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L-GEP -24
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Estudiante: Nota: Tipo de guía: Evaluación

Docente: Laura Katherine Diaz Tobar Área / Dimensión: Idiomas Extranjeros
Curso(s): 1001, 1002 Fecha: 21/05/2020 Período: II Asignatura: Inglés
Propósito(s): The student participates in discussions about real or fake cities, sports fans understands attitude and opinions and

different speakers allowing them to use the four skills of the English Language to manifest their own believes.

Descriptor de Desempeño: The student learns to use phrasal Temática(s): A GOOD SPORT I
Gerunds and infinitives.
verbs and non suffixes when reading
articles. Understands attitudes,
opinions and speculation when
writing paragraphs . Also the student
is able to research about a sport or
discipline and understands interviews
while developing the four skills of the
English language.

Task 1
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 The squash club insists on interviewing / to interview anybody who wants to become a member.
2 Our trainer makes us keep / keeping a food diary, so we’re aware of good nutrition.
3 When I felt unwell, the school nurse suggested to drink / drinking sweet tea and lying down.
4 The weather was so bad that we arranged play / to play the match a week later.
5 Top sports people often talk about how their PE teacher encouraged them to train / training hard.
6 Do you find it difficult to follow / follow your exercise programme every day?
7 I’m thinking of joining the local gym so as to meet / meeting other people interested in fitness.
8 Luke loves the feeling of to take / taking part in an important match.

Task 2
Complete the sentences with the correct form (gerund or infinitive) of the verbs in brackets.

9 Oh, no! Kelly forgot to reserve (reserve) a badminton court for us.
10 We tried to explain (explain) the game to Carl, but he didn’t understand.
11 I don’t remember buying (buy) these jogging pants.


Task 3

Listen to the recording (0.0 to 1:16) and complete the sentences.

12 Today’s tournament has attracted more than 40.000________spectatiors _______

13. They do require excellent hand eye ____coordination_________ and fast reflexives.
14. They also involve strong ___teamwork __________ and years of training.
15. As we speak, teams of gamers are preparing for the ____championship________
16. Each _____teammate ______ is determined to win.

Grammar and listening Activity: Taken from Pearson English Portal.

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