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Activity #5 Reading: "Shopping

a) Write 50 words in english explaining what is the lesson tittled "Shopping
experiences" about (maximum 40 words).
b) Write down the answers of the activity 5 and 6, page #105.
Upload your activity to Google Classroom during the time specified by the

A) This text is about the Grand Canal Shop. It’s a enormous shopping mall
in Las Vegas, opened in 1999 and inspirated from Venice. It’s one of the
most popular malls in the world. In this mall you can eat, see and visit
many places as you are in Venice.

B) 6. A)

Interrupts: interrupciones
Influence: Influencia
Attractiveness: Atractivo
Remaining on the surface of water: Permanece en la superficie del agua
Not widely available: No ampliamente disponible
Copy: Copia
Move: Mover
Gracefully: Elegantemente
Played music to: Escuchar musica
Try: Intentar

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