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2018 馬來西亞清華盃物理競賽


考試時間:80 分鐘 (13:30 ~ 14:50)

考題 20 題單選題,每題 5 分,總分 100 分,答錯不倒扣。

考題共計 7 頁,作答前請先檢查。如有缺頁,請立即向監試人員反應。



作答方式:請務必以 2B 鉛筆作答,劃卡時若因卷面不潔,或於作答項


※ 金、銀、銅及成績優異獎,若因同分者眾,將於 15:30 ~ 16:00 另舉




物理常數/Physical Constant:

電子質量/electron mass me  9.11  10 31 kg

光 速/Speed of light c  3.00 10 8 m/s

卜朗克常數/Planck constant h  6.63 10 34 J  s

電子伏特/electron volt 1 eV  1.602 10 19 J

電子電荷/electron charge e = 1.60 × 10-19 C

1. 此圖顯示一物體在直線移動時位置 x 對時間的變化的函數。
以下哪一個圖描述物體的 x 軸速度對時間變化的函數?
此图显示一物体在直线移动时位置 x 对时间的变化的函数。
以下哪一个图描述物体的 x 轴速度对时间变化的函数?
The figure shows the graph of the position x as a function of
time for an object moving in the straight line (the x-axis). Which
of the following graphs best describes the velocity along the x-axis as a function of time for this

(A) (B) (C) (D)

2. 對於一般的拋射物運動,當被拋射的物體處於軌跡的最高點時
For general projectile motion, when the projectile is at the highest point of its trajectory
(A) 其加速度為零。其加速度为零。
Its acceleration is zero.
(B) 其速度垂直於加速度。其速度垂直于加速度。
Its velocity is perpendicular to the acceleration.
(C) 其速度和加速度均為零。其速度和加速度均为零。
Its velocity and acceleration are both zero.
(D) 其速度的水平和垂直分量為零。其速度的水平和垂直分量为零。
The horizontal and vertical components of its velocity are zero.

3. 一衛星在距地球表面 1.50 × 107 米的上空繞地球運行,每次繞地球一周需要 8.65 小時。

地球的半徑為 6.38 × 106 米。這顆衛星的加速度最接近下列何者?
一卫星在距地球表面 1.50 × 107 米的上空绕地球运行,每次绕地球一周需要 8.65 小时。
地球的半径为 6.38 × 106 米。这颗卫星的加速度最接近下列何者?
A satellite orbits the earth a distance of 1.50 × 10 m above the planet's surface and takes 8.65
hours for each revolution about the earth. The earth's radius is 6.38 × 10 m. The acceleration of
this satellite is closest to
2 2 2 2
(A) 0.0690 m/s . (B) 0.870 m/s . (C) 1.91 m/s . (D) 9.80 m/s .

4. 國際太空站的質量為 1.8 × 105 kg。一名 70.0 kg 的太空人向太空站內的一面牆推,產生
1.50 m/s 的加速度。太空人這一推使太空站產生的加速度大小是多少?請給對在太空站旁
国际太空站的质量为 1.8 × 105 kg。一名 70.0 kg 的航天员向太空站内的一面墙推,产生
1.50 m/s 的加速度。航天员这一推使太空站产生的加速度大小是多少?请给对在太空站旁
The International Space Station has a mass of 1.8 × 10 kg. A 70.0-kg astronaut inside the station
pushes off one wall of the station so she accelerates at 1.50 m/s . What is the magnitude of the
acceleration of the space station as the astronaut is pushing off the wall? Give your answer
relative to an observer who is space walking and therefore does not accelerate with the space
station due to the push.
-4 2
(A) 5.8 × 10 m/s (B) 1.50 m/s2 (C) 4.7 × 10-4 m/s2 (D) zero

5. 你驚慌失措地踩剎車,並在平直的道路上滑行一定距離。如果你的行駛速度是原來的兩倍,
You slam on the brakes of your car in a panic, and skid a certain distance on a straight, level road.
If you had been traveling twice as fast, what distance would the car have skidded, under identical
conditions(i.e. the friction force due to the brake is the same)?
(A) 它會打滑4倍遠。它会打滑4倍远。 It would have skidded 4 times farther.
(B) 它會打滑2倍遠。它会打滑2倍远。 It would have skidded 2 times farther.
(C) 它會打滑 2 倍遠。它会打滑 2 倍远。 It would have skidded 2 times farther.
(D) 它會打滑原來的1/2倍距離。它会打滑原来的1/2倍距离。 It would have skidded 1/2 as far.

