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•Jesus conveyed His message about
the Kingdom of God through His
parables and miracles. Jesus
challenges us to live by the kingdom
values and attitudes in the
Living the Beatitudes
Are set of declarations that
Jesus delivered in His
Sermon on the Mount
(Mt5:3-12). They are ethical
and spiritual standards that
Jesus set for those who
want to follow Him. Jesus
formula for a worthwhile
and a happy life.
The ideals of the Kingdom
are expressed in the
What is the Beatitudes. Through the
call of Beatitudes, Jesus calls us
Christ’s to be poor in spirit, gentle,
Beatitudes merciful, clean of heart,
to us? peace-loving, and just. He
is calling us to do our part
in building God’s Kingdom
on Earth.
•Through the Beatitudes, Jesus calls us to have
a change of heart or metanoia, to repent, and
to reform our lives. Living in the Kingdom
means loving as Jesus loves, forgiving as He
forgives, and praying as He prays.
identify the significance of the miracles
of Jesus
• identify the meaning of the parables

point out ways on how miracles can

• lead
cite ways onus
how to to
live outJesus
the moral lessons of the parables

God for the miracles we received
• in
offer aour everyday
sincere prayer to God asking for theliving.
gift of selflessness, humility and sincerity.
Jesus and His Mission of
Salvation in the Miracles and
The Total Salvation brought by Jesus has two
realities, the salvation of the here and now
(present) and the salvation of the life hereafter
(future). As a present reality, it is an experience of
the concrete blessing of the life of a substantial
human being. As a future, it is the final destiny of
all things, the final destiny of humanity, the world,
and history, wherein God will be all in all.
Luke 7:22-23 recounts what Jesus had
done in his ministry when John’s disciples
asked about the Messiah.
“Go and report to John what you have
seen and heard. The blind recover
their sight, the crippled walk, the lepers
are cured, the deaf hears, the dead
men are raised to life, and the poor
have the poor news preached to them.”
Miracles of
Jesus as the
Kingdom of

A. Meaning of Miracles

The miracle comes from Latin word “Miraculum.” which

means something to be marveled at. As a word,
“Miraculum” is a weak translation of the Greek words:
Dynamis, Simeon, and Ergon.
“DYNAMIS” means force, energy, the act of power or
“Simeon,” which implies a Sign or
“Ergon,” which means activity or work. (Harper’s Bible

Miracles of Jesus as the Kingdom of God


A. Meaning of Miracles

But if we go back to the Greek translation, “Dynamis,

ergon, Simeon,” we are given the idea that any
force, act of power, sign, activity, or work is a miracle.
To wake up in the morning, bath ourselves, prepare
food and take it into our body, go to work, and the rest
of our activities are works that need force and energy.
Therefore, they are miracles.
Miracles of Jesus as the Kingdom of God

A. Meaning of Miracles

The Greek Bible used “Dynamis,” Simeon, or

Ergon as the works of Jesus in His Ministry. It
brings us to the idea that our Miracle in English
would mean jobs and signs of God’s power,
force, and energy. Miracles are beautiful
signs of the power or strength that God
exercises in less obvious ways.

Miracles of Jesus as the Kingdom of God


Catechism for Filipino Catholics (CFC # 495-499) upheld that

Jesus exercised his force, power, and energy by saving us from:

1.the cosmic demonic powers of evil. (Catechism

for Filipino Catholic #495)
2.the enslaving, oppressive forces in the socio-
economic and political areas. (CFC #496-98)
3.the absurdity and meaningless of life. (CFC #

Miracles of Jesus as the Kingdom of God


B. The Miracles in the New Testament

Jesus worked miracles of all kinds, including
exorcisms, healing the sick, mastery over nature,
and power over death. All evangelists present
Jesus as a person who demonstrated
extraordinary powers. In Mark, Jesus started
His ministry in Capharnaum with a great shower of
miracles. Matthew nearly clusters ten miracles
and reports the outset of Jesus' ministry when the
people of Galilee and all the surrounding areas
“carried to him all those affected with various
diseases and rocked with pain.” Jesus cured them
all. (CFC # 492-93)
Miracles of Jesus as the Kingdom of God

