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Causes of Unemployment amongst people in

the community of Hope Creek

Abigail Burns
RSMT 123 C
Chapter 1

 Introduction
 Purpose of Research
 Statement of the Problem

According to Economics Help Organization unemployment is defined as a situation

where someone of working age is not able to find a job. The Labor Force Survey (LFS) stated
that in September 2019, the national unemployment rate grew from 7.7% in April 2019 to 10.4%
in September 2019. SIB goes on to say that Belize’s labor force is growing faster than the rate at
which jobs are being created.
Unemployment is a serious problem in Hope Creek Village, as well as Belize on a
whole. Many of the villagers are jobless, especially young people. The problem of
unemployment is rising rapidly. Every year a lot of students graduate from college and university
wondering what will be their next step because jobs are difficult to find. Some businesses hire
according to qualifications but some hire according to experience and some graduates haven’t
had any experience in the work field. Some students from primary school and high schools tend
to leave or drop out because of financial situations, so they go out into to the work field aiming
to finding a job to save money to go back to school or save to start a life. Although it’s the
government responsibility to provide job to its citizen, they fail to do so. Unemployment leads to
a decrease in economic growth and can reduce the possibilities of Belize becoming a developed
Purpose of the Research

The objective of this research project is to examine the causes of unemployment

in the village of Hope Creek.
In addition to investigate about causes, this research will benefit the future
researchers and future generations by helping them to analyze this research based on their studies
and making more ideas based on this study. This research can also have an impact on this
community and the government because it can help improve the economic status of Hope Creek,
especially with jobs and could give the government ideas on how to create jobs, not only for this
village but for others near and far. This research can also help companies, public sectors and
investors by giving them ideas on creating a next business or what type of jobs to create.
Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to investigate the causes of unemployment in Hope Creek

village. A lot of villagers from this community have been unemployed, especially young people,
for example graduates. The rate of poverty is also increasing because there are challenges to get
a job and limited jobs available and the cost of living is getting higher. For example, many
villagers have to travel far and make sacrifices in order to earn a little bit of money to at least
provide the basic needs for them and their families. People that live in villages or rural areas find
it difficult when looking for a job because most companies and businesses are located in the
towns and cities and they must think about transportation, food, etc. So the data that will be
collected will be examined to determine the causes of unemployment in village of Hope Creek.

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