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>> Thinking differently from the outset often leads

to the most original results. << Henrik Ibsen (Norwegian author)

be the first. be the first.

Small and medium-sized machines


Large-capacity machines


Special applications

Integrative technology


Application technology


Foammelt, Fluidmelt
Tecomelt, Fibermelt







ENGEL AUSTRIA GmbH A-4311 Schwertberg

application technology
tel: +43 (0)50 620 0 fax: +43 (0)50 620 3009

Innovative Injection Moulding Technology for Special Products.

2 3


W h e n e v e r t h e t o p i c o f t e xt i l e s o r f o i l for t he Whe re v e r t he c ompone nt func t ion and The ENGEL FIBERM ELT technol ogy offers the The overal l ex pres s i on “Fl u i d melt ” s t and s f o r
surface area of components is of interest, the dimensional precision have priority over brilliant basis for series production of design innovations the i nj ecti on m oul di ng pro ces s i n whi ch f l ui d s
p rod u c tio n so l u t i o n c a n n o t b e p ro v i de d by sur fa c e qua lit y, t he ide a l c ondit ions for the i n autom obi l e s tructural parts . The product like nitrogen or water are applied in the injection
s ta n d a rd i n j e c t i o n m o u l d i n g t e c h n o l o gy. proc e ss t e c hnology E NG E L FO AMM ELT are nam e “ENGEL FIBERM ELT” encom pas s es the m oul di ng proces s under d ef i ned o v erp res s ure
The reason is that the special texture properties giv e n. Unde r t his produc t na me , e qui pm ent equi pm ent and proces s s trategy for the to achi eve s peci al effects . To i t b el o ng t he
of fabrics and foils limit these from withstanding pa c ka ge s a nd a pplic a t ion guide lines for the producti on of parts wi th i ntegrated l ong gl as s proces s vari ati ons ENGEL GASME LT and
t h e “ n or m a l ” p ro c e ss c o n d i t i o n s o f st a nda rd production of parts with micro-foaming structure fi bers . Com ponents rei nforced wi th l ong gl as s ENGEL WATERM ELT. Both p ro ces s es are
injection moulding. The solution to the problem a re de fine d. fi bers are recom m ended i n l arge vol um e ideal for moulded parts whose success can be
is EN G EL T E COME LT – a n i n t e l l i g e n t proc e ss Mic ro- foa m c ompone nt s a re light s tructures producti on where hi gh s trength i s to be determ i ned by thei r aes thet i cs wi t h p reci s e
technology for the low pressure processing of w it h e xt re me minima l e v ide nc e of warpage. com bi ned wi th addi ti onal properti es , l i ke contour and adm i ri ng s urface. T he p o s s i b i l i t y
plastic. Dependent on the size and complexity This fe a t ure , a long w it h t he ma t e r ial s avi ngs , corros i on res i s tance, but wi th m etal s i m i l ar to precisely form and maintain the surface with
of the component, a special injection moulding is t he ma in a dv a nt a ge for c omple x-functi on s trength s i m ul taneous to wei ght reducti on. applied pressure of fluids or gases from within
t e c h n olog y o r a c o m b i n a t i o n o f i n j e ct ion pa r t s. The proc e ss is c a t e gor iz e d i n the l ow Parts with this characteristic spectrum appear enabl es the effi ci ent i m pl ement at i o n o f ev en
moulding or extrusion and presses is employed. pressure injection moulding process. As a result, above al l i n the l arge vol um e product unus ual des i gn i deas . In a d d i t i o n, E N GE L
machine clamping force and size can be saved. “automobile”. Fibermelt-injection moulded parts WATERM ELT, wi th the i nhe rent p ro p ert i es o f
Th es e p ro c e sse s g u a r a n t e e t h e n e c essa r y W it h t his c ha r a c t e r ist ic spe c t r um, ENGEL addi ti onal l y offer the advantage that they can the bas i s m edi um water, creat es a l arg e
care fu l co n d i t i o n s f o r t h e d i re c t b o n ding of FO AMME LT is ide a lly suit e d for c om bi nati on be produced i n a one-s tep proces s . i nnovati on potenti al i n the real i z at i o n o f p i p e-
fab r ic s or f o i l s wi t h p l a st i c c o m p o n e nt s. All w it h E NG E L TE CO ME LT. W i th thorough uti l i zati on of the m ateri al form bodi es wi th com pl ex g eo met ri es , whi ch
p roc e s s v a r i a t i o n s c a n b e c a r r i e d o ut w it h properties, more individual components can be woul d not be produced wit h o t her p ro ces s es .
au t om at io n . T h e o n e -st e p b o n d e d p a r t For de t a ils, se e pa ge 18 com bi ned i n one part i n m any appl i cati ons .
p rod u c tio n i n c re a se s t h e p ro d u c t i v i t y a nd t he For detai l s , s ee page 38
leve l of q u a l i t y o f d e c o r a t i v e p a r t s. For detai l s , s ee page 28

F or d et a il s, se e p a g e 4
Low-pressure injection moulding for in-mould decoration.




4 5



Door panel with TPO surface (BMW-Mini)

Interior trim at its trimmest.

An intelligent low-pressure adaptation of the normal
i n j e c t i o n m o u l d i n g p ro c e s s p e r m i t s t h e d i re c t
combination of textile fabrics with moulded parts in
01 Floor surround trim
o n e o p e r a t i o n . T h i s s i n g l e - s t a g e p ro c e s s n o t o n l y 02 A-, B-, C- and D-pillar trim
saves time but can also be automated. 03 Dashboard
And it also enhances the quality of functional plastic 04 Centre console
trim sections. 01 03 04 Door panel with TPO surface (BMW 6-Series) 05 Boot trim
T h i s n e w E n g e l t e c h n o l o g y i s c a l l e d Te c o m e lt . 06 Rear door trim
The Engel process for combining fabrics and plastics.

Comparison of the cavity pressures of various plastics moulding processes

01 01
Standard injection moulding Low-pressure
High cavity pressures plastics processing
06 07 08 06 07 08 09 10
P re s s u re (bar) 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0

Injection moulding

I n j e c t i o n - c o m p re s s i o n m o u l d i n g

Gasmelt 02
Structural foam
moulding 05
Te c o m e l t
6 p re s s
03 04 03 04

Carpet composite
The ENGEL TECOMELT moulding processes are low- t he st re ss on t he de c or a t iv e fa br ic , f or i t i s not
p re s s u re p ro c e sse s . T h e re a re t wo d i ffe re nt e xpose d t o t he high pre ssure s a nd t em peratures Fabric / foam composite 01 Pressure
processes, the choice of which depends on the size w hic h oc c ur dur ing a nor ma l inje c t ion m oul di ng 02 Melt flow
01 Pressure 03 Frozen-in outer layer
of p a r t an d/o r t h e mo u l d f i l l i n g p re ssu re : process. The woven or knitted structure of the fabric 02 Melt flow 04 Cavity surface
EN G EL TECOM E LT i n j e c t i o n mo u l d i n g a nd remains perfectly intact. The process is also suitable 03 Frozen-in outer layer 05 Plastic melt
EN G EL TECOM E LT p re ss mo u l d i n g . for a muc h w ide r v a r ie t y of fa br ic s. Com ponents 04 Cavity surface 06 Pile
de c or a t e d on bot h side s c a n a lso be produced by 05 Plastic melt 07 Carpet backing
ENGEL TECOMELT Injection moulding . me a ns of t he E NG E L TE CO ME LT pre s s m oul di ng 06 Top layer 08 Pile bond
Th e m a c h in e s u se d f o r t h e E NGE L T E CO ME LT process. Even the introduction of a fabric interlayer 07 Intermediate layer (foam) 09 Back coating
is a c onc e iv a ble me a ns of re inforc ing the m oul ded 08 Bottom layer (interliner) 10 Covering fabric
injection moulding process are of the conventional,
h or izon ta l t y p e , b u t f e a t u re c e r t a i n m o dific a t ions. part. The ENGEL TECOMELT press moulding process
The process differs from the conventional injection is pa r t ic ula r ly suit a ble for t he producti on of
moulding process in that the cavities are filled under la r ge - a re a pa r t s.
low p res s u re . T h i s c a n b e a c h i e v e d e i t he r t hrough
cascade-controlled, multiple pin gating (sequential Market trends.
op e n in g of t h e i n j e c t i o n p o i n t s ) o r b y c ombining I n t he a ut omot iv e indust r y, t he ma in m arket for
conventional injection moulding with a compression ENGEL TECOMELT parts, there is a growing demand
p roces s . E NGE L T E COME LT i n j e c t i o n moulding is for fa br ic - c ov e re d int e r ior t r im c omp onents whi ch
p a r t ic u la r ly s u i t a b l e f o r l o n g , n a r ro w pa r t s. are not only aesthetically appealing but also noise-
re duc ing a nd c ost - sa v ing. The a bov e-des cri bed
E N G E L T E COME LT Pres s mould ing. E NG E L TE CO ME LT proc e sse s a re parti cul arl y
A ve r t ic a l pre ss i s u se d f o r t h e E NGE L TE CO ME LT suit a ble for t he proc e ssing of c ont inuous s trand-
press moulding process. The melt is introduced into re inforc e d poly me r s w hic h a re dist ingui s hed both
t h e b ot tom h a l f o f t h e m o u l d b y m e a n s of a n by t he ir out st a nding me c ha nic a l properti es and by
extrusion coating system which follows the contours t he ir re duc e d splint e r ing t e nde nc y.
of th e m ou l d c a v i t y. T h e d e c o r a t i v e f a br ic is t he n More ov e r, t he E NG E L TE CO ME LT proces s can be
p laced ov e r t h e l a y e r o f m e l t a n d t h e tw o use d for c ombining fa br ic s a nd pla sti cs bel ongi ng U s i ng the ENGEL TECOM ELT p ro ces s , t he p l as t i cs
com p on e n ts a re p re sse d t o g e t h e r. T h i s e xt r usion t o t he sa me poly me r fa milie s, t hus reduci ng the processor can mould the composite part, including
coating process offers the advantage of being able numbe r of diffe re nt t y pe s of ma t e r ia l us ed i n car i ts fas teni ngs , i n one s i ngl e o p erat i o n. As no
t o p lace m o re me l t e x a c t l y wh e re m o re me lt is ma nufa c t ure a nd he nc e fa c ilit a t ing t he ul ti m ate adhesives are necessary for attaching the fabric to
required and, moreover, waives the need for costly re c y c ling proc e ss. All t old, t he E NG EL TECOM ELT the pl as ti c core, there are no heal t h haz ard s . T he
melt distribution systems (hot runners) in the mould. proc e sse s re duc e produc t ion c ost s by 15 to 30% fabri c m ates wi th the m el t mechani cal l y, ens uri ng
Th is p re s s u re l e ss mo u l d f i l l i n g o p e r a t i o n re duc e s c ompa re d w it h c onv e nt iona l la mina t i ng. an abs ol utel y i ns eparabl e bo nd .
Horizontal machines for long, narrow parts.

