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Fitness Components

Health Related
· Cardiovascular Endurance
· Muscular Strength
· Muscular Endurance
· Flexibility
· Body Composition

Health Related
Physical fitness is most easily understood by
examining its components,or “parts.” There is
An early plate-loading barbell
widespread agreement that these five components This photograph was taken in the late 19th century
are basic:

Cardiorespiratory Endurance - The ability to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and to
remove wastes, over sustained periods of time. Long runs and swims are among the methods
employed in measuring this component.

Muscular Strength - Is the ability of a muscle to exert force for a brief period of time. Upper- body
strength, for example, can be measured by various weight-lifting exercises.

Muscular Endurance - The ability of a muscle, or a group of muscles, to sustain repeated

contractions or to continue applying force against a fixed object. Pushups are often used to test
endurance of arm and shoulder muscles.

Flexibility - The ability to move joints and use muscles through their full range of motion. The sit-
and- reach test is a good measure of flexibility of the lower back and backs of the upper legs.

Body Composition - It refers to the makeup of the body in terms of lean mass (muscle, bone, vital
tissue and organs) and fat mass. An optimal ratio of fat to lean mass is an indication of fitness,
and the right types of exercises will help you decrease body fat and increase or maintain muscle

Progressive overload
The mother of all weight training principles

In one common method, weight training uses the principle of progressive overload, in which the
muscles are overloaded by attempting to lift at least as much weight as they are capable of. They
respond by growing larger and stronger. This procedure is repeated with progressively heavier
weights as the practitioner gains strength and endurance.

However, performing exercises at the absolute limit of one's strength (so-called "one rep max"
lifts) is considered too risky for all but the most experienced practitioners, or novices under
expert supervision. Moreover, most individuals wish to develop a combination of strength,
endurance and muscle size. One repetition sets are not well suited to these aims. Practitioners
therefore lift somewhat smaller (sub-maximal) weights, with more repetitions, to fatigue the
muscle - and all fibers within that muscle - as required by the progressive overload principle.

Commonly, each exercise is continued to the point of momentary muscular failure. Contrary to
widespread belief, this is not the point at which the individual thinks they cannot complete any
more repetitions, but rather the first repetition that fails due to inadequate muscular strength.
Training to failure is, however, a controversial topic. The proponents of High Intensity Training -
Mike Mentzer, Arthur Jones and Ellington Darden - advise training to failure on every set. But
other experts believe that this will lead to overtraining, and suggest training to failure only on the
last set of an exercise. Some practitioners recommend finishing a set of repetitions just before
the point of failure; e.g. if you can do a maximum of 12 reps with a given weight, only perform 11.

Weight training can be a very effective form of strength training because exercises can be
chosen, and weights precisely adjusted to safely exhaust each individual muscle group after the
specific numbers of sets and repetitions that have been found to be the most effective for the
individual. Other strength training exercises lack the flexibility and precision that weights offer,
and often cannot be safely taken to the point of momentary muscular failure.

This principle tells us that in order to keep improving fitness and/or performance we need to
stress our bodies at the appropriate level. As we adapt and get fitter, we need to increase the
difficulty of the exercise program. But you need to keep in mind your overall objective when
applying this principle. There are many variables that can be adjusted to increase the difficulty. A
good acronym to keep in mind is FITT, which stands for Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type and
covers the major components of a training program. A good method for adjusting training levels
is to periodize your program.

Progressive overload principal refers to continually increasing the demands on the
musculoskeletal system in order to continually make gains in muscle size, strength and
endurance. In simplest terms - In order to get bigger and stronger you must continually lift more
and more and make your muscles work harder than they are used to. If you don't, your muscles
will not become any stronger or bigger than they currently are.

Conversely, if the demands on your muscles are not at least maintained and are actually
decreased, your muscles will become smaller and weaker. Progressive overload is a very simple
concept but it is crucial - it lays the foundation upon which resistance training is built.

The progressive overload principal doesn't just apply to resistance training and increasing
muscle growth and strength, it can also be applied to increasing bone and connective tissue
strength (through resistance training) as well as cardiovascular fitness and the associated
physiological changes that take place through a progressive cardiovascular exercise program.

Advanced techniques

A number of techniques have been developed to make weight training exercises more intense,
and thereby potentially increase the rate of progress:

· Drop sets do not end at the point of momentary muscular failure, but continue with
progressively lighter weights.

· Forced reps also occur after momentary muscular failure. An assistant provides just enough
help to get the weight trainer past the sticking point of the exercise, and allow further repetitions
to be completed. Weight trainers often do this when they are spotting their exercise partner.

· Pyramiding involves increasing weights and lowering reps. The first set is performed with a
weight that would seem challenging for a higher number of reps, in subsequent sets this weight
is increased and the reps decreased so that the new weight seems challenging for the smaller
number of reps.

· Supersets combine two or more exercises with similar motions to maximize the amount of
work of an individual muscle or group of muscles. The exercises are performed with no rest
period between the exercises. An example would be doing bench press, which predominately
works the pectoralis and triceps muscles, and then moving to an exercise that works just the
triceps such as the triceps extension or the pushdown.

· Partial reps are performed with heavier weights. Only the easiest part of the repetition is
· Negatives are performed with much heavier weights. Assistants lift the weight, and then the
weight trainer attempts to resist its downward progress. Alternatively, an individual can use an
exercise machine for negatives by lifting the weight with both arms or both legs, and then
lowering it with only one.

· Pre-exhaustion combines an isolation exercise with a compound exercise for the same muscle
group. The isolation exercise first exhausts the muscle group, and then the compound exercise
uses the muscle group's supporting muscles to push it further than would otherwise be
possible. For example, the triceps muscles normally help the pectorals perform their function.
But in the bench press the weaker triceps often fails first, which limits the impact on the
pectorals. By preceding the bench press with the fly, the pectorals can be pre-exhausted so that
both muscles fail at the same time, and both benefit equally from the exercise.

Fundamentals of Training

Individual differences - Performers respond differently to the same training. This is due to
factors such as the individual's state of training, the characteristics athletes have inherited from
their parents, their personal commitment and their level of physical and mental maturity.

Adaptation - Is the way the body responds to the training programme. The parts of the body that
are active stressed during exercise adapt to those stresses, leading to an increase in

Progression - The overload imposed on an athlete must be progressive. If a training programme

stays at the same intensity for a whole year, adaptations will only be evident at the beginning, as
after this the body will no longer be overloaded.

Reversibility - The adaptations that take place as a result of training are all reversible.
Adaptations to endurance training can be lost more quickly than it takes to achieve them while
strength gains are lost more slowly.

Specificity - Is the least complex training principle. In order for a training program to be
effective it must be specific for the sport and position of the performer.

Recovery - Is one of the most overlooked principles of training. It is during the recovery sessions
that the adaptations to training take place. Recovery sessions may not necessarily mean
complete rest. Periods of lower intensity activity will allow the body to adapt without increasing
the stress placed on it. These periods are excellent opportunities for work on technique and

Variation - if training programs are repetitious, athletes can soon become bored and lose their

Intensity: is also very important. You must force your body to increase its strength. For example,
if you typically do 3 sets of 10 reps on the leg press at 115 pounds, and your legs are capable of
doing 16 reps, why is your body going to make any improvements? Your body will only add
muscle if you force it to work at a higher level than it is used to.

The most effective way to overload your muscles is to perform one or two sets per exercise, and
continue each set to muscular failure. That means continuing each set until no more repetitions
are possible. Challenge yourself!

Recovery: Once you have overloaded the target muscle group you must then allow for proper
recovery and over compensation. This means you must rest long enough to allow for recovery
of the targeted muscle group, the nervous system, refill glycogen stores (Energy stored within
your muscles), and also allow enough time for the muscles to make improvements or increases.
This process takes time. Generally, it takes between 2-7 days to recover from a strength workout!
The harder you work the longer it takes your body to repair. Don't short- circuit your progress by
strength training too often!

Benefits of Weight Training

Increased Metabolic Rate - Strength training increases the body's metabolic rate, causing the
body to burn more calories throughout the day.

Increasing and Restoring Bone Density - Inactivity and aging can lead to a decrease in bone
density and brittleness. Studies have clearly proven that consistent strength training can
increase bone density and prevent Osteoporosis.

Increased Lean Muscle Mass and Muscle Strength, Power, and Endurance - Everyone can
benefit from being stronger. We can work harder, we can play more, we can workout longer, and
we can be more alive.

Injury Prevention - A wide variety of sports- related or life-related injuries can be prevented by
strengthening muscles and joints.

Improved Balance, Flexibility, Mobility and Stability - Stronger and more resilient muscles
improves our balance, which means more comfortable living & fewer falls or accidents.

Decreased Risk of Coronary Disease - Participation in a consistent strength-training program

has a wide variety of affiliated health benefits including decreasing cholesterol and lowering your
blood pressure.

Aids Rehabilitation and Recovery - One of the best ways to heal many types of injuries is to
strengthen muscles surrounding the injured area. The stronger your muscles, the quicker the
healing process.

Enhanced Performance in Sports or Exercise - No matter what your favorite sport or physical
activity, with the proper strength training program, your performance can unquestionably be
improved, and in some cases dramatically so.

