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Full Name
Student ID Term 4 Year 2018
Unit Name Manage Market Research
Unit Code BSBMKG607 Due Date 21/08/2018 Date Submitted
Trainer Name Ronita Prasad / Jacqueline Moreno

Student Declaration
By submitting this assessment, I acknowledge and agree that:
1. This assessment has been completed my me and is my own work
2. This assessment is submitted in accordance with the NCCS Regulations and
Assessment Policy. I also understand the serious nature of academic dishonesty
(such as plagiarism) and the penalties attached to being found guilty of committing
such offences.
3. No part of this assessment has been copied from any other source without
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4. No part of this assessment has been written by any other person, except to the
extent of collaboration and/or group work as defined in the assessment.
5. A copy of the original assessment is retained by me and that I may be required to
submit the original assessment to the trainer upon request.
6. I am aware of my appeal rights.

Assessment Result

Assessment Items# Result *

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4

Relevant sections to be used as per the assessment requirements
* S = Satisfactory, NS = Not Satisfactory and NC = Not completed
Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

Final Assessment Result for this unit


Student Feedback

Assessor Declaration
1. I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this
2. I am ensured that all assessment evidence including marking guide and observation
checklists (if required) have been attached to this document
3. I have provided appropriate feedback to the student.

Ronita Prasad / Jacqueline Moreno

Assessor Name Marking

Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

Manage Market Research

Assessment Answer Booklet

Task 1: Written Questions

Please answer all the questions below by using the websites provided or any other
websites. Please ensure you DO NOT copy everything from the website, only the main
information to cover the question that has been asked.

1. Outline two ways of processing market research data.

 using tables to list and group your information
 identifying major trends and themes as well as strengths, weaknesses, opportunities
and threats
2. Outline the term standard deviation and its use in analysis of market research

Measure of the difference between an average (arithmetic mean) and the individual
values included in the average.

3. Outline the use of correlation analysis in market research. Give an example to

illustrate your answer.

Correlation analysis is a method of statistical evaluation used to study the strength of a

relationship between two, numerically measured, continuous variables (e.g. height and
weight). This particular type of analysis is useful when a researcher wants to establish if
there are possible connections between variables. It is often misunderstood that
correlation analysis determines cause and effect; however, this is not the case because
other variables that are not present in the research may have impacted on the results.

Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

4. Explain two issues that should be considered in the design of a market research
project to ensure that budget constraints and limited resources are met.

Poor Survey Design

Organizations use marketing research to find out what customers think and what they
want. The survey is a direct way of collecting quantitative, or numerical, information and
qualitative, or descriptive, information.

Survey Nonresponse
One marketing research problem relates to how the survey is offered to the target
population. Marketers design a survey that many customers choose not to respond to.

5. Outline three differences between qualitative and quantitative research with

regard to market research objectives, sample size and data collection and
analysis methods.


Research type Exploratory Conclusive
Reasoning Inductive Deductive
Sampling Purposive Random

6. Explain the importance of sample size in market research.

Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

The larger the sample size is the smaller the effect size that can be detected. The reverse is
also true; small sample sizes can detect large effect sizes. While researchers generally have a
strong idea of the effect size in their planned study it is in determining an appropriate sample
size that often leads to an underpowered study. This poses both scientific and ethical issues for

7. Discuss two common approaches to determining sample size and the merits or
otherwise of the approach.

Arbitrary approach – A method of determining the advertising budget, in which a

high-level executive subjectively stipulates how much will be spent on advertising for a
certain time period.

Statistical analysis approach – Statistical analysis is a component of data

analytics. In the context of business intelligence (BI), statistical analysis involves
collecting and scrutinizing every data sample in a set of items from which
samples can be drawn. A sample, in statistics,is a representative selection drawn from a
total population.

8. Explain probability and non-probability sampling.

Both of these are sampling techniques are using to collect specific data by different
research method. In Probability sampling techniques the individual or subject has equal
chance of selection during data collection. While in no probability sampling the
individual/subject has chance either to be selected or might not.

9. Outline how hypotheses are developed and used in market research.

A research hypothesis (H1) is the statement created by researchers when they

speculate upon the outcome of a research or experiment.
The hypothesis is generated via a number of means, but is usually the result of a
process of inductive reasoning where observations lead to the formation of a theory.
Scientists then use a large battery of deductive methods to arrive at a hypothesis that is
testable, falsifiable and realistic.