6. 如果我們忽略地球的旋轉,當一個 100 公斤的人從海平面上升到 5.0 公里的高度時,他

6 -11 2 2
(地球平均半徑為 6.38 × 10 公尺,動常數 G 為 6.67 × 10 N ∙ m /kg )
如果我们忽略地球的旋转,当一个 100 公斤的人从海平面上升到 5.0 公里的高度时,他
6 -11 2 2
(地球平均半径为 6.38 × 10 公尺,动常数 G 为 6.67 × 10 N ∙ m /kg )
By how many newtons does the weight of a 100-kg person change when he goes from sea level
to an altitude of 5.0 km if we neglect the earth's rotational effects?
6 -11 2 2
(The mean radius of the Earth is 6.38 × 10 m, G = 6.67 × 10 N ∙ m /kg .)
(A) -0.60 N (B) -1.5 N (C) -2.6 N (D) -5.2 N

7. 一顆棒球被垂直向上拋出。假設沒有空氣阻力,在它上升時
A baseball is thrown vertically upward and feels no air resistance. As it is rising
(A) 其動量和機械能都守恆。其动量和机械能都守恒。
both its momentum and its mechanical energy are conserved.
(B) 其動量不守恆,但其機械能守恆。其动量不守恒,但其机械能守恒。
its momentum is not conserved, but its mechanical energy is conserved.
(C) 其動量和動能都是守恆的。其动量和动能都是守恒的。
both its momentum and its kinetic energy are conserved.
(D) 它的重力位能不守恆,但它的動量是守恆的。
its gravitational potential energy is not conserved, buts its momentum is conserved.

8. 一個花式滑冰選手雙臂伸展並以 5.00 rad/s 的角速度旋轉,其轉動慣量為 2.25 kg∙m2。如

果此選手將雙臂拉入,其轉動慣量減小到 1.80 kg∙m2,那麼此選手最後的角速度是多少?
一个花式滑冰选手双臂伸展并以 5.00 rad/s 的角速度旋转,其转动惯量为 2.25 kg∙m2。如
果此选手将双臂拉入,其转动惯量减小到 1.80 kg∙m2,那么此选手最后的角速度是多少?
A figure skater rotating at 5.00 rad/s with arms extended has a moment of inertia of 2.25 kg∙m .
If the arms are pulled in so the moment of inertia decreases to 1.80 kg∙m , what is the final
angular speed?
(A) 2.25 rad/s (B) 4.60 rad/s (C) 6.25 rad/s (D) 0.810 rad/s

9. 一個 56 公斤的高空彈跳者從橋上跳下後,最後達到簡諧運動。如果振盪週期是 11.2 秒,
一个 56 公斤的高空弹跳者从桥上跳下后,最后达到简谐运动。如果振荡周期是 11.2 秒,
A 56 kg bungee jumper jumps off a bridge and undergoes simple harmonic motion. If the period
of oscillation is 11.2 s, what is the spring constant of the bungee cord, assuming it has negligible
mass compared to that of the jumper?
(A) 17.8 N/m (B) 21.1 N/m (C) 28.2 N/m (D) 5.3 N/m

10. 一名婦女沿著道路以 18.0 m/s 的速度騎自行車,該道路平行於一條在路旁的鐵軌。她聽到
火車的哨笛聲從後面傳來,火車哨笛聲的頻率是 840 Hz,但此婦女聽到的頻率是 778 Hz。
假設聲速為 340 m/s,火車的速度是多少?火車是遠離自行車還是朝著自行車行駛的?
一名妇女沿着道路以 18.0 m/s 的速度骑自行车,该道路平行于一条在路旁的铁轨。她听到
火车的哨笛声从后面传来,火车哨笛声的频率是 840 Hz,但此妇女听到的频率是 778 Hz。
假设声速为 340 m/s,火车的速度是多少?火车是远离自行车还是朝着自行车行驶的?
A woman is riding a bicycle at 18.0 m/s along a straight road that runs parallel to and right next
to some railroad tracks. She hears the whistle of a train that is behind. The frequency emitted by
the train is 840 Hz, but the frequency the woman hears is 778 Hz. Take the speed of sound to be
340 m/s. What is the speed of the train, and is the train traveling away from or toward the
(A) 1.32 m/s 遠離自行車。 1.32 m/s 远离自行车。 1.32 m/s , away from the bicycle.
(B) 1.32 m/s 朝著自行車。 1.32 m/s 朝着自行车。 1.32 m/s , toward the bicycle.
(C) 7.67 m/s 遠離自行車。 7.67 m/s 远离自行车。 7.67 m/s , away from the bicycle.
(D) 7.67 m/s 朝著自行車。 7.67 m/s 朝着自行车。 7.67 m/s , toward the bicycle.