Aging Gracefully - There is no more important reason to making a strength training a consistent
part of your life, than to ensure you age gracefully. Physical activity keeps us alive and vibrant.
Strength training ensures we are strong enough to participate in aerobic activities, outdoor
recreation, and sports. Strong seniors fall down less. If they do fall down, their stronger bodies
are more resilient, are injured less by the fall, and are able to heal more quickly after an injury.

Feeling Better and Looking Better - As painful as strength training can sometimes feel, there is
nothing more satisfying than the feeling after a good solid work-out. Stronger muscles and
joints can have a dramatic impact on posture and leaner toned muscles tend to make everyone
feel better about their appearance. This all leads to improved self-esteem and increased self-

Anaerobic exercise is complementary to aerobic exercise. The early stage of all exercise is


Anaerobic literally means "without air", and refers to the energy exchange in muscles during
short high intensity workouts. Anaerobic exercise is one where anaerobic metabolism is taking
place. In a long exercise routine, the glycogen supply local to the muscle runs out and the body
converts to aerobic metabolism. When aerobic metabolism is sustaining the workout, it is an
aerobic exercise.

During the anaerobic phase, energy is released and made available to muscles by immediately
converting available sugars in the blood to lactic acid. In the following aerobic phase, a more
slowly available oxygen supply is required, enabling the lactic acid to be broken down to carbon
dioxide and water, releasing larger amounts of energy.
Examples of anaerobic exercise include heavy weight lifting, sprinting, and jumping; any
exercises that consist of short (roughly no more than 3 minutes, typically a few seconds),
exertion is an anaerobic exercise. Most anaerobic exercises are performed in sets. Anaerobic
exercise is typically used by athletes in non- endurance sports to build power and by body
builders to build muscle mass. Muscles that are trained under anaerobic exercise develop
biologically differently giving them greater performance in short duration-high intensity
activities. While aerobic exercise is more popular for weight loss, anaerobic exercise helps in
weight loss by increasing the resting metabolism of an individual.

Anaerobic exercise uses muscles at high intensity and a high rate of work for a short period of
time. Anaerobic exercise helps us increase our muscle strength and stay ready for quick bursts
of speed. Think of short and fast when you think of anaerobic exercise.


Anaerobics are activities that are carried out 'without oxygen'. (Note: in anaerobic exercise we're
never truly without oxygen, it's just that oxygen cannot meet the demand of the activity.) They
involve higher-intensity, shorter-duration bursts of activity to produce the training effect.
Anaerobics are therefore the opposite of aerobics. You can incorporate anaerobic activities into
your workout by increasing the intensity of your training.

The benefits of this type of training include:

· Higher calorie consumption

· Increased metabolism
· Shorter, more effective workouts
· The exercise is anabolic in nature, meaning that it promotes lean tissue.

Anaerobic threshold

The anaerobic threshold (AT) is the exercise intensity at which lactate (lactic acid) starts to
accumulate in the blood stream. This happens when it is produced faster than it can be
metabolized. This point is sometimes referred to as the lactate threshold, or the onset of blood
lactate accumulation (OBLA). When exercising below the AT intensity any lactate produced by
the muscles is removed by the body without it building up.

The anaerobic threshold is a useful measure for deciding exercise intensity for training and
racing in endurance sports (eg distance running, cycling, rowing, swimming and cross country

Accurately measuring the anaerobic threshold involves taking blood samples (normally a
pinprick to the thumb) during a ramp test where the exercise intensity is progressively increased.

Although the anaerobic threshold is defined as the point when lactic acid starts to accumulate,
some testers approximate this by using the point at which lactate reaches a concentration of 4
mM (at rest it is around 1 mM).

A person's anaerobic threshold can be improved by exercising, and can vary between different
sports. By definition a person's anaerobic threshold will never exceed their VO2max - the point at
which their body cannot supply any more oxygen to the muscles. The relation between the two
is reliant on the amount of training - an untrained individual reaches their AT at approximately
55%-60% of their VO2 max, whereas elite endurance athletes reach their ATs at about 80-90% of
VO2 max.

Aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise is complementary to anaerobic exercise. Aerobic literally means "with oxygen",
and refers to the use of oxygen in muscles' energy-generating process. Aerobic exercise
describes any type of exercise, typically performed at moderate levels of intensity for extended
periods of time, which increases the heart rate. Oxygen, fats and glucose are used to produce
adenosine triphosphate, the basic fuel for all cells.

There are various types of aerobic exercise. In general, aerobic exercise is one performed at a
moderately high level of intensity over a long period of time. For example, running a long
distance at a moderate pace is an aerobic exercise, but sprinting is not.

Aerobic exercise confers many health benefits, namely by burning calories very effectively and,
if performed regularly, increasing the basal metabolic rate, both of which aid in weight loss. This
form of exercise was first promoted by Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper, in the 1960s, as a type of training
designed to strengthen the heart and lungs. When test subjects participated in regular, vigorous
aerobic exercise, they gained a number of health benefits, which he collectively called the aerobic
“Training Effect”. These benefits include:

· Strengthening the muscles involved in respiration, to facilitate the flow of air in and out of the
· Strengthening the heart muscle, to improve its pumping efficiency and reduce the resting heart
· Toning muscles throughout the body, which can improve overall circulation and reduce blood
· Increasing the total number of red blood cells in the body, to facilitate transport of oxygen
throughout the body.

Regular, vigorous aerobic activity can, as a result, reduce the risk of death due to cardiovascular
problems. In addition, high- impact aerobic activities (such as jogging or jumping rope) can
stimulate bone growth, as well as reducing the risk of osteoporosis for both women and men.
'Aerobics' is a particular form of aerobic exercise. Aerobics classes generally involve rapid
stepping patterns, performed to music with cues provided by an instructor. This type of aerobic
activity became quite popular after the 1970 publication of Dr. Cooper's book The New Aerobics,
and went through a brief period of intense popularity in the 1980s, when many celebrities (such
as Jane Fonda and Richard Simmons) produced videos or created television shows promoting
this type of aerobic exercise. Group aerobics exercise can be divided into two major types:
Freestyle Aerobics and Pre-choreographed Aerobics.

Aerobic capacity

'Aerobic Capacity' describes the functional status of the cardiorespiratory system, including, for
example, the heart, lungs or blood vessels. Aerobic capacity is defined as the maximum volume
of oxygen consumed by the muscles during exercise. To measure maximal aerobic capacity, an
exercise physiologist or physician typically directs a subject to exercise on a treadmill, first by
walking at an easy pace and then, at set time intervals during graded exercise tests, gradually
increasing the workload. The higher a cardiorespiratory endurance level, the more oxygen
transported to exercising muscles and the longer exercise can be maintained without
exhaustion. The higher aerobic capacity, the higher is the level of aerobic fitness.


With any discussion of athletic performance one topic that arises again and again without fail is
the topic of muscle fiber type. So how important is muscle fiber type? If you are slow twitch
dominant is it possible to make yourself fast twitch dominant? Or is your muscle type completely
reliant on genetics?

An overview of Muscle Fibers

There Are Three Primary Muscle Fiber Types In Humans:

· Type I
· Type IIA
· Type IIB

Type I are referred to as "slow twitch oxidative", Type IIA are "fast twitch oxidative" and Type IIB
are "fast twitch glycolytic" As their names suggest, each type has very different functional
characteristics. Type one fibers are characterized by low force/power/speed production and high
endurance, Type IIB by high force/power/speed production and low endurance, while Type IIA
fall in between.

These characteristics are a result, primarily, of the fiber's Myosin Heavy Chain (MHC)
composition, with Mysosin heavy chain isoforms I, IIa and IIx corresponding with muscle fiber
types I, IIA, and IIB.

Individual muscles are made up of individual muscle fibers and these fibers are further organized
into motor units grouped within each muscle. A motor unit is simply a bundle or grouping of
muscle fibers. When you want to move the brain nearly instantaneously sends a signal or
impulse through the spinal cord that reaches the motor unit.

The impulse then tells that particular motor unit to contract its fibers. When a motor unit fires all
the muscle cells in that particular motor unit then contract with 100% intensity. So, a muscle cell
either contracts 100% or not at all. A motor unit is either recruited 100% or not at all. Therefore,
there is no such thing as a partially firing motor unit or a partially contracted muscle fiber.

When you engage in very low intensity activities like lifting a spoon to your mouth, your brain
recruits motor units that have a smaller number of muscle fibers and the fibers that make up
these smaller motor units are slow twitch, meaning they don't contract as fast or contract with
the same level of force as type II fast twitch motor units and fibers. If they did you'd be knocking
yourself in the head with a spoon every time you sat down to eat!!

These smaller motor units are termed low threshold motor units. As the intensity needed to apply
force increases, so does the number of motor units involved in the task, particularly the number
of fast twitch or high threshold motor units. The main difference between a slow twitch motor
unit and a fast twitch motor unit is the fast twitch motor unit controls more muscle fibers or cells
and these cells are bigger.

In much the same way, the main difference between a slow twitch muscle fiber and a fast twitch
muscle fiber is the fast twitch fiber is larger and can thus produce more force.

During an activity such as curling a dumbbell, not only does your body recruit the same motor units as it
does when you lift a spoon, but, since curling a dumbbell requires more force, it recruits enough
additional fast twitch motor units until enough have been recruited to do the job.

