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Billet heating control fuel-saving solution in the rolling mill furnace

Conference Paper · May 2017

DOI: 10.1109/ICIEAM.2017.8076167


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2 authors, including:

Sergey M. Andreev
Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University


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2017 International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Applications and Manufacturing (ICIEAM)

Billet Heating Control Fuel-saving Solution in the

Rolling Mill Furnace
Andreev S.M., Parsunkin B.N.
Power Engineering and Automated Systems Institute
Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University
Magnitogorsk, Russia

Abstract—The heating of billets before rolling is conducted in its performance capacity changes incalculably in the range
the continuous furnace. The billets with different parameters are from 200 to 1000 t/h [7] and the billets of different size, steel
simultaneously heated in the furnace. The rolling mill grade and initial thermal conditions are heated simultaneously.
performance capacity is uneven. This causes a wide range of slab Such a specific feature of a technological process increases a
heating duration. That is why implementation of power saving probability of the delivery of underheated billet to the mill
heating modes is subject to revision of the control system when implementing fuel-saving control modes. Thus costs of
structure. The paper shows the demand on the use of separate an emergency shutdown of a mill will exceed greatly probable
subsystems for the following functions: forecast of the heating profit from fuel economy in the heating process.
time for each billet at the moment of its charging in the furnace;
detection of the billet location while its movement from charging Practical experience of the development and
to the discharging zone; modeling of the heating process for each implementation of fuel-saving control modes in present
billet to evaluate its thermal state; calculation of the optimal conditions shows that effective solution of this problem needs
heating path taking into account the forecast heating time. The the implementation of the following measures:
main elements of the structure, interrelation between separate
subsystems and main principles of each subsystem operation are 1. Significant advance of dataware of automated system
shown in the paper. The calculation of the optimal heating path of fuel-saving heating optimal control [8,9,22].
for each billet was conducted according to the fuel consumption 2. Modification of the current ordinary concept of heating
minimization criterion. load distribution between the continuous furnace zones
oriented on the production capacity maximization to the more
Keywords—heating furnaces, rolling mill, heating of the billets perform providing fuel flow minimization [22].
before rolling, fuel-saving mode, heating process control
Power consumption of the production process of wide strip The advance of the fuel-saving heating control system
rolling mill products from quality and low alloyed steels is the structure includes the implementation of the following
main part of production cost of the end product [1, 2]. elements of the dataware:
Despite the presence of complete enough theoretical 1. The use of run-time dynamic model of heat interchange
justification of fuel-saving optimal control modes of metal and optimal control based on the implementation of
heating in continuous furnaces [3-6, 22] the utilization of these Pontryagin's maximum principle for a calculation of fuel-
modes hasn’t been yet effectively used [1]. saving temperature paths of heating parameters and fuel
The reason of this situation is in the following consumption with the speed of a real heating process of each
circumstances. billet in the furnace [1, 10, 18].
2. The forecasting of minimal heating time of each billet
Theoretically justified optimal control mode of metal to the moment of its charging to the furnace and its consequent
heating process in the continuous furnaces taking into account correction during the heating taking into account the time of
all the technological and constructive limits with total heating scheduled, accidental and undetected outages of wide-strip hot
time slack provides for heating intensification on the finishing rolling mill with an error less than 3-4 % of a real time [13,
interval [1]. Realization of this condition is prevented by the 15].
presence of the holding zone in the working volume of modern 3. Independent autonomous software and instrumental
continuous furnaces which are the last along the path of the based control of a current heat state of each billet before its
metal. Heating load of these zones is up to 12-15 % of a total discharging from the furnace on the mill with simultaneous
thermal capacity of the furnace. This makes the effective forecast of the desired temperature of strip plate from the billet
realization of optimal fuel-saving heating mode very after roughing train with a ±20°ɋ error [11].
problematic. 4. To provide coherence, confidence and especially
1. In the unsteady regime of the wide-strip hot rolling mill operationability of a control of current heat state of heating

