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NAME: Pittzman Jo R.

Acosta DATE: August 20, 2019

SUBJECT: God And Human Life TIME: 11:30 A.M.- 1:00 P.M.

1. Mode of General Revelation
General revelation is God revealing Himself in a process of nature presence. It is
a revelation to humanity and can be denoted through records of innate conscience,
history, and creation. One mode of general revelation is experienced through Physical
Universe. Acts 14: 17 reads, “Nevertheless he left not himself without witness, in that he
did well, and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food
and gladness”. This passage proves that God revealed Himself in the physical world by
means of natural intervention like rain and growth of plantation that is probable and can
be seen in this world.

2. Mode of Special Revelation

This other type of revelation is concerned about God revealing Himself in the way
of showing supernatural occurrences. If general revelation is about broader in the sense
that it shares space in the entity of the world. However, special revelation is more
tightened and more specific. Thus, the revelation is shown to lesser population and most
specifically humans. Personal experiences, Prophecy, Miracles and Jesus Christ’s Life in
the Human World are some types of Special Revelation. Daniel’s dreams and vision
about the kingdoms of the world were prophesied with the help of God’s intervention.
The first books of the New Testament show the life of Jesus as a person testifying God’s
goodness. Revealing God through Jesus is used in many ways such as miracles that He
performed. These acts are assured enough that God is present specifically through Jesus’
discipleship in this world.

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