The body recruits the lower threshold motor units first (slow-twitch), followed by the higher
threshold motor units (fast-twitch) and continues to recruit and fire motor units until you've
applied enough force to do whatever it is you're trying to do regarding movement. When you are
lifting something extremely heavy or applying a lot of force your body will contract practically all
the available motor units for that particular muscle.

When engaging in high intensity or high force activities you get lots of motor unit activation and
thus a lot of force. So how does this relate to the fiber in the available motor units? Well type I
muscle motor units contract less forcefully and a little slower then type II fast twitch motor units
and they reach peak power slower. They are also highly resistant to fatigue so they have good
endurance. This is why you can sit and eat all day or play Playstation all day and never get tired!

The type II motor units are divided into type IIA and type IIB. Both of these sub-groups are
capable of greater levels of absolute force than type I and also fatigue a lot quicker. Type IIA and
IIB are capable of roughly the same amount of peak force, but the IIA fibers take longer to reach
their peak power in comparison to type IIB.

Type IIA fibers reach peak power in about 50 milliseconds whereas type IIB reaches peak power
in about 25 milliseconds. Because of their greater contraction speeds, the total peak power by IIB
can be up to 5 times higher than the IIA's.

Time to Peak
Fiber Type Contraction Speed Fatigue
I (slow twitch) Slow 100 milliseconds Slowly

IIA (fast twitch) Fast 50 milliseconds Fast

IIB (fast twitch) Very Fast 25 milliseconds Fast

Now, when we realize that sports movements usually occur in around 200 milliseconds or less, if
you look at the time to peak power of the individual muscle fibers, it should then become obvious
that each type (I, IIA, IIB) has enough time to reach peak power production. So, why the
superiority in having more fast twitch II B fibers? Well, two things. Since they contract quicker, if
you have an advantage for the first tenth (arbitrary) of the movement, it can result in superior
performance. Since their total peak power is greater this could also give one an advantage when
producing force under high velocity conditions.

This can be documented when you analyze a large group of athletes for vertical jump
performance and their style of executing a vertical jump. Athletes with more FT fibers (A&B)
change direction a bit quicker during their countermovement (down to up) switch and they tend
to use less knee bend. (Bosco) These results can be confirmed by muscle biopsy and even by
strength or apply maximum force. However, it takes only .2 seconds to perform something like a
vertical jump.

So the main determining factor is how many of ALL the available muscle motor units one can get
turned on in .2 seconds and not necessarily how much fast twitch fiber one has. Therefore, if one
lacks fast twitch fiber but also has a very efficient nervous system capable of recruiting nearly all
the FT fiber they do have, they will tend to have superior performance in comparison to someone
with a less efficient nervous system and lots of fast twitch fiber.

Normally the body inhibits the contraction of all available muscle fibers as a protective
mechanism. An example of this phenomenon in reverse can be seen when looking at weight-
lifters. Often people can considerably increase their strength without any increase in muscle size.
Why is this so? It's simply because the body becomes more efficient at muscle recruitment and
firing synchronization.
By engaging in the correct training programs over a period of time with an emphasis on speed,
explosiveness, and power you can better teach your body and nervous system to recruit it's FT

Slow To Fast Conversions

Another reason that fiber typing may be largely disregarded is that studies in both man and
animal have consistently shown a fast to slow conversion in response to training of any kind.
That is, IIB fibers convert into the slower contracting and less powerful IIA.

In fact, what group of people has the highest percentage of the fastest contracting IIB fibers?
COUCH POTATOES! With just about any type of training, the higher threshold fibers (IIB) change
into slower contracting IIA fibers. When training is ceased these fibers once again revert back to
IIB. The likely reason why this occurs is because of metabolic efficiency.

The body will deal with stress in the most efficient manner possible and a slow transformation is
metabolically more efficient while it still allows the body to adapt to stimuli.
As noted, the main difference between IIA and IIB is their speed of contraction. They contract at
about the same force but the IIB/IIx contract quicker and are better at creating force at high
speeds. Therefore, with typical training schemes the relationship between IIA and IIB is also

In fact the amount of either type II type only becomes even remotely important when a resistance
is less than 30% of max.

special force-plate analysis. This doesn't mean that one with a lower FT fiber% can't jump even
higher, they just tend to do it a little slower and with a deeper knee bend.

Although having a high % of FT fibers may give one an advantage, there is little doubt that the
nervous system is actually much more important and should take precedence.

Muscle Fibers & Nerves

You see, the type of fiber expressed as far as type I vs. Type II is controlled by the nervous
system. Nerves that control and connect to a group of motor units run from the brain to the
motor unit and are hardwired in the brain. Fast twitch motor units are controlled by fast twitch
nerves. Slow twitch motor units are controlled by slow twitch nerves.

In the laboratory you can take a nerve from a motor unit that supplies a slow twitch muscle fiber
and replace it with one that supplies a fast twitch fiber and the slow twitch fiber will behave just
like a fast twitch fiber! The reverse is also true.

You can take a slow twitch nerve and connect it to a fast twitch motor unit and the fast twitch will
behave like slow twitch. Unfortunately, it's impossible to change a slow twitch nerve into a fast
twitch nerve and vice versa. However, you can make the Myosin Heavy chain expressed in a fast
twitch fiber either more or less fast twitch or a slow twitch fiber more or less slow twitch but
more on that later.

Muscle Recruitment

So, aside from muscle fiber involvement why is the nervous system so important? The majority
of the time, the real limit to your performance is the number of motor units your nervous system
can recruit in the short amount of time you have in a sporting movement and the amount of
horsepower (size of the muscle cells) under control of those motor units, not the type of muscle
fiber (slow twitch or fast) that comprises those motor units. Remember, the nervous system
determines the degree of motor unit involvement.

It should also be noted that with regards to peak "force" production, the only real difference
amongst the fibers is their size. Type II's are bigger yet an equal volume of type I's can produce
roughly the same peak force. Therefore, for displays of maximum force (strength), fiber type is of
little consequence.

Recall that the average person can only recruit around 50% of their muscle motor units anyway.
It normally takes anywhere from .4 - .6 seconds for the nervous system to call on all the available
muscle motor units to contract. This is the same length of time it takes to demonstrate max
Running A Funny Car On The Highway

The fast to slow conversion may seem like paradoxical and obviously would be for a speed or
power athlete but it makes sense when you consider survival. The body strives to be as efficient
as possible in an effort to conserve energy. Fast twitch IIB fibers are fuel hungry machines. They
are very strong, fire very quickly, burn a lot of energy per unit of activity, and recover slowly.
Therefore they're very inefficient.
They're much more like a funny car rather then a Honda Civic. If you tried to take an ultra high
RPM funny car out on the highway and run it alongside the economy cars out there what would

It would probably be a lot like taking a powerlifter, shot-putter, Olympic lifter, or sprinter and
putting them out on the highway in a 26 mile marathon race with distance runners!

They would cramp up, sputter and run out of gas! The training that athletes engage in is much
like this stress. A slow and economized Honda Civic would have a better chance of survival in the
face of large volumes of work therefore this adaptation makes perfect sense even for those who
might be engaged in speed training.

Fast twitch fibers don't like high volumes or long durations of work. They don't even like a high
frequency of work. If we go back to our ancestral roots, in humans, fast twitch IIB fibers were
used only in times of dire circumstances and stress or for "fight or flight" situations. These would
include running away from a predator, fighting, chasing food, or other brief explosive muscle

Therefore, they were only active for a few minutes per day at most. Since they weren't used often
the body had no real need to sacrifice them for a more efficient fiber. Sedentary people are the
same way and have more fast-twitch IIB muscle then athletes as the use of their fibers is limited
and there is no need for their bodies to make more efficient adaptations.

A faster muscular subtype (funny car) is advantageous for an organism whose main objective is
to occasionally battle a predator or protect its children as it might be for a sedentary well fed


Fast to slow (IIB to IIA) transformations are also seen in hypothyroidism which is characteristic
of the body being in a starved state. When in a food shortage the main thing the body wants is
"survival." Thus, the body sacrifices display of FT IIB fibers and adaptations related to the display
of fight or flight are done away with because they would use up too much energy.
This also partially explains why those who think they can shed a metric crapload of body fat in an
effort to better display power are often met with less than satisfactory results. They may lose the
weight yet, depending on the amount of weight they lose and how lean they get, they will
eventually begin to lose speed-strength and strength-speed proficiency.

According to Caleb Stone the reverse is true of hyperthyroidism, hyperinsulinemia, and leptin
administration - where slow to fast transformations are seen. What these all have in common is
they are characteristic of the body being in an overfed state. Speed, power, and strength thrive off
of the fed state! In these cases the need for metabolic efficiency is nonexistent leaving free to
display muscular characteristics conducive to fight or flight situations.

Sprinters & Fast To Slow Conversion

The fast to slow conversion has even been documented in elite level sprinters. During intensive
training their IIB % actually decreased even though their sprint times improved. If fiber
dominance is of such paramount importance how is it possible they still improved their sprint
times?? The nervous system! They became more efficient in the movements.

Therefore the main limiting factor is the nervous system as it dictates the speed of motor unit
recruitment and the amount of muscle that can be recruited. The next important factor would be
how much horsepower is turned on when those motor units are recruited (size of the muscles in
relationship to body weight), followed by how fast the horses run (muscle fiber type) when they
get turned on.