10. Explain why market research is beneficial for growing a business and give two
examples to illustrate your answer.

Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

Market research is a very important step for all startups as, amongst other things, it
helps you understand whether your offering is likely to generate demand.
 Understand where your customers are.
 Estimate the size of the market you can serve.

11. Explain the following types of market research and the circumstances in which a
business may use them:
a. Exploratory research

Exploratory research, as the name implies, intends merely to explore the research
questions and does not intend to offer final and conclusive solutions to existing
problems. This type of research is usually conducted to study a problem that has not
been clearly defined yet.

b. Ethnography

Ethnography is a qualitative research study looking at the social interaction of users in a

given environment. This research provides an in-depth insight into the user’s views and
actions along with the sights and sounds they encounter during their day. It provides the
researcher with an understanding of how those users see the world and how they
interact with everything around them.

c. Causal research

An informal type of investigation into an issue or topic. Casual research might include
searching for something on the Internet. It differs from scientific research that is
considerably more formal and rigorous in nature and causal research that investigates
the effect of one thing on another.

12. Discuss three advantages and disadvantages of in-depth interviews in market


Advantages of In Depth Interview:

 Obtaining information through surveys
Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

 Good understanding of participants

 Faster and quick process
 Rich data is gained
 Direct interaction

Disadvantages of In Depth Interview:

 Time intensive
 A trained interviewer required
 Compiling notes
 Tough to compare candidates
 Not generalization

13. Explain the use of a questionnaire as a survey instrument in market research

and the importance of testing a questionnaire prior to using it.

1. Clarify the purpose.

2. Formulate survey goals.
3. Verify the resources.
4. Choose a survey method.
5. Perform the sampling.
6. Write the questionnaire.
7. Pilot test and revise or change the questionnaire.

The importance of testing a questionnaire prior to using it.

It’s important to test your survey questionnaire before using it to collect data. Pretesting and
piloting can help you identify questions that don’t make sense to participants, or problems with
the questionnaire that might lead to biased answers.

14. Explain the importance of valid and reliable market research data.

Validity is important because it determines what survey questions to use, and helps ensure that
researchers are using questions that truly measure the issues of importance. The validity of a
survey is considered to be the degree to which it measures what it claims to measure. You

Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

should employ the highest standards of scientific research to ensure that your survey results are

15. Discuss three advantages and disadvantages of focus groups in market


Advantage: Easily Measure Customer Reaction

A focus group is a useful method that can be used to measure the reaction of customers to your
new product or company strategies.

Disadvantage: Not as In-Depth as Other Market Research

Compared to individual interviews, focus groups are not as efficient in covering maximum depth
on a particular issue.

Advantage: Time-Saving Opportunity

The condensed nature of a focus group makes it possible for your business to solicit a quantity
of opinions and feedback on multiple aspects of a product without the time intensive process of
individually soliciting interviews.

Disadvantage: Expense
Compared with surveys and questionnaires, focus groups are much more expensive to execute.
Usually, each participant will have to be compensated in cash or in kind.

Disadvantage: Moderator Bias

Moderators can greatly impact the outcome of a focus group discussion.

16. Outline the key steps in a policy and procedure development process.

1 Identify and define the problem or issue that necessitates the development of a policy
2 Appoint a person or person(s) to co-ordinate the policy development process
3 Establish the policy development process
4 Conduct research
5 Prepare a discussion paper
6 Consultation - Stage 1
7 Prepare a draft policy
8 Consultation - Stage 2
9 Adoption
10 Communication

Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

11 Review and evaluate

17. Identity two methods of consulting with stakeholders within a project. Compare
and contrast each of the methods you identify.

Consultation usually takes on two forms:

 Consultation on specific developments, projects, ventures
 Ongoing consultation to track and monitor stakeholder perceptions within the
broader operating environment
Ongoing consultation is adopted to ensure buy-in from stakeholders and to ensure the
corporation is not moving away from the expectations and needs of those who have an
interest in its affairs.  It is often related to company or brand positioning, competitive
positioning, company mission or direction.

18. Outline PERT and CPM project management techniques and explain the
different circumstances in which they are best used.

One of the key differences between PERT and CPM is how they treat the knowns and
unknowns of a project. PERT is typically used to manage the uncertain activities within
a project, which is why it often works well in research-based environments where the
outcomes are uncertain. CPM, on the other hand, is used to oversee the well-defined
activities of a project.

19. Compare and contrast two methods that can be used to measure project
outcomes and progress and provide example to illustrate your answer.