978-1-5090-5648-417$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

2017 International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Applications and Manufacturing (ICIEAM)
metal in the unsteady regime of wide-strip hot rolling mill determined from an optimal heating path for each furnace zone
furnaces it is necessary to conduct a transition of heat mode and this is a command value for a surface temperature local
control from temperature of working chamber (heating controller in the target point of the furnace. Thu value of a real
medium) control to the metal surface temperature control. This surface temperature ( t SPV ) counts as a specified rate computed
temperature is measured by means of spectral pyrometer on the mathematical model of a billet heating or measured with
providing necessary conditions for error reduction [12, 14, a surface heat meter.
Control signal UF from a surface temperature controller
affects the gas flow in the furnace zones. Fuel combustion
control system of a real value of gas flow in each zone
determines an optimal air flow in the zone [17] and forms
The interaction of main parts of control system as a relevant control signal UA.
separate subsystems should provide an effective fuel-saving
control of billet heating, prevent discharging of underheated In the control system under consideration for each billet
billets to the mill and provide stability of transient processes in charged into the furnace an optimal heating path is computed
the unstable state. Fig. 1 shows a general control system which is implemented through the all length of a furnace when
structure of an optimal fuel-system control of continuous the billet passes. These computations are based on the
furnace heat load. predicted heating time and initial heat state on the basis of the
minimization of power consumption for heating with all the
technological limits maintenance.
Heating Process

v S (N) Mathematical representation of a heating process of a

Metal Heating massive slab in a continuous billet-heating furnace is
Tracking System
Simulation tM
conducted as a single-axis control of thermal conductivity with
PV a third type boundary conditions. Analytical determination of
tS an optimal fuel-saving heating mode of this billet with the use
t(0) SP
of Pontryagin's maximum principle is shown in [1, 18].
The calculation fuel- tS UF
saving metal heating
t(T) Controller As soon as primary objective of control optimization a
metal heating from initial to desired heat state during the time T
Th is a minimization of heating fuel consumption than the aim of
the optimization is the minimization of a following function [1,
UA 20]:
Heating time Fuel Combustion
Forecasting Control T
J = ³U ( IJ ) dIJ → min,

