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Hepoyatno naxyi ya eto delayu, eh chichas bi pitsu a ne etoi xyinei stradatb…

D – Dima Y - Yana

D: Hi! It’s nice seeing you today in the class!

Y: Yeah, nice seeing you too! So, shall we begin?
D: Yes, I’m ready
Y: So, do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of fast food restaurants?

D: Well, there’s a lot to discuss here, first of all, the quality of food. Mostly, the
meals in fast food chains tend to be much lower in quality, then their counterparts
in a restaurant.

Y: That’s true, but the prices of fast food are also lower, and you’ll get your food
almost instantaneously after you order it, hence why it’s called fast food.

D: Well, you’re right, so I guess fast food can actually be as popular as a regular
restaurant, it all depends on whether you look for speed and moderate prices over
quality of food and service.

Y: What exactly do you think about fast food? Do you like to eat at McDonald's or
some other place?

D: Sometimes, if I don't have time, I can go to McDonald's for a quick meal. But I
usually prefer to eat healthier or just homemade food. And how about you?

Y: Oh, sometimes I can visit McDonald’s, just because I wanna eat a cheeseburger.
This food will fill you up, and that's what food's supposed to do, isn't it? I mean
there's meat, vegetables and bread and cheese; as far as I'm concerned, that's
a pretty balanced diet.

D: Huh, yeah, sounds like that.

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