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cH 1986

Atomic Force Microscope

G. Binnig"~ and C. F. Quate' '
Edward L Gi.nzton Laboratory, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305


Ch. Gerber"
IBM San Jose Research Laboratory, San Jose, California 95193
I, Received 5 December 1985)
The scanning tunneling microscope is proposed as a method to measure forces as small as 10
N. As one application for this concept, we introduce a new type of microscope capable of investi-
gating surfaces of insulators on an atomic scale. The atomic force microscope is a combination of
the principles of the scanning tunneling microscope and the stylus profilometer. It incorporates a
probe that 0does not damage the surface. Our preliminary
results in air demonstrate a lateral resolu-
tion of 30 A and a vertical resolution less than 1 A.

PACS numbers: 68.35.Gy

%e are concerned in this paper with the measure- lometer (SP)8 9 has been developed into a powerful
ment of ultrasmall forces on particles as small as single microscopic technique. Teague et al. ' have used the
atoms. %e propose to do this by monitoring the elas- SP to record three-dimensional images of surfaces with
tic deformation of various types of springs with the a lateral resolution of 1000 A and a vertical resolution
scanning tunneling microscope (STM). ' It has been a of 10 A. A related technique is the scanning capaci-
common practice to use the displacement of springs as tance microscope described by Matey and Blanc. "
a measure of force, and previous methods have relied They report a lateral resolution of 5000 A and a verti-
on electrostatic fields, magnetostatic fields, optical cal resolution of 2 A.
waves, and x rays. Jones~ has reviewed the devices The SP has much in common with the STM. The
that use variable capacitances and he reports that dis- tip in the STM and the stylus in the SP are both used
placements of 10 4 A can be measured. SQUIDs3 are to scan the surface, sense the variations of the sample,
superconducting elements that measure the expulsion and generate three-dimensional images. The stylus in
of magnetic fields in variable-inductance devices. the profilometer is carried by a cantilever beam and it
They are used in gravity gradiometers to measure dis-
placements of 10 6 A. Tabor and co-workers in their surface can be plastically deformed. "
rides on the sample surface. This means that a rough
The radius of
work with van der Waals forces have used optical in- this stylus is about 1 p, m, and the loading force ex-
terference methods to measure displacements of 1 A. tends from 10 to 10 N. '
With an x-ray interferometer constructed from a single The spring in the AFM is a critical component. %e
crystal of silicon, Deslattes' has also measured dis- need the maximum deflection for a given force. This
placements of 10 A which is about 1'/0 of the nuclear requires a spring that is as soft as possible. At the
diameter. same time a stiff spring with high resonant frequency
We are proposing a new system wherein the STM is is necessary in order to minimize the sensitivity to vi-
used to measure the motion of a cantilever beam with brational noise from the building near 100 Hz. The
an ultrasmall mass. The force required to move this resonant frequency, fo, of the spring system is given
beam through measurable distances (10 A) can be by f0= (I/2sr)(k/nto)', where k is the spring con-
as small as 10 ' N. The masses involved in the other stant and ttto is the effective mass that loads the spring.
techniques are too large to reach this value. This level This relation suggests a simple way out of our dilem-
of sensitivity clearly penetrates the regime of inter- ma. As we decrease k to soften the spring we must
atomic forces between single atoms and opens the door also decrease mo to keep the ratio k/mo large. The
to a variety of applications. The atomic force micro- limiting case, illustrated in Fig. 1, is but a single atom
scope (AFM) is a new tool designed to exploit this lev- adsorbed at site A in the gap of an STM. It has its own
el of sensitivity. It will be used to investigate both mass and an effective k that comes from the coupling
conductors and insulators on an atomic scale. %e en- to neighboring atoms.
vision a general-purpose device that will measure any The mass of the spring in manmade structures can
type of force; not only the interatomic forces, but elec- be quite small but eventually microfabrication'4 will be
tromagnetic forces as well. employed to fabricate a spring with a mass less than
%ith the STM, 6 the atomic surface structure of con- 10 '0 kg and a resonant frequency greater than 2 kHz.
ductors is well resolved. For bulk insulators7 an Displacements of 10 A can be measured with the
equivalent method is missing although the stylus profi- STM when the tunneling gap is modulated. The force




A: AFM SAMPLF .25 mm

FIG. 1. Description of the principle operation of an STM B: AFM DIAMOND TIP DIAMOND
as well as that of an AFM. The tip follows contour B, in one C: STM TII (Au) TIP
case to keep the tunneling current constant (STM) and in LI: CANTILEVER, .8 mm
the other to maintain constant force between tip and sample LEVER
(AFM, sample, and tip either insulating or conducting). {Au- FOIL)~
The STM itself may probe forces when a periodic force on
the adatom 3 varies its position in the gap and modulates FIG. 2. Experimental setup, The lever is not to scale in
the tunneling current in the STM. The force can come from (a). its dimensions are given in (h). The STM and AFM
an ac voltage on the tip, or from an externally applied mag- piezoelectric drives are facing each other, sandwiching the
netic field for adatoms with a magnetic moment. diamond tip that is glued to the lever.