Evaluate stakeholder and customer satisfaction. Ask a simple question to all parties
involved: Were you satisfied with the result? If not all parties are satisfied, it is a sign
there were inefficiencies in the project.

Evaluate end-user adoption. Reach out to the end users of the project to determine if
they are utilizing the results of the project as expected. If not, ask what changes are
needed to make the results useful. 

Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

20. Explain two different methods that an organisation can use to engage
consultants for market research.
Tender – organisations can put out a tender for the market research project and
invite consultants to apply. This means there can be a large pool of applicants.
Direct approach – organisations may choose to directly approach a trusted
contact and ask them to provide a quote for the work.

21. Identify and outline five examples of legislation and regulations that can apply to
marketing operations.

Misleading & deceptive conduct

When promoting your products or services, you need to ensure that any branding,
statement, quote or any other representation is not false or misleading.
Bait advertising
Bait advertising is where a product is advertised at a certain price without a reasonable
supply. Bait advertising is illegal if a business sells the product knowing that they cannot
meet expected demand.
Direct marketing
Most direct marketing activities are regulated by federal or state laws.
Before you send out marketing material via email, you need to ensure you comply with
the Spam Act 2003.
Care must be taken when you collect, use, secure and disclose a customer's personal
information to ensure you comply with the Privacy Act 1988

22. Outline the purpose and scope of the Market & Social Research Privacy Code?

The new code sets out how the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) in the Privacy Act
are to be applied and complied with by AMSRO members in relation to the collection,
retention, use, disclosure and destruction of personal information in market and social

23. Outline three important behaviours that a market researcher should observe to
ensure the Market & Social Research Privacy Code is upheld.
 it is in line with the revised ICC/ESOMAR Code

Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

 it recognises the evolving nature of research practice and the digital environment
 it reflects the latest Australian legislation

24. Discuss the impact of economic trends on market research.

In a period of economic growth and therefore increased consumer spending,
marketers are likely to spend more on marketing and therefore market research
to inform marketing. In contrast a period of economic decline may result in less
expenditure on marketing and therefore the market research may not be

25. Identify a social trend that may impact on market research and discuss its

Social media is providing marketers with an ever-growing litany of media options

beyond just display advertising.
One-third of ad and marketing execs said social messaging would sway their efforts in
2018, making it the top choice among survey respondents.
Video was another trend that many respondents said would play a role in their
marketing strategies next year, named by 28% of respondents—an unsurprising

26. Outline marketing industry trends and how this impacts on choosing media
options for marketing communication.
Trend #1: Marketers go full throttle on AI
Trend #2: Companies will take breaking down silos seriously
Trend #3: Integrated data will fuel consumer engagement
Trend #4: Advertising will get smarter
Trend #5: Thinking about mobile first

Task 2: Market Research Planning Project

NatureCare Products

Marketing Policy and Procedures

Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

This policy and procedure on the use of marketing materials is required to enable
NatureCare Products to comply with legislation and regulations relevant to marketing
practices, as well as standards and codes such as Advertising Standards Bureau (ASB)
codes of conduct.

This policy applies to all employees and external providers involved in the promotion of
NatureCare products and services.

Marketing and advertising materials refers to all materials printed or published relating
to NatureCare

All marketing and advertising conducted by NatureCare products will be accurate and
Detailed written procedures regarding marketing and advertising are available to all staff
at NatureCare premises and are included in employee induction packs.
Employees should always use standard templates provided for documenting marketing
Employees should always seek approval from designated authorities for marketing
Market research will be conducted as required to inform the activities of NatureCare

Marketing procedures
All marketing material must:
● Adhere to Privacy Act.
○ Must not use personal images, information for marketing purposes without
express written consent.
● Adhere to Do Not Call Register legislation
○ Potential customers on the Do Not Call Register must not be called for
marketing purposes.
● Adhere to anti-discrimination policy:

Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

○ Images or written material must not portray any group or individual in a

negative, offensive or stereotypical way on the basis of sex, gender, marital
status, etc.
● Be conducted in a safe and responsible manner to minimise risk to health and
safety of NatureCare employees and the general public.
● Not include spam campaigns.
● Adhere to the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (formerly the Trade
Practices Act). Employees must not:
○ attempt to induce individuals to place their personal interests above those of
○ attempt to restrict competition by:
★ inducing a competitor or customer to breach a contract with a third party
★ obtaining unauthorised access to classified or proprietary information or
★ securing an unfair competitive advantage.
○ violate any law or regulation
○ engage in any activity that could damage the reputation of NatureCare
○ give false or misleading information or advice in relation to:
★ claims of products or services: price, benefits, etc.
★ the environment and sustainability of NatureCare
★ the ethical conduct of NatureCare
★ any other claims.
● Where relevant, adhere to standards and codes of practice regarding specific
types of media such as radio, television or the Internet.