01 02

8 9

a a

b b b

c c c
Horizontal injection moulding machine Type
ENGEL VICTORY 1350 / 350 Tecomelt
with ENGEL ERC 63/1-C linear robot

a Va l v e c l o s e d a Va l v e o p e n a Va l v e c l o s e d
b Va l v e c l o s e d b Va l v e c l o s e d b Va l v e o p e n
Tw o p ro c e s s e s a re u s e d o n h o r i z o n t a l c Va l v e c l o s e d
c Va l v e c l o s e d c Va l v e c l o s e d
E N G E L T E C O M E LT i n j e c t i o n m o u l d i n g m a c h i n e s :
Both processes are based on the use of a reduced
injection pressure (low pressure injection moulding).

L o w - pre s s u re in ject ion Low-p ressure injection-com pre ssion Th e c a sc a de c on trol pr in c iple .
m o u l d i n g pro ces s . m ould ing p rocess. In order to reduce the i nj ecti on pres s ure i n
When the melt is injected into the closed mould. In Whe n t he me lt is inje c t e d int o t he slightl y opened ENGEL TECOM ELT m oul ds to the requi red l ow-
t h e cas e of t h e l o w-p re ssu re i n j e c t i o n moulding mould. B y c ompa r ison, t he low - pre ssure i nj ecti on- pressure level while maintaining a uniform movement
p roc e s s , in j e c t i o n p re s su re re d u c t i o n i s a c hie v e d c ompre ssion proc e ss ge ne r a t e s a n e ven l ower of the m el t front, m ul ti pl e pi n gati ng m us t be us ed 01 Detailed view of the insert/removal situation in the
b y re d u c in g t h e f l o w l e n g t h s . T h i s i s d o ne in most pre ssure in t he mould c a v it y. in conjunction with a cascade control. The individual injection mold with double end of arm tooling. The
needl e val ve nozzl es , whi ch are actuated ei ther cut fabric is inserted in the moving side of the mold
cas e s b y equ i p p i n g t h e h o t r u n n e r s y st e m w it h As the mould cavity is not completely closed during and the finished molded part is removed form the
cas c a d e - co n t ro l l e d n e e d l e v a l v e n o z z l es. t he mould filling ope r a t ion, t he me lt has a m uch hydraul i cal l y or pneum ati cal l y, are opened stationary mold half
Through the sequential opening of a defined number broa de r flow c ha nne l a t it s disposa l, cons i derabl y s equenti al l y i n dependence on ei ther the s crew
of gates, the injection pressure is kept at a relatively pos i ti on or the cavi ty pres s ure. The nozzl es open 02 The robot grips the end of the fabric web, pulls the
reducing the pressure and shear stress on the fabric. required length of fabric from the reel and cuts it off.
low leve l. Holding pressure can be kept low, or even waived, only when the melt flow front has moved past them. The fabric is then inserted into the mould with the
in t he c a se of bot h proc e sse s. Thi s s equenti al openi ng of the nozzl es ens ures a aid of a clamping frame and held there by the robot
uniform movement and direction of the melt flow in until it is fixed in place by the closed mould. A new
piece of fabric is then cut in readiness for the next
the cavi ty. The fabri c i s pres s ed agai ns t the cavi ty cycle. After the cooling phase, the mould opens, the
s urface i n the di recti on of the m el t fl ow, thus part drops onto a conveyor belt and the next piece
avoi di ng wri nkl es . of fabric can be inserted into the mould
The injection-compression moulding process.

01 02

Co m pres s io n
s tro ke

10 11
Schematic diagram of injection-compression Exact monitoring and evaluation of platen parallelism
moulding process ensures high reliability of operation and processing

A dva n ta ge s of I n je c tion Coining with Parallelism Control.

C om pre ssion M ou ldin g. In combination with the ENGEL DUO large machines,
- Coi ni ng i s the i deal proces s for fl at, l es s Engel offers the equipment package “mould
s tructural com ponents parallelism measurement ”. It offers the user new
- Fl ex i bl e uti l i zati on of the enti re bas i c s ys tem of possibilities to increase the process reliability and
the ENGEL D U O m achi ne program mould protection. W ith this equipment, the software
- P roces s s peci fi c advantages l i ke l ow cl am pi ng recognizes deviations in the parallelism of both
force, l ow i nter nal s tres s i n the m ol ded part. mould halves, up to a value of 5 / 100 mm, in each
T h e C o n cept . injection cycle. Fundamental to the process, the
For the production of large area Tecomelt-composite exact position of all four tie-bars are measured under
parts with long flow lengths, a solution with a hot
Th e P roc e ss S e qu e n c e . clamping force and during injection. Through a
P rerequi s i te for the appl i cati on of i nj ecti on
runner system with cascade control is either not measurement comparison, any parallelism faults of
com pres s i on m oul di ng i s a m oul d wi th coi ni ng
possible due to the given flow length/wall thickness the injection mould can be detected.
adaptation. W ith it, the most essential characteristic
ratio or not economical due to extravagant design.
of the m oul d des i gn, nex t to the hol di ng devi ces
Alter natively, injection compression moulding is High-resolution ultrasonic stroke transducers in the
for the fabric texture, is the execution of the cavities
applied. This is a process technology, in which the 4 pressure pads on the stationary machine platen
with so called vertical flash faces. Thus, the cavities
plastic moulding compound is injected with low serve for the position measurement. Deviations from
submerge into each other to a defined stroke (clamp
injection pressure into a partially closed mould. After the zero-position are shown to the machine operator
s troke and coi ni ng s troke, us ual l y 10-15 m m ).
filling the mould, the mould is closed by an additional on the control screen. Conclusions to optimize the
D uri ng the m el t i nj ecti on wi th l ow i nj ecti on
movement of the clamping unit and the moulding injection moulding process can be drawn from the
pres s ure, the m oul d rem ai ns open to the s o-cal l ed
compound is distributed in the cavity. measurement results.
coining stroke. The vertical flash faces ensure that
the m el t does not es cape l ateral l y. The s hapi ng by
The core equipment of the Tecomelt-injection In addition to the parallelism measurement, a
the coi ni ng s troke wi th the cl am pi ng uni t can be
compression moulding equipment are the ENGEL parallelism control is offered in combination with
carri ed out al ter nati vel y duri ng the m el t i nj ecti on
DUO large machines, which are fined tuned to the the process technology “coining ”.
(s i m ul taneous coi ni ng) or di rectl y afterwards
demands of the Tecomelt-process technology. This is of decisive importance for the optimizing of
(s eri es coi ni ng).
the process technology of injection compression
The design of the DUO 4-tie-bar clamping unit, moulding. Through the parallelism control, parallel
each tie-bar having an individual pressure pad, 01 ENGEL DUO clamping unit with large mould mounting closing is guaranteed even by eccentric loading. As
platen area, also available in WP and WPX design
together with the equipment for mold parallelism (for even larger platen dimensions at the same a result, the vertical flash faces in the mould are
measurement, offers the best conditions for a clamping force) protected and the jamming areas in the decorative
sensitive injection compression process sequence. 02 P re s s u re p a d s w i t h c o i n i n g c a p a b i l i t y fabric are avoided.
The press moulding process – for large-area parts.

The low-pressure injection moulding of large-

area parts is possible only with the aid of
complex technology. Moreover, the relatively
high pressure near the gate can cause damage
to the fabric. The economical alter native is the
ENGEL TECOMELT press moulding process,
which is a combination of plastics extrusion
and compression moulding.

Melt flow

12 13
01 Melt coating operation 04 Slit die 05 C h a n g i n g t h e g e o m e t r y o f t h e m e l t s t r a n d

Th e variou s st ages of t h e p ro ces s :

01 M elt coating.
The plasticizing and injection unit, which is movable
in a ll dire c t ions, is e quippe d w it h a s l i t di e of the
Low cavity pressure kind used on an extruder. At the start of the cycle,
the injection unit moves forward and enters the open
mould, pla c ing a st r a nd of me lt in it s bottom hal f.
The strand is placed in such a way that its exposed
sur fa c e is a s sma ll a s possible a nd t he m el t fl ow
paths will be extremely short during the subsequent
pressing operation. A small surface and a fast melt
coating operation will prevent excessive cooling of
t he me lt .
02 Pressing operation
02 Pressing op er ation.
As soon a s t he inje c t ion unit w it hdr aws from the
mould, t he mould c lose s. This ope r a ti on not onl y
sha pe s t he pa r t but a lso bonds t he previ ous l y
inse r t e d fa br ic w it h t he pla st ic me lt . The ex act
se que nt ia l c ont rol of spe e d a nd pre s s ure profi l es 04 Slit die. 05 Changing the geometry
dur ing t he pre ssing ope r a t ion is a n es s enti al The injection unit of the vertical ENGEL TECOMELT of the melt strand.
pre re quisit e for t he qua lit y of t he moul ded part. press moulding machine, which has been specially The eas i l y ex changeabl e draw p l at es p ermi t read y
d e v e l o p e d t o m e e t t h e p a r t i c u l a r re q u i re m e n t s o f adaptati on of the s trand pro f i l e t o t he act ual
03 Par ts rem oval. this process, is equipped with a slit die featuring a appl i cati on. W i thi n the l i m i ts s et b y t he max i mum
Aft e r t he c ooling pha se , t he mould opens and the rheologically optimized coathanger manifold which width and thickness of the extrusion die, any strand
in- mould de c or a t e d pa r t c a n be re mo ved. shapes the melt into a flat strand. geom etry m ay be chos en. Bes i d es rect ang ul ar
This process can, like the insertion of the fabric, be For universal application, i.e. for the production of profi l es , whi ch are the ones us ed i n mo s t cas es ,
carried out either manually or by means of a robot. s e v e r a l d i ff e re n t s h a p e s a n d s i z e s o f p a r t , t h e d i e s urface-m i ni m i zed s em i -ci rcul ar p ro f i l es o r t wi n
An a ut oma t e d sy st e m not only sa v e s l abour cos ts is also equipped with a set of exchangeable draw s trands are al s o pos s i bl e.
but a lso a ffords t he proc e ssor t he t im e-s avi ng plates which give the strand its final shape.
facility of inserting the fabric into the top half of the T h e s t r a n d i s c u t t o t h e re q u i re d l e n g t h b y m e a n s
03 Removal of moulded part
mould w hile t he me lt is be ing e xt r uded i nto the of a pneumatically operated knife located under-
bot t om ha lf. neath the die orifice.
The press moulding process – melt coating operation. The press moulding process – the machine.