Thus in order of Importance the Main factors would be:

1. Body structure (muscle, tendon, and limb lengths and attachments)

2. Neural factors (muscle recruitment etc.)

Relative strength levels (strength per lb. of bodyweight) this is further illustrated if you compare
the performance capabilities and physiques of top-level sprinters, powerlifters, bodybuilders,
baseball pitchers etc. The research states that the largest, most powerful, and strongest fiber is
the fast-twitch fiber.

If this were ALL there was to it than an athlete with tremendous muscular size would also be
proportionately strong, powerful, and fast. An athlete who could throw fast or run fast would also
be big and strong. An athlete who is strong would also be fast and powerful. This is obviously not

It should also be noted that having good neural factors correlates with having lots of fast twitch
fiber (both type IIA&B). Fast twitch muscle percentage correlates with reaction time.

Therefore, when you see studies showing fast twitch fiber to be correlated to displays of sports
power what those studies are mainly showing is that good neural factors correlate with displays
of sports power.


The point to take home is that if you have less than 3 years of consistent training experience you
should be "aware" of muscle fiber type and give it consideration, but don't obsess about it. Don't
put the cart before the horse! Simply learn how to correctly train for performance and your body
will take care of the rest as a natural adaptation to your training.



A repetition (or "rep") is the act of lifting and lowering a weight once in a controlled manner. A "set"
consists of several repetitions performed one after another with no break between them. The
number of repetitions per set depends upon the aims of the individual performing the exercise.
Sets with fewer reps are performed using more weight. Repetition tempo is also an important

Different Rep Range for Different Goal:

· A set of 1 to 4 repetitions primarily develops limit strength, with less impact on muscle size
(Hypertrophy) and none on endurance.
· Sets of 6 to 15 repetitions develop a balance of explosive strength, muscle size (Hypertrophy)
and endurance.
· Sets of 15 to 20 repetitions develop endurance, with some increases to muscle size
(Hypertrophy) and limited impact on strength.
· Sets of more than 20 repetitions are considered to be an aerobic exercise.

Individuals typically perform one to four sets per exercise, and one to three exercises per muscle
group, with short breaks between each set. The duration of these breaks determines which
energy system the body utilizes: for example, performing a series of exercises with little or no
rest between them is referred to as "circuit training", and the body will draw most of its energy
from the aerobic energy system (as opposed to the ATP-CP or glycogen systems).

Weights for each exercise should be chosen so that the desired number of repetitions can just be
achieved. Each exercise should be performed according to its description.

Types of Contractions

1. Concentric contraction: The positive part of the movement where the muscle shortens.

2. Eccentric contraction: The negative part of the movement where the muscle lengthens.

3. Isometric contraction: Exercise where a muscle is tensed without contracting or flexing, for
example while doing bent-over barbell row your abs, oblique and lower back are tensed that
called isometric contraction.

Movement at the Joints

1. Definition of Isolation Movement: Isolation movement involves one joint. A Leg extension for
example, is an isolation movement where only the knee joint is involved hence it's called
Isolation movement.

2. Definition of Compound Movement: A two joint movement is a Compound movement. For

example Bent-over barbell row or a Chest press where two joints are involved (shoulder &

3. Definition of Power Movement: An exercise where more than two joint are involved is called
Power movement. For example Squats (hip, knee & ankle) Clean and press & deadlift (Shoulder,
hip, knee & ankle).

Muscle Types (Pushing & Pulling)

Our muscles are divided into two different types pushing and pulling:

1. Pushing muscle in upper body: Chest, deltoids & triceps

2. Pushing muscle in Lower body: Quadriceps & calves

3. Pulling muscle in upper body: Back, biceps & posterior deltoid

4. Pulling muscle in Lower body: Hamstring & Tibialis Anterior

Breathing Technique
Always exhale on the concentric contraction and Inhale on the eccentric contraction.

Types of Grips

1. Pronated: Palms facing downwards- for example, grip used in reverse barbell curls
2. Supinated: Palms facing upwards- for example, grip used in barbell curls
3. Neutral grip: Palms facing each other- for example, hammer curls
4. Dead grip: a grip where one palm is pronated and other is supinated, for example deadlift

Hypertrophy & Atrophy

• Hypertrophy means increase in lean muscle tissue (anabolic state)

• Atrophy Means break down of lean muscle tissue (catabolic state)
Anabolism & Catabolism

Anabolism is the part of metabolism that builds larger molecules. One way of categorizing
metabolic processes, whether at the cellular, organ or organism level is as anabolic or catabolic.

Anabolic processes tend toward "building up" organs and tissues. These processes produce
growth and differentiation of cells and increase in body size, a process that involves synthesis of
complex molecules. Examples of anabolic processes include growth and mineralization of bone
and increase of muscle mass.

Catabolism is the part of metabolism that breaks down molecules into smaller units. It is made
up of degradative chemical reactions in the living cell. Large polymeric molecules
(polysaccharides, nucleic acids and proteins) are processed into their constituent monomeric
units (i.e. monosaccharides, nucleotides and amino acids, respectively).

Cells use monomers to construct new polymeric molecules and disassemble them to simple
cellular metabolites (lactic acid, acetic acid, carbon dioxide, ammonia, urea, etc.). The creation
of cellular metabolites is an oxidation process involving a release of chemical free energy, not all
of which is lost as heat, but some of which is partially conserved through the coupled synthesis
of adenosine triphosphate. The hydrolysis of this compound is subsequently used to drive
almost every energy-requiring reaction in the cell. Catabolism provides the chemical energy
necessary for the maintenance of the living cell. Examples of catabolic processes include
breakdown of muscle protein in order to use amino acids as substrates for gluconeogenesis and
breakdown of fat in adipose to fatty acids.

Because it is counterproductive to have anabolic and catabolic processes occurring in cells

simultaneously, there are many signals that switch on anabolic processes while switching off
catabolic processes and vice versa. Most of the known signals are hormones and the molecules
involved in metabolism itself. Endocrinologists have traditionally classified many of the
hormones as anabolic or catabolic.

· Classic anabolic hormones include

- Growth hormone
- IGF1 and other insulin-like growth factors
- Insulin
- Testosterone
- Estrogen
· Classic catabolic hormones include
- Cortisol
- Glucagon
Weight Lifting and Post Exercise Muscle Recovery

Did you ever wonder what's really happening to your muscles during and after exercise? Sure,
there's no doubt that something's going on down in those contractile fibers, something strong
enough to make you walk like Frankenstein for a couple of days after your leg workout. But what
exactly happens to make you unable to negotiate curbs and doorsteps? Well, since science can
provide a little glimpse into the phenomenon of post-exercise muscle recovery, in this chapter
we shall address muscle recovery from a scientific perspective. Therefore whether you're man,
woman or child, you'll be able to explain your pain.

Conventional weight lifting consists of two distinct phases of movement. The concentric phase
is the positive portion of the lift (i.e. the upward push on the bar during a bench press) while the
eccentric phase is the negative portion of the lift (i.e. the downward lowering of the bar during a
bench press). Each portion of the lift can contribute to the muscle damage seen during weight
lifting as follows.:

1. The eccentric portion of the lift is, by definition, a form of forced lengthening of the muscle.
Forced lengthening with high weight loads causes microscopic tears in the small fibers that
make up the muscle and the connective tissues. Since eccentric contractions tend to involve
fewer muscle fibers than other contractions, each individual fiber that's recruited takes a large
beating. Therefore during exercise, the muscle is physically damaged.

2. The concentric portion of the lift, while the force is dispersed over more fibers, tends to require
much more metabolic activity. This metabolic activity leads to depletion of muscle energy stores
such as ATP and muscle glycogen (carbohydrate). This depletion, while exercising, may lead to
greater susceptibility to the damage seen above.

3. Both the physical damage caused as well as the metabolic depletion can lead to altered cellular
calcium balance during and after the exercise. With this, the amount of calcium in the cell
increases. This excess of calcium can activate enzymes that break down cellular proteins
including contractile protein. In addition, calcium can build up in the mitochondrion of the cells,
thereby decreasing cellular energy production.

4. As a result of all of this disruption, the body signals for help. After all, there is dysfunctional
muscle debris that needs to be cleaned up. So after exercise, fluid begins to build up in the
damaged cells in order to bring immune cells such as neutrophils and macrophages to the site of
injury. While these cells end up clearing away damaged tissue, their activity leads to the build up
of pesky free radicals (these are why we think antioxidants are so important). Free radicals may
cause further muscle damage, prolonging recovery time.

5. While this cycle of destruction and healing persists, normal muscle function, such as the
ability to take up and store carbohydrates is compromised. This leads to a prolonged recovery of
muscle energy, further delaying full healing.

While it's nice to know what's going on at the microscopic level of skeletal muscle after exercise,
it's important to realize that these microscopic changes lead to some profound functional

1. During conventional weight lifting, muscle force production (strength) is diminished for at
least 1 to 3 days after the damage has occurred. This loss of strength, which may take 7-14 days
to recover, is most likely due to several factors including the disruption of muscle calcium
balance and energy production, the poor recovery of muscle energy during this period, and the
decrease in muscle protein content. In addition, this loss of strength can cause you to feel like a
90-lb weakling for several days after exercise. Stay away from the beach for 7-14 days.

