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- Cratering: Impact craters, but fewer than Moon, Mercury, Mars

- Volcanoes: Many volcanoes
- Tectonics: Fractured and contorted surface indicates tectonic stresses
- Erosion: Photos of rocks taken by lander show little erosion
- Does Venus have plate tectonics?
- Most of Earth’s major geological features can be attributed to plate tectonics,
which gradually remakes Earth’s surface
- Venus does not appear to have plate tectonics, but its entire surface seems to
have been “repaved” 750 millions years ago
- Atmosphere of Venus
- Reflective clouds contain droplets of sulfuric acid
- The upper atmosphere has fast winds that remain unexplained
- Most of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide
- Atmosphere is very thick, with a surface pressure 90 times that of Earth
- Why is Venus so hot?
- The greenhouse effect on Venus keeps its surface temperature at 470 degrees
- But why is the greenhouse effect on Venus so much stronger than on Earth
- Thick CO2 atmosphere of Venus locks heat in
- Where is Earth’s CO2?
- Carbonate rocks like limestone (plus some in plant life and in the ocean)
- Why did this happen on Earth and not on Venus?
- Venus lacks oceans to dissolve the Carbon dioxide and lock it away in rocks on
the seafloor
- Greenhouse Effect on Venus
- Thick carbon dioxide atmosphere produces an extremely strong greenhouse
- Earth escapes this fate because most of its carbon and water are in rocks and

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