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NAME: ………………………………………………
CLASS: ………………..
Read this text and then do the activities.
My name is Serena. I’m 25 years old. I live in Los Angeles, USA.Every morning, I take my
racket, my skirt and my trainings and I go to the sports centre with my father. He is my coach. I start
training at nine o’clock and finish at half past eleven. I take a shower and then, my father and I have lunch
at the restaurant near the sports centre. In the afternoon, I watch matches on television and listen to my
father’ advice.

SECTION ONE (14 pt) A) Comprehension: Choose the right answer according to the text: (4 pts)
1- Serena is ………………………
a) Canadian b) American c) English
2- She has got a racket. Then, she plays ………………………………..
a) handball b) base-ball c) tennis
3-Her coach is ……………………………………………………………
a) a member of her family b) one of her friends c) a famous sportsman.
4- In the afternoon, she…………………………………………………
a) plays matches b) doesn’t go to the sports centre c) doesn’t watch television.

B) Lexis : Complete this table with words from the text (4pts):
Sportswear Places Times of the day
1-…………………………….. 1-………………………………. 1-……………………………….

2-…………………………….. 2-………………………………. 2-……………………………….

C) Mastery of the language

a) Complete the questions: (4 pts)
A: …………………………. does Serena go every morning?
B: She goes to the sport centre.
A: ……………………………………… does she start training?
B: She starts at nine o’clock.
b) Look at the pictures and complete with: behind - opposite - between - next to - . (3 pts)

Sports centre cinema

1- The sports centre is …………………… the cinema.

shop restaurant café

2-The restaurant is ……………………… the shop and the café.

school Tennis court

3-The tennis court is …………………… the school
SECTION TWO:(6 pts) Use this information to write about a sportsman:
Name: Scot Nationality: Canadian City: Montreal Sport: boxing Place : the gym
Days : from Monday to Friday Activities at the week-end: go to the cinema with his friends.

………………………………………………. …. ……………………………………................................
*(-2 if your answer sheet is not neat and clean. Use rough paper.)

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