2. Muscle swelling, as a result of fluid accumulation and immune cell delivery, occurs almost
immediately after exercise. This swelling typically lasts 3-4 days but may take as many as
7 to subside. This swelling is associated with muscle stiffness, decreased range of motion, and
an inability to comb your hair after arm day. This means bad hair days for 3-7 days.

4. Everyone's favorite, delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), typically lasts from 2-4 days
after exercise and is mostly gone within 5 days. This soreness may come as a result of both
swelling and stiffness but some scientists now think that biochemical changes in the muscle
may increase nerve sensitivity, leading to muscle pain. Sensitivity is one thing but crying is not
allowed; in 5 days it will all be over.

5. As discussed above, while the muscle is healing, its ability to "refuel" with carbohydrate is
decreased because of disruption of the muscle glucose transport mechanisms. This means that
no matter how many carbohydrates you eat, you simply can't get your muscle energy back up
to normal for at least 48 hours after exercise. So don't convince yourself that pigging out on pizza
and beer will help you recover more quickly from your sore muscles.

So this is a pretty scary picture, huh? Well, although it looks nasty, ultimately (about a 7 -14 days
later) the muscle damage stops, the immune system does its job, muscle energy is replenished,
and the muscle fibers are built back up bigger and stronger than before.

I hope you now realize that the only way to get improve your muscle size and muscle strength is
to allow adequate recovery time between performing exercises with the same muscle groups.

Without adequate recovery of calcium balance, muscle energy, and muscle protein content, your
muscle force will be lower with each subsequent workout, thereby reducing the quality of the
workout in terms of the weight lifted. This is certainly not the way to get stronger. In addition,
unless you wait until full structural recovery occurs, you will simply be destroying the new
muscle tissue being formed to replace the damaged tissue. And this is no way to get bigger.

So how long should one wait between weight lifting bouts using the same body part? Well, based
on the recovery data discussed above as well as the detraining data discussed in sidebar #1, it
appears that when doing intense weight lifting workouts and letting nature take it's course, a
period of 7 or more days may be a good starting point. However each individual may be
different. In addition, as discussed in sidebar #2, certain recovery techniques may speed up

A few individualized methods for knowing whether it's time to destroy the legs again are as

1. Be sure that muscle soreness is completely gone.

2. Be sure that your range of motion has returned.
3. Be sure that your muscle strength is better than it was during the previous workout.
4. For those of you who like to quantify things, you can measure your relaxed muscle
circumference before your training session and wait until the swelling has gone down.

Although I don't think that understanding why you can't get out of bed in the morning after a
rough workout makes it any easier to do so, at least you'll now be able to better plan your
workouts. This way you will be able to fully recover and your pain will not be in vain.


It's no surprise to anyone that a consistent weight-training program produces gains in muscle
strength and muscle size. Initially, the strength changes occur as a result of increased neural
efficiency. Long term increases in strength are a result of increased muscle mass. These gains in
muscle mass occur as a result of changes in muscle protein status. As mentioned, allowing the
muscle to fully recover from muscle damage can maximize these adaptations. Although it's
difficult to determine exactly how long a muscle needs to fully recover, it is not a good idea to
simply wait two weeks before training again. Therefore a fine balance must be reached between
waiting until the muscle has recovered and not waiting so long that the muscle becomes

Detraining is defined as a prolonged period of reduced exercise volume or muscle inactivity.

Interestingly, although frequent and intense exercise is needed to yield gains in muscle strength
and size, detraining studies have demonstrated that muscle strength and power can be
maintained with intense workouts separated by as much as 10-14 days. Other data show that
muscle strength actually increases with 8 days of low volume exercise recovery and may even
increase during 2- 8 days of complete detraining. In the detraining group, strength was lost only
after 8 days of detraining

It is clear that muscle force production improves with adequate recovery and this may come as a
result of full repair of muscle damage and full muscle energy replenishment. This information,
coupled with the recovery data discussed earlier, provides more evidence for the idea that
approximately 7 days but no more than 10 days should separate intense weight-training
workouts for a specific body part.

Recovery Techniques

The normal recovery from weight training induced muscle damage brings with it a host of
symptoms including decreased range of motion, increased muscle soreness, muscle stiffness,
muscle swelling, and decreased muscle force production. In order to accelerate muscle recovery
several recovery techniques have been suggested. These techniques include the following.

1. Light Exercise During Recovery - Research has shown that performing a few sets of light
exercise with the sore and damaged muscles may decrease muscle soreness and increase
force recovery (15;16). Both studies used approximately 50 easily performed submaximal
contractions in order to promote this effect.

2. Massage - Research has suggested that muscle soreness can be improved with regular
massage therapy, however this modality does not appear to increase blood flow or force
recovery (2;18;19).

3. Underwater Warm Jet Massage - One study showed that 20 minutes of underwater jet
massage therapy 3x per week might help maintain performance capacity during intense training

4. Muscle Compression - In one recent study, a few days of continual compression of damaged
muscle tissue decreased markers of muscle damage and increased force recovery (7).

5. Cold Water Immersion - Although few studies have been done with cold water immersion,
athletes have reported good results with immersion in cold water for 20 minutes post workout.


Get to know your own type.

While individual differences are always important, physical trainers use a generalized body-
typing system to assess individual needs and goals. Regardless or age, race, or gender, you
likely fit more or less into one of the following body type categories: ectomorph, mesomorph, or
endomorph. These are the three body types that make up the physique in which your body's
genetics are inclined to follow. The conditions of your body type actually have more to do with
bone structure and your body's frame than the muscle tissue itself.

However, there's one thing we all certainly have in common. We all seem equally unsatisfied with
our body types.

The skinny ones want to be beefier. The beefy ones want to be leaner. The bulky ones want to be
more ripped while the thin, ripped ones want to be more massive.

One such mistake many body shapers make is to assume that all rules of dieting, exercise, and
weight training applies to each and every individual. However, this is not kindergarten. The rules
at hand will always vary, depending on your genetic makeup.

Body type (exercise)

Human bodies can be divided into three types known as somatotypes.

1.Ectomorph - naturally thin and lightly built with flat chest and poorly muscled limbs. Can
usually eat as much as they want without gaining fat. Extreme ectomorphs are commonly
described as "skinny".

The best way to deal with such stingy genetics is to eat, eat, and eat some more. Adding an extra
thousand or two calories is not only acceptable, it's probably encouraged. Five substantial meals
a day, favoring the carbohydrates heavily while consuming ample amounts of protein, is the best
way to sprout growth into the muscle mass you're looking for.

When it comes to the weights, do not be stingy. Intensity plus strength equals size, and you
should be churning out intensely productive sets, designed to tear up the muscle tissue and
spurt new growth.

2. Mesomorph or athletic - husky, with a hard and muscular body. Characterized by a large chest,
long torso, and solid muscular structure. Mesomorphs, in one sense, are the luckiest of the
three. Mesomorphs have the tendency to be muscular and ripped, maintaining the best
attributes of both the ectomorphs and the endomorphs.

Mesomorphs must basically follow the general guidelines of healthy eating and exercise to
maintain the desirable physiques that they're genetics have so kindly blessed them with. A
mesomorph should consume a gram of protein a day for every pound of his or her bodyweight,
while taking in around six frequent meals per day. Perhaps the most imposing obstacle for the
mesomorph is overconfidence. Because a mesomorph can generally build muscle and shed
away fat with considerable ease, he often becomes lazy and apathetic to eating binges and lulls in
exercise, maintaining faith that his favorable genetics will bail him out of such consequences.
Like anyone else, a mesomorph must blend a sturdy diet and solid exercise program into his
everyday routine.

3. Endomorph - Endomorphs are generally what most people consider “stocky” creatures, many
of them having short but thick, thick limbs and heavy bones. Many endomorphs desire a leaner,
more defined look, and should try cutting the fats down to a minimum. Lean protein sources are
generally recommended here, anything from fish and turkey to egg whites. Meanwhile, an
endomorph's intake should consist of about seven smaller-portioned meals throughout the day,
a sly method of boosting metabolism and burning fats and calories.

Cardiovascular regimens - anything from swimming to biking is essential for endomorphs

looking to trim down. Thirty minutes per day, four days a week, will keep the jelly out of the
belly. Meanwhile, weight training should contain sets of several repetitions at a moderate weight,
with limited time spent between sets.

Almost no one is purely one body type, but elements of all three types are present instead. These
body types were first outlined by William Sheldon's studies in the 1940s concerning possible
relationships between body type and personality traits in individuals.


Gravity is defined as - The natural force that causes objects to be pulled towards the center of the
earth; it causes objects to have weight.

Because the earth is round, no matter where you are on it, the center is always straight down.
Thus, in order to have continuous tension on our muscles while training, we must make sure the
actual resistance we use travels a path that is straight up and straight down.

An example of this is the military press, the weight is pushed against the force of gravity in a
straight line up until the arms are locked over your head; then it is lowered slowly resisting
gravity, in a straight line to about shoulder level.

Basic Exercises

In all of the big basic exercises (dead lifts, squats, bench press, military press, rows, etc.), the
bar always travels straight up and straight down. This keeps the muscles being worked under a
constant load.

The basic exercises produce the best results because they stimulate growth in more than one
muscle at a time. But we also now know that they provide continuous tension in the muscles
involved - this is the secondary reason why they are so productive.