Market research procedures

From time to time NatureCare Products will need to undertake market research. The
following procedures must be followed.
The need for the market research must be identified and discussed with senior
management. Agreement to develop a market research project plan must be secured
prior to development.

Market research methods

Market research methods that can be used at NaturCare are as follows.
● Data sampling
This involves taking a section of data to study. It can help you decide:

Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

How much data needs to be collected (If you have a large population you will need to
have a bigger sample to make sure the sample is representative).
How often the data needs to be collected for example, (if you are studying how many
students bought a specific product in a week you should aim to make your study more
representative by counting products bought and observing on each day a week and at
different times.

● Peer review
Peer reviews involve peers in your industry reviewing data and expressing opinions and
evidence based information relevant to the data. It is commonly used for articles and
journals before they are published.

● Review of previous research

This is similar to peer reviewing. You may review data that has been used to inform
research. This may be in the form of articles and journals.

● Statistical analysis
This involves looking at quantitative data e.g. electronic counting data and collating it to
find the key message. For example if you were looking at how many people bought a
particular product last month compared to the previous month when an offer was on,
you would end up with raw data. This may say that 1000 products were booked when
the offer was on and 700 the following month. The message may be that the voucher
scheme works or does not work as planned.

Secondary research should always be used in market research. However, its currency
must be reviewed. Generally secondary research should use data that is no more than
three years old.

External Consultants
External consultants should be used to conduct primary market research. External consultants
must provide at least three quotes and assessed according to services provided, reputation of
company, value for money and fit with market research objectives.

Approval procedures
Approval from the CEO will need to be obtained.

Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

Frequency and timing of market research

Milestone: Action and/or Objective Date Person
Market Research 1/10/2018 Manager

Negotiate with suppliers 1/12/2018 Manager

Receive products 1/2/2019 Manager

Provide service and information to 14/3/2019 Manager

warehouse customers

Incentives offered to customer participating marketing research

NatureCare explicitly prohibits selling under the guise of market research so where a
consumer is contacted to participate in market research, the caller may not attempt to
sell NatureCare Products.

Confidentiality of research information

At NatureCare all market research information is confidential. Customers’ details may
not be used for any other purposes other than for the research. All market research
findings must be securely filed.

Market Research Plan

The purpose of market research project plan is to gather data on the customers and
potential customers of NatureCare. The collected data aids business decision making.
This therefore reduces the risks involved in making these decisions for NatureCare.

Market research objectives

● Improving the current product range
Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

● Developing a new product or set of products

● Company growth
● Attracting more customers.
● Finding out the customer profile
● To be the leader in luxury brands
● Sell out our new products within 30 days of production introduction

Market research methods

Data sampling
This involves taking a section of data to study. It can help you decide:
 How much data needs to be collected (If you have a large population you will
need to have a bigger sample to make sure the sample is representative).
 How often the data needs to be collected for example, (if you are studying how
many students bought a specific product in a week you should aim to make your
study more representative by counting products bought and observing on each
day a week and at different times.

Peer review
Peer reviews involve peers in your industry reviewing data and expressing opinions and
evidence based information relevant to the data. It is commonly used for articles and
journals before they are published.

Review of previous research

This is similar to peer reviewing. You may review data that has been used to inform
research. This may be in the form of articles and journals.

Statistical analysis
This involves looking at quantitative data e.g. electronic counting data and collating it to
find the key message. For example if you were looking at how many people bought a
particular product last month compared to the previous month when an offer was on,
you would end up with raw data. This may say that 1000 products were booked when
the offer was on and 700 the following month. The message may be that the voucher
scheme works or does not work as planned.

The market research will be conducted within 2 months of commencement.
Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

A budget of $30,000 has been allocated for the primary research.

Action Responsibility When
Revise policy and procedure Marketing Manager Week 1
Develop project brief Marketing Manager Week 1
Identify suitable external consultant and Marketing Manager Week 1 – 2
assessed according to services provided,
reputation of company, value for money and at
least three consultants for quotes should be
Identify secondary research on the organic Marketing Manager Week 1 – 2
cosmetic industry to identify trends and
consumer needs
Contract suitable external consultant to carry out Marketing Manager Week 3 – 7
market research.

