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Learning activity 4

Evidence: My presentation outline

A. Find a topic of personal interest. Imagine you are going to present that topic
orally to your teacher and classmates at school. For this part of the evidence
you need to carry out exhaustive research in order to be able to present all the
necessary information related to your selected topic. Report the most important
aspects of your research through a brainstorm of the ideas and concepts that
you think will be relevant to the presentation.


Example of topic: Aviation.

 Aviation refers to the use of commercial and non-commercial aircrafts

for transportation of people or goods.

 The A380, manufactured by the Airbus Industry, is the biggest plane

ever made.

Topic: plastic damage to the ecosystem

I would like to talk about Plastic to the ecosystem

1. The Plastics are synthetic chemical substances, called polymers, with a macromolecular
structure that can be molded by heat or pressure and whose main component is carbon.
These polymers are large groups of monomers bound together by a chemical process
called polymerization.
3. Plastic bags and plastic bags are materials produced from an oil derivative called
polyethylene and the recycling of plastic waste. Plastic bags are materials that are
resistant to external environmental conditions, humidity and chemical factors. For these
reasons we use them frequently in everyday life. They assure us many facilities but at the
same time they have very negative characteristics for the environment.

- As they originate in oil, they increase the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) thus
accelerating global warming.
- They mix in the food chain assuming a danger to living beings, leading to the extinction
of the species.
- Cause the pollution of rivers and seas, endangering also the living beings there
- If fruits and vegetables are carried, they also pose a risk to human health
- In the process of their production contribute to the extinction of natural resources and
water sources.

4. In spite of all these damages, around 500 billion plastic bags are produced every year
and at the minute 1 million they are thrown away. Only 1% of plastic bags are recycled
and the rest is mixed in nature.
As has come become clear the damages we go with the solutions

5. The use of plastic bags must be minimized. To achieve this, it is necessary to generalize
the use of cloth bags and biodegradable bags that dissolve 100% in nature.

6. The most important reason for the frequent use of plastic bags in Turkey is that the
supermarkets give them free and unlimited. As a measure to that, in some countries the
free distribution of these bags was prohibited. However, the best way to reduce the use of
plastic bags is to reinforce individual sensitivity in this area.
To sum up

If we prefer in our purchases recyclable bags that do not harm the environment, or if we
throw the plastic bags into recycling bins, we can contribute to a better world

Plastic bags are present in our daily lives more than any other element. When we go to
the market, to the bakery, when we buy a newspaper or any other item it is almost certain
that it will come inside a plastic bag. Experts point out that plastic is a material that can
remain in the ground as waste for hundreds of years before it degrades, causing great
damage to the environment, contaminating water, air and land.
B. Now, structure your presentation using the Signpost language learnt during this
learning activity. Present your outline through presentation cards. Use as many
cards as you need.

Remember: Each presentation card should include a

heading, a phrase at the bottom, a number and it should be
organized by numbering and bulleting.




Structure: I’m going to divide this talk into five parts.

1. Early beginnings.
2. Introduction information of plastic
- Material
- Statistic
- Effects
3. effects on the environment
4. Solution to the problem
5. give farewell
C. To complete the evidence, you must now write a complete list of references
using the guidelines given by the American Psychological Association (APA). Do
not forget to organize your references alphabetically.



Abril 2018


Julio 2016

Junio 2014


When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform as

1. Click on the title of this evidence.

2. Click on Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make sure
the file is attached.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).
4. Click Enviar.

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning

guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to
develop them and deliver them correctly.
Criterio de evaluación
Prepara presentaciones orales haciendo uso del vocabulario y las diferentes
estructuras gramaticales requeridas.

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