There are a group of exercises called isolation exercises. These tend to work only one muscle or
muscle group at a time. These exercises are not very efficient at producing overall body mass as
the basic exercises. The reason for this is they don't stimulate growth in many muscles at once,
but also secondarily, because most of them don't provide continuous loading of the muscles.

In most isolation exercises, the bar travels in arcs where only the middle of the movement
approximates a pull against gravity. Take the barbell curl for example, the bar is lifted from the
upper thighs in a circular path towards the chin at the beginning of the movement. The bar is
traveling more horizontally than vertically. It is only when the bar is in the middle position that
you are pulling it upwards against gravity.

Then, as you move into the top position of the movement, you are once again moving the bar in
an almost completely horizontal direction. This is why curls tend to be easy at the beginning,
hard in the middle and then, easy again at the end.

Other Exercises

Other examples of this type of exercise are, lateral raises, fly's, triceps extensions, pullovers, etc.
Any exercise preformed with a barbell in which the resistance doesn't travel straight up and
down will cause a loss of continuous load on your muscles.

As a side note, preacher curls done with a barbell are even less effective because it makes almost
the whole movement horizontal. The only benefit is the elimination of cheating by preventing the
upper arms from moving.

So how do we use this data to make our training more productive? We make sure that we have
continuous tension on our working muscles by making sure that the resistance we are using is
traveling straight up and down. There are many machines that use pullies to lift a weight stack up
and down against gravity even though you may be moving in a circular motion. If you work out in
a gym where these are available, make use of them.



Sternocostal Head

Sternum, Ribs Greater Tubercle
· Horizontal Adduction
(2nd To 6 Th) of Humerus
· Extension

Clavicular Head

Greater Tubercle Shoulder-

of Humerus · Horizontal Adduction


The biarticulate sternal head of the pectoralis major enters passive insufficiency through the
completion of shoulder transverse extension or transverse abducted when the shoulder girdle is
more retracted or through the completion of shoulder abduction when the scapula is more
rotated upward and elevated. The biarticulate sternal head of the pectoralis major enters active
insufficiency through the completion of shoulder transverse flexion or transverse adduction
when the shoulder girdle is more protracted or through the completion of shoulder adduction
when the scapula is more rotated downward and depressed.

The sternal head of the pectoralis major is a stronger shoulder transverse flexor (shoulder
internally rotated) than transverse adductor (shoulder externally rotated). It is a stronger
shoulder adductor when the shoulder is internally rotated. It is also a stronger shoulder extensor
when the shoulder is internally rotated. Incidentally, the sternal head of the pectoralis major does
not extend the shoulder beyond anatomical position (shoulder hyperextension).



· Rotator Cuff
Flat Bench Press
Pectoralis Major · Anterior Deltoid · Rhomboids
· Barbell Compound
(Both Heads) · Triceps Brachii · Teres Major
· Dumbbell
· Core
Incline Bench · Rotator Cuff
Press Pectoralis Major · Anterior Deltoid · Rhomboids
· Barbell (Clavicular Head) · Triceps Brachii · Teres Major
· Dumbbell · Core
Decline Bench · Rotator Cuff
Pectoralis Major
Press · Anterior Deltoid · Rhomboids
(Sternocostal Compound
· Barbell · Triceps Brachii · Teres Major
· Dumbbell · Core

· Rotator Cuff
· Levator
Chest Fly
· Dumbbell
Pectoralis Major · Biceps Brachii
· Pec Deck Fly Isolation · Anterior Deltoid
(Both Heads) · Brachialis
· Cable Cross
· Triceps Brachii
· Wrist Flexors
· Core

Dumbbell Decline Bench Press


Sit down on decline bench with feet under leg brace and dumbbells resting on thigh. Lie back with
dumbbells. Position dumbbells to the sides of the chest with elbows under dumbbells.

Press dumbbells up with elbows to the sides until arms are extended. Lower weight to the sides of
chest. Repeat.

Barbell Decline Bench Press

Instructions Preparation
Lie supine on decline bench with feet under
leg brace. Dismount barbell from rack over
the chest using a wide oblique overhand grip.

Lower the weight in control. Press bar until
arms are extended. Repeat.

Barbell Bench Press

Lie supine on bench. Dismount barbell from rack over the upper chest using a wide oblique
overhand grip.

Lower the weight straight down. Press bar until arms are extended. Repeat.

Dumbbell Bench Press

Sit down on bench with dumbbells resting on lower thigh. Kick weights to shoulder and lie back.
Position dumbbells to the sides of the upper chest with elbows under dumbbells.

Press dumbbells up with elbows to the
sides until arms are extended. Lower
weight to the sides of the upper chest.

Cable Cross Over Flys
Grasp two opposing high pulley dumbbell attachments. Stand in the middle and perpendicular to
both pulleys. Bend hips, knees and elbows slightly. Internally rotate shoulders so elbows are
back initially.

Bring cable attachments together in a hugging motion with elbows in a fixed position and
shoulders internally rotated so elbows are to the sides. Return to starting position until chest
muscles are stretched. Repeat.

Seated cable Fly

Sit on the bench with back on pad. Grasp handles to both side shoulder height. Slightly bend
elbows and internally rotate shoulders so elbows are back.
Push levers handles together. Return until chest muscles are stretched. Repeat.

Dumbbell Incline Bench Press
Sit down on incline bench with dumbbells resting on lower thigh. Kick weights to shoulders and
lean back. Position dumbbells to the sides of the upper chest with elbows under dumbbells.

Press dumbbells up with elbows to the sides until arms are extended. Lower weight to the sides
of the upper chest. Repeat.

Stretching for Pectoralis Major

Doorway Chest Stretch
Stand at end of wall or in doorway facing perpendicular to
wall. Place inside of bent arm on surface of wall. Position
bent elbow shoulder height.

Turn body away from positioned arm. Hold stretch.
Repeat with opposite arm.

Upper chest becomes more stretched with elbow lower.
Lower chest and pectoralis minor become more stretched
with elbow higher.

Muscles Target
Other · Pectoralis Major, Clavicular · Pectoralis Minor
· Pectoralis Major
Anterior Deltoid

Lateral one third
Humerus · Flexion
of Clavicle
· Overhead Abduction

Middle Deltoid
(Lateral Deltoid)

Acromion of Scapula Humerus
· Abduction

Posterior Deltoid
(Rear Deltoid)

Scapula Humerus
· Transverse Abduction

· Triceps Brachii
· Pectoralis Major
· Rotator Cuff
(Clavicular Head)
Barbell Military · Core
Anterior Deltoid Compound · Middle Deltoid
Press · Rear Deltoid
· Trapezius Upper
· Rhomboids
Fiber Serratus

· Triceps Brachii
· Pectoralis Major
· Rotator Cuff
(Clavicular Head)
Dumbbell · Core
Anterior Deltoid Compound · Middle Deltoid
Overhead Press · Rear Deltoid
· Trapezius Upper
· Rhomboids
Fiber Serratus

· Pectoralis Major · Rotator Cuff

· Core
Front Raise (Clavicular Head)
· Rear Deltoid
· Dumbbell Anterior Deltoid Isolation · Middle Deltoid · Rhomboids
· Cable · Trapezius Middle · Serratus Anterior
Fiber · Levator Scapulae

· Levator Scapulae
Side Raise
· Trapezius Upper · Wrist Extensors
· Dumbbell Middle Deltoid Isolation
Fiber · Core
· Cable
· Rotator Cuff

· Trapezius Upper · Levator Scapulae

Fiber · Wrist Extensors
Upright Rows Middle Deltoid Compound
· Biceps Brachii · Core
· Brachialis · Rotator Cuff

· Trapezius Middle
Rear Delt Fly · Core
Posterior Deltoid Isolation And Lower Fiber
(Machine) · Rotator Cuff
· Rhomboids

· Trapezius Middle
Dumbbell Bent · Core
Posterior Deltoid Isolation And Lower Fiber
Over Lateral Raise · Rotator Cuff
· Rhomboids

Barbell Military Press
Grasp barbell from rack or clean barbell from floor with overhand grip, slightly wider than
shoulder width. Position bar in front of neck.

Press bar until arms are extended overhead. Lower to front of neck and repeat.

Note: If this exercise is done on the incline bench it becomes safer as for the clearance of
barbell one does not need to move the neck.

Dumbbell overhead press

Position dumbbells to each side of shoulders with elbows below wrists.

Press dumbbells until arms are
extended overhead. Lower and repeat.

Dumbbell Front Raise
Grasp dumbbells in both hands.

Raise one dumbbell with elbows fixed in a 10 to 30 angle throughout until upper arm is parallel to the
floor. Continue with alternate arm.

Dumbbell Lateral Raise

Grasp dumbbells in front of thighs. Bend over at hips slightly with knees bent.

With elbows slightly bent, raise upper arms to sides until elbows are shoulder height. Maintain elbows'
height above or equal to wrists. Lower and repeat.

Maintain fixed elbow position (10 to 30 angle) throughout exercise. Dumbbells are raised by
shoulder abduction, not external rotation. As the elbows drops lower than the wrists, the front deltoids
become the primary mover instead of the lateral deltoids.

Cable One Arm Lateral Raise
Grasp stirrup cable attachment. Stand facing with
side of resting arm toward low pulley. Grasp ballet
bar if available.