B. The Miracles in the New Testament

John’s gospel contains only seven great miracles,
but each was carefully chosen to illustrate a
different part of Jesus’ Mission. The Acts of the
Apostles also mention a gift. Finally, the Gospel
of Luke introduces the public ministry of Jesus by
reading Isaiah’s description of a Messiah as one
who would perform works of mercy. It somehow
serves as Jesus’ Mission Statement that weaves
the Accounts of Jesus’ miracles to show Jesus
fulfilling that prophecy and concretizing his Mission

Miracles of Jesus as the Kingdom of God


C. Purposes of Jesus’ Miracles

Why must Jesus perform Miracles? Does
Miracle a need? These are some of the
fundamental questions one faces when
dealing with Miracles. If Jesus performed
Miracles during His ministry, He had the holy
intention in line with God’s wanting always
to save. Jesus was a task to be a restorer of
the promises of Yahweh for His people Israel,
therefore to exercise powers, force, and
energy that is part of the fulfillment of the
promise of God.
Miracles of Jesus as the Kingdom of God

c. Purposes of Jesus’ Miracles

C.1 For Imitation- "Action speaks louder

than words" is a classic adage. Jesus
made effective use of the "show and
told" technique. The disciples took their
lessons in empathy and tolerance from
Jesus. By not brushing aside the children
and the pressing crowd, Jesus taught
that, in a loving heart, there is always
room for one more.

Miracles of Jesus as the Kingdom of God


c. Purposes of Jesus’ Miracles

As they watched Jesus sympathize with
parents and enslavers and those who
mourned their dead, the Apostles entered
more deeply into the sufferings of others.
Observing Jesus’ tenderness, the Apostles
become tendered; in experiencing Jesus'
sensitivity, the Apostles become more
sensitive. The personal service of Jesus to
the poor and the miserable has invited
millions of Christians to do the same. True
enough, millions have imitated Jesus’ works.

Miracles of Jesus as the Kingdom of God


c. Purposes of Jesus’ Miracles

C.2 Signs of Father’s Compassion
The relationship of the Son to the Father is
indeed unquestionable. Jesus is very close to the
Father, saying, “The Son and the Father are one,
Anyone who has seen the Son has seen the
Father.” On a deeper level, Jesus’ miracles were the
natural outflow of his close relationship with God. In
his prayer and meditation on the Scripture, He had
profoundly experienced his Father as a God of
mercy and compassion. Jesus lavished His
Father’s love on others. It would also have been
contrary to what he knew of his Father’s way.

Miracles of Jesus as the Kingdom of God


c. Purposes of Jesus’ Miracles

C.3 Signs of the Kingdom
Jesus is not just a social worker or a physician. The Gospel
describes Jesus’ miracles not as kindness but as signs and power.
Jesus’ miracles are signs of God's power versus Satan's
power. And so, the key to understanding why the early Church
made the miracles of Jesus so prominent in the Gospel is the
Kingdom. As Jesus’ teachings centered on this basic theme, his
miracles showed that God’s kingdom was to destroy the world's
evil. The four types of miracles that Jesus performed light up
different aspects of the mystery of that kingdom: exorcisms of
demons, physical cures, power over nature, power over death

Miracles of Jesus as the Kingdom of God


c. Purposes of Jesus’ Miracles

C.4 A Call to Faith
Jesus’ miracles symbolize the very meaning of his
life: he is a great forgiver. In calling forth faith, they
open the way for God to heal all creation through
Jesus’ main intention in working on cures was not to
do away with suffering. After all, the people he helped
would possibly get sick again, and all would die, even
those he had raised from the dead. The miracles were
ultimately meant to stir up faith. A miracle may be
defined as a visible sign of God’s power that brings
about the invisible sign of God’s power, the
miracles of faith in Jesus as the one sent by God.
Miracles of Jesus as the Kingdom of God

