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Through the learning style questionnaire, I had discovered that I was an auditory, applied, verbal,

social, and creative learner.

Auditory- Auditory learners are going to benefit the most from hearing the information. This can
be done in a multitude of ways whether it be by the traditional lecture or by giving students
videos or podcasts to listen to. Auditory learners are also going to benefit more from activities
like discussion or debate. Having the knowledge that a student is an auditory learner can be
extremely helpful especially if a student is an ELL student. When you know that a student is an
auditory learner there are so many resources that will be able to help those students. As ELL
students enter the school it can be a very scary time so any ways in which we can help especially
in their learning should also be looked for. Some activities that I would do as a teacher would be
to have a lot of discussion-based lessons. This way they are not only getting information from
me but also from their fellow students who are all going to be a at different points in their
understanding of the material. Other strategies that I think would be beneficial are YouTube
videos that help summarize the lesson we talked about in class. With the internet now, there are
so many videos that will either have subtitles in many different foreign languages or that will be
in the language itself.

Applied- Applied learners are those who prefer real situations, objects, and examples. This can
be really great for students In as science or history class because there are a lot of ways that you
can use demonstrations or stories to engage these students. A student who is just coming into a
school may not really understand certain phrases or the culture so conceptual learning can be
difficult to grasp. One of the strategies that would benefit the student who be using applied
situations that are familiar with the students because once the student understands the real-life
example, conceptual examples will become easier. Also giving them articles about real events
that are either about the lesson or similar to lesson will be great tools for the student.

Verbal- These students are those who might have trouble when it comes it positioning things in
space. They prefer to use verbal and language skills to help them understand rather than drawing
or fixing things. Reading and writing are the most common ways these students will learn the
information. Knowing that a student is a verbal learner can be really helpful because you would
know to avoid overusing things like drawing or picture-based instructions. As a teacher we might
think that an ELL student would benefit from this because it avoids the language barrier but not
every ELL student is going to be a spatial learner. There are so many strategies that are useful for
verbal learners like reading aloud. Whether it be an article or the textbook, having the students
take turns for reading. Also being sure that you say and write the objectives and directions
clearly so that the students can follow along. Some other fun strategies could be role playing and
having them act out certain situations which can be done for a lot situations in the history
Social- Social learners are those who prefer to work with other people whether it be classmates
or the instructor. They learn best by working in groups and enjoy interaction with other people.
Social ELL student’s can really benefit early on from working in groups because it not only
makes the situation less scary, but it also helps them see how other students work. It is hard
enough for a student to move to another school but even harder when they don’t understand the
language completely. Strategies that would benefit these students would be to pair them up when
doing assignments like reading of the textbooks or worksheets. While this can be a great thing it
is also important that as the teacher you don’t overuse this concept. We need to make sure that
this student can do the work and understands what the material is saying by themselves too. A
good way around this is to set designated days or times for group work so that the students who
benefit from group work are learning in the most beneficial way, but they don’t become overly
reliant on it.

Creative- Creative learners are those who are imaginative and learn through discovery or
experimentation. These students are able to take the material and transform it into incredible
pieces of work. The best thing that we can do as teachers is to promote students to use their
creativity. This is especially important for ELL students because art and creativity are things that
transcend language barriers. Every country has culture and art so we can use that to help the
students learn. Some strategies that would be great to use in the classroom is to assign projects
that have multiple opportunities to use their creativity. Also giving the students the option of
writing an essay or creating a film or doing an art project can all be ways that creative students
can succeed in the classroom.

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