With elbow slightly bent, raise arm to side away
from low pulley until elbow is shoulder height.
Lower and repeat.

Maintain fixed elbow position (10° to 30° angle)
throughout exercise. Stirrup is raised by shoulder
abduction, not external rotation.

Bent over Lateral Raises

Grasp dumbbells to each side. Bend knees slightly
and bend over through hips with back flat, 0° to 30°
parallel to the floor.

Raise upper arms to sides until elbows are
shoulder height. Maintain upper arms perpendicular
to torso and a fixed elbow position (10 to 30 angle)
throughout exercise. Maintain height of elbows
above wrists by raising "pinkie" side up. Lower and repeat.

Dumbbells are raised by shoulder transverse
abduction, not external rotation, or extension.
Upper arm should travel in a perpendicular path
to the torso to minimize latissimus dorsi involvement.
To exercise posterior deltoid and not the lateral deltoid,
keep torso close to horizontal.
Rear Delt Fly Machine

Sit in machine with back on pad. Grasp handles
ahead shoulder height. Slightly bend elbows and
internally rotate shoulders so elbows are to sides.

Pull levers apart and to the rear until elbows
are just behind back. Return and repeat.

Stretching for Shoulders Doorway Front Deltoid Stretch
Stand at end of wall or in doorway facing perpendicular
to wall. Position palm on surface of wall slightly lower
than shoulder. Bend elbow slightly.

Turn body away from positioned arm. Hold stretch.
Repeat with opposite arm.

A stationary bar can also be used instead of a wall.

Muscles Target
· Deltoid, Anterior

· Pectoralis Major, Sternal
· Pectoralis Major, Clavicular
· Pectoralis Minor
· Biceps Brachii

Rear Deltoid Stretch

Position arm across neck. Place opposite hand on elbow.

Push elbow toward neck. Hold stretch. Repeat with opposite arm.
Comments None

Muscles Target
· Deltoid, Posterior

· Infraspinatus
· Teres Minor
· Trapezius, Middle
· Trapezius, Lower
· Rhomboids

Side Deltoid Stretch
Position arm across chest. Place opposite hand on elbow.

Push elbow toward chest. Hold stretch. Repeat with opposite arm.

Muscles Target
· Deltoid, Lateral

· Infraspinatus
· Teres Minor
· Trapezius, Middle
· Trapezius, Lower
· Rhomboids


Triceps Brachii · Extension
• Long Head Scapula Ulna
· Extension
• Lateral Head Humerus Ulna
· Extension
• Medial Head Humerus Ulna
· Extension


Close Grip Bench · Anterior Deltoid · Rotator Cuff

Press · Pectoralis Major · Anterior Deltoid
Triceps Brachii Compound
· Flat Bench (Sternocostal and · Serratus Anterior
· Decline Bench Clavicular Head) · Core
· Anterior Deltoid
· Pectoralis Major,
Clavicular Head
Skull Crusher
· Latissimus Dorsi
(Lying Triceps Triceps Brachii Isolation
· Teres Major
· Posterior Deltoid
· Rotator Cuff
· Core
· Anterior Deltoid
· Pectoralis Major,
Clavicular Head
Pulley Push Isolation · Latissimus Dorsi
Triceps Brachii
Down · Teres Major
· Posterior Deltoid
· Rotator Cuff
· Core

Triceps Dip
Mount a shoulder width dip bar.
Step down onto assistance lever.

Push body up with elbows close to body
and hips straight. Lower body until shoulders
are slightly stretched. Repeat.

Always perpendicular action to be mentioned
for getting optimal contraction in muscle.

Barbell Close Grip Bench Press

Lie on bench and grasp barbell from rack
with a shoulder width grip.

Lower weight to chest with elbows close to body.
Return and repeat.

Grip can be slightly closer than shoulder width
for the ease of the movement but not too close.

Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension

Stand straight with a dumbbells gripping with both hands and above the head with straight

Lower dumbbell by bending elbows. As dumbbell nears head
move elbows slightly back just enough to allow
the dumbbell to clear around curvature of head. Extend arms.
As dumbbell clears head, reposition elbows to their former
position until arms are fully extended. Repeat.

Overhead triceps extension
Position barbell overhead with a narrow
overhand grip.

Lower forearm behind upper arm with elbows
remaining overhead. Extend forearm
overhead. Lower and repeat.

Let the barbell Pull the arm back to maintain
full shoulder flexion.

Cable Pushdown
Face high pulley and grasp cable attachment with overhand narrow grip. Position elbow to

Extend arms down. Return until forearm is close to upper arm. Repeat.

The elbow can travel up a few inches at the top of the motion. Step close to cable to provide
resistance at the top of the motion

Triceps Dip (Machine)
Sit on seat with back against pad. If possible,
place handles in the narrow position. Grasp

Push levers down with elbows close to body.
Return until shoulders are slightly stretched.

Latissimus Dorsi

· Thoracic Vertebrae
(T7-T12) Shoulder
· Lumbar Vertebrae Proximal Medial · Extension
(L1-L5) Side · Adduction
· Lower Ribs of Humerus · Horizontal Abduction
· Inferior Angle of · Internal Rotation

Teres Major

Posterior Inferior Proximal Medial Side · Extension
Border of Scapula of Humerus · Adduction
· Internal Rotation

Rhomboid Major
and Minor

Middle To Lower
· Adduction and
Spine Of C7 To T5 Border
Of Vertebra

Levator Scapulae

Upper Vertebral Elevation of

Transverse Process Border Of Scapula Scapula
of C1-C4

Protraction Of Scapula,
Lateral Anterior Stabilization And
Serratus Anterior Scapula
Surface Of Ribs (1-9) Upward Rotation Of

Trapezius Upper- Base Of Skull, Upper- Clavicle, Upper-Upward

· Upper C1-C7 Scapula Rotation And Elevation
· Middle Middle- C7-T3 Middle - Scapula of Scapula
· Lower Lower- T4-T12 Lower - Scapula Middle-Upward
Rotation And
Adduction of Scapula
Lower- Depression of


Bent Over Row · Biceps Brachii · Core

· Barbell · Brachioradialis · Rotator Cuff
Latissimus Dorsi Compound
· Dumbbell · Brachialis · Hamstrings
· Posterior Deltoid · Gluteus Maximus
· Trapezius Middle
and Lower

· Core
· Biceps Brachii
· Rotator Cuff
· Brachioradialis
· Hamstrings
One Arm · Brachialis
· Gluteus Maximus
Dumbbell Row Latissimus Dorsi Compound · Posterior Deltoid
· Triceps
· Trapezius
(Opposite Arm)
Middle And

· Biceps Brachii
Seated Row · Brachioradialis
Compound · Brachialis · Core
· Cable Latissimus Dorsi
· Posterior Deltoid · Rotator Cuff
· Machine · Hamstrings
· Trapezius Middle
· Gluteus
And Lower Maximus
· Pectoralis Major
(Sternal Head)

· Biceps Brachii
· Brachioradialis
Lat Pull Down · Brachialis
Compound · Core
· Supine Grip Latissimus Dorsi · Posterior Deltoid · Rotator Cuff
· Prone Grip · Trapezius Middle · Hamstrings
And Lower · Gluteus
· Pectoralis Major Maximus
(Sternal Head)
· Pectoralis Minor

· Trapezius Middle
· Barbell Trapezius Upper · Core
Isolation Fiber
· Dumbbell Fiber · Rotator Cuff
· Levator Scapulae
· Plates

Barbell Bent-over Row
Bend knees slightly and bend over bar with back straight. Grasp bar with a wide overhand

Pull the bar straight up. Return until arms are extended and lats are stretched forward.

One Arm Dumbbell Row

Kneel over side of bench with arm and leg to side. Grasp dumbbell.

Pull dumbbell to side until upper arm is just beyond horizontal or height of back. Return
until arm is extended and back is stretched forward. Repeat. Continue with opposite arm.

Allow scapula to articulate but do not rotate torso in effort to throw weight up.

Seated Cable Row

Sit on platform with knees bent and grasp
cable attachment. Straighten lower back
and position knees with a slight bend.

Pull cable in the straight line. Pull shoulders
back and push chest forward during
Return until arms are extended and lats are
stretched forward. Repeat.

Supine Grip Lat Pulldown

Grasp cable bar with a shoulder width/narrow grip. Sit with thighs under supports.

Pull down cable bar to upper chest & squeeze the lats. Return until arms and shoulders
are fully extended. Repeat.

Dumbbell Shrug
Stand holding dumbbells to sides.

Elevate shoulders as high as possible. Lower and repeat.

Since this movement becomes more difficult as full shoulder elevation is achieved, a height
criteria for shoulder elevation may be needed. For example, raising the shoulders until the slope
of the shoulders become horizontal may be considered adequate depending upon individual
body structure.

Stretching for Back Fixed Bar Back Stretch

Stand facing stationary bar. Grasp stationary bar with one
hand approximately waist height.

Bend over allowing hips to fall back. Slightly lean torso toward
stretched arm. Hold stretch.Repeat with opposite side.

Muscles Target
· Back, General
· Latissimus Dorsi · Teres Major · Deltoid, Posterior · Trapezius, Lower · Rhomboids
· nfraspinatus · Teres Minor
Lever Back Stretch
Sit on seat in forward position with lower legs on
shin pad, feet on foot rest. Place hands through
wrist straps. Hold upper bar with arms crossed,
overhand grip.