01 02 01 02

14 15
03 03

Tw o i n j e ct io n u n it s an d on e m achine.
Th e v e r t ic a l E NGE L T E COM E LT p re ss moulding
machine equipped with two extrusion/injection units
is ava ila b le i n a c h o i c e o f t wo v e r s i o n s.
Ver s ion 1 fe a t u re s t wo i n j e c t i o n u n i t s w hic h mov e
Vertical ENGEL TECOMELT press moulding machines
in d ep en d ent l y o f e a c h o t h e r i n t h e x-, y - a nd z -
have been s peci al l y des i gned for the m oul di ng of
axes, permitting the simultaneous production of two
fabri c/ pl as ti c com pos i tes :
parts having different geometries but requiring similar
p las tic iz in g, c o o l i n g a n d h a n d l i n g t i m es. I t is a lso
p os s ib le to p ro c e ss d i ff e re n t ma t e r i a l s in t he t w o S pe c ia l f e a tu re s:
injection units, extruding either into separate moulds - l ow worki ng hei ght
or, c on s ecut i v e l y, i n t o t h e s a m e mo u l d. - eas y acces s i bi l i ty
01 Overall view of a twin injection unit arrangement with 01 Type ENGEL TECOMELT 2500 / 2500 / 800 VR
Ver s ion 2 c o m p r i se s t wo i n j e c t i o n u n i t s w hic h extrusion die heads, each unit mounted on a carriage - low construction permitting floor-level operation press moulding machine
perform parallel movements in the longitudinal and capable of independent movement in 3 axes - readi l y autom ated thanks to s am e control
ve r t ic a l d ire c t i o n , b u t m o v e i n d e p e n d ent ly of e a c h concept for both m achi ne and robot 02 Press moulding machine in practical application /
02 Version with just one injection unit for one mould
- general purpos e operati on optimum ergonomics for the operating personnel
ot h e r in t h e t r a n sv e r s e d i re c t i o n . T h i s sy st e m is
p ar tic u la r ly su i t a b l e f o r t h e si mu l t a n e o us 03 Version featuring simultaneous operation of two wi th ei ther s i ngl e-cavi ty or two-cavi ty m oul d 03 Press moulding machine with automation peripherals
manufacture of two identical or mirror-inverted parts. injection units for two forms - accum ul ator for rapi d cl am pi ng force bui l d-up for fabric handling and parts removal
Production cells for manufacturing textile compound mouldings.

Production cell based on Production plant with six ENGEL VICTORY 2550 / 600 Tecomelt.
ENGEL DUO 7050 / 1700 Tecomelt Large volume production plant for Tecomelt-mouldings for manufacturing
For the automatic manufacturing of large trim panels of A,B,C-Column trim panels for automobiles.
with deco function in automobiles.

Articulated arm robot for

textile- and finished parts
manipulation, mounted on
fixed machine platen

T iebar pulling unit for

easy mounting / removal
of large moulds
16 17

Accumulator unit
for fast injection

Periphery station with

logistics function for textile
cuts (feeding via pallet)
and finished parts

Preheating station
for textile cuts
Photo: Intier Eybl,
Straubing / Germany

Automobile interior door panel C-Column panel

Door panels or large area covers with low deep The automatic production of A-, B-, C-column
draw ratios are moulded directly with the injection panels requires due to the specific shaping a
moulding process. As a specific feature with a high level of automation around the injection
large number of applications a foamed plastic moulding process – from textile cutting to
structure is combined with the textile fabric postprocessing. The Engel center for automation
and project planning offers their services as know
how partners for plant projects
Light parts for heavy duty.

Lightness is trumps –
and savings win the game.
Light-duty machines for lightweight mouldings with
properties that make them the ideal cost-saving parts
for heavy-duty applications. Maximum saving with not
even a minimum loss of inherent values - that's the
philosophy behind ENGEL FOAMMELT. Parts injection
moulded by the ENGEL FOAMMELT process enjoy
application wherever the visual appeal of the exterior
belies the strength of the interior, wherever character
comes before appearance. Their lightweight foam
structures give strength to decorative surfaces, perform
insulating functions, increase the precision of complex
mouldings and, last but by no means least, utilize less
material, consume less machine energy and can be
18 processed on machines that take up far less space. 19
Structural foam moulding: the processes and the alter natives. Characteristic features of the structural foaming process.

Decision matrix Chemically blown foam Mechanically blown foam 01 02

Cell structure + ++ Density (g/m 2 ) 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 %
Standard polymers + +
Engineering polymers + / – ++ Solid
Processing latitude + +++ Supercritical
Blowing agent costs – +++ fluid
Liquid gas

Pre ssure (P c )
Possible weight reduction + ++

Cross-se c tion
Shape fidelity ++ ++

de nsity
Me a n
Wall thicknesses under 5 mm – +++
Residues from foaming process – +++
Gas pressure during foaming + +++
Clamping force reduction + +
Capital investment +++ – Gas
General-purpose, thick-walled parts Thin-walled industrial parts produced in
produced in small to medium sized batches, large quantities, e.g. automotive parts,
20 e.g.: toys, household appliances, furniture
parts, leisure and sports equipment
electrical parts, office equipment
Temperature (Tc ) 21
03 04
2 cavity pressure graphs 500

Peak cavity pressure (bar)

500 related to foaming degree


Cavity pressure (bar)


Basically, structural foam parts can be injection
moulded by means of two alter native processes. 200
Common to both processes is the formation of a 200
cellular structure inside the moulded part through
the dispersion of gas bubbles within the basic 100
polymer material.
Chemically blown foam. Mechanically blown foam. 1,00 0,95 0,90 0,85 0,80 0,75 0,70 1 2 3 4
W ith this process, the gas is generated by the Mechanically blown foam is produced by introducing Degree of foaming (–) Time (s)
chemical decomposition of the blowing agent - pressurized nitrogen or carbon dioxide directly into
consisting of chemical substances based on the melt during the plasticizing process. The high
PA PP PPM PPT PPL Conventional
bicarbonate and citric acid - when exposed to the pressure in the plasticizing cylinder causes the gas
heat of the melt during the plasticizing process. to dissolve in the melt completely, thus ensuring its PAG PPH PP1M PPG Foamed with N2
uniform dispersion. Following injection of the gas-
The powdered blowing agent is mixed into the laden melt into the unpressurized mould, the gas
moulding compound together with an adhesive oil. and the melt separate, whereby the gas expands to
The exact formulations for the mixture depend on produce a microcellular foam.
the actual application. As the pressure of the gas
in the melt is extremely low, only very low injection W ith this process, the pressure of the gas in the
pressure may be used for the mould filling process. melt is considerably higher than that generated by
This means that there are limits both to the precision the chemical foaming process, thus permitting a 01 Diagram showing the different states of nitrogen as 03 Reduction of cavity pressure through increased
with which a part can be moulded and to the extent wider processing latitude and greater moulding the pressure and temperature increase. Within a degree of foaming
to which shrinkage can be compensated. precision. The process is ideal for the moulding of defined pressure and temperature range, nitrogen
becomes a „supercritical fluid” which dissolves in 04 Potential saving achievable with structural foam
lightweight precision parts from engineering the melt completely during the plasticizing process. injection moulding: Comparison of cavity pressures
Despite its negligible demands on machine polymers with wall and section thicknesses of less The melt and the gas separate again following for the same part produced by conventional injection
technology, structural foam moulding with chemical than 5 mm. The necessary higher capital investment injection of the melt into the mould cavity moulding and by structur al foam moulding
blowing agents is restricted largely to the production is balanced by the economic advantages of more
02 Cross-section of structural foam moulded part.
of thick-walled parts in PE and PP which do not profitable applications and faster cycle times. Clearly visible is the sandwich structure formed by
have to meet high quality standards. the solid outer skin and the foamed core
Machine equipment and function. The cycle sequence.