Provide market research report at the end with Marketing Manager Week 8
results and make recommendations

Email to CEO

Subject: Revised policy and procedure and market research plan

Content of your email:

Dear Sir/Madam,
Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

The purpose of market research project plan is to gather data on the customers and
potential customers of NatureCare. The collected data aids business decision making.
This therefore reduces the risks involved in making these decisions for NatureCare.

Market research objectives

 Improving the current product range
 Developing a new product or set of products
 Company growth
 Attracting more customers.

Please find attached revised policy and procedures and market research plan in my
assessment answer booklet.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Kind Regards,

Marketing Manager

Task 3: Market Research Management Project

Project Brief
At NatureCare Products the Marketing Manager is responsible for the development of
all marketing research projects in accordance with the procedures listed. Prior to the
commencement of any marketing research projects, the CEO of NatureCare Products
must review and approve the associated project plan.

Overview of the company

NatureCare Products is based in Brisbane, Queensland Australia and commenced
business in 1996 manufacturing and retailing eco-friendly, high quality beauty skin care
products. The business was established to cater for a growing demand for skin products
that contain eco-friendly and natural ingredients. There is also an emphasis on eco-
friendly packaging.
Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

NatureCare Products’ most current Strategic Plan identifies that its vision is to be a
market leader for providing high quality, sustainable and skin care products. It has
identified its major competitors as being Jurilique and Botani and is currently working on
positioning itself against this strong competition.

Purpose of research
The management team of NatureCare Products has advised that its primary marketing
objectives are as follows:
 Increase the number of people who make a purchase while visiting the online
store by 20%
 Increase the number of retail outlets selling NatureCare Products by 150
 To increase product awareness amongst the target market by 20%
 To increase market share to 15%
 To expand into at least one international market
 To identify new products and new markets
 To attain annual growth of at least 10% over the next three years.

The market research will be conducted within 2 months of commencement.

A budget of $30,000 has been allocated for the primary research.

Contact Details

Date for submission


Selection Criteria

Market Research Consultant Selection Checklist

Company Name:
Selection criteria Yes No Details
Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

Experience and consultative skills

Recommendation from clients
Ability to meet timeline provided
Knowledge or experience of Nature Care
Products would be ideal
Price and access to market
Clients serviced
Knowledge of organic products
Ability to meet budget
Specialisation in particular fields

Email to CEO

Subject: Selection Criteria

Dear Sir/Madam,

We have created a selection criteria to help shortlist the applicants.

Selection Criteria are:

● Experience and consultative skills
● Knowledge and confidence
If you would like to make any changes or add any additional selection criteria, please
let me know.

Please find attached project brief for NatureCare Products.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

Kind Regards,

Marketing Manager

External Consultants

Name of market Services they offer Reasons for choice Website address
Kantar TNS Supported businesses, Experienced and
governments and Trustworthy http://www.tnsglobal.c
community groups in om/office/australia-
Australia with the insights brisbane
and strategic thinking.
ORC International  CUSTOMER
RESEARCH https://orcinternational.
 EMPLOYEE Experienced and
RESEARCH Trustworthy gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-
Ruby Cha Cha Understanding people Experienced and
and how they behave, Trustworthy http://www.rubychacha
and what motivates them
Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

to act, buy or choose market-research/?


Email to CEO

Subject: External Consultants

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have done my research to find a suitable external consultant to do primary market

research for NatureCare Products.

External Consultants:
Name of market Services they offer Reasons for choice Website address
Kantar TNS Supported businesses, Experienced and
governments and Trustworthy http://www.tnsglobal.
community groups in com/office/australia-
Australia with the brisbane
insights and strategic
ORC International  CUSTOMER
RESEARCH https://orcinternation
 EMPLOYEE Experienced and
Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

RESEARCH Trustworthy gclid=EAIaIQobChM

Ruby Cha Cha Understanding people Experienced and
and how they behave, Trustworthy http://www.rubychac
and what motivates
them to act, buy or market-research/?
choose gclid=EAIaIQobChM

Write 1 sentence to end your email.

I think that ORC International is good.

Kind Regards,

Marketing Manager

Email to External Consultant

To: External Consultant
Subject: Market Research

Dear Sir/Madam,
NatureCare Products is based in Brisbane, Queensland Australia and commenced
business in 2006 manufacturing and retailing eco-friendly, high quality beauty skin care

Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

We are glad to let you know that we have selected your consulting agency to help our
organisation with our marketing plan.

