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Michael Emerson T.

11- Zara

What makes Earth special?

Our Planet Earth is special because distinct from the all other
planets from the solar system. It exists in balance along the
others. Our planet Earth is the best and beautiful because it
only the that can support “life” than the other planets like
Jupiter etc. Also, this most special of attributes, planet Earth
has a number of ideal features. It is unique among planets in
our solar system for having water in its liquid form at the
surface, in an amount conducive to life evolving. It has liquid
water, plate tectonics, and an atmosphere that shelters it from
the worst of the sun's rays. But many scientists agree our
planet's most special feature might just be us. As far a I know,
the Earth is the only planet that can sustain and support lives
from any living things here on our mother Earth.

5 important biological factors that you need in order to live.

 Water
 Atmosphere
 Magnetic Field
 Convection Current
 Balanced Position in the Solar System

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