01 04 02 03 01 02


22 23
01 Needle valve nozzle 03 MuCell ® -plasticizing screw
02 Gas injector (L/D ratio: 24:1) 03 04
04 Homogenizing section for gas/melt mixture
05 Plastics granules without blowing agent

MuC e l l ® p l a sti c i zi ng uni t

04 03 02 01

Process sequence

M ic roc e llu la r f oa m str u c tu re s th rou gh 01 Process stage 1: The plasticizing process takes place
after injection of the previous shot and during the
u n if or m ly dispe r se d n itroge n . mould cooling phase. With the needle valve nozzle
The m echani cal foam i ng proces s neces s i tates the closed, the melt builds up in the space in front of
the screw. Gas injectors introduce nitrogen in its
use of a specially adapted plasticizing cylinder, into “supercritical fluid state ” into the metering zone
which nitrogen or carbon dioxide is injected during during the plasticizing process.
the plasticizing process and finely dispersed by the Under the heat and pressure generated by the
hom ogeni zi ng acti on of the s crew. plasticizing screw, the gas is completely dissolved
and dispersed in the melt

The high pressure in the plasticizing cylinder causes 02 Process stage 2: The mould opens and the part is
the gas to dissolve in the melt completely. Not until demoulded. The melt for the next shot is kept under
pressure so as to ensure a uniform melt temperature.
the m el t i s i nj ected i nto the m oul d does the gas This is a prerequisite for the optimally uniform foam
expand to form foam. The advantage of the extremely structure of the moulded part
even di s tri buti on of gas i n the m el t l i es i n the
cons i s tentl y hi gh qual i ty and di m ens i onal s tabi l i ty 03 Process stage 3: The mould closes. The needle valve
nozzle opens and the melt is injected. During
of the m oul ded part. S hri nkage and warpage are injection, the finely dispersed gas in the melt
m i ni m i zed. Wei ght s avi ngs of between 25 and 30 nucleates and expands to produce a microcellular
percent and cycl e ti m e reducti ons of up to 50 foam. The foamed melt flows easily, necessitating a
percent are pos s i bl e. relatively low mould locking force
01 Plasticizing of plastics 03 Mixing and dissolving of the fluid.
02 Injecting of supercritical fluid Homogenizing of the miscellany 04 Process stage 4: The melt expands to fill the mould,
into plastic melt 04 During injection process starting of nucleation forming a solid outer skin and a microcellular foam
and creating of microcellular foam structure core of extremely uniform structure
The system components – and the machines. The Equipment Control.

Equipment Integration.
01 The function of the MuCell ® gas supply equipment
is integrated into the cycle sequence of the injection
moulding machine with an interface and own process
software and is adjustable from the machine
control screen. The adjustable parameters and the
internal functions are clearly displayed on the control
screen page of the ENGEL CC 200 machine control.

24 25
02 03

Graphical Display.
The proper application of the gas control is of
significant importance for the cycle sequence.
The actual values of the injector function time are
graphically displayed for better orientation for the
machine operator. Additionally, the metered
volume of gas is indicated.

The MuCell ® equ ipmen t package Savings Calculator.

comprising: In order to obtain a direct overview of the material
- M u C ell ® p l a s t i c i z i n g u n i t wi t h L /D r at io of 24:1, savings from the foam structure, the compact
incl. MuCell ® sc re w, g a s i n j e c t o r s injection moulded part can be compared to the
- Needle valve nozzle for plasticizing cylinder MuCell ® -foam injected moulded part with an
- Melt pressure transducer, arranged integrated savings calculator. The resulting savings
under gas injector 1 of material, clamp force, and cycle time are also
- Servo valve control with small accumulator given, as well as the used gas volume.
for MPP control
- M u C ell ® s o f t wa re f o r p e r m a n e n t p re ssur iz a t ion 01 Production cell consisting of standard injection
moulding machine with equipment package for the
of the melt and feedback control of screw position MuCell ® microcellular foam moulding process and
a n d n eedl e v a l v e n o z z l e ENGEL ER-Hli demoulding robot

additional equipment: 02 Close-up view of MuCell ® plasticizing cylinder

equipped with two gas injectors
Gas supply units for the metered injection of nitrogen
and carbon dioxide 03 Close-up view of gas pressure control unit
Complete production cells for microcellular foam moulded parts.

MuCell ® -2-K-Production Cell Based on an MuCell ® -Production Cell Based on ENGEL DUO 16050 / 1700.
ENGEL VICTORY 1350H / 330W / 300 Combi. Large area structural parts in automobiles require generous space conditions in the
clamping unit, for the mounting of the injection mold as well as for removal of the molded
MuCell ®- 2C-Production Cell Based on an ENGEL VICTORY Mid-Size Machine
part. The ENGEL DUO machine concept offers this advantage.
Production cell for 2-component molded parts based on an ENGEL VICTORY
mid-size machine with tie-bar-less clamping unit with combination injection
unit of a horizontal MuCell ® main- injection unit and a compact injection unit
in W (piggyback) arrangement.
Part removal robot
Part removal robot ENGEL ERC 103 / 1-E
ENGEL ERC 53 / 1-E in standard design
in standard design

26 Compact injection unit

ES 330 in W (piggyback)
arrangement for second
material components Injection unit ES 16050 in
MuCell ® -design with melt
barrel having L/D ration 24:1
Injection unit ES 1350 in
MuCell ® -design with
90 mm melt barrel having
L / D ration 24:1 MuCell ® -Mucell gas supply
and control equipment

MuCell ® -gas supply and

control equipment Accu-equipment
for fast injection

Loadhog, Sheffield / UK

Car door trim Pallet lid (Loadhog Lid)

Decorative fabric surfaces can be ideally W ith large mouldings e.g. for logistic systems, with
combined with low pressure structural foam ®
higher priority on function than on brilliant surface
Detail view of MuCell -injection unit with
moulded parts – a typical MuCell ® application. gas injectors and gas regulation unit in combination quality, the MuCell ® technology is first choise. Detail view of MuCell ® -large-machine-injection-unit
with second injection in W-configuration Lightweight mouldings are the result. with gas injectors and gas regulation unit

Loadhog, Sheffield / UK
Plastic with Long Glass Fibers for “Strength” Parts in Automob iles.

01 02 03



28 29

Safety and lightness in the moder n car.

Innovative solutions are always needed whenever high
s tren gth h as t o b e c omb i ne d w i t h ot he r p ro pe rti e s.
In th e con text of t he a ut omot i v e i nd ust ry, m a ss-
pro du ced comp one nt p a rt s a nd a sse mb li e s m ust no t
o n ly f eatu re a w hol e sp e c t rum of ma t e ri al pro pe rti e s
bu t als o me e t d e ma nd i ng p rod uc t i on re q ui re m e nts. Autotür-Funktionsmodul
First and foremost, they must be resistant to corrosion,
manufacturable by a single-stage process without any
need for subsequent finishing, exceedingly strong and
light in weight. Parts injection moulded from long glass
fibre-reinforced thermoplastics have enormous potential
f o r s u ch in nov a t i v e sol ut i ons. ENG EL FIB ER M ELT i s 01 Sound shield for engine compartment
the technology on which the production of such high- 02 Underbody assembly
s tren gth part s i s b a se d . 03 Lift-up tailgate module
The material. Long fibre-reinforced thermoplastics: the advantages.

E ff e c t i v e g l a s s f i b re l e n g t h ( m m ) i n m o u l d e d p a r t
0 0,5 1,5 2,5 3,5 4,5 5,5 6,5 7,5 8,5 9,5 10,5
Modulus of

F i b re l e n g t h d i s t r i b u t i o n *
F ibermelt p l a s t i c i z i n g p ro c e s s
p la s t
i c iz in g I m p a c t re s i s t a n c e
03 p ro c e s

Injection-compression Deposit compression
30 Injection moulding moulding moulding 31
Electron micrograph of plastic / fibre matrix Types of pellet used for the injection moulding of *Length definitions: Chopped glass fibres: < 0.3 mm, long glass fibres: > 0.3 mm
long fibre-reinforced parts:
In moulded parts reinforced with long glass fibres there is a direct relationship between fib re length distribution
and the mechanical properties of the part. The chopped (short) fibre content contributes to the rigidity and modulus
01 Compounded material with an of elasticity of the moulded part, the medium-length fibre content gives the part its strengt h, and the long) fibre
initial fibre length of 2.5 mm content has a decisively positive influence on impact resistance. By virtue of its gentle processing action, the
02 Pultruded, rod-shaped pellets ENGEL FIBERMELT plasticizing system increases the content of long fibres in the moulded part.
with 10 mm fibre length
03 Pultruded, rod-shaped pellets
with 25 mm fibre length
04 Material loosely mixed from long
glass fibres and unreinforced pellets

Improvement of physical properties. Increased component strength, even at

high temperatures.
- Increased impact resistance: The longer the fibres are, the greater will be the
Depending on their length, a more or less dense force which the moulded part is capable of
three-dimensional network of fibres forms in the transmitting. However, this strength improvement is
moulded part, considerably increasing the limited to a certain maximum length of fibre, which
latter's stability and impact resistance. The is defined as the critical fibre length. The critical
Definitions. degree to which stability and impact resistance fibre length is determined by various factors such
Long glass fibre-reinforced thermoplastics generally Pultruded, rod-shaped pellets are the most common, is increased is best explained by the enormous as, for example, the specific combination of polymer
have an initial fibre length of up to 50 mm. This and most important, commercial form of long fibre- amount of energy which would be required to and fibre, the coupling agent, the ratio of fibre length
length of fibre lies approximately halfway between reinforced thermoplastic compounds. These pellets debond the matrix, i.e. to separate the fibres to fibre diameter and the temperature range within
the fibre length normally used for chopped-fibre a re produc e d by a c ont inuous e xt r usi on proces s from the plastic. which the polymer/fibre composite is to be used.
reinforced thermoplastics (0.3 mm) and the fibre similar to that used for the sheathing of cables. The
length used for glass mat reinforced composites. continuous glass fibres are sheathed in thermoplastic - Negligible thermal expansion: Easy to manufacture.
and then cut into specific pellet lengths (mostly 10 The addition of glass fibres can reduce the high One of the principle advantages of this process over
The degree of reinforcement may in most cases be or 25 mm) depending on their intended application. coefficient of thermal expansion of the plastic the glass mat reinforcement of thermoplastics – a
a n y th in g b e t we e n 1 5 a n d 6 0 % w/w. T he most material to that of aluminium. This is particularly process which is mainly suitable for the production
c om m on ly use d f i b re s h a v e d i a me t e r s of be t w e e n The pe lle t s a re t he n imme dia t e ly proces s ed advantageous in cases of application where of two-dimensional parts – is the fact that it can be
10 an d 15 µ m. T h e re a re a l s o o t h e r me t hods of dow nst re a m on t he inje c t ion moulding m achi ne. structural units are assembled from components readily integrated in the production system and
rein forc e m e n t u s i n g c a r b o n o r a r a m i d fibre s a nd – B e side s t he se re a dy - t o- use pe lle t s, there are al s o made of different materials, e.g. carbodies permits production in one single operation. Glass
to an e v e r i n c re a s i n g e x t e n t – n a t u r a l f ibre s suc h c ont inuous gla ss fibre c onc e nt r a t e s whi ch can be mat reinforced parts, on the other hand, must be
a s h e m p or s i sa l . mixe d w it h unfille d t he r mopla st ic pe l l ets i n rati os - Improved fracture behaviour: provided with a reduced glass content in certain
Polypropylene and polyamide are the thermoplastics c or re sponding t o t he de sire d de gre e of The cohesiveness of the three-dimensional areas where their function would otherwise be
m os t com mo n l y u se d f o r t h e i n j e c t i o n moulding of re inforc e me nt . This me t hod ma ke s for i ncreas ed network of glass fibres reduces splintering adversely affected, e.g. screw domes.
fib re rein forc e d p a r t s . proc e ssing fle xibilit y. tendency in cases of fracture.
The fundamentals of its technology. The ENGEL FIBERMELT equipment package.