Miracles of Jesus as the Kingdom of God


Kinds of Miracles as Features of Reign-Kingdom of God or


1. Healing Miracles:
For Jesus, Salvation consists in making whole both
humans and nature. Jesus was so busy healing the wounds
of humankind, the gaping wounds that separate him from
God and his fellow humans. He was even penetrating the
festering psychological and spiritual sores that cause people
to hate and reject themselves and the physical suffering due
to illness, congenital disabilities, old age, and the like.
Sickness is the domination of the “flesh-eating evil,” if not a
“flesh-destructive evil,” over the person's body. Believers of
God see sickness as a sign of the oppressive presence of
evil in the person's physical body. (CFC p. 528)

Miracles of Jesus as the Kingdom of God


Healing Miracles John Luke Mark Matthew

Cure of the Two Blinds - - - 9:27-34
Jesus heals the Deaf-mute - - 7:31-37 -
Two Blind men in 9:1-7 18:35-43 8:22-28 9:27-31
Bethsaida/in Jericho
Cure of Man in Jericho (Bartimaeus) - 18:35-43 10:46-52 20:29-34
Cure of a Leper - 5:12-16 1:40-45 8:1-4
Paralytic Cure (in Capharnaum) - 5:17-26 2:1-12 9:1-13
Paralytic in Bethsaida 5:2-15 - 6:53-56 14:22-23
Peter’s Mother-in-law - 4:38-39 1:29-31 8:14-15
Centurion’s Servant - 7:1-10 - 8:5-13
Cure in Genesareth - - - 14:34-36
Man with Withered Hand - 6:6-11 3:1-6 12:9-14
Cure of the Dropsical Man - 14:1-4 - -
Ten Lepers - 17:11-19 - 8:1-4
A Cure on a Sabbath/Sabbath Feast 5:1-15 13:10-13 3:1-6 -
Cure of a Woman in hemorrhage - 8:43-48 5:25-34 9:20-22

Miracles of Jesus as the Kingdom of God


Kinds of Miracles as Features of Reign-Kingdom of God or Salvation

2. Casting Out Evil:

In Jesus’ time, it was the earth under Satan's Reign. It
was the outlook of people who belonged to the
apocalyptic tradition. In the Bible, Evil was not just an
impersonal force. It was not something, but it was
someone. Satan was one of the names given to this
personalized evil force. Satan is a Hebrew word that
means “enemy, adversary, or evil.” The Greek
translated this into “Diabolos,” which means “Slanderer.”
Evil is to be the opponent of God (who is Life) and His
plan for all humanity, the world, and history. Satan is the
enemy of Life, the enemy of Christ, and therefore the
enemy of the believers of Christ, the Christians.

Miracles of Jesus as the Kingdom of God


Kinds of Miracles as Features of Reign-Kingdom of God or Salvation

In the life of humans and nature, this Satan and his army/agents worked
evil in the world, causing sickness, suffering, injustice, oppression, war,
sin, and death. The expected Salvation would be the destruction of the
Reign of Satan by the Reign of God. The coming of the kingdom of God
means the defeat of the evil one and his rule over the Person, History,
and the world.
Jesus casts out Satan. “If it is by the finger of God that I cast out
demons, then the kingdom of God has come to you. (Luke 11:20 – Mt.
12:28). One of the more frequently reported works of Jesus was his
casting out evil spirits (Mk. 1:25; 3:11, 5:8, 7:29, 9:25, 3:22-27).
Statements that summarize his ministry mention this kind of activity.

