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BF St. Mary’s School of San Jose Inc.

“Building the Foundation for Tomorrow’s Leader.”


• Describe the characteristics of earth that

are necessary to support life;

• Explain that earth consist of four

Subsystem, across whose boundaries
matter and energy flow.
We know that the earth is moving about our sun in a very nearly circular
orbit it covers this rate at a speed.
Earth is the planet which is the third on it’s distance from the sun it is the
only place we know od so far that’s inhabited with living organisms.

Solar System
From the previous concepts learned we already
identified planets In the solar system there are eight
planets in order from the sun based on their distance.
What makes Earth Special?
What do you think characteristic of the earth that
makes it different of all other planet?

If we picked a planet and this planet is a living
organisms on it they can breath and leave on it surface
since it can provide need like air, food, water and other
important needs to survive.

1. Temperature
- Influences how quickly atoms and molecules
move if our planet experiences low
2. Atmosphere
- Our atmosphere serve as the earth’s blanket that shields the
surface on the harmful radiation and provides chemicals
needed for life.
3. Energy
- Is the capacity to do work as we knew it comes into different
types of forms without energy.
Without the energy the organisms will have no light to use or
there will be no chemical energy to run their life processes .
When there is too little sunlight or too few of the chemicals
that provide energy to cells organisms die.
4. Nutrients
-Different nutrients are used to build and maintain
an organisms body for us humans nutrients are
from the food that we eat, they are categorized as
proteins, fats, carbohydrates , vitamins and
minerals and they all perform the vital functions
for us to live without chemicals to make proteins
and carbohydrates organisms.
Earth Subsystem
- Our planet is one large system and each of the part acts as
subsystem they all work together to make earth the habitable
place that we know it to be an and we call this part Spheres.

It has four subsystem.
• Atmosphere
• Geosphere
• Hydrosphere
• Biosphere
Maria Cristina Falls
- The strong current of the falls has an estimated capacity for
about 200 mega watts which supply 70% of the entire
Mindanao’s electricity.

The kinetic energy of the falling water is being converted to

mechanical energy the Mindanao’s enjoyed the abundance of
it’s waters and energy converted into electricity for the house
hold and industrial consumption.
The water part of the earth which circulates among oceans, continents,
glaciers rivers, waterfalls and including the atmosphere is the

- Hydrosphere from the Greek word which means WATER
Because of this earth sometimes called blue planet or the water planet


Is our planet made up of only water?

Or land ? How about the air?
- Geo comes from the Greek word which means
GROUND it is basically means that is related or
something to do with the earth it is kind of like the
skeleton of our planet since all of the other
spheres are found on top of it the geosphere is the
solid part from it’s core to its crust.

Even the semi solid land underneath they are part of

the geosphere as simple as that.
Remember: That when we talked about
geosphere it includes only the Non-Living

- Which comes from the Greek word ATMOS meaning AIR

- We cannot really see the atmosphere or hold it but it can be

found everywhere and covers the entire planet like huge blanket
primarily the atmosphere is composed of 78 % Nitrogen,
- 21% Oxygen , and 1% other gases .
- The word Bio means LIFE all life forms that exist
on earth are part of it including those in the sea on
the land and in water all human beings are part if this
subsystem it is often called the large ecosystem.
- Yet a very thin layer of the earths surface most of us
associated the earth with land masses of the
continents other may only think of the air and water
that makes our planet unique in our solar system.
Food Chain
See how energy flaws and the
subsystems involves in this scenario.
Energy enters the biosphere as sunlight
plants need light energy water and
nutrients in order to survive then plants
change this energy into chemical energy
through the process of photosynthesis.

The energy is passed to organisms that

eat the plants energy and matter is also
passed between organisms when they
eat one another the transfer of energy
and matter does not stop when living
thing dies.
Dead organisms are consumed by
decomposers, such as bacteria and
Interactions between the earth subsystems are complex and
Though their effects are not always obvious there is some
extremely dramatic changes that are also slow or nearly
undetectable changes this is how our earth’s
Work . And we the living organisms depend on it.
But what if we imagine earth having no solid surface that we can
stand on?
No mountains, no hills, or no continents to live on.
- They are among of the first tools and weapons used by humans they used rocks in making
fire to take animals cook their food and to make them warm
Later metals became the basis wealth and foundation of empires
Ancient history is recorded on tablet of clay and illustrated with minerals pigments.

Rocks and minerals are totally linked to the rise of mankind and civilization the strength and
power of early nations often steam from the mining activities and the amount of such metals as
gold and silver in the treasure/
Likeness of significant people have been preserved in stone and metal monuments and in coins
made of precious metals.

Minerals have also played a significant role in exploration of the world colonization.
Of foreign lands and the trade commerce and industrialization of civilized societies.
Modern society depend on rock and mineral resources.
They are essential for the construction of our cities, power,
transport, and communications.
They enrich arts and we wear them as personal adornments.

The Earth Is mostly made of rocks .

That the Geosphere is the solid part of the Earth that
includes these small and boulders of rocks you might be
asking what they are made of ?
Where do they come from?
Or how do they form?

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