D e c i s i o n m a t r i x f o r p ro c e s s c h o i c e
01 02
T h e bas ic a i m of ENG EL FIBERMELT t e c hno l o g y
Extreme moulded-part Gentle treatment of fibres
is th e economi c a l l y e ffi c i e nt – i .e . a ut o m a te d – complexity (component strength)
manufacture of moulded parts within the optimum
spectrum of fibre lengths. Basically, there are three
pro ces s e s for t he ma nufa c t ure of c ont i nuo us
f ibre- rein forc e d p a rt s:

- In ject i on moul d i ng
- In ject i on-c omp re ssi on moul d i ng
- Deposi t c omp re ssi on moul d i ng

32 Injection moulding Injection compression

Deposit compression
The decision in favour of a particular process will depend
on the geometry of the moulded part and the demands
which it is expected to meet. What all three processes
have in common is the need to modify the plasticizing units
and the processing technology in order to achieve as gentle
a treatment of the fibres as possible.

G e n tl e fibre t reat men t by red ucing Depending on application, the injection moulder can
m e c h a n i cal s h ear. s el ect hi s s tarti ng m ateri al from a wi de range of
com m erci al l y avai l abl e pol ym ers .
- Opt imiz e d p ro c e s s p a ra m e t e rs
In a ll t h re e p ro c e sse s , p l a st i c i z i n g t a ke s pla c e 01 L on g gla ss f ibre -re in f orc e d
in s cre w p l a s t i c i z i n g u n i t s . I n o rd e r t o minimiz e pu ltr u de d pe lle ts. Dire c t a ddition of gla s s f i b re s .
mechanical influences it is necessary to strike a These compounds consist of pultruded, rod-shaped Ins tead of bei ng i ncorporated i n t he p el l et s , t he
h ap p y m e d i u m b e t we e n g e n t l e f i b re t re a t me nt pellets (10 – 25 mm long) with a type-specific glass gl as s fi bres can be fed di rec t l y i nt o t he p l as t i ci z ed
an d e ffe c t i v e h o m o g e n i z a t i o n o f t h e me lt . This fi bre content (20, 30, 40, 50% w/ w). One of thei r polymer. This method minimizes mechanical damage
com p rom i se i s a c h i e v e d b y re d u c i ng t he sc re w m ai n advantages i s thei r ready avai l abi l i ty. to the fibres and the moulding operation takes place
s p e e d a n d si mu l t a n e o u s l y i n c re a si ng t he dw e ll The responsibility for these compounds lies with the i m m edi atel y after thei r addi t i o n. E x t rud ers – e. g .
time. The energy required for plasticizing is now raw m ateri al m anufacturer. twi n s crew ex truders – are u s ed f o r t hi s p ro ces s ,
gen er a te d l e s s b y f r i c t i o n a n d m o re by t he m ai nl y i n conj uncti on wi th met eri ng uni t s , s uch as
increased number of heating zones of the cylinder s crew or ram accum ul ators . T he mai n ap p l i cat i o n
02 L on g gla ss f ibre c on c e n tr a te s. for thi s proces s i s the pres surel es s d ep o s i t i ng o f
in c on ju n c t i o n wi t h a l o n g e r p l a st i c iz ing ( dw e ll) For flexible adaptation of the glass fibre content to
t im e a n d l o we r sc re w sp e e d . m el t i n com pres s i on m oul ds (d ep o s i t co mp res s i o n
s peci fi c requi rem ents , raw m ateri al m anufacturers m oul di ng).
now offer, as a com pl etel y new devel opm ent,
- Opt imiz e d g e o m e t ri e s continuous glass fibre-reinforced pellets with a glass
En gel h a s d e v e l o p e d sp e c i a l sc re w ge ome t r ie s The disadvantages counterbalancing the advantages
fi bre content of over 50%. U s i ng s peci al of l ower raw m ateri al cos ts and i mp ro v ed p ro d uct
for t h e g e n t l e t re a t me n t o f c o n t i n u ous fibre - m anufacturi ng proces s es , i t i s pos s i bl e to achi eve
reinforced thermoplastics. Nozzles, too, feature qual i ty are qui te cons i derable: hi g her cap i t al
a rel i abl e pre-i m pregnati on of the fi l am ents even investment, reduced utilization of available capacity,
wide flow paths and smooth transitions so as to wi th a gl as s fi bre content of up to 75%.
reduce mechanical shear to a minimum. The same the added responsibility as regards the quality and
The advantage l i es i n the greater proces s i ng rel i abi l i ty of the m ateri al , and t he rel at i v e l ack o f
d es ign a p p ro a c h i s a d o p t e d f o r t h e r unne r fl ex i bi l i ty, as there i s no need to s tore m ateri al s
system, too. Thus generous dimensions, „flowing i nfl uence over fi bre i m pregnat i o n and d i s t ri b ut i o n.
havi ng di fferent gl as s fi bre contents . Further
lines” and rheologically optimized melt flow-ways advantages are the l ower pri ce and the i m proved
are th e s o l u t i o n a l l a l o n g t h e l i n e – from t he On account of these disadvantages, Engel does not
feed perform ance duri ng proces s i ng. The requi red recom m end proces s i ng techno l o g i es b as ed o n t he
s c rew t h ro u g h t h e n o z z l e t o t h e g a t ing sy st e m mixing ratio is maintained by means of a combined
in th e m o u l d . di rect addi ti on of gl as s fi bres .
m eteri ng, m i x i ng and wei ghi ng s tati on.
The injection moulding process. The injection-compression moulding process.

Engel offers its Fibermelt processing technology in The ENGEL FIBERM ELT i nj ecti on-com pres s i on Schematic
conjunction with its ENGEL DUO range of large- diagram of
m oul di ng proces s com bi nes the s i m pl e m el t injection-
capacity injection moulding machines. del i very s ys tem of the conventi onal i nj ecti on compression
These machines are offered with a number of standard m oul di ng proces s wi th the fi bre-fri endl y moulding
and special options. The nucleus of the Fibermelt m oul di ng acti on of the com pres s i on m oul di ng process
injection moulding system is the specially developed proces s . Engel offers a s peci al l y devel oped
ENGEL FIBERMELT plasticizing unit. proces s s oftware for the us e of the i nj ecti on-
Advantages: compression moulding process on ENGEL DUO C om pre s s ion s t rok e
- Particularly suitable for geometrically complex i nj ecti on m oul di ng m achi nes .
parts with many apertures.
- Engel processing know-how minimizes
damage tothe fibres
- Typical Fibermelt injection-moulded parts are:
> dashboard supports
34 > front end modules 35
Close-up of injection unit with weigh feeding unit
E N GE L DU O-i nj e c ti on I nj e c t i on- c om p re s s i on m oul d i ng w i t h 01 ENGEL FIBERMELT plasticizing unit
02 Weigh feeding unit
mou l d in g m a c h i ne s t he E N G E L D U O i nj e c t i on m oul d i ng
03 Pressure pad with compression facility
01 02 03 01 Coupling segments for tiebar m a c hi ne
coupling with platen
02 ENGEL DUO two-platen clamping unit
03 Pressure pad 02

The ENGEL FIBERMELT Software options. Th e proc e ss. A s the hol di ng pres s ure i s a p p l i ed no t b y t he
equipment package. Available for use with Fibermelt is Engel's entire A prerequi s i te for the us e of the i nj ecti on- injection unit but by the clamping unit, the pressure
Basis: ENGEL DUO series of injection moulding range of application and quality control software com pres s i on m oul di ng proces s i s a m oul d whi ch i s di s tri buted m uch m ore evenl y and a l o wer
machines with two-platen clamping system (see brochures „ENGEL DUO” and „ENGEL CC 200”) can be equi pped wi th a com pres s i on m oul di ng cl am pi ng force i s requi red.
Technology module: adapter. D uri ng the fi bre-fri endl y, l ow-pres s ure
ENGEL FIBERMELT injection unit Of particular advantage when processing continuous i nj ecti on of the m el t i nto the m oul d, the l atter A dva n ta ge s of th is m o u l d i n g p ro c e s s .
- Fibermelt screw featuring optimized geometry fibre-reinforced thermoplastics is the operational remains open by a distance of 10-20 mm – the so- - Inj ecti on com pres s i on m o ul d i ng i s t he i d eal
(available in diameters from 90 mm upwards) software package „AUTOPROTECT INJECTION called compression stroke – and vertical flash faces proces s for the producti o n o f l arg e- area,
- Plasticizing cylinder with L/D ratio of 26:1 for MONITORING”. This software monitors the injection prevent the melt from escaping via the gap between rel ati vel y uncom pl i cated p art s d es i g ned f o r
gentle plasticizing action and holding pressure profiles. Comparison of refe- the m oul d hal ves . applications which make heavy demands on their
- Electric screw drive for parallel metering (optional) rence and actual values gives early recognition of The m achi ne perform s the m oul di ng operati on by fi bre s tructures , e. g. car und erb o d i es , eng i ne
- Weigh feeding unit for glass fibre concentrates critical deviations, thus permitting timely adjustment cl os i ng the m oul d, ei ther duri ng the m oul d fi l l i ng com partm ents or car doo r mo d ul es
(optional) and, in tur n, effectively preventing possible damage operation (simultaneous injection and compression) - Fl ex i bl e uti l i zati on of ENG E L D U O machi nes
- Screws and non-retur n valves from the Engel to the injection unit and the mould. or i m m edi atel y after (cons ecuti ve i nj ecti on and - P roces s i ng advantages such as neg l i g i b l e f i b re
Marathon product range com pres s i on). dam age, reduced cl am pi ng f o rce req ui rement ,
(see special product leaflets) negl i gi bl e i nter nal s tres s es i n t he mo ul d ed p art
Potential for the future: material combinations point the way f orward.