Please provide us with information to get started and hopefully we can build a strong

We now require market research to assist in growing the company through finding out
about new products and new target market for NatureCare.

We will be carrying out secondary research to identify trends and consumer needs
within the organic cosmetic industry. We will be looking to identify the following:
 Increase the number of people who make a purchase while visiting the online
store by 20%
 Increase the number of retail outlets selling NatureCare Products by 150
 To increase product awareness amongst the target market by 20%
 To increase market share to 15%
 To expand into at least one international market
 To identify new products and new markets
 To attain annual growth of at least 10% over the next three years.

Kind Regards,

Marketing Manager

Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

Select External Consultant

ORC International

Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

Email to CEO

Subject: Selected Consultant

Dear Sir/Madam,

Quotes from external companies are:

Question and Answer Market Research
Quoted $25,000 plus GST for completion of the work. Can meet the timelines specified
in the brief. Four staff will be assigned to the project including two senior members of
the team. Suggest using focus groups and one to one interviews as the research
methodology. Have access to a large database of possible market research
respondents. Will conduct all the focus groups in Brisbane and interviews will be by
phone and cover a range of respondents nationally. The company has also provided
information on the range of organic products market research it has conducted.
Colin Bryants
Quoted $26,000 plus GST for completion of the work. Can meet the timelines specified
in the brief. Two senior members of staff will be assigned to the project. Suggest using
focus groups and surveys for conducting market research. Have access to a large
database of possible market research respondents. Will conduct one focus group in
each capital city. Will email out survey to identify market research respondents. The
company is focussing on its nationwide reputation as a high-quality provider of market
research services.
HandPrints Market Research

Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

Quoted $23,000 plus GST for completion of the work. Can meet the timelines specified
in the brief. Four staff will be assigned to the project. Suggest using focus groups and
surveys for conducting market research. Will conduct all of the research in Brisbane.
The company has focussed on its credibility in terms of working with small to medium
sized businesses.

ORC International is the recommended consultant.

Kind Regards,

Marketing Manager

Email to External Consultant

Subject: Consultant Contract

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are glad to let you know that we have selected your consulting agency to help our
organisation with our marketing plan.

Please provide us with information to get started and hopefully we can build a strong

Purpose of research
At NatureCare Products the Marketing Manager is responsible for the development of
all marketing research projects in accordance with the procedures listed. Prior to the
commencement of any marketing research projects, the CEO of NatureCare Products
must review and approve the associated project plan.

The market research will be conducted within 2 months of commencement.

A budget of $30,000 has been allocated for the primary research.

Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

A formal contract will be sent to you as per our company procedure, you must sign and
confirm your acceptance. Once we receive this back than we can get started with this

Kind Regards,

Marketing Manager

Updated Market Research Plan

Action Responsibility When
Revise policy and procedure Marketing Manager Week 1
Develop project brief Marketing Manager Week 1
Identify suitable external consultant and assessed Marketing Manager Week 1 – 2
according to services provided, reputation of company,
value for money and at least three consultants for
quotes should be obtained

Identify secondary research on the organic cosmetic Marketing Manager Week 1 – 2

industry to identify trends and consumer needs

Contract suitable external consultant to carry out Marketing Manager Week 3-7
market research. Delay: Week 5-9

Provide market research report at the end with results Marketing Manager Week 8
and make recommendations Delay: Week 10

Email to Market Research Consultant

Subject: Updated Marketing Plan Consultant

Dear Sir/Madam,
Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

There will be a 2 weeks delay by this market research company.

We have attached an updated marketing plan to this email.

Below is the updated Action Plan, I have amended the expected finishing weeks by 2
weeks for the market research:
Action Responsibility When
Revise policy and procedure Marketing Manager Week 1
Develop project brief Marketing Manager Week 1
Identify suitable external consultant and Marketing Manager Week 1 – 2
assessed according to services provided,
reputation of company, value for money and at
least three consultants for quotes should be
Identify secondary research on the organic Marketing Manager Week 1 – 2
cosmetic industry to identify trends and
consumer needs
Contract suitable external consultant to carry Marketing Manager Week 3 – 7
out market research. Delay: Week

Provide market research report at the end with Marketing Manager Week 8
results and make recommendations Delay: Week

The delay has meant that we will be behind on our expected finish time for this project.