Thermal Performance of
where U(τ)=k·VG(τ) – characteristic control temperature
Fuel Characteristics proportional to the fuel flow, °ɋ; VG(τ) – fuel flow, m3/h; k –
transition factor of the channel “fuel flow – characteristic
Fig. 1. Fuel-saving billet heating control before rolling system structure control temperature”, (°ɋ⋅h)/m3; τ – current process time
0” τ”T.
Metal tracking system uses an information about the
number of steps of walking beam made since the moment of The use of the (1) criterion as a quadratic functional
billet charging into the furnace and tracks the position of each provides an analytical solution of the task in a convenient way
billet in the furnace. Using the information about furnace zone and doesn’t change the physics of the process [20].
temperature from heat meters (tF(N)), metal surface temperature Calculated paths of temperature parameters change in
in different zones (tS(N)) and current billet coordinate position optimal fuel-sawing mode of 250 mm thickness continuous
(S(N)), the algorithm of metal heating simulation conducts a cast billet heating during 250 min from the initial temperature
calculation of heat state (tM(N)) of each out of N billets in the state tS(0)=t0(0)=0°C to the finish state tS(T)=t0(T)=1250°C
furnace. maintaining the limits of command variable
The calculation algorithm of fuel-saving metal heating path UMAX(τ)=1500°C, temperature of heating medium
calculates a path of metal surface temperature alteration ( t SSP ) tF(MAX)(τ)=1400°C, surface temperature tS(MAX)(τ)=1300°C and
which corresponds to the schedule of billet heating. Optimal maximum temperature differential ΔtMAX(τ)=tS(τ)-t0(τ)=200°C
heating path is calculated taking into account initial t(0) and virtual till the approaching of t0(τ)=500°C (before the
desired end heat state t(T) of the heated billet and forecasted transformation of metal into plastic condition). This is shown
heating time Th [16]. on the fig. 2.
The computed value of the surface temperature is
2017 International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Applications and Manufacturing (ICIEAM)
1 2 3 4 5 – external flow of a heating medium on the metal surface
– internal flow from the surface to the middle, i.e. inside the
U( ) heated billet (qi(τ)).
Having heat flows qe(τ) and qi(τ) calculated it is possible to
determine a temperature difference between the middle t0(τ)
800 tS( ) and the surface tS(τ) of the billet Δt(τ)=tS(τ)-t0(τ) when
tF( ) stabilizing the temperature of a billet surface in the las furnace
t( ) zone.
When calculating ¨t surface thermal emissivity of a metal
is constant and equals εM=0.8 and angle coefficient of radiation
0 of the firebrick lining to the metal surface is k=0.7.
0 50 100 150 200 250
Heating time, minutes
To evaluate current heat state of a billet it is possible to use
bulk temperature of a metal determined according to the
Fig. 2. Calculated paths of heat parameters in optimal fuel-saving heating mode following equation [21, 22].
with limitations
t A ( IJ ) = ( 2 3 ) ⋅ t0 ( IJ ) + (1 3) ⋅ t S ( IJ ) . (2)
The areas of limits reaching are numbered as follows: 1 –
heating mode without limits; 2 – mode with ΔtMAX(τ); 3 – The structure of autonomous automated system of software
heating mode with UMAX(τ) limit; 4– heating mode with tF(MAX) and instrumental based control of a billet heating quality before
limit; 5 – mode with tS(MAX) limits. its discharging had been implemented on the continuous
furnace no. 6 of a 2500-mill on the MMK OJSC and shown on
It has been theoretically and confirmed by the physical
the fig. 3.
modeling that limits maintenance leads to the decrease of fuel-
saving control effectiveness. As a heating medium temperature sensor R-type thermo-
couple had been used. It was installed on the side of a holding
So when counting as a 100 % calculated value of heat
zone 300-350 mm higher than the level of a heated metal (250
energy consumed by the heating without any limits than
mm). As a metal surface temperature sensor a radiation
maintaining of UMAX(τ) limit increases power consumption up pyrometer had been used. The pyrometer was sighting to the
to 120-130 %. surface of a heated billet and installed on the side board of a
holding zone in the area of thermocouple position.
In the unstable mode of a furnace while the implementation
of fuel-saving heating mode it is especially topical and urgent
to provide objective and autonomous control of a current heat
state of each billet before its discharging. Metal heat state
control system in the discharging zone of a furnace provides an
additional objective heating quality control and prevents
discharging of underheated billets.
The implementation of metal heating quality before
discharging control system makes it possible to exclude the
discharging to the mill of the underheated billets and increase
the quality of mill products. Application of relatively reliable
and accurate spectral pyrometers and state-of-the-art PLC
enables the solution of the problem of technical Fig. 3. Structure scheme of a control system of metal heating quality before
implementation of heating quality control system. the discharging

To solve this problem it is virtually enough to determine Data signals from heating medium temperature sensor and
two temperature parameters: heated metal surface temperature metal surface temperature sensor are transferred through
and temperature differential between the surface and the normalizing transducer to the remote terminal unit (RTU) of a
middle of a heated billet. The essence of a software and Remicont RC-131 controller where they are transformed from
instrumental based control of a current heat state of a billet analogue to the digital form.
before discharging as follows [21]. The controller basing on the input data of a current values
Heated billet surface temperature is determined basing on of tS(τ) and t0(τ) conducts a calculation of ¨t for a billet
the proportion of two heat flows: (second in the output line) placed in the measurement zone
tF(τ) and tS(τ). All the data formed by the controller is
transferred to the ECM of a metal heating control.
2017 International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Applications and Manufacturing (ICIEAM)
The ECM of a control station technologist fulfils a role of a the decrease of fuel flow for 4-6 % and increase of mill product
fuel-saving heating SCADA local node in accordance with the temperature by means of enhance of speed and objectiveness of
condition shown in [24, 25]. current metal heat state.
To evaluate accuracy, objectivity and performance of the The control system of billet heat state before discharging
elaborated software and instrumental based control system of a from the furnace enables the prevention of underheated billets
continuous cast large-size billet heat state before the discharging to the mill.
discharging special investigation had been conducted in terms
of the furnace no. 6 of 2500-mill in MMK OJSC. REFERENCES
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