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Activity B

After viewing the Brene Brown videos in class – choose your favorite video and send a well-written email to
your instructor that answers the following questions:

Empathy vs Sympathy
1. What is the difference between sympathy and empathy?
2. Does empathy play a role in communicating with different cultures? How?
3. How will learning to be empathetic help you communicate in a diverse workforce? Is that important?

The Power of Vulnerability
1. What does vulnerability have to do with communication in the business world?
2. Brown references cultural constraints of vulnerability, such as the gender differences she mentions.
Thinking about your own culture, what gets in the way of people being vulnerable? What are solutions
to overcoming that?
3. Knowing these vulnerabilities, as well as your own, how you would adjust your communication

*This email should be in correct email format. The body of the email should contain bullet points or paragraphs
that clearly separate each question (if you choose to format it with bullet points, there still needs to be an
introductory sentence and a closing sentence outside of the bullet format). The email should be clear and
concise AND written in complete sentences. This email is due electronically before class begins on Monday,
September 4. It is due before the start of class or will be considered late. It is worth 25 points. Refer to the
rubric to double check that the email meets the requirements of the assignment.

Possible Your Activity B Video Response Email

Points Points Grading Rubric Student’s Name:
2 • Sent using correct EMAIL FORMAT. Use some white space.
3 • Contains an appropriate salutation and closing.
4 • Addresses Q1 for chosen video. Complete sentences.
4 • Addresses Q2 for chosen video. Complete sentences.
4 • Addresses Q3 for chosen video. Complete sentences.
2 • Body contains THREE paragraphs OR THREE bullet points.
3 • Free from spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.
3 • Email is clear and concise.
-50% IF LATE

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