11 & 12. 在行星 X 上,一個充滿液態氮的湖在表面下 2.00 m 深的絕對壓力為 5.00 × 105

N/m2,在表面下 5.00 m 處,絕對壓力為 8.00 × 105 N/m2。液態氮的密度為 808 kg/m3。
11 & 12. 在行星 X 上,一个充满液态氮的湖在表面下 2.00 m 深的绝对压力为 5.00 × 105
N/m2,在表面下 5.00 m 处,绝对压力为 8.00 × 105 N/m2。液态氮的密度为 808 kg/m3。
On planet X, the absolute pressure at a depth of 2.00 m below the surface of a liquid nitrogen lake is
5 2 5 2
5.00 × 10 N/m . At a depth 5.00 m below the surface, the absolute pressure is 8.00 × 10 N/m . The
density of liquid nitrogen is 808 kg/m .

11. 行星 X 上的大氣壓力大小為?行星 X 上的大气压力大小为?

What is the atmospheric pressure on planet X ?
4 2
(A) 1.00 × 10 N/m (B) 3.00 × 104 N/m2 (C) 1.00 × 105 N/m2 (D) 3.00 × 105 N/m2

12. 行星 X 上的重力加速度是多少?行星 X 上的重力加速度是多少?

What is the acceleration due to gravity on planet X ?
(A) 31 m/s (B) 62 m/s2 (C) 124 m/s2 (D) 248 m/s2

13. 一袋密封的馬鈴薯片,在海平面 1.00 atm 的壓力和20.0 °C 的溫度下,含有 2.00 L 的空
氣。如果你帶著它到溫度為 7.00 °C 大氣壓力為 70.0 kPa 的山上,袋子仍然是密封的,那
(一大氣壓等於 1.01 × 105 Pa )
一袋密封的马铃薯片,在海平面 1.00 atm 的压力和 20.0 °C 的温度下,含有 2.00 L 的空
气。如果你带着它到温度为 7.00 °C 大气压力为 70.0 kPa 的山上,袋子仍然是密封的,
态。(一大气压等于 1.01 × 105 Pa )
A bag of potato chips contains 2.00 L of air when it is sealed at sea level at a pressure of 1.00
atm and a temperature of 20.0 °C. What will be the volume of the air in the bag if you take it
with you, still sealed, to the mountains where the temperature is 7.00 °C and atmospheric
pressure is 70.0 kPa ? Assume that the bag behaves like a balloon and that the air in the bag is in
thermal equilibrium with the outside air. (1 atm = 1.01 × 10 Pa )
(A) 4.13 L (B) 1.01 L (C) 1.38 L (D) 2.76 L

14. 當電子進入電場方向向上的均勻電場時,電子最初向右移動。電子的軌跡是下列哪一條?
An electron is initially moving to the right when it enters a uniform electric field directed
upwards. Which trajectory shown below will the electron follow?

(A) 軌跡 W 轨迹 W trajectory W
(B) 軌跡 X 轨迹 X trajectory X
(C) 軌跡 Y 轨迹 Y trajectory Y
(D) 軌跡 Z 轨迹 Z trajectory Z

15. α粒子的帶電量為質子的 2 倍,質量為質子的 4 倍,當 α 粒子和質子皆由靜止開始經過
相同電位差的加速,則 α 粒子的速度將為質子速度的若干倍?
α粒子的带电量为质子的 2 倍,质量为质子的 4 倍,当 α 粒子和质子皆由静止开始经过
相同电位差的加速,则 α 粒子的速度将为质子速度的若干倍?
An alpha particle has twice the charge of the proton and 4 times the mass of the proton. When the
alpha particle and the proton are accelerated by the same potential difference from still, how
many times the velocity of the alpha particle will be compared to the proton velocity?
(A) 1/4 (B) 1/√2 (C) 1/√3 (D) 1/2

16. 一個電子設備提供 5.0 A 的電流。在 10 秒內有多少電子流過這個裝置?