Miracles of Jesus as the Kingdom of God


Kinds of Miracles as Features of Reign-Kingdom of God or Salvation

Jesus saw the cases of epilepsy, mental illness, and possession as works of
Satan, and exorcising them was a destruction of the Reign of Satan. Satan
exercised his way:
a) over individuals, causing physical or mental affliction
b) over nature, causing calamities,
c) over history and world, engineering the inhumanity of the Imperialist Rome.

In the Gospels, Jesus portrayed a vanishing Satan's power in individual

people’s lives. Satan is the strong man now bound and whose house is being
plundered by Jesus (Mk. 3:22-26). A kingdom of blessing, then, would be the
destruction of satanic powers present in each person in culture/History and the
world. It remains so today.

Miracles of Jesus as the Kingdom of God


Kinds of Miracles as Features of Reign-Kingdom of God or Salvation

What are to be exorcised in the Name of

Jesus today?

In our continued exploration for Salvation

in terms of the Reign-Kingdom of God, we’ve
encountered the different forms of evils in
society, namely: the insanity of the arms
industry, hacking away the remaining forest
covers, foolish destruction of the body by
drugs, population control, and so many

Miracles of Jesus as the Kingdom of God


Kinds of Miracles as Features of Reign-Kingdom of God or Salvation

The Kingdom of God is far from our

reach as long as there are people who
produce guns, warplanes, war tanks, and
biological weapons of mass destruction.
The production of these instruments of
war is itself against life and, therefore, a
work of Satan in the guise of defense. In
reality, this arms industry is a multi-billion
business that serves as the life-blood of
superpower countries.
Miracles of Jesus as the Kingdom of God

Kinds of Miracles as Features of Reign-Kingdom of God or Salvation

It is multi-billion dollar businesses that create

the family of the super-rich existing on the
same planet as their destitute brother and
sisters do. The mentality of war peddling is
one of the evils that need to be cast out of our
system. The same is true for the production of
prohibited drugs, the circulation of bold films,
pornographic materials, food poisoning,
medicines with side effects, hacking away the
remaining forest cover, opening large-scale pit
mining, and all the rest.

Miracles of Jesus as the Kingdom of God


Kinds of Miracles as Features of Reign-Kingdom of God or Salvation

Casting Out of Demons John Luke Mark Matthe

Some Texts on Exorcisms:

Cure of the Blind and - 11:14-28 3:20-30 12:22-

Beelzebul 27
Cure of the Demoniac - 4:33-37 1:21-25 -
Cure of the Demoniac at - 8:26-39 3:1-20 8:28-34
Cure of the Canaanite - - 7:24-30 15:21-
Woman 28
Cure of the Possessed Boy - 9:37-43 9:13-28 17:14-
Cure of the Stooped Woman - 13:10-47 - -

Miracles of Jesus as the Kingdom of God


Kinds of Miracles as Features of Reign-Kingdom of God or Salvation

3.Power over Nature:

In the Jewish Scriptures, Yahweh is pictured as the
Master of Nature. He brings rains and storms and sends
winds to dry the flood. In fact, in Psalm 89:9, immediately
following the statement that the Lord God Almighty “rules over
the surging of the sea” and “stills the dwelling of its waves,”
there follows this line. “You have crushed Rahab with a
mortal blow” Rahab was a legendary sea monster
representing the forces of chaos and evil. So when Jesus
calms the storm, like Yahweh, He “treads upon the crests of
the sea.” He is exhibiting the power of Yahweh himself in
controlling nature. Genesis says that God became hostile to
humanity due to the sin of Adam. Jesus is the restorer of the
original order of the universe.