Kind Regards,

Marketing Manager

Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

Email to Team

To: Market Research Team

Subject: Updated Marketing Plan Team

Dear Team,

The market research project has been delayed by 2 weeks and that his is due to the
market research agency.

We have attached the updated marketing plan to this email and let them know the
action plan has only changed by 2 weeks.

I have amended the expected finishing weeks of the action plan by 2 weeks for the
market research, please see below:
Action Responsibility When
Revise policy and procedure Marketing Manager Week 1
Develop project brief Marketing Manager Week 1
Identify suitable external consultant and Marketing Manager Week 1 – 2
assessed according to services provided,
reputation of company, value for money and at
least three consultants for quotes should be
Identify secondary research on the organic Marketing Manager Week 1 – 2
cosmetic industry to identify trends and
consumer needs
Contract suitable external consultant to carry Marketing Manager Week 3 – 7
out market research. Delay: Week

Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

Provide market research report at the end with Marketing Manager Week 8
results and make recommendations Delay: Week

Kind Regards,
Marketing Manager

Task 4: Market Research Evaluation Project

Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650


The purpose of this report is to evaluate the market research conducted for NatureCare
Products by ORC International.

Validity and reliability of the data provided from the market research
Data appears to be valid as it has addresses the research objectives. Data appears to
be reliable as a reasonable sample has been used, especially given the company’s
target group.

Quantitative research methods

Quantitative research methods could have been used but as the company is looking for
ideas about new products and new markets the use of qualitative research was
appropriate. Staff findings is that there is a wealth of statistical information from
secondary sources, this should have also been reviewed.

Research provided information against the research objectives

The research objectives specified provided a wide range of information.
Evaluating marketing performance guides future marketing initiatives and helps a
company achieve its goals.
 Ideally, marketing performance measurement should be a logical extension of
the planning and budgeting exercise that happens before a company’s fiscal
 Marketing performance metrics or key performance indicators (KPIs) are useful
not only for marketing professionals but also for non-marketing executives.
Performance of the project, budgetary issues and timelines
Performance of the project went well but after evaluation, we have found that it may
have been better to conduct the secondary research first, instead of conducting the
secondary and primary research at the same time.

Recommended improvements for the research process in the future

I would recommend focusing more on secondary research and use in-house staff to
conduct research for the future.

Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

Email to CEO and Senior Managers

To: CEO, Senior Managers

Subject: Draft Evaluation Report

Dear Sir/Madam,

The purpose of this report is to evaluate the market research conducted for NatureCare
Products by ORC International.

Please state a date, time and place to have your meeting.

Let them know you have attached your evaluation report to this email.

Kind Regards,

Updated Marketing Policy and Procedures

NatureCare Products
Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

Marketing Policy and Procedures

This policy and procedure on the use of marketing materials is required to enable
NatureCare Products to comply with legislation and regulations relevant to marketing
practices, as well as standards and codes such as Advertising Standards Bureau (ASB)
codes of conduct.

This policy applies to all employees and external providers involved in the promotion of
NatureCare products and services.

Marketing and advertising materials refers to all materials printed or published relating
to NatureCare

All marketing and advertising conducted by NatureCare products will be accurate and
Detailed written procedures regarding marketing and advertising are available to all staff
at NatureCare premises and are included in employee induction packs.
Employees should always use standard templates provided for documenting marketing
Employees should always seek approval from designated authorities for marketing
Market research will be conducted as required to inform the activities of NatureCare

Marketing procedures
All marketing material must:
● Adhere to Privacy Act.
○ Must not use personal images, information for marketing purposes without
express written consent.
● Adhere to Do Not Call Register legislation
○ Potential customers on the Do Not Call Register must not be called for
marketing purposes.
Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

● Adhere to anti-discrimination policy:

○ Images or written material must not portray any group or individual in a
negative, offensive or stereotypical way on the basis of sex, gender, marital
status, etc.
● Be conducted in a safe and responsible manner to minimise risk to health and
safety of NatureCare employees and the general public.
● Not include spam campaigns.
● Adhere to the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (formerly the Trade
Practices Act). Employees must not:
○ attempt to induce individuals to place their personal interests above those of
○ attempt to restrict competition by:
★ inducing a competitor or customer to breach a contract with a third party
★ obtaining unauthorised access to classified or proprietary information or
★ securing an unfair competitive advantage.
○ violate any law or regulation
○ engage in any activity that could damage the reputation of NatureCare
○ give false or misleading information or advice in relation to:
★ claims of products or services: price, benefits, etc.
★ the environment and sustainability of NatureCare
★ the ethical conduct of NatureCare
★ any other claims.
● Where relevant, adhere to standards and codes of practice regarding specific
types of media such as radio, television or the Internet.

