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COURSE TITLE (Creative Writing)

Class: BS - 4A, 4B & 4C (Morning / Evening)

Course Instructors: Syed Muhammad & Ufaq Binte Jamal Submission: Latest by 31st May 2020
Date: 15thMay, 2020 Max Marks: 15
Student’s Name: Elishbah Popatia Reg. No: 05-171182-097

Q1. Write a poem or describe an object of your choice using at least two elements of similes,

personification, and metaphors, each. [5]

Q2. Write a short story (350-400 words) that begins or ends with “he didn’t listen and paid the

price”. Give suitable title to your story and clearly mention its moral. [10]

Answer#1 (Poem)

I have promised
To not hurt myself.
To have faith in me
To assert myself.

It hurt to see those around me

In pain and in distress
For I could not pull myself
Out of the constant stress.

And so the time has come

To finally walk new roads.
To become a spiritual nomad
And to find a new aboad

And so I have promised

To not hurt myself
To have faith in me
To assert myself.
Where is figurative speech?????? 2

"Come in" said Henry, as he heard the gentle knock on the door. His hand gripped the gun that
his father had left for him before he passed away. These were uncertain times and it was better
to be safe than sorry. The door creaked open and in entered the broad-shouldered special agent
Erik Tomlinson. Erik was a special agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's witness
protection program. He was there to escort Henry to the court so he could testify against
Vincent Bagliano, the famous Mob boss. Henry had been Vincent's lawyer and accountant for
the past twenty years and had now decided to testify against him. It was a strange turn of
events but Henry was prepared for it in full.
Initially, the drive to the court was quiet, but after a while Erik broke the silence with a simple
question that had been bothering him for a while. "Why?" he asked. Henry who was deep in his
thoughts was somewhat startled by the question, but he soon regained his posture. "You know
why, I've told you before haven't I? It's for my mother, she'd want me to do this" replied Henry.
Erik's reaction was the same as it had been the first time, he had heard the lawyer's reason to
testify against his long-time employer and benefactor, that of amazement.
The hearing went smoothly, and with the witness testimony on record, Vincent was convicted
of multiple charges and served a life sentence. Henry however payed the ultimate price for his
noble deed, he was shot in a dark alleyway one night while he was out shopping. Special agent
Erik, later going through Henry's personal belongings found out something he would have
never thought of, Henry knew no mother for he had been orphaned at a few months old, and
therefore had been raised as a ward of the state. It was then that Henry realized that the
"mother" he had referred to earlier was the state and society and not his actual biological
mother. He lived as a monster, but died a patriot. He had been warned, but he did not listen and
paid the price, the price of morality.

Moral of the story???? 5.5

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