required to produce these displacements is 2&& 10 ' N In the first mode we modulated the sample in the z
and this is reduced by 2 orders of magnitude when a direction at its resonant frequency (5.8 kHz). The
cantilever with a 0 of 100 is driven at its resonant fre- force between the sample and the diamond stylus the —
quency. small force that we want to measure —
deflects the lev-
AFM images are obtained by measurement of the er holding the stylus. In turn, this modulates the tun-
force on a sharp tip (insulating or not) created by the neling current which is used to control the AFM-
proximity to the surface of the sample. This force is feedback circuit and maintain the force fo at a constant
kept small and at a constant level with a feedback level.
mechanism. %hen the tip is moved sideways it will In the second and third modes, the lever carrying the
follow the surface contours such as the trace 8 in Fig. diamond stylus is driven at its resonant frequency in
1. the z direction with an amplitude of 0. 1 to 10 A. The
The experimental setup is shown in Fig. 2. The can- force, fo, between sample and stylus changes the
tilever with the attached stylus is sandwiched between resonant frequency of the lever. This changes both
the AFM sample and the tunneling tip. It is fixed to a the amplitude and phase of the ac modulation of the
small piezoelectric element called the modulating tunneling current. Either of these can be used as a sig-
piezo which is used to drive the cantilever beam at its nal to drive the feedback circuits.
resonant frequency. In the fourth mode we used one feedback circuit. It
The STM tip is also mounted on a piezoelectric ele- was connected to the AFM and it was controlled by the
ment and this serves to maintain the tunneling current tunneling current in the STM. This system maintained
at a constant level. The AFM sample is connected to a the tunneling gap at a constant level by changing the
three-dimensional piezoelectric drive, i.e. , the x,y, z force on the stylus.
scanner. A feedback loop is used to keep the force The fourth mode was further improved by reconnec-
acting on the stylus at a constant level. Viton spacers tion of both feedback circuits in such a way that the
are used to damp the mechanical vibrations at high fre- AFM sample and the STM tip were driven in opposite
quencies and to decouple the lever, the STM tip, and directions with a factor n less in amplitude for the
the AFM sample. The tip is brought in close proximi- STM tip. The value of a ranged from 10 to 1000.
ty to the sample by mechanical squeezing of the Viton In contrast to previous methods, the absolute value
layers. High-frequency ( ) 100 Hz) filtering of build-
ing vibrations is done as in the pocket-size STM' with
of fo, the force on the stylus, was not well defined ex-
cept at the beginning of the measurement. The defor-
a stack of metal plates separated by Viton. mation of the spring, 4z, is we11 calibrated at the start-
We have operated the AFM in four different modes ing point, but as the measurement proceeds each com-
which relate to the connections of the two feedback ponent of the system moves in an unknown way be-
circuits, one on the STM and the other on the tip. All cause of thermal drifts. These change the initial cali-
four of these modes worked in principle. They each bration. Additionally, we know that the three-
served to maintain a constant force, fo, between the dimensional motion of the AFM sample must produce
sample and the diamond stylus while the stylus fol- modest amounts of change in Az so as to compensate
lowed the contours of the surface. for the simultaneous motion of the stylus as it follows

a senc
certaIn rang e that Is ep
of the surface. . Therefore, even in
ln the
ifts the force fa will vary
b thth'"u h
s m eared out.
%ee su ev is determineded
suspect that this level
the force that Is nnecessary to pennetrate the film. n
the f'&rs t three methodds we use d s ma11 forces we 11
0f the surface and the a ue below the threshold an d there we lose the fine struc-
The fourth mode p roved to e ture.
b 1e. %'e used it to re cord the resu itss shown in FIgs. rovements overr the handmade
an the topograp h y for two differen t ion crease tthee resolution to t hee
sed h ere should increase
areas o Al 03) surface. Th we will be a e atomic
e x axis are displaced from m each other by microfabrication techniques s'4 will
d therma I dif r' 1o h ow us to reduce
a liow
' ' '
he vertical dash ed lines of Fig.. 3 m in d t th th unl 't by several or ers
e of magnitu d e.. %hen the instru-
variation in thee y direction o topog s that in an ultra Ig -v er
can e these w ere be well characterized we
the noise amplitu dec on the traces we now experience t a ll
can estimate lvc a eas 2 orders o f m agnitude. With
at least
' '
perio d i c corrugation these optimum conditions t h e thermally induced vi ra-
below j, A when t e tions er at room t e mperature will ill limit
d 100 A. t e to 10 N. If h s
cooled below 300 m
~ ~