01 S u b s equ en t rein forcement 01 02 02 F ibe r m e lt a n d su r f a c e re f i n e me n t .

w i th m et al part s . As with all other processes in this and other areas
A con ceiv a b l e f u t u re d e v e l o p m e n t i s t he of plastics processing, FIBERMELT's potential for
p rod u c tio n o f l a r g e -a re a l o n g g l a ss fibre i nnovati on l i es i n i ts abi l i ty t o co mb i ne read i l y
re in forced p a r t s wh i c h a re s u b s e q u e nt ly wi th other proces s es , e. g. wi t h PFM (Pai nt l es s
s tren gt h e n e d i n c r i t i c a l a re a s wi t h w e lde d- in Fi l m M oul di ng). A s the s urf ace t ex t ures o f l o ng
s h e e t m e t a l p a r t s. D i st o r t i o n a n d i n t e r na l gl as s fi bre-rei nforced parts are g eneral l y
s tres s es wo u l d b e e a s i e r t o c o n t ro l tha n in t he unacceptabl e i n aes theti c t erms , t he rang e o f
cas e of h y b r i d c o m p o si t e s, e .g . m e t a l pa r t s appl i cati on of s uch parts can b e co ns i d erab l y
s u b s eq u e n t l y st re n g t h e n e d wi t h i n j e c t ion widened through combination with suitable surface
m ou ld e d r i b s. I n t h i s wa y i t wo u l d b e possible enhancem ent and decorati o n p ro ces s es .
t o avoid o v e r s i z i n g p l a st i c p a r t s me re ly for t he Com pl etel y new appl i cati on s are co ncei v ab l e –
p u r p os e o f g i v i n g t h e m a d d e d st re n g t h. e.g. carbody components and car door modules
A vast saving of material and weight would result. – where aes theti c appeal i s j us t as i mp o rt ant as
36 m ateri al s trength. 37
01 03


a b

A ddition a l loc a l re in f o rc e me n t .
A f u r t h er co n cei vab l e w ay o f exte n d in g th e sp e c tru m
of possible applications for long glass fibre-reinforced
p ar t s w o u l d b e t o p ro vi d e t h ose a re a s of a mou ld e d
a fabric reinforcement p ar t w h i ch are s u b j ect ed t o p a rtic u la rly h igh le ve ls of
b foam st ructure s t res s w i t h ad d i t i o n al l o cal rein f orc e me n t in th e f orm
c inlay with reinforcing rib o f g l as s f i b re m at s an d t ap es .
d long glass fibre reinforcement
e glass fibre tapes
Processing solutions for such reinforcement techniques
h ave al read y b een d evel o p ed .
S a n dw i c h co mbin at io n s of Re c yc la ble a lte r n a tive t o S MC.
A further potential application is the production of long
m a te r i a l propert ies . glass fibre-reinforced parts as SMC substitutes. Sheet
Sandwich constructions for noise reduction and heat m o u l d i n g co m p o u n d s are d i ff i c u lt to re c yc le a n d th e
in s u la tion , e .g . c o mb i n a t i o n s o f l o n g gla ss fibre - car manufacturing industry's requirement for a recycling
re in forced t h e r mo p l a st i c s a n d f o a m m at e r ia ls, a nd q u o t a o f 8 5 % can b e m et o n l y a t c on sid e ra b le c ost.
als o s im ilar sa n d wi c h c o n s t r u c t i o n s f o r e ne r gy Moreover, compared with SMC parts, long glass fibre-
absorption, are currently at the experimental stage. reinforced parts require little or no subsequent finishing.
The alter native solution for thick-section parts and good surfa ce finishes.

Technology below the surface

is the beauty of it.
Shapes that lie comfortably in your hand, absolute dimen-
sional precision, surface finishes that leave absolutely nothing
to be desired – these are the qualities that decisively influ-
ence the success of a new product. Being able to combine
design and function without having to pay heed to the limits
imposed by the material has a twofold advantage: new
materials can be utilized and, by the same token, new
products can be developed – for the ultimate benefit of the
user. Technologies for achieving optimum surface quality of
the moulded part by applying, with either a gas or a fluid,
a constant internal pressure during the critical holding and
cooling phases considerably broaden the scope of possible
applications for plastic parts. The technologies developed
38 by Engel to this end are called Gasmelt and Watermelt. 39
The processes – an overview of possible applications. Partial filling and inflation – the standard process.

Overview of application scope of Gasmelt / Watermelt processes 01 02


Industrial parts with large cavities (visible when in use)

Industrial parts with large cavities (not visible when in use)

Large-area, ribbed parts, e.g. fronts of TV sets

Handles with small to medium-sized cavities (up to approx. 20 cm3)

Handles with large cavities

Structural components with relatively small, partial cavities

40 Structural components with large cavities 41

03 04

Th e G a s m e l t a n d Wa t e r me l t p ro c e sse s offe re d by
Engel permit the moulding of parts with thicker walls
and sections than normally permitted by the material
u s ed . W it h b o t h p ro c e sse s , a s e p a r a t e me dium is
in je c te d in t o t h e mo u l d d u r i n g t h e mo uld filling
op e r at ion . T h i s me d i u m g e n e r a t e s p re s sure inside The standard Gasmelt
th e p ar t s o a s t o e n su re t h a t t h e s h r i n ka ge of t he or Watermelt process.
m at e r ial w hi c h n o r ma l l y o c c u r s d u r i n g t he c ooling The mould cavity is first partially filled with a defined
p h a s e c a n n o t p u l l t h e s u r f a c e s o f t h e pa r t s a w a y quanti ty of m el t, fol l owed by gas or water i nj ected
from t h e w a l l s o f t h e mo u l d c a v i t y a n d c a use sink at a pressure of between 30 and 400 bar or 20 and 01 Process stage 1: Injection unit with shut-off nozzle
m ar k s a n d o t h e r su r f a c e b l e m i s h e s . T he pre ssure closed. Melt accumulates in the space in front of
200 bar res pecti vel y. The pres s ure m edi um forces the screw in readiness fo r injection
m ed iu m u s e d i s e i t h e r n i t ro g e n o r wa t er. Nit roge n the m el t agai ns t the wal l s of the m oul d cavi ty i n
is used in cases where chemical inertness is a prime order to m oul d the part. Inj ecti on of the pres s ure 02 Process stage 2: Shut-off nozzle opens. Melt is
c on s id er a tio n ; wa t e r i s u se d i n c a se s w he re c y c le m edi um i s effected ei ther vi a the m achi ne nozzl e injected (partial filling). Shut-off nozzle closes
tim e, h eat t r a n s f e r a n d l o n g m e l t f l o w- pa t he s t a ke (only if gas is used) or via a nozzle located near the
03 Process stage 3: Gas is injected via gas needle
p r ior ity. Th e s e p re ssu re me d i a d o n o t just se r v e t o gate or via a nozzle leading directly into the mould into mould cavity. The nitrogen expands inside the
c om p en s a te sh r i n k a g e b u t a l so , a n d e qua lly im- (gas and water). The medium cannot enter the mould melt and forces the latter against the walls of the
p or t a n tly, to re d u c e wa l l t h i c k n e s s b y produc ing unti l i ts pres s ure ex ceeds that of the m el t. mould cavity (the optimum quantity of melt is
determined beforehand b y successive
hollow areas inside the parts. Reducing wall thick- After performing its moulding function, the pressure approximation)
ness also reduces the amount of material used, and m edi um takes over the hol di ng pres s ure functi on
th is in t u r n me a n s a re d u c t i o n i n c o o l i ng t ime . The normally performed by the injection unit. Upon com- 04 Process stage 4: Gas pressure is maintained during
bottom line: improved surface quality and dimensio- pletion of the defined holding pressure phase, most the cooling phase (the gas pressure performs the
holding pressure function). Gas pressure is then
n a l p re c is io n o n t h e o n e h a n d , f a s t e r c y c le t ime s of the pressure medium – water or gas – is reclaimed reduced and the gas is reclaimed.
on t h e ot h e r. for us e duri ng the nex t m oul di ng cycl e. The part is then demoulded
The blow-out process – for optimum surface quality. Local gas injection for parts featuring several
different cross-sections.

