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Sebolino, Jemaica Kaye B.

AB Political Science IV

PROPOSITION: Legalization of Medical Marijuana in the Philippines

Is medical marijuana really dangerous or are we just misinformed? Because, according to

US Drug Enforcement Administration, apparently marijuana is a natural form of the safest
therapeutically active substances known to man and that is actually safe for law to legally
consume. Moreover, there are 30 countries in the world that have fully legalized the use of
marijuana for medical purposes, and do you think that it would reach for about 30 countries if
medical marijuana is really dangerous? Because I don’t think so.

Your honors, ladies and gentlemen, the use of medical marijuana should be allowed in
the Philippines as it is not only essential but also beneficial. And for that, today’s debate stands
on to three irrefutable facts:
1. First and foremost, legalization of medical marijuana is the only and the best
comprehensive approach to health;
2. Second, it would not only bring benefit in the field of medical but also in the field of
economy; and
3. Third, it could benefit the environment.

My argument is very simple that the legalization of medical marijuana is the only and the
best comprehensive approach to health. According to Canabo Medical Clinic, it supported that
the use of medical marijuana is an effective way of treatment to such sickness. Likewise,
Arizonian physician, Dr. Sue Sisley said that there are just few medications on the market that
work, and even these can be inadequate. They end up getting stuck on 8, 10, 12 different
medications, and after taking so many, suddenly they’re like zombies. Isn’t it more convenient to
the people who are taking a lot of medications for one day just to take only one medicine?
Meanwhile, American neurosurgeon and medical reporter, Dr. Sanjay Gupta mentioned that it’s
time for a medical marijuana revolution. She provides documented proof and clinical trials on
her gold standard of a peer-reviewed journal that marijuana was the right approach to treat any
ailments for that matter. Furthermore, HB 4477 provides that it will be prescribed by physicians
and doctors and not just by over-the-counter process. The bill also clearly emphasizes such
restrictions and limitations when it comes in using medical marijuana like the use of cannabis
outside of medical reasons is not allowed. So, I think it would not be a problem at all to legalize
the use of medical marijuana for as long as there restrictions in using marijuana just like to the
bipartisan bill in New York entitled Compassionate Access, Research Expansion, and Respect
States Act of 2015 that it is easier to study and enforce the use of medical marijuana if there will
be such restrictions.
Second irrefutable fact, legalization of medical marijuana would not only bring benefit in the
field of medical but also in the field of economy. In the Daily reports of Colorado, first six
months of 2014, Colorado alone has pulled in more than $25 million dollar pot-related tax
revenue, and triple in the middle of 2015. Additionally, research entitled Pueblo’s Institute of
Cannabis Research recently found that the legal cannabis industry has contributed more than $58
million to the local economy, primarily through taxes and other fees. Just think about how much
money the Philippines will make if it would legalized the use of cannabis? This very large
potential profit can be extremely helpful in our entire nation, the Philippines. It can used to
improve healthcare, help the poor, pay off country’s debt, etc.

Lastly, legalization of medical marijuana could benefit the environment. Yes, it is.
According to Gavin Stonehouse and Elizabeth Pilon-Smits, biologists, said that cannabis itself
has an ability to clean up toxins underground, which is known as phytoremediation, making the
soil a lot healthier and useful for farming. Also, the fiber that comes from this plant can be used
to produce paper products, including cardboard, envelopes, etc., which helps us eliminate the
need to chop down trees in the forest. Furthermore, Nikki Gloudeman, biochemist, revealed that
the cannabis plant can also be substituted for cotton in the production of textile as cannabis
produces stronger and twice more fiber than cotton, which can be used to make all types of
clothing. Cotton, as well know, requires an enormous amount of pesticides to grow. If we use
cannabis as a substitute for cotton, we will significantly reduce the usage of harmful chemicals
that could damage the environment.
Your honors, those three irrefutable facts are the reasons why the legalization of medical
marijuana in the Philippines should be allowed. Because it can be the answer for the change what
we are asking for.

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