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Psychosexual Development

Name ______________________
Give the appropriate term/name for each definition/description below.

6. In Freud’s theory, a child’s unconscious sexual desire for the opposite-sex parent, usually accompanied
by hostile feelings towards the same-sex parent.

7. Psychosexual stage of development during which the child derives pleasurable and gratifying sensations
through feeding and exploring objects with his or her mouth.

8. Psychosexual stage of development during which sexual urges become repressed and dormant as the
child develops same-sex friendships with peers and focuses on school, sports and other activities.

9. In Freud’s theory, age-related developmental periods in which the child’s sexual urges are focused on
different areas of the body and are expressed through the activities associated with those areas.

10. According to Freud, this effect causes little girls to experience a sense of loss or deprivation and first
presents itself as they try to resolve their Oedipus complex (Electra Complex).

11. Your _____ is defined as your unique and relatively consistent pattern of thinking, feeling, and

12. According to Sigmund Freud, the newborn infant is motivated by:

a. the superego. c. the reality principle.
b. the pleasure principle. d. basic anxiety.
13. Latency is to _____ as projection is to _____.
a. psychosexual stage; ego defense mechanism c. conscious; unconscious
b. ego defense mechanism; repression d. Jung; Freud

14. What personality theorist developed the psychoanalytic perspective on personality?

15. If the psychosexual developmental conflict of a particular stage is not resolved Freud believed that you
would become _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

16. Describe the 3 basic functions of personality (according to Freud). (hint: one is all about pleasure…)

17. During a heated argument, David inadvertently called his wife Joanne by his mother’s name. Freud would
say that this reveals something about David’s unconscious. We would call it a ____________
__________ (2 words).

18. Fred found a wallet containing $200 in cash. For just a moment he was tempted to keep the money, but
the thought of doing so made him feel guilty and anxious, and he immediately took the wallet to the lost
and found office. According to Freud, Fred’s good deed was motivated by his _____________________.

19. Nine-year old Danny looks up to his father and wants to be an engineer just like him. Freud would
suggest that Danny is exhibiting signs of the process of _____________________.

20. Bob was feeling irritable and bad-tempered all day. When she arrived home from work, she accused her
husband of being moody and grumpy. According to Freud, Bob may be using a defense mechanism called
Fill in the gaps in the table.
The Five Stages of Psychosexual Development
Stage Age Range Satisfaction
0-12,18 Pleasure from bottle and breast feeding, mouthing various
mos. objects, chewing, and babbling

The anus and Pleasure from expelling waste, as well as from gaining the
2 - 3 yrs
buttocks power that comes with withholding waste

Phallic The genitals Pleasure from touching and fondling the genitals

6 - 11, 12
Latency None

Puberty Sexual activity and all manner of pleasurable experiences

The genitals
onward that are connected to love, romance and longing

Read the following and match each one with the appropriate stage of psychosexual development:

Description Stage

1. Sixteen-year old Graham has started going steady with Julie and
is experiencing all the sensations of being in love.

2. Five-year old Annette has become very competitive with her

mother for her father’s affections and quite defiantly states that she
is “Going to marry Daddy when I grow up!”

3. Vivian is 8 years old and does not like boys very much. In fact,
she plays with her girlfriends almost exclusively.

4. It seems that no matter what Marie gives her baby to play with,
the baby immediately puts it in her mouth.

5. Darcy is not quite 2 but seems to take great pleasure in refusing

to obey his parents and by asserting his control and independence.
His favorite word is “No!”

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