Push and lower seat back. Hold stretch. Repeat
with opposite arm position.
To intensify stretch, look up or to one side.

Muscles Target
· Back

· Latissimus Dorsi · Teres Major
· Deltoid, Posterior · Trapezius, Lower
· Rhomboids · Infraspinatus
· Teres Minor · Erector Spinae

Bent-over Lat Stretch

Kneel on mat or floor. Extend arms well beyond
knees and place forearms on floor.

Lower torso as far down as possible and
sit back. Hold stretch.

Muscles Target
· Latissimus Dorsi

· Teres Major
· Erector Spinae
· Tibialis Anterior
Standing Side Reach Lat Stretch
Stand with feet far apart. Place one arm on side
of thigh. Put the opposite arm overhead.

Lean and reach to the side away from the raised arm.
Hold stretch. Repeat with opposite arm.

Allow shoulder to raise toward side of head
for greater stretch.

Muscles Target
· Latissimus Dorsi

· Teres Major

Fixed Bar Rhomboids Stretch

Stand facing very close to stationary bar.
Grasp stationary bar with both hands just
below chest height.

Lean back allowing body and hips to fall
back and shoulders to be pulled forward.
Hold stretch.

Muscles Target
· Rhomboids

· Trapezius, Middle
· Trapezius, Lower


· External Rotation
Greater Tubercle of Shoulder
of Humerus · Stability of
Humeral Head


· Abduction of
Greater Tubercle Shoulder
of Humerus · Stability of
Humeral Head

Teres Minor

· External Rotation
Greater Tubercle of Shoulder
of Humerus · Stability of Humeral


· Internal Rotation
Lesser Tubercle of Shoulder
of Humerus · Stability of Humeral


Standing Cable · Infraspinatus · Posterior Deltoid · Rotator Cuff

External Rotation · Teres Minor · Rhomboids · Core

Dumbbell Lying · Infraspinatus · Posterior Deltoid · Rotator Cuff

External Rotation · Teres Minor · Rhomboids · Core

· Pectoralis Major · Pectoralis Minor

Cable Internal · Latissimus Dorsi · Rhomboids
· Subscapularis Isolation · Levator Scapulae
Rotation · Teres Major
· Rotator Cuff
· Anterior Deltoid



Long Head -
Biceps Brachii Supraglenoid Tubercle · Elbow Flexion
Radial Tuberosity
· Long Head of Scapula (Supine Grip)
of Radius
· Short Head Short Head- Coracoid · Forearm Supination
Process of Scapula

Elbow Flexion
Brachialis Humerus Ulna
(Prone Grip)

Elbow Flexion
Brachioradialis Humerus Radius
(Hammer Grip)

· Core
· Rotator Cuff
· Anterior Deltoid
Incline Dumbbell Biceps Brachii · Brachialis
Isolation · Trapezius Upper
Curl (Long Head) · Brachioradialis
And Middle Fiber
· Levator Scapulae
Wrist Flexors

Preacher Curl · Wrist Flexors

Biceps Brachii · Brachialis
· Barbell Isolation · Core
(Short Head) · Brachioradialis
· Dumbbell · Rotator Cuff

· Core
Arm Curl · Rotator Cuff
· Dumbbell Biceps Brachii · Brachialis · Anterior Deltoid
Isolation · Trapezius Upper
· Barbell ( Both Head) · Brachioradialis And Middle Fiber
· Cable · Levator Scapulae
· Wrist Flexors

· Core
· Rotator Cuff
Dumbbell · Brachialis · Anterior Deltoid
Brachioradialis Isolation · Trapezius Upper
Hammer Curl · Brachioradialis And Middle Fiber
· Levator Scapulae
· Wrist Flexors

· Core
· Rotator Cuff
· Brachialis · Anterior Deltoid
Reverse Curl Brachiais Isolation · Trapezius Upper
· Brachioradialis And Middle Fiber
· Levator Scapulae
· Wrist Flexors

Doorway Biceps Stretch
Stand at end of wall or in doorway facing
perpendicular to wall. Position front of
straight arm and palm on surface of wall.
Situate arm around the same height of
shoulder with elbow positioned away from wall.

Turn body away from positioned arm. Hold stretch.
Repeat with opposite arm.

A stationary bar can also be used instead of a wall.

Muscles Target
· Biceps Brachii

· Deltoid, Anterior
· Pectoralis Major, Sternal
· Pectoralis Major, Clavicular
· Pectoralis Minor

Wrist Flexors

Other Names
· Forearm (Inner)
· Hand Flexors

1. Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
2. Flexor Digitorum Profundus
4 Heads
3. Flexor Carpi Radialis
4. Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
5. Palmaris Longus
6. Flexor Pollicis Longus
Movement Wrist
· Flexion [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
· Abduction [3]
· Adduction [4]

· Flexion [1, 2]
· Adduction [1, 2]

· Flexion [6] Elbow (very weak)
· Flexion [1, 3, 4, 5]

Attachments Origin

· Humerus (Medial Distal)

- Medial Epicondyle [1, 3 , 4, 5]
· Ulna
- Medial Coronoid [1]
- Proximal 3/4 (Anterior & Medial) [2]
- Proximal Posterior [4]
· Radius (Middle Anterior) [1, 6]

· Fingers (Palmer Surface)
- Sides of middle phalanges [1]
- Base of distal phalanges [2]
· Thumb (Palmer Surface)
- Base of distal phalanx [6]
· Metacarpals (Palmer Surface)
- Second & Third [3]
- Fifth [4]
- Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth
Palmer Aponeurosis [5]
· Carpals (Medial) [4]
- Pisiform
- Hamate

The triarticulate [1] and biarticulate [2, 3, 4, 5, 6] wrist flexor muscles may independently enter
passive insufficiency through the completion of one of 4 eccentric joint movements (opposite
movements of the wrist, fingers, thumb, elbow) when an adjacent joint eccentric movement is
sustained. The triarticulate and biarticulate wrist flexor muscles [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] may
independently enter active insufficiency through the completion of one of 4 concentric joint
movements (movements of the wrist, fingers, thumb, elbow) when an adjacent joint concentric
movement is sustained.
The Palmaris Longus is absent on one or both sides in about 21% of people.

Wrist Extensors

Other Names
· Forearm (outer or back)
· Hand Extensors

1. Extensor Digitorum
2. Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
3. Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
4. Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
5. Extensor Indicis
6. Extensor Digiti Minimi
7. Extensor Pollicis Longus
8. Extensor Pollicis Brevis

· Extension [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
· Abduction [2, 3, 7, 8]
· Adduction [4]

· Extension
- Index [1, 5]
- Middle [1]
- Ring [1]
- Little [1, 6]
· Abduction
- Index [1, 5]
- Middle [1]
- Ring [1]
- Little [1, 6]

· Extension [7, 8] Elbow (very weak)
· Extension [1, 2, 3, 4]

· Humerus (Lateral Distal)
- Lateral Epicondyle [1, 2, 3, 4, 6]
· Ulna (Posterior Lateral) [5, 7]
· Radius (Medial Lower Middle) [8]

· Fingers (Dorsal)
- Four Fingers [1]
Second & Third Phalanges
- Index [5]
Proximal Phalanx
Extensor Expansion
- Little [6]
Proximal Phalanx
· Thumb (Dorsal)
- Base of Distal Phalanx [7]
- Base of Proximal Phalanx [8]
· Metacarpals (Dorsal)
- Second [2]
- Third [3]
- Fifth [4]

The triarticulate [1] and biarticulate [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ] wrist extensor muscles may independently
enter passive insufficiency through the completion of one of 4 eccentric joint movements
(opposite movements of the wrist, fingers, thumb, elbow) when an adjacent joint eccentric
movement is sustained. The triarticulate and biarticulate wrist extensor muscles may
independently enter active insufficiency through the completion of one of 4 concentric joint
movements (movements of the wrist, fingers, thumb, elbow) when an adjacent joint concentric
movement is sustained.

Wrist Extensors
Barbell Reverse Wrist Curl Instructions

Sit and grasp bar with narrow to shoulder width overhand grip. Rest forearms on thighs with
wrists just beyond knees.

Hyperextend wrist and return until wrist are fully flexed. Repeat.

Keep elbows approximately wrist height to maintain resistance through the full range of motion.


Mechanics: Isolated
Force: Pull

Muscles Target
· Wrist Extensors

· None

· No significant stabilizers

Stretching for Forearms Seated Wrist Flexor Stretch

Sit on floor. Place palms on floor to sides,
behind hips with fingers pointing to back.

Lean back with arms straight. Hold stretch.

Keep arms straight.

Muscles Target
· Wrist Flexors

Single Arm Wrist Extensor Stretch

With palm facing downward, pull wrist and fingers downward toward forearm.

Extend or straighten elbow. Hold stretch. Repeat with opposite arm.

· None

Muscles Target
· Wrist Extensors

Single Arm Wrist Flexor Stretch

With palm facing downward, grasp underside
of fingers with other hand and straighten elbow.

Pull finger and wrist upward and back toward
forearm. Hold stretch. Repeat with opposite arm.


Muscles Target
· Wrist Flexors


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