th th th d re inferi- mK we estimate thata the lower limit

t ese which might be related to wa

films coverlllg the surfaces o t h e AFM. Th fi
to t e in teratomic forces. "I
es interesting w
In tth
when we compare it
s tructure on the rihto
g te w1 I the binding energy is
onl be observed whe hen the app I'Ie d force exceeded the rials that are h e ld together with the
threshold. For smaller
sm forces tthee structure was wea If we arbitrarily equate
t h ee nergy to a force acting throug h a dt of06
A we findin that a bindingin energy o f 1 e V is equivalen
f rces therefore
m 0 ' N for ionic bonds to 0 li

some o f f tM
The limiting sensitivivit y of our instrum


ther area of the ceramic

traces for another
le. The curves grouped
ed under A were recorde d with
. 3. The AFM trace s on a ceramic (Alq03) sample.
The vertical scale tran a the lowest to the ig set
tip off 10-" /A. For the l is near g
3x1010 8 N. The stabili t yo f the regulated orce i
10 N. Th e successive trac
traces are disp ace drift duced below this level. The force fo was rese
along the y axis. x10 Nfort e ra
value near 5x


than these values. Therefore, we should be able to 4D. Tabor and R. H. S. Winterton, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lon-
measure all of the important forces that exist between don, Ser. A 312, 435 (1979); J. N. Israelachvili and D. Ta-
the sample and adatorns on the stylus. bor, in Progress in Surface and Membrane Sciencee, dited by
Finally, we want to point out that these forces also J. F. Danielli, M. D. Rosenberg, and D. A. Cadenhead
exist in the tunneling microscope itself and that they (Academic, New York, 1973), Vol. 7.
sR. D. Deslattes, Appl. Phys. Lett. 15, 386 (1968).
the STM. "'
can have a strong influence on the data collected with
The STM could be used as a force mi-
66. Binnig, H. Rohrer, Ch. Gerber, and E. Weibel, Phys.
Rev. Lett. 49, 57 (1982), and 50, 120 (1983).
croscope in the mode described here by simply mount- 7Thin insulating films can be studied with the STM as il-
ing the STM tip on a cantilever beam. lustrated in G. Binnig, H. Fuchs, J. Kubler, F. Salvan, and
We are pleased to thank J. Pethica for his inspiring A. R. Williams, to be published.
talk on the problems of the tip at the STM workshop SJ. B. P. W'illiamson, Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. 182, 21
in Oberlech, Austria, which —although some months (1967).

later probably triggered the idea for the AFM. We 9K. H. Guenther, P. G. %ierer, and J. M. Bennett. Appl.
also want to express our appreciation to H. Rohrer and Optics 23, 3820 (1984).
~OE. C. Teague, F. E. Scire, S. M. Backer, and S. %'. Jen-
D. Pohl for those stimulating discussions. This work
was supported in part by a grant from the IBM Cor- sen, Wear 83, 1 (1982); see also P. A. Engel and D. B.
Millis, Wear 75, 423 (1982).
poration and in part by the Defense Advanced "J.R. Matey and J. Blanc, J. Appl. Phys. 57, 1437 (1985).
Research Projects Agency. 'zE. J. Davis and K. J. Stout, Wear 83, 49 (1982).
' T. Vorburger, private communication.
'4K. E. Peterson, Proc. IEEE 70, 420 (1982).
~sB. H. Flowers and E. Mendoza, Properties of Mauer (Wi-
'~Also at IBM San Jose Research Laboratory, San Jose, ley, London, 1970), Chap. 3, pp. 22-55.
Cal. 95193, and on leave from IBM Research Laboratory, ' H. Krupp, W. Schnabel, and G. Walter, J. Colloid Inter-
Zurich, Switzerland. face Sci. 39, 421 (1972).
~~~Also at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, Palo Alto, '7J. H. Coombs and J. B. Pethica, IBM J. Res. Dev. (to be
Cal. 94304. published). These authors point out that the forces between
&'~on leave from IBM Research Laboratory, Zurich, the sample and the tip in the STM, especially when the tip
Switzerland. presses against an oxide layer, can be strong enough to alter
'G. Binnig and H. Rohrer, Sci. Am. 253, 50 (1985). the calibration of the z piezo,
2R. V. Jones, Proc. IEEE 17, 1185 (1970).
, E, C. Teague, Room Temperature Gold- Vacuum-Gold Tun-
3E. R. Mapoles, Development of Sauperconducting Gravity neling Experiments (University Microfilms International,
Gradiomerer for a Test of the Inverse Square Lavv (University Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1978), Chap. 4, pp. 141-148, where
Microfilm International, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1981), p. 4; he discussed the van der Waals forces of attraction between
J. Clark, Physics (Amsterdam) 126BAC, 441 (1984). two gold spheres used in vacuum tunneling.


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