic items so that can build trust. Therefore, we can gain
more customers.
3.We’ll provide our items within a minimal delivery charge which may attracts

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