01 02 01 02

42 43
03 04 03 04

When thick walls and sinkfree surfaces Local gas injection In such cases, the mould must be equipped with
sliding splits which permit controlled adaptation to
is an absolute must. (possible only with Gasmelt).
the cavity dimensions. These splits are moved either
Th e b low - o u t p ro c e s s d i ff e r s f ro m t h e st a nda rd When moulding parts which are thick in some places
a u t o m a t i c a l l y o r t h ro u g h t h e p re s s u re o f t h e g a s ,
partial filling and inflation process inasmuch as the a n d t h i n i n o t h e r s , i t i s n e c e s s a r y t o c o r re l a t e t h e
permitting the production of uniformly moulded parts
m ou ld c a v it y i s f i r st c o mp l e t e l y f i l l e d w it h me lt . 01 Process stage 1: A prerequisite for this process is volume of injected gas with the respective volumes
an injection mould equipped both with a gas needle w i t h c a v i t i e s e x a c t l y w h e re t h e y a re re q u i re d .
G as or w a te r i s t h e n i n j e c t e d i n t o t h e me lt from a of melt in the thin-walled and thick-walled parts of
in its cavity and with an auxiliary cavity which is
p os it ion at t h e e n d o f t h e me l t f l o w-way, w he re by separated from the mould cavity by a sliding split.
the mould cavity. This is not possible using standard 01 Process stage 1: For parts having several different
the core of the melt is forced out of the cavity, either Melt accumulates in the space in front of the screw g a s i n j e c t i o n t e c h n o l o g y, e s p e c i a l l y i n t h e c a s e o f cross sections, the mould must be equipped with
back into the space in front of the screw or into an in readiness for injection re l a t i v e l y c o m p l e x p a r t s , n o t e v e n w i t h t h e a i d o f one or more sliding splits permitting localized wall
thickness control using two or more gas injection
a u x iliar y ca v i t y. f l o w a n a l y s i s s o f t w a re . nozzles. At the commencement of the cycle, the
02 Process stage 2: The melt is injected into the mould sliding split(s) is/are in the front position
cavity, filling it completely.
W ith t h is p ro c e ss i t i s p o s si b l e t o p re v e nt t he oc - The sliding split is closed If the melt is gated into the thick-walled part of the
c u r re n c e of s u r f a c e d e f e c t s wh i c h mi g ht ot he r w ise mould cavity such that the cavity is partially filled 02 Process stage 2: the cavity is filled completely;
03 the shut-off nozzle of the injection unit is closed
b e cau s e d wh e n s wi t c h i n g o v e r f ro m m e lt t o ga s Process stage 3: The sliding split opens, exposing (as with the standard Gasmelt process), the injected
injection, especially in the case of critical materials the auxiliary cavity. At the same time, the gas is gas will in most cases not be able to force the melt
injected into the melt, forcing the core of the melt 03 Process stage 3: The sliding split in the mould
( e. g. h igh ly c r y s t a l l i n e p l a s t i c s) o r p i g me nt a t ions, into the auxiliary cavity until the latter is into the thin-walled parts of the cavity on account moves into its rear position. The gas is injected.
or when using highly polished or specially textured completely filled of the high flow length/wall thickness ratio, not even Gas pressure is maintained during the cooling
phase. Gas pressure is then reduced and the gas
m ou ld in s er t s. at a pressure of 400 bar. Moreover, the gas pressure is reclaimed
04 Process stage 4: Gas pressure is maintained during acting on the melt in the thick-walled part of the
the cooling phase. Gas pressure is then reduced
and the gas is reclaimed. c a v i t y w i l l n o t s u ff i c e a s h o l d i n g p re s s u re f o r t h e 04 Even complex, relatively large parts can be moulded
The part is then demoulded thin-walled parts. by means of this process
Multipoint injection – for large parts. The circulation process – for short cycle times.

01 02 01 02

44 45
03 03 04

M u l ti p o i n t in ject io n Un if or m wa ll th ic k n e sse s by
( G a sm e l t an d Wat ermelt ) . u sin g wa te r pre ssu re .
I n o rd e r t o e n s u re t h a t a m o u l d e d p a r t c a n m e e t T h i s p ro c e s s h a s b e e n s p e c i a l l y d e v e l o p e d f o r t h e This in tur n makes for faster demoulding and hence
the highest possible demands, it is often necessary use of water as a pressure and heat transfer medium. a s h o r t e r c y c l e t i m e . T h e p ro c e s s c a n b e u s e d t o
to inject water or gas at several points in the mould Wa t e r i s n o t o n l y a v i r t u a l l y i n c o m p re s s i b l e a n d particular advantage when moulding long, tubular
c a v i t y s i m u l t a n e o u s l y. I n t h i s w a y, c a v i t i e s c a n b e h e n c e e x c e l l e n t p re s s u re t r a n s f e r m e d i u m f o r l o n g parts or large-volume parts.
f o r m e d w h e re t h e y a re a c t u a l l y re q u i re d . T h e a d - melt flow-ways but also a highly conductive and
vantage is that the part no longer has to be moulded hence excellent heat transfer medium. The term 01 Process Step 1: Injection mould with 2 injectors in
w i t h r i b s w h i c h h i t h e r t o s e r v e d p u re l y a s a m e a n s " f l u s h i n g p ro c e s s " re f e r s t o t h e c o n t ro l l e d f l u s h i n g the mould cavity. Melt accumulates in the space in
o f t r a n s p o r t i n g t h e g a s o r w a t e r a n d w e re n o t n e - of the hollow moulded part with water as a particu- front of the screw in read iness for injection
c e s s a r y f o r t h e s t r u c t u r a l re i n f o rc e m e n t o r t h e larly effective means of dissipating heat. The flushing
01 Multipoint gas injection in a mould for a beverage 02 Process Step 2: Plastic is injected
function of the part. In the case of extremely large crate – one injection point for each of the four grip p ro c e s s c a n b e u s e d i n c o n j u n c t i o n w i t h b o t h t h e
mouldings, e.g. car bumpers, it is possible, using openings Wa t e r m e l t p a r t i a l f i l l i n g / i n f l a t i o n p ro c e s s a n d w i t h 03 Process Step 3: The water injection occurs with
several gas pressure control units, to obtain different t h e Wa t e r m e l t b l o w - o u t p ro c e s s . the injector nearest the sprue, so long until the
g a s p re s s u re p ro f i l e s f o r t h e i n d i v i d u a l i n j e c t i o n 02 Multipoint gas injection in a mould for a shopping desired cavity and overflow cavity have
trolley. The chassis is equipped with two injection been produced
p o i n t s w h i c h c a n b e c o n t ro l l e d i n d e p e n d e n t l y o f points for the frame parts and the basket with two T h e f l u s h i n g p ro c e s s u t i l i z e s 2 w a t e r i n j e c t o r s f o r
one another, either simultaneously or sequentially. injection points for the transition zone between each mould cavity. After the mould filling operation, 04 Process Step 4: After the water bubble has reached
This principle may also be utilized for multicavity the handle and the receptacle the injectors alter nately inject and extract the water, the second injector, a circulation purging takes
moulds. Multipoint injection can, in principle, be generating a water circuit with alter nating directions place for inner cooling of the injection moulded
03 Multi-position injection on a collapsible crate for part. Subsequently, the water is blown back
combined with all basic Gasmelt processes (inflati- vegetables – 4 gas locations in order to be able to o f f l o w. T h e re s u l t a n t t u r b u l e n c e f u r t h e r s h e a t d i s - into the system with air and the sprue system
on, blow-out, local gas injection). develop the hinge border exactly sipation and hence accelerates the cooling process. is separated
Typical examples of application for surface improvement. Practical example of application: long melt flow-ways.

01 02 01 02

> >

> >
Gas injection

Hollow core
injection mould
Moulded part:
46 Moulded part: RSL-Kendrion Uteschen y, Zaisenhausen/D 47
03 04 03 04



Moulded part:
Thermoplast, Idstein, Dana

01 Example of local gas injection with controlled cavity 03 Car door handle, manufactured by the Gasmelt 01 Example of the process combination of Combimelt 03 Product Example: Side panel of a fruit box of PP
volume. The cavities are located in five separate process (blowing out into auxiliary cavity) with Watermelt: Door handle for Engel injection with integrated reinforcement elements, produced
parts of this ergonomically designed h andle in order moulding machines base body of PA 6.6/GF 30 and with the blow out process (blow out into an overflow
to ensure optimum smoothness 04 Housing for television set with local cavities for grip component of TPE – Blowing out into overflow cavity and subsequent cooling with water
compensating contraction through shrinkage cavity with recirculation process recirculation)
02 Armrest/handle for car door: example of Gasmelt (surface improvement, avoidance of sink marks) at
blow-out application (necessary on account of the the points of the housing where fas tening elements 02 Auto-Clutch pedal of PA 6.6 + GF 30, produced 04 Auto Motor / Suction Pipe for Auto Oil Pan,
extremely high quality of surface finish required). In are incorporated. The cavities are produced by with the process variation “blow back into the melt manufactured according to the Watermelt-blow out
this particular application, the melt is forced back means of the Gasmelt blow-out process space in front of the screw ” process. Display of the moulded part including
into the space in front of the screw overflow cavity and sprue manifold
The equipment for the Gasmelt process.

EGM HD 230/330 EGM HD 300/330 EGM HD 500/400 EGM HDZ 1200/400 EGM HDZ 3000/400
Compact Gasmelt Units Central Gasmelt Units
Gas volume* 230 cm3 300 cm3 500 cm3 Gas volume* 1200 cm3 3000 cm3
Max. gas pressure 300 bar 330 bar 400 bar Max. gas pressure 400 bar 400 bar
Max. preload pressure 200 bar Max. preload pressure 200 bar 200 bar
Cycle time for recharging 60 sek. 60 sek. 60 sek. Cycle time for recharging 50 sek. 60 sek.
Max. N2 recuperation 85 % 85 % 85 % Max. N2 recuperation 90 % 90 %
Pressure booster 0,8 lt Pressure booster 2,4 lt 6 lt
Ram accumulator 1,5 lt 2,5 lt 5 lt Ram accumulator 10 lt 20 lt
Pressure accumulator 2,5 lt 2,5 lt 5 lt Pressure accumulator 20 lt 50 lt
Gas recovery tank 10 lt 10 lt 24 lt Gas recovery tank 24 lt 50 lt
Necessary N2 input pressure 30 bar 30 bar 25 bar Necessary N2 input pressure 22-25 bar 22-25 bar
Drive rating 2,2 kW 5,5 kW 7,5 kW Drive rating 18,5 kW 37 kW
Oil requirement 30 lt 40 lt 100 lt Oil requirement 160 lt 400 lt
Cooling water requirement 0,6 m3/h 0,6 m3/h 0,8 m3/h Cooling water requirement 1,5 cm3/h 1,3 cm3/h
Max. cooling water temperature 20 °C 20 °C 20 °C Max. cooling water temperature 20 °C 20 °C

48 Weight**
Length x width x height (mm)
250 kg
800 x 600 x 1700
500 kg (550 kg)***
1550 x 1000 x 1700
950 kg (1000 kg)****
1000 x 1700 x 1750
Length x width x height (mm)
1200 kg
1850 x 950 x 1750
2800 kg
2000 x 1500 x 2400
Abbreviations: Abbreviations:
EGM HD = Engel Gasmelt High Pressure EGM HD = Engel Gasmelt High Pressure
* -------- at maximum gas pressure Z = Zentralanlage (Central Unit)
** ------- without oil * -----at maximum gas pressure
*** ------ data applicable for compact units with gas recuperation system ** ----without oil
**** ----- weight with second integrated gas control unit

