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MODULE III : Sigmund Freud’s 

Theory As a results these persons may become :
a. too dependent on others, easily fooled,
Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory  and lack of leadership traits. 
b. may become pessimistic and aggressive
 Sigmund Freud  in relating with people as they fight these
 An Austrian neurologist who developed
psychoanalysis, a method through which an
analyst unpacks unconscious conflicts based on 2. Anal Stage (18 months to 3 years)
the free associations, dreams and fantasies of
* erogenous zone is the anus
the patient. His theories on child sexuality,
libido and the ego, among other topics, were * the child finds satisfaction in eliminating and
some of the most influential academic retaining feces. 
concepts of the 20th century.
* toilet training is very important
 According to Freud, his theory of * fixation during stage can result in being :
psychosexual development includes five
stages.  A person  goes through these stages a. anal retentive – obsession with cleanliness,
and along  the way there are needs to be met.  perfection, and control
Whether these needs  are met or b. anal expulsive – the person may become
not, determines whether the person will develop messy and disorganized
a healthy personality or not. 

Psychosexual Development 3. Phallic Stage (3 to 6 years)

Sigmund Freud identified the following: * erogenous zone is the genitals 

a. erogenous zones – these are specific pleasure * During the preschool age, children become
areas that become focal points in each stage of interested in what makes boys and girls different.
* Sometimes, they will be seen fondling their
b. fixation – if needs are not met along the area, a
fixation occurs.  * Based on his studies, he believe that during this
stage boys develop unconscious sexual desire
for their mother. Boys see their father as a rival for
Freud’s Stages of Psychosexual Development 
her mother’s affection. 
1. Oral Stage (birth to 18 months). 
* erogenous is the mouth Phallic Stage – 

* the child is focused on oral pleasures (sucking) Boys may fear that their father will punish
them for these feelings, thus, the castration anxiety.
* too much or too little satisfaction can lead to an These feelings comprise what Freud
Oral Fixation or Oral Personality called Oedipus Complex.  In Greek mythology,
  a. Oral receptive – have a stronger tendency to Oedipus unintentionally killed his father
smoke, drink alcohol, overeat and married his mother Jocasta. 

  b. Oral aggressive – tendency to bite his /her Proponents of psychoanalysis also believed
nails, or use curse words or even  gossip that girls may also have a similar experience,
developing unconscious sexual attraction towards
their father, and this is referred to as Electra
According to Freud, out of fear of castration superego - our conscience 
and due to the strong competition of their father,
boys eventually decide to identify with them
rather than fight them. By identifying with their Freud noted that a  well-adjusted person is
father, the boys develop masculine characteristics one who has strong ego, who can help satisfy the
and identify themselves as males and repress their needs of the id without going against the superego
sexual feelings toward their mother.  while maintaining the person's sense of what is
logical, practical and real. 
4. Latency Stage  ( age 6 to puberty)
During this stage sexual urges remain The role of the learner's  environment
repressed. Focus of children will be the acquisition influnced much his ability to be a well-adjusted
of physical and academic skills. Boys will relate individual. The circumstances and experiences
more with boys and girls with girls. about how his family met his needs, the extent of
freedom given to him in doings things he wanted to
do, he wanted to explore, the teachings he gained
5. Genital stage ( puberty onwards ) on doing what is right and wrong, the positive
and negative consequences of the behavior he has
This stage begins at the onset of puberty when
elicited, all leads to the type of personality and
sexual urges are once again awakened. In the
adjustment that he will make. 
earlier stages, adolescents focus their sexual
urges towards the opposite sex peers, with
pleasure centered on the genitals.

Freud beieved that the

persopnality of an
individual is formed
early during the
childhood years. 

Structures of Personality
According to Freud our personality is divided
into  three parts: id, ego, and superego.  Our
behavior is always a product of the interaction of
these three structures. 
id - operates within the “pleasure principle”
ego - operates within the “reality principle”

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