Market research procedures

From time to time NatureCare Products will need to undertake market research. The
following procedures must be followed.
The need for the market research must be identified and discussed with senior
management. Agreement to develop a market research project plan must be secured
prior to development.

Market research methods

Market research methods that can be used at NaturCare are as follows.

Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

Secondary research should always be used in market research. However, its currency
must be reviewed. Generally secondary research should use data that is no more than
three years old.

A complete market research project plan must be developed that addresses the
following main requirements:
● The purpose of the research
● Research objectives
● Market research methods to be used
● Use of external consultants
● Budget allocation
● Timelines
● Specific activities
We would be using internal staff to conduct the market research as first preference
where possible.
External Consultants
External consultants should be used to conduct primary market research. External consultants
must provide at least three quotes and assessed according to services provided, reputation of
company, value for money and fit with market research objectives.

Approval procedures
Approval needs to be provided by the CEO

Frequency and timing of market research

Secondary research should be conducted first as this is an excellent way to begin the
market research.

Incentives offered to customer participating marketing research

NatureCare explicitly prohibits selling under the guise of market research so where a
consumer is contacted to participate in market research, the caller may not attempt to
sell NatureCare Products.

Confidentiality of research information

At NatureCare all market research information is confidential. Customers’ details may
not be used for any other purposes other than for the research. All market research
findings must be securely filed.

Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

Updated Evaluation Report

Evaluation report
Evaluating marketing performance guides future marketing initiatives and helps a
company achieve its goals.
 Ideally, marketing performance measurement should be a logical extension of
the planning and budgeting exercise that happens before a company’s fiscal
 Marketing performance metrics or key performance indicators (KPIs) are useful
not only for marketing professionals but also for non-marketing executives.
 Determining what areas of the marketing mix to modify, as well as whether
company goods, services, and ideas meet customer and stakeholder needs, are
some of the primary reasons why companies evaluate the marketing
Key Metrics
 Marketing metrics have different elements of measurement, including net sales
billed, number of product or design registrations, and brand surveys to measure
brand awareness.
 By monitoring and analyzing marketing performance metrics, brands can
increase their competitive intelligence, assess their market strengths and
weaknesses, and make calculated budgetary decisions across the marketing
 Return on marketing investment (ROMI),marketing return on investment (ROI)
and return-on-marketing-objective (ROMO) are examples of marketing
performance metrics used by major brands to prioritize and allocate marketing
Methods for Evaluating Marketing Performance
 When evaluating marketing performance, companies should measure marketing
outcomes from the consumers ‘ points of view, include all marketing activities,
measure across a continuous time period, and meet statistical and technical
criteria required of all measurement systems.

Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

 To accurately measure the effectiveness of marketing activities, KPIs must be

integrated within the business and management of the company.
 To ensure meaningful comparisons among activities, companies should employ
a common scale, and measurement error must be quantified so that managers
can react to changes in conditions.

Organizations use various methods to evaluate marketing key performance indicators

(KPIs) or metrics. Marketing Performance Measurement, Marketing Performance
Management, Marketing Return on Investment (ROI), Return on Marketing Investment
(ROMI), and Accountable Marketing are all metrics that companies use to connect
marketing performance to the financial performance of the organization.
In order for marketing KPIs to be integrated within the business and management of the
enterprise, and ensure consistency and reliability across the marketing mix, they must
meet these minimum requirements:
 Measure marketing outcomes from the consumers’ points of view
 Include all marketing activities
 Be repeated over time
 Meet statistical and technical criteria required of all measurement systems

Email to Staff

To: CEO, All Staff

Subject: Evaluation Report and Updated Policy and Procedure

Dear Sir/Madam,

Changes that was made to policy and procedures are:

Secondary research should be conducted first as this is an excellent way to begin the
market research.
A complete market research project plan must be developed that addresses the
following main requirements:
● The purpose of the research
● Research objectives
Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research

New Cambridge College Sydney Inc
ABN: 44 928 033 266
RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B
Level 3, 770-772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000,
Australia Contact No: +61 2 9212 6650

● Market research methods to be used

● Use of external consultants
● Budget allocation
● Timelines
● Specific activities

Kind Regards,

Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBMKG607 - Manage Market Research


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