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in this video we'll see a poor

photogrammetry so photogrammetry is an

advanced level of survey so this is

being used currently nowadays so

photogrammetry simply put it is the

science of measuring with photos so what

you try to do is you mount a camera on

an aircraft or a troll and try to take

the photo vertically like shown in this

picture and from this picture you can

get to know what is the scale of the

photograph like here one centimeter on

the photograph will mean how much on the

ground if you know that you can find out

like distance or even you can find

angles and elevation which we'll be

seeing later

so photogrammetry is nothing but the

science of measuring with photos so that

you can determine the relative position

of points same as surveying here also in

the end you determine the relative

position of points so the advantage here

is that without even setting foot on the

ground you can find out the distances so

that is the main advantage here so in

case of difficult terrains for those

conditions this will be very helpful

like before laying out the highway on a

difficult terrain where it is very

difficult to go and survey on ground

they usually do it by mounting cameras

on aircrafts so this will give you an

idea how the terrain is and how you can

plan your idea along the terrain

so mostly photogrammetry deals with

aerial photos where you where you take

the photos vertically like shown in the

picture so apart from that you also have

terrestrial photos which is used very

rarely which is from the ground surface

itself so here we should take care that

this vertical photos when you take the

axis should be as vertical as possible

otherwise if it is even one degree

tilted you might not get these distances

accurately so the axis should be as

vertical as possible any unintentional


if it is a one degree tilt it will give

a different distance so usually when

they take these photos from a camera

mounted on an aircraft like one two

three degree tilt is often observed and

also when they take these photographs

it's like when you mount the camera on

the flight it will cover a certain

portion then the flight keeps on moving

so it will cover one more portion and so

then it will complete one lap and then

come back and cover the next set like

that you can cover the whole area so

this flight should be planned

accordingly so as you can see from this

photo you can get only 2d coordinates

like in case we need 3d coordinates we

try to take photos from different angles

it is like obviously images from the

brain like one set of view we get from

our left eye and another set of view we

get from what right eye

so from this we are able to have a

perspective vision and judge the

elevations etc so similarly here also

you try to take two images from a

slightly different position so that will

give you the 3d coordinates and this is

known as stereoscopic viewing






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