Miracles of Jesus as the Kingdom of God


Kinds of Miracles as Features of Reign-Kingdom of God or Salvation

Nature Miracles John Luke Mark Matthew

Miracle at Cana 2:1-11 - - -
First Miraculous Catch - 5:1-11 - -
Calming of the Tempest - 8:22-25 4:35-44 8:23-37
Jesus Walks on the Water 6:16-25 - 6:45-52 14:23-33
First Multiplication of the 4:1-15 9:10-17 6:30-44 14:13-23
Second Multiplication of the - - 8:1-10 -

Miracles of Jesus as the Kingdom of God


Kinds of Miracles as Features of Reign-Kingdom of God or Salvation

Nature Miracles Today:

The Kingdom of God is beyond our reach if there exist people

who still produce chemicals that would surely devastate our earth and
continue to use the earth's resources for their profit. The continued
destruction of our forest cover needed for our existence in favor of
industrialization through developmental aggression indicates that we
hailed nature to be dominated by evil forces. Overpowering them today
means the restoration of the real essence of the earth and the
primordial sense of Justice, thus transforming the world for our benefit
as its dependents. Restoration of nature is a kingdom Blessing.
Miracles of Jesus as the Kingdom of God

Kinds of Miracles as Features of Reign-Kingdom of God or Salvation

4. Power over Death

Death is the most vital sign of Satan’s reign over life which no one
can avoid. Some prophets had shown that God’s power could
postpone death; Elijah brings back the dead son of the widow
Zarephath, for example, and Elisha revives the son of Shunammites.
By raising the daughter of Jairus, the son of the widow of Naim and
Lazarus, Jesus demonstrates the same power. Although none of these
miracles permanently defeated death, they pointed to his resurrection's
greatest blessing. By freely accepting death, Jesus crushed Satan
forever, and God’s eternal life became available to all.
Miracles of Jesus as the Kingdom of God

Kinds of Miracles as Features of Reign-Kingdom of God or Salvation

Life over Death Texts John Luke Mark Matthew

The widow of Naim’s - - 7:11-17 -
Son Cured
Raising to Life of Jairus’ - 8:40-56 5:21-43 9:18-26
Sadducees and - 20:27-40 12:18-27 20:23-33
Raising to Life of Lazarus 11:1-53 - - -

Miracles of Jesus as the Kingdom of God

Individual activity:1/2 each student
Read a miracle passage in the bible
and do the activity.

(1) Miracle we chose 3 ways how Prayer of thanksgiving for

in the Bible with can I apply it… the miracles received
biblical passage and from God everyday
its title
Mt 9:27-34
Cure of the Two Blind

A. Meaning of Miracles

The miracle comes from Latin word “Miraculum.” which

means something to be marveled at. As a word,
“Miraculum” is a weak translation of the Greek words:
Dynamis, Simeon, and Ergon.
“DYNAMIS” means force, energy, the act of power or
“Simeon,” which implies a Sign or
“Ergon,” which means activity or work. (Harper’s Bible

Miracles of Jesus as the Kingdom of God


Greek words:
“DYNAMIS” means force, energy, the act of power or
“Simeon,” which implies a Sign or
“Ergon,” which means activity or work. (Harper’s Bible
Dictionary)We are given the idea that any force, act of
power, sign, activity, or work is a miracle. To wake up in
the morning, bath ourselves, prepare food and take it into
our body, go to work, and the rest of our activities are works
that need force and energy. Therefore, they are miracles.

Miracles of Jesus as the Kingdom of God


What are the purpose of Jesus’


1. For imitation
2. Signs of Fathers compassion
3.Signs of the Kingdom

Miracles of Jesus as the Kingdom of God


What are kinds of Miracles Jesus


4. Healing Miracles
5. Cast out evil
6. Power over nature
7. Power over death

Miracles of Jesus as the Kingdom of God

Miracles of
Jesus as the
Kingdom of
What virtue/s are being developed in
us when miracles happen in our lives?

Why are miracles a feature of the

reign kingdom of God/salvation?
As a Marist
student, which
Miracles of Jesus
inspires you to
value your
As followers of
Jesus, how does the
miracles of Jesus
leads you to
become a
As stewards of
God’s creation, how
does the miracles of
Jesus lead us to
respond to the
climate emergency?
Miracles of
Jesus as the
Kingdom of

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