一个电子设备提供 5.0 A 的电流。在 10 秒内有多少电子流过这个装置?
An electric device delivers a current of 5.0 A to a device. How many electrons flow through this
device in 10 s ?
(A) 0.20 (B) 20 (C) 3.1 x 10 (D) 31 x 1020

17. 宇宙中任何物體都會放出輻射,人體放出的紅外線最強的波長大概在 10 m,而宇宙背景輻

射最強的部分在微波 ~ 5 mm 左右。若一個絕對溫度 T 的黑體,其輻射強度峰值的波長
為λ,在絕對溫度 2T 時,其輻射強度峰值的波長是多少?
宇宙中任何物體都會放出輻射,人體放出的紅外線最強的波長大概在 10 m,而宇宙背景
輻射最強的部分在微波 ~ 5 mm 左右。若一個絕對溫度 T 的黑體,其輻射強度峰值的波
長為λ,在絕對溫度 2T 時,其輻射強度峰值的波長是多少?
Any objects in the Universe emit radiation. A human body radiates mid-IR around 10 microns,
and Cosmic Microwave Background radiates microwave at ~ 5 mm. At absolute temperature T, a
black body radiates its peak intensity at wavelength λ. At absolute temperature 2T, what would
be the wavelength of the peak intensity?
(A) 16 λ (B) 2 λ (C) λ (D) λ/2

18. 已知氫原子的電子從量子數 n = 2 能階躍遷至 n = 1 能階時,發射波長為 121.5 nm 的電

磁波,從 n = 4 能階躍遷至 n = 1 能階時,發射波長為 97.2 nm 的電磁波。
試問電子從 n = 4 能階躍遷至 n = 2 能階時,所發射電磁波的波長為何?
已知氢原子的电子从量子数 n = 2 能阶跃迁至 n = 1 能阶时,发射波长为 121.5 nm 的电
磁波,从 n = 4 能阶跃迁至 n = 1 能阶时,发射波长为 97.2 nm 的电磁波。
试问电子从 n = 4 能阶跃迁至 n = 2 能阶时,所发射电磁波的波长为何?
An electron of a hydrogen atom emits electromagnetic waves with a wavelength of 121.5 nm,
when it transitions from a quantum number n = 2 energy level to a n = 1 energy level. When it

transitions from n = 4 energy level to n = 1 energy level, the emission wavelength is 97.2 nm.
What is the wavelength of the emitted electromagnetic wave when the electron transitions from n
= 4 energy level to n = 2 energy level?
(A) 112.0 nm (B) 153.4 nm (C) 272.8 nm (D) 486.0 nm

19. 光碟表面以凹點記錄訊息,其放大側視的示意圖如圖
圖2 光碟表面
2 所示。圖中讀取訊號的雷射光束中之 A 與 B 兩光 Figure 2 Surface of CDs
線在經過光碟表面反射之後,疊加成為建設性干涉。 A B C D

如果 C 與 D 兩光線可疊加成為破壞性干涉,則凹點
2 所示。图中读取讯号的激光束中之 A 与 B 两光线 Bottom of the pit
果 C 与 D 两光线可迭加成为破坏性干涉,则凹点底部的深度可为激光束波长的多少倍?
The surface of compact discs (CDs) has “pits” for recording information, and an enlarged
schematic view from the side is shown in the figure. For reading information, the two laser
beams hitting A and B are superimposed as constructive interference after being reflected by the
surface of CDs. If two laser beams hitting C and D can be superimposed as destructive
interference, what is the depth of the pit in the unit of the wavelength of the laser beam?
(A) 1/4 (B) 1/2 (C) 1 (D) 2

20. 康卜吞散射實驗是以光子與自由電子發生二維彈性碰撞,來分析散射光子波長的變化量。
石墨中碳原子的電子之最小游離能約為 5 eV,下列何種波長的光子最適合當作入射光照射
石墨中碳原子的电子之最小游离能约为 5 eV,下列何种波长的光子最适合当作入射光照射
The Compton scattering experiment display a change in the wavelength of scattered photons
from two-dimensional elastic collisions of photons and free electrons. The minimum free energy
of electrons in a carbon atom in graphite is about 5 eV. Which of the following wavelengths of
photons is most suitable for use as incident light to illuminate graphite to produce free electrons
for the Compton scattering experiment?
(A) 1 nm (B) 300 nm (C) 500 nm (D) 5000 nm


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