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Problem Statement:
Ian has to decide on his own, whether to exchange the gifted iPhone 4S for Galaxy S2 and
disappoint his girlfriend Molly or to stick with the gifted iPhone 4S and compromise on his
desire to own a Galaxy S2
 Ian has assumed that on returning the gift Molly will be disappointed.
 Ian has assumed that after buying his desired Galaxy S2 he will be satisfied.
1. Keep the iPhone
Ian can keep the iPhone and not hurt the feelings of Molly. But with this decision he
will be not happy and might regret that he could not exchange the phone when he had
the option.
2. Exchange/return and get Galaxy S2
Ian can exchange or return the phone and get the phone which he was eyeing since a
long time. This alternative can satisfy him but at the cost of disappointing Molly.
 Advertisement for raising appropriate interest in the product.
The company to draw an advertisement strategy and execute it in a way that it creates
enough interest in the minds of the consumer.
 Salesman 
The salesman should take enough measures to know as much as possible about the
person for whom the gift is being purchased. The salesman should involve the person
who is buying the gift to know about the tastes and preferences of the concerned
person. This would allow the salesman to help the buyer to get the right product and
avoid all possible post purchase hassles or regrets.
 More Research
The consumer could look up for more information on different forums and other
reliable sources to gain a better perception of his iPhone. As he already knows that
this ill feeling towards the iPhone is because of his disinterest towards Apple products
this might be helpful.

 Professional Advice
The consumer could also go for professional advice from any Apple store or other
Mobile Arenas to gain a better understanding of his needs and matching it with the
product. This would help him make a more informed decision.

 Increase the timeline of exchange policy

The company should increase the timeline of exchanging products by charging a fee
so that consumers in dilemma have more time to think about the product.

This is a case of approach/avoidance conflict which  occurs when there is one goal or
event that has both positive and negative effects or characteristics that make the goal
appealing and unappealing simultaneously. In this case Ian was interested to buy
Samsung Galaxy from the beginning and had made up his mind to buy the phone
when his blackberry got flushed. Molly gifted to him an iPhone and being a non-
admirer of apple products he started having dilemma about the pros and cons of
keeping an iPhone but also he was afraid if he decided to exchange the product then
Molly would be disappointed. He was making up his mind to return the iPhone and go
for Samsung.
This state of motivational conflict must be changed to approach-approach when
consumer has to make a choice between two desirable options. In other words, this
kind of conflict can be thought of “I want this, and I want that, but I can only have
one”. Stated clearly in the case is that phones are pretty identical in terms of
functionality as well as price. Apple should create more awareness and knowledge
about their products so that buyer’s remorse is reduced.

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