Compact Gasmelt Units. All three sizes of unit are supplied with two control Engel Central Gasmelt Units.
In order to meet the many different demands of the systems as standard. Using the compact control for The Central Gasmelt Units essentially comprise a u p t o 4 0 0 b a r. A s o p e r a t i o n a t t h e s e p re s s u re s
m a r k e t , E n g e l o ff e r s a r a n g e o f c o m p a c t G a s m e l t t h e i n t e g r a t e d g a s p re s s u re c o n t ro l u n i t ( g a s p re s - hydraulically driven piston compressor with a nitro- necessitates an enormous consumption of nitrogen,
units covering every conceivable application. These sure control valve), the Gasmelt unit can be operated gen accumulator and a nitrogen recuperation tank, Engel also offers a complete range of nitrogen pro-
compact units have been developed for optimum in „inter nal mode” completely independently of the a l l c o n t a i n e d i n a f re e - s t a n d i n g h o u s i n g f o r t h e duction units for every requirement. These nitrogen
flexibility and are available in a choice of three sizes: injection moulding machine, which means that it s u p p l y o f n i t ro g e n t o s e v e r a l i n j e c t i o n m o u l d i n g production units can be readily combined with, and
Size I f o r re l a t i v e l y s m a l l c a v i t i e s , s u i t a b l e f o r can be used with any make of machine in this mode. machines, the latter being additionally equipped adapted to, any size of Gasmelt unit.
l a b o r a t o r y a n d / o r m o u l d p ro v i n g T h e s e c o n d c o n t ro l s y s t e m s e r v e s t o o p e r a t e t h e with one or several gas pressure control units. The
applications; compressor, but may also be switched to „exter nal re q u i re d r i s e a n d f a l l o f t h e g a s p re s s u re p ro f i l e s ,
Size II for medium-sized cavities and/or when mode” for operation of the Gasmelt unit by means including pressure ramps and time sequences, can
m a s s p ro d u c t i o n t a k e s p r i o r i t y. of the gas pressure control module incorporated in b e i n p u t t e d d i re c t l y a t t h e V D U o f t h e re s p e c t i v e
S i z e I I I f o r re l a t i v e l y l a r g e c a v i t i e s , a n d a l s o f o r the control software of the Engel injection moulding machine control system. Depending on actual requi-
optional parallel operation of max. two machine. This universality of the Gasmelt unit affords rements, the Engel Central Gasmelt Units are availa-
injection moulding machines. t h e u s e r t h e g re a t e s t p o s s i b l e f l e x i b i l i t y. b l e i n t w o s i z e s , b o t h r a t e d f o r p re s s u re s o f
Well thought-out, self-contained systems. The control system.

ENGEL GASMELT system components Compact Units EGM HD... Central Units EGM HDZ... Nitrogen
Integration into machine
... 230 / 330 ... 300 / 330 ... 500 / 400 ... 1200 / 400 ... 3000 / 400 units control system.
The operating functions of the Gasmelt and
Machine shoes S S S
Castors for Gasmelt unit S S S X X Watermelt units can be integrated into the cycle
Special painted finish X X X X X X control system of the injection moulding machine
Automatic cylinder switch-over X X S S via interfaces and special process software.
Acoustic signal for cylinder change X X Dedicated operating pages can be selected by
Integration of N2 recuperation system X S S S S

Integration of a 2nd gas pressure control unit X X means of softkeys. The VDU clearly visualizes all
Gas ingress recognition (on gas pressure control unit) X X inter nal functions of the Gasmelt or Watermelt unit
Flat colour VDU screen X X and also its operating status at any time during the
Low-setting control for gas pressure control units S S S X X moulding cycle.
Electrical contamination indicator X
Interface for gas pressure control unit (GOS)* X X X X X
Interface for GOS double panel X X X X
50 Gas ingress recognition
Gate closing program** X X X
X ... Optionally available
A lth ou gh EN GE L GA S ME L T u n i t s h a v e be e n S ... Standard
* ... The interface package includes the software for the Gasmelt units and
d es ign e d as a n c i l l a r y u n i t s wh i c h a re re a dy t o also the special programs for „blow-out into auxiliary cavity” and „press
con n ect u p t o t h e ma c h i n e , t h e y c a n also be back into injection cylinder” Graphical Display.
in d ivid u a lly e x t e n d e d a n d a d a p t e d a s re quire d. ** ... only in conjunction with a Gasmelt machine nozzle The user-friendly gas pressure control is of decisive
importance for the moulding cycle. All the settings
for the gas control valves, such as pressure, starting
time for gas injection, gas holding pressure, gas
Nitrogen production units EGM N 12 EGM N 18 EGM N 24
recuperation time, are clearly indicated on dedicated
display pages.
Output rate* 12 Nrn3/h 18 Nrn3/h 24 Nrn3/h The same is valid for the process Watermelt.
Max. output pressure 30 bar 30 bar 30 bar

Purity of nitrogen 98 % 98 % 98 %

Volume of working tank 50 It 50 It 100 It

Required air input pressure 6 - 7 bar 6 - 7 bar 6 - 7 bar

Required air input rate 44 Nm3/h 64 Nm3/h 84 Nm3/h

Drive rating 2,2 kW 2,2 kW 5,5 kW

Weight 700 kg 750 kg 800 kg

Length x width x height (mm) 1900 x 900 x 2000 1900 x 900 x 2000 1900 x 900 x 2000

* Output rate at max. output pressure

Optimum Wall Thickness Distribution.

In order to optimize cavity shape and/or wall
G a s su pply. thickness distribution, the gas pressures can be set
Th e n itroge n re q u i re d f o r t h e o p e r a t i o n of t he E nge l offe r s t he se nit roge n produc t io n uni ts i n a individually via the injection cycle. Gas pressure
Gasmelt units may be supplied either from standard, c hoic e of t hre e siz e s, e a c h one a v a ilabl e as an profiles can be adjusted via the machine's VDU. All
commercially available gas cylinders or, alternatively, inde pe nde nt module for c onne c t ion to the data can be stored together with the settings for
from a n it ro g e n p ro d u c t i o n u n i t wh i c h e xt r a c t s t he G a sme lt unit . the injection mould and are thus reproducible for
n it rogen d ire c t l y f ro m t h e a mb i e n t a i r. every new production start-up.
Watermelt-Equipment for Water-Injection.

01 02

52 53
WATERMELT UNIT 30 / 200 30 / 300 WATERMELT – SYSTEM COMPONENTS 30 / 200 … / 300 04 03
Min./Max. Water Pressure 0 - 200 bar 0 - 300 bar 30 29,9
Min./Max. Flow Rate 5 - 30 lt/min 5 - 30 lt/min 25
Intervals 5 5 Special Paint Color X 20,5

Pressure (bar)
Min./Max. Pressure Water Temp. 20 - 60 °C 20 - 60 °C Spare Parts Package X

Water Inlet Pressure 2 bar 2 bar Diagnostic-equipment 15
- for recording of actual values X
Cooling Water Requirement 10 It / min 10 It / min of water pressure and flow rate
8,5 9,0
Max. Cooling Water Temperature 20 °C 20 °C
Drive Rating 23 kW 32 kW 0,7 2,3 2,0 4,8
1,6 3,5
Weight* 800 kg 850 kg Watermelt-Interface*
With program for diagnostic X
Length x Width x Height (mm) 1800 x 1100 x 1650 recording and process monitoring 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Delivery

* without water filling * The accompanying software for the Watermelt unit Standard injector with lateral drilling
is included in the interface package
Annular gap injector

The Solution for Long Hollow Parts.

Especially for moulded parts with large volume B o t h c o n t ro l o f t h e w a t e r f l o w r a t e a n d re a l i z a t i o n
h o l l o w c h a n n e l s , E n g e l o ff e r s t h e w a t e r i n j e c t i o n o f a w a t e r p re s s u re p ro f i l e c a n b e a c c o m p l i s h e d 01 Door handle for Engel injection moulding machines
unit series as a supplement and alternative to the with the Watermelt unit. The water flows in a closed base body of PA 6.6/GF 30 and grip component
G a s m e l t - p ro c e s s t e c h n o l o g y. I n c o m p a r i s o n t o t h e c i rc u i t i n o rd e r t o m i n i m i z e t h e a m o u n t o f w a t e r of TPE – Blowing out into overflow cavity with
recirculation process
p ro c e s s t e c h n o l o g y w i t h t h e c o m p re s s i b l e m e d i u m l o s s . D u r i n g t h e w a t e r re c o v e r y i n t h e s p e c i f i c a l l y
“gas”, the media water allows better defined hollow f o re s e e n t a n k , a c o n t i n u o u s f i l t e r i n g a n d n e w 02 Situation of injectors built into the injection mould
a re a s . A d d i t i o n a l l y, t h e m e d i a w a t e r o ff e r s t h e a d - t re a t m e n t o f t h e m e d i a o c c u r s .
vantage of inner-cooling of injection moulded parts As a result, the equipment and mold can be protec- 03 Injectors with adjustable stroke
for the water flow control
due to the high thermal conductivity. Where allowed ted from micro organisms and abrasive constituents
by the moulded part geometry, drastic shorter cycle without the addition of chemicals. 04 Engel offers injectors with determined performance
t i m e s a re t h e re s u l t . characteristics for every application
Technology modules for the production of innovative injection mouldings.

COMPLETE PRODUCTION SYSTEM E N G E L V I C TO RY 1350 / 250 w i t h E N G E L E R H Li 71 l i ne a r ro b o t

Complete production system comprising several Engel injection moulding Production cell with clean-air cabin for the production of car headlight reflectors using
machines working in conjunction with a Central Gasmelt Unit. local gas injection in order to compensate distortion and contraction caused by shrinkage
– thus obtaining absolutely correct reflector geometry.

Engel injection moulding

machine with tiebarless
clamping unit and clean-
room equipment package
Gas pressure control
unit on every injection
54 moulding machine,
each one connected to the
Linear robot
Central Gasmelt Unit ENGEL ER-HLi 71 for
tiebarless clamping unit

Gas pressure control unit

with connection to
Central Gasmelt Unit

Clean-air cabin above

clamping unit and
conveyor belt for onward
transport of parts for
downstream processing

Power saw handle Car headlight reflector

Power saw handle as a typical example of Car headlight reflector as a typical example of
the kind of ergonomically designed parts industrial parts with surface geometries which
which are possible using the Gasmelt system. demand the utmost precision.

Close-up of gas pressure control unit Engel Central Gasmelt Unit

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