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Hi, my name’s Sasha, I’m 15 years old and I live in a small district in East Jakarta. I
usually spend my weekends going to the mall or go swimming but now I just spend
my time at home watching films. It’s actually my new hobby. And with the pandemic,
I’m grateful now I can do it every day after finishing my assignments from school. I
keep a journal of films that I’ve seen and have not seen so I can watch brand new
films every day. I also write reviews about them in an app called “Letterboxd”. It’s a
great app cause not only I can review films there, I can also discuss films and
different topics with lots of other people.

My mom told me I shouldn’t be watching too many films and study school subjects
instead. But sometimes I get lazy and ignore her advice. After getting bad grades,
now I realize that school is more important, so I try to limit myself to watching only 1
film per day.

In my new high school, there are some subjects I’ve never studied before, such as
Mandarin. I learned how to write some Chinese letters yesterday, and even though it
was difficult, it was actually really fun because I’ve always loved studying new
languages since I was a child. I started learning English when I was 5, French when I
was 13, and now, Mandarin when I’m 15. I’m really excited to see how well I can get
at this subject. I also want to study hard so I can go to a good college abroad
someday. So, wish me luck guys!

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