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Accomplishments and Achievements

1. Complete the sentences with the vocabulary given

Graduated from high school – got a credit card – run a marathon – passed your driving test –
travelled abroad – get a promotion.

Got a credit card

get a promotion

passed your driving test

travelled abroad

Graduated from high school

run a marathon

2. Write the correct form of the verbs in present perfect.

a. My parents have flown to Hawaii this week. (fly)

b. I have been to Bogota many times. (be)

c. My father has driven to Neiva twice this year. (drive)

d. Camila has  passed her driving test. (pass)

e. They have studied English for 2 years (study)

2. Complete the conversation with the verbs given.
saw – have been – ever gone – have never gone – went

have been went

Ever gone

have never gone


4. Answer these questions about you.

a. Have you ever won a competition?
Yes, I have won a competition.
b. Have you ever played golf?
No, I have never played golf
c. Have you ever met a famous person?
No, I have not met any famous person
d. Have you ever climbed a mountain?
No, I have never climbed a mountain
e. Have you ever travelled by ship?
No, I have never traveled by ship

5. Read the article and answer the questions below.

a. Write the meaning to the verbs that are in red.
1. Ha vivido
2. Hemos alcanzado
3. Ha cambiado
4. Ha salvado
5. Han sido
6. Han brindado

b. Write T(true) or F (false) according to the reading.

1. Humanity has lived on earth for a long time. __F__

2. Many of humanity’s greatest achievements are in science and technology. __T__
3. Antibiotics are machines. __F__
4. Art makes people happy. __T__
5. Humanity started